Revenge of the Sith

Discussion in 'General' started by RandomHajile, May 19, 2005.

  1. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    yea I think Windu is prolly the strongest Jedi master. Yoda being 2nd but with more experience but is super old and prolly relying on the technique of immortality that qui gon taught him to stay alive. Or a smiliar technique.

    I thought the fight scenes were good but the pre-battle talks were lame. It's like watching a FF game before a boss battle, lol. Anakin being sliced like that in a second in a somersault?! I thought that was lame, that really made the fight worst to me. It was too quick, I think I blinked during that time. I thought OB1 will snap or something and go crazy on Anakin, but one slash! boo I say, BOOOO!
  2. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    MAXIMUM said:

    I wasn't questioning the plausibility of the scene - it's Star Wars after all. My problem was the scene was so obviously rigged to include a Lord of the RIngs'esq fire set-piece, complete with a random collapsing mining platform.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How could it be such a blatant copy of the Lord of the Rings movie when the actual storyline of Vaders transformation was written so long ago (lava and all). Even saying it was ripped from the book is kinda silly. How many other movies / books have dramatic volcano seens. Pure coincidence. And whats the problem with the mining collumn falling? Every one of the star wars movies had huge amounts of special effects in it , why stop at the last one? That whole seen was pretty well done up to the I got the higher ground part.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    No comment on the mining platforms except that I think it relates to Roger Ebert's comments about "random flame factories." Catherine and I have since come up with the terms "vaguely defined construction sites," and "non-descript shipping docks."

    I heard about the lava pit fight back in the 70's, before Empire even came out in the theatres. I don't think it would've made sense to hold the Anakin/Obi-wan fight someplace else.
  4. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    The lava fight is not taken straight from LotR as some smartguys have claimed her with strange certainty. It was, I have heard, in older scripts and is suppossed to be representative of hell. Another example of Lucas' (kind of corny) religious spiritualism.

    I think that Obi Wan's "I have the higher ground" was suppossed to be like, totally ironic and stuff. It probably was silly if you think about it. As were a lot of things in all six of the movies. There are plenty of reasons that people can find fault in any of them

    - A big Sasquatch flying around the galaxy with some kind of space gigolo
    - A sassy princess with Cinabons on the side of her head
    - The Universe saved by a whiny guy who looks like he just stepped off a shampoo comercial
    - A tiny green ancient elf who is suppossed to be the most powerful person in the galaxy

    And that's just in the first three. Star Wars has always been silly. If you cannot handle the silliness then you probably didn't like the first three.

    There are loads of inconsistencies, especially in the prequels, but why waste the time trying to think of them? To prove that George Lucas is over the hill and that his narrative lacks logic and continuity? Everybody knows that already. The guy gave us Howard the Duck, The Ewoks, and The Phantom Menace for chrissakes. He has bad taste and seems to indulge his every whim without consulting anyone.

    With the third movie, the fun has returned to the franchise. That is why this movie, alone in the recent trilogy, has been received well by critics. A.O. Scott of the NY Times (One of the few movie critics I trust) said the movie was better than the original Star Wars.

    Episode I had the unbearable Jar Jar, Cutsie little Anakin, those stupid Gungans, and that awful awful battle scene of JarJar vs. the robot army.

    Episode II had the unwatchable scenes between Anakin and Padme.

    Nothing in Episode III seemed anywhere near that bad to me. The comic relief seemed to shift from the infantile slapstick and physical comedy of Episode I to super serious camp in Episode III. Especially the emperor. That guy really fucking went for it.

    I think that the problem that some people have is that they want movies that will be to them now what Star Wars was in their childhood. The new movies fall short because

    1. Now that we're older and more cynical, suspension of disbelief is much harder

    2. Two of the newer movies were of such poor quality that it is impossible to forgive

    3. With George Lucas at the reigns, Star Wars will never grow up. I just played KOTOR on Xox. I couldn't believe how much better the story and dialogue of that game was in comparison to the new Star Wars movies. I would really be happy if someday Star Wars movies were made that were geared to teens and older instead of toddlers to teens.

