Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheating?

Discussion in 'General' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    i paid my 60 bucks for the game, i can choose how i want to play it.. buy my games for me and you can tell me how to play them

    i worked very hard for my items.. balloon or no balloon, it took a lot of effort to win the item battles and tournaments and rank up to finish that achievement..

    the balloon trick is not an accident.. it is there deliberately for one reason; to get items faster.. if you dont care about the items or making your character look better FINE, dont troll in a thread looking for ppl who do care to start a fight..

    i have the same problem with ppl who supposedly dont care about achivements but constantly rag on ppl who do.. if you dont play exactly like i do keep it to yourself.. its a self centered, self serving argument that insults other ppl for not subscribing to your lame honor code..

    i also plan on using the 999,999 gold trick after gettin 100% completion with Vane to buy items for other characters.. i guess im cheating there too.. even though the game designers put it in the game..

    amen.. i wanted Vane to look good when i finally feel confident enough to play ranked matches a lot.. i didnt cheat myself because im getting what i want out of the game practice with other characters only because it makes Vane a better fighter.. i dont plan on using other characters for any other reason until im happy with Vane's performance..

    quest mode is exactly what it says.. a personal quest, to be completed at your leisure, the way you want to finish it.. i didnt read anywhere that lemmy wrote the definitive 'this is how to play vf5' manual..

    if its part of the game its FAIR game.. if its a glitch or an 'exploit' its something the game designers didnt intend and i dont like to do that.. the balloon trick is part of the game.. its just another move, another combo thats in there for you to learn..

    by your logic lemmy you shouldnt even be on the vfdc site.. you're cheating by looking up strategies and tips not included in the game manual and tip screens.. stop the trolling or at least tone down the better than thou preaching.. the pulpit doesnt suit you and the 'im better than you' attitude certainly more obnoxious than it is helpfull..
  2. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    im with you Jeneric.. i play the game the way i want to.. i paid for it, im playing it.. i resent the condescending stance Lemmy's taken because its insulting and self serving..

    there is more than one way to play the game and it was DESIGNED THAT WAY!!! im more satisfied with my experience having grinded through Vane's quest mode gathering items and learning combos.. i really dont care about ranked matches so i player match 90% of the time and fight AI to learn and practice..

    different ppl also learn things about the game different ways at different paces.. i learn very slowly through repetition and careful research.. i dont get much from playing every character all the time.. id rather be better with one than be mediocre at a dozen..

    i guess that means we should all consult the quest mode guru before deciding on a path to quest mode greatness.. properly, what a joke.. make sure you post this crap in the newB threads so they know how not to offend the master whilst having fun..


    despite the condescension and arrogance of your posts i enjoy the free exchange of ideas.. especially during a heated debate it can be easy to lose focus and insult your opponent.. i dont like what Lemmy's saying but i respect his opinion.. that said i look forward to getting my xbox back and doing my best to beat the hell out of him..
  3. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Lemmy, you're an idiot. You know how I get the balloon trick? I beat the computer 6 times in a row, then I LET the computer beat me 7 times in a row. Then I save, win, and see if the balloon is there. This is after getting the Conquerer rank in Quest mode.

    You're just a tool trying to justify not having items. BTW, sucking with every character is really not that
  4. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    That's ridicolous. If they didn't want people to do that, then you'd get a message like "If you are quitting this match, it will be counted as a loss to you. Do you want to continue?" instead of just telling you that your streak will be reset. Of course, this would entail some system that offers you the possibility to decline a match befor eit starts, otherwise whenever you want to leave the game for any reason, you'd lose a match.

    Apart from this, I just repeat that you have absolutely no right to:

    1 - decide what is fun or not in the game (jeez, fun is subjective)
    2 - decide what's "moral" and what's not
    3 - judge/insult people who do not endorse your same behaviour

    Your argument is as pointless as somebody telling off people for the way they cook food or for the DVDs they buy. Also, considering normal difficulty for Quest mode cheating is really absurd. The word says it. "Normal". "The way it's meant to be". Although I reckon Expert is much more fun and is what I'v always played with the two characters I'm doing quest mode with.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    You actually played him? He's pretty decent with everyone from what i've seen...
  6. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Depends what decent means.

    BTW: I wish there would be a trick for instant 100% items.
    Boredom of quest is killing me.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Does the word "decent" have multiple meanings in Poland? Look in an English dictionary, y0!

    Anyways, what I was saying is that he can use all the characters up to a fairly high level. He also has a good playing style, none of that n00b turtling, constant mid kicks and low punches....
  8. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Don't take me wrong. For me decent means competitive tournament player. Maybe not the best, but at least able to win some fights.

    None of 3 of us is on that level IMHO. Not even close.
  9. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    LemmyIsTheGame you really are a fuking loser dude...what da fuk is dis english class?..anywayz jack ass...what da fuk duz Ali G have 2 do wid how ever u want imma do my doesnt shock me dat u prefer 2 play wid yurself... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  10. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Sorry, the way you type is wack. He may not be right about what he said but your posts are annoying I must say.
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    It's DancingFighterG part 2!
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Yo this is dancing fighter G... LOL!!!
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    FYI, the quest mode is compeletely whack way of measuring how good someone is with their character. It means absolutely nothing.

    /over and out
  14. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I've beaten Quest Mode 100% with Wolf, and it was enjoyable, but got tedious quite quick once I'd gotten all the items, beaten all the tournaments and attained the highest rank. I only used the balloon trick once, inadvertantly (10 unexpected item matches in a row isn't just coincidence to me).

    I don't save and reload tournaments though. If I win, I win, if I lose, I wait for the next one.

    I do use the balloon trick with my other characters and the 999,999 gold trick as well, because the most tedious part of Quest with Wolf was getting enough money for the shop. I don't consider this cheating. As far as I'm concerned, I don't really want to have to play through Quest for hours and hours to get all the items for the other 16 characters. I'll rank them up to max, do all the tournaments and get all the items, but after that, I'll only go back to Quest when I get bored of online, which probably won't happen.

    And Biggz, I don't wish to also complain, but your posts are somewhat awkward to read.
  15. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    Which also means you can do it whatever way you want it. And, again, I never came on the forum and boasted on how cool I am about my offline/Quest mode ranking/victory%/ratio, whatever.
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I'm going to maintain that Master rank in Quest set on hard is equal to 4th or 5th Dan online. Obviously just my opinion purely. Others need not agree, just what I've noticed with myself. Any character I can reach Master with on hard I can play to about 4th dan on LIVE.
  17. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    No he hasn't played me - but he thinks because I haven't got 100% items with any one character I must "suck" with them all. I'm willing to bet my life that I have more items than he has full stop. Maybe I haven't fully completed one character yet but I have done a shit load of work on every single one of them.

    Fully completing one character would take around 10 hours.
    Getting all 17 characters up to around the Warrior rank and earning 30-40% of items with all of them took me 50+ hours. Do