Regular Euro Room Matches

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Krye, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    Anybody tonight around 21-22h?
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    sup peeps
    why no room on sunday? I was lucky to runy into settra in players, but Iwas looking forward to play in room with more of you :(
    I even spend half an hour trying to make wolf look "roayal". Whoever come with this theme should be punished severely :D
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Sorry I didn't play last night. Was out all day decorating, got in late and was fucked. Just wanted to go to bed.
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I did not mean anyone in particular, just asking overall. I was really looking forward to play yesterday
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Settra hosted a room yesterday and we even ended up being 6 players at some point IIRC.

    Thank you for letting me win some games near the end :)
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Anod no peep invited unicorn boss...
    Unicorn boss is sad panda now
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I will really like if we will have smaller rooms that 7 or 8 people. I do not have THAT much time to play and while it is enjoyable to see all of you on one side, waiting 20+ minutes after every lose is way too much in my eyes.
  8. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    It's more like 8 to 10 minutes really - for example, last time i tried doing some homework but i could concentrate, Settra kept mauling us too fast ;)
    Daydream likes this.
  9. TheMrRed

    TheMrRed Member

    Is this still going?

    I had a terrible connection before and I did not play fs any more.
    Only trainingmode once in a wile.
    Only game mode I could play was player/rankedmatch.

    I got myself a good connection now so im looking forward to some good matches!
  10. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    I am in Europe, and generally play smaller, 4 person rooms. Will try to use the mic more this year, even though I struggle to make out half of what is being said from some of the stronger British regional accents :oops: Sometimes it sounds really muted or fuzzy on there, but I guess it's much more useful than texts to co-ordinate people in, especially when you're stopping the clock.

    I am generally on quite late GMT right now, with mostly Vanessa regular stance basic poke, throw and counter mix-ups. Enjoy seeing all your different outfit creations, but understand some newer players won't have them yet. They really do spice the game up, and keep you coming back! Could be a long wait until VF6 ;)
  11. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    xX SETTRA Xx
    Tried to play some games yesterday evening, sadly without success =/

    Hope to see some more people on this Sunday, it would be sad if the room idea lay on its deathbed.
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Tuesday night tomorrow.

    I'll be there.

    Ugly costume competition. The more colour clashes and tacky extras the better.
  13. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Sorry, couldn't make it (and won't be able to make it tonight either), RL :(
  14. Kanoppio

    Kanoppio Well-Known Member

    I've already some really really ugly costume, so I'm prepared =P I'll be there too!
  15. Rookie_NL

    Rookie_NL Member

    Rookie NL
    Yesterday I ended up with kingo and aidan in a room so basically I became some sort of crash test dummy =P
    Anyway sometimes (yesterday also) I want to enter a room after being invited. My xbox then pauses for about 10-15 seconds and then I loose connection with xbox live. Somebody has experienced that before? (As far as I know I have correct nat settings when I try the XBL network connection check...)
  16. TheMeth90

    TheMeth90 Member

    You can add me, i'm from France, i play with everyone if the connection is good.

    Say to me you have my GT here if you add me, i don't accept anonym requests.
  17. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    @TheMeth: You can add me.
    Same here!!! From france. Playing everyone with good connection.:)
  18. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Tonight, I'm making a room like yesterday, at 23:00 / 23:30 PM
  19. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Yep, I'm totally down for this, especially now I've got Live back up and running. We had some good ones over the weekend, and a little room going earlier tonight. I'm just in the process of building up my friends list again, and adding tags who I know I get a good connection with. Always looking out for players good with characters I use, like the girls, or don't see so often, like Shun, Jeffry and Lau.

    If I'm hosting, just fire a msg across if you want the clock stopped to invite anyone :) I usually do them like 4-5 slots, with 2-3 private, seems to work quite well so far.
  20. Hi people, I'm new to the VF5FS, I like fighting games so I was wondering, is everyone only playing room matches? Past couple of days I've been seing low activity on Ranked, none on Player and it seems my Room is bugged, I can't find anyone. Or did I miss something?

    I've had fair practice in Dojo, my favorit character is Jacky, but am open to explore others, such as Aoi, Jeffry etc.

    I would like to play some games. I'll keep on playing Ranked, it's fun although I'm having a bit difficulty finding matches.

    Is this all there is to it? Any pointers would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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