    At least for Episode III Lucas seems to have taken heed of some of the criticism of the past films and actually brought in some outside talent for the movie. One out of three is better than zero.
  5. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    well if memory serves anakin was always gonna fight ob1 on a fire planet (1st mentioned in eather some scifi mag like stardust or in one of those 20year old marvel star wars comics:) )

    as a real hard core fan of star wars this trully has to be the crapest of them all!

    the whole thing of the public and critics saying this film is the best of them is a joke and yet more proof that the public are idiots (like saying spiderman 1 and 2 are any good!)

    anyways the good thing about it was downloading the timecoded version (mybittorrent we luv u!) right after seeing the film on the opening morning!!!

    and the dvd of it (with the BITC vasalened out) droping thu the post a day later:)

    even the soundtrack is a cop out, its like 15% of the other 5 films each put togeather with the other 25% not really being original and sounding like harry potter reject music cues! (yes i know it s the same person)

    well if he does make that pre-pre-pre star wars with a young yoga i wonder what other non-sence he'll do to that!!!

    no doubt the new star wars tv show next year or so will be the new "voyager", and when i say that i do of corse mean shit!

    george lucas greed knows no limits, years ago he had his soul removed for more room for his greed, look at his chin!
  6. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I encourage any one who liked the new movies to do this. It really shows off the logic holes well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Feel free to disagree, but the biggest continuity problems I can think of from the originals to this movie are

    1) Obi Wan's talk with luke before departing to mos eisley. "Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough." Kind of a straw man here, I'll admit, since we all know that Obi Wan already admitted he was full of shit/"in a manner of speaking" when Luke questioned him about other parts of the talk.

    2) Leia saying she remembered her mother being sad, when we see Padme die in childbirth. I suppose you could argue that Leia was strong enough with the force to have this sense or that she was speaking of her adopted mother (though I think Luke asks about her real mother, which kills this rather lame argument). I consider this a minor bump in the road. The decision to have Padme die as Anakin is being reborn as the Vader we have always known is not a bad one & Anakin's prophecy of her death, which he helps fulfill, recalls exactly the kind of familiar mythology which is the Star Wars bedrock. Further, her death allowed for a (possible) fitting end to the movie. As all Star Wars films end with a procession or public mourning/celebration (I'm taking a tiny stretch here in the case of Empire, you could argue), having this film reach it's conclusion in Padme's funeral probably would have been more rewarding than the bits & pieces ending we do get.

    3)The Death Star began construction shortly after the birth of Luke & Leia. Total bullshit. The Galactic Empire is wayyyy more efficient than that, as evidenced in Jedi. This is a touch that wasn't necessary, totally lacks continuity (paradoxically while trying to achieve it) & just tacks another piece onto an already piecemeal ending.

    4)Obi Wan kicks ass with a light saber. Check out the duel with Vader on the Death Star.

    There's plenty of criticism that you can lodge at this movie. Indeed (to echo others) Star Wars has never been the place you go to see good films. But being that the saga is the major popular fiction of my lifetime & considering how utterly useless and disappointing episodes 1 & 2 were, I will say that I found the positives far outweighed the negatives for episode 3 and made for a satisfying "conclusion" to the story.

    Palpatine was playing possum...losing the lightsaber just as Anakin walks in. Mace Windu is no match for the emperor. For Yoda. I don't care how hot his fuzzy guard is. The emperor went without arms to cull Anakin's sympathy then attacked with the lightning to show the "true power of the dark side". All of this was a ploy (as was basically every manuever Palpatine made since before the action of the first movie, if you accept the theory that Darth Plagueus was his master & Anakin's father) to turn Anakin over to the dark side and fulfill the prophecy to balance the force. Two Jedi. Two Sith lords.

    Jesus I'm a fucking dork.
  7. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Just slightly off topic.. how much did you guys pay to see this movie? food including.
  8. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    I payed 0 to see the movie. (friend works at the theatre)

    Though it seems a little obvious, anakin was the one who brought balance to the force in the end. He threw Sidious into the power core (damn smurf) . Thats one part of the plot thats pretty continous . So in the end it waws Vader not luke who was the "savior" of all these movies. Just thought i would add that in.
  9. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    $10.75 for the movie ticket and $4.50 large blue raspberry Icee drink.
  10. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Though it seems a little obvious, anakin was the one who brought balance to the force in the end. He threw Sidious into the power core (damn smurf) . Thats one part of the plot thats pretty continous . So in the end it waws Vader not luke who was the "savior" of all these movies. Just thought i would add that in.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was a good thing Obi Wan and Yoda forgot all about the prophecy and the need for balance! I guess they must have had their minds wiped just like R2 and Threepio. Oh yeah, only threepio got his mind wiped. That explains....absolutely nothing that follows.

    Brilliant movie.

  11. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    wow 10.75 now. That's expensive. But you do live in nyc. Another question.. how many times have you star wars fans seen it? I have seen it only once.
  12. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Prices for movie tickets are usually $10.25 in NYC but the place I went to charges 50 cents extra for no apparent reason. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    I've only seen the film once myself.
  13. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    One of major failings of these movies, and the third one suffers from this most, is the cheesy god like powers bestowed on the likes of Anakin and Obi Wan. One of the things that made the first three movies so memorable was the fragility of the characters, even Luke, Obi Wan and Yoda. They appeared human, vulnerable and you therefore empathized with them.

    In this prequel trilogy, however, the Jedi are turned into invincible ninjas, leaping about, flying like fucking superheroes and generally defying death in increasingly more ridiculous ways. Not only does this ultimately reduce the battle scenes and fights to tensionless set pieces, but also it destroys the depth of the characters, effectively making them into robots, going through pre-defined motions in some CGI fuck-fest.

    You cannot accuse the first trilogy of such cheesiness no matter how strong your desire to link the six films in terms magnificence. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how many times you’ve seen the films or how big a fan – the prequel trilogy is like a shit stain next to the original films.
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    you cannot accuse the first trilogy of such cheesiness

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, luke made quite the leap himself to escape the carbonite chamber. I've always looked at it as a natural extension of the force when its user has become more comfortable and powerful. Using the force to augment natural abilities is a much better application than just choosing to move stuff around.

  16. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Movie tickets cost me exactly $7.50 with student discout here in LA.
  17. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    FUCKING LAVA. That is all.
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vith_Dos said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    MAXIMUM said:

    I wasn't questioning the plausibility of the scene - it's Star Wars after all. My problem was the scene was so obviously rigged to include a Lord of the RIngs'esq fire set-piece, complete with a random collapsing mining platform.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How could it be such a blatant copy of the Lord of the Rings movie when the actual storyline of Vaders transformation was written so long ago (lava and all). Even saying it was ripped from the book is kinda silly. How many other movies / books have dramatic volcano seens. Pure coincidence. And whats the problem with the mining collumn falling? Every one of the star wars movies had huge amounts of special effects in it , why stop at the last one? That whole seen was pretty well done up to the I got the higher ground part.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Urm, maybe becouse LoTR is a ouple of decades older then even the first Star Wars movie?
  19. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vith_Dos said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    MAXIMUM said:

    I wasn't questioning the plausibility of the scene - it's Star Wars after all. My problem was the scene was so obviously rigged to include a Lord of the RIngs'esq fire set-piece, complete with a random collapsing mining platform.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How could it be such a blatant copy of the Lord of the Rings movie when the actual storyline of Vaders transformation was written so long ago (lava and all). Even saying it was ripped from the book is kinda silly. How many other movies / books have dramatic volcano seens. Pure coincidence. And whats the problem with the mining collumn falling? Every one of the star wars movies had huge amounts of special effects in it , why stop at the last one? That whole seen was pretty well done up to the I got the higher ground part.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Urm, maybe becouse LoTR is a ouple of decades older then even the first Star Wars movie?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    reply marked in bold
  20. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Again, Lucas' inspiration was hell, taken from a book even older than the Lord of the Rings.

    Some of the people's criticism of Episode III is a little odd. You get this weird phenomenon in which a person gripes and gripes about Star Wars while sighting relatively obscure minutaie to point out the inconsistencies in the series. The IGN review of the film is probably the best example of this.

    Imagine if I went on and on about how much I hated, say, "The Mummy" and in making my case against the movie revealed that possessed a weath of arcane knowledge about the movie and its characters and world. I would rightly be called a weirdo.

    In short, don't take too seriously the criticism of the movie by an individual who you suspect may have a homemade Boba Fett costume in his closet.

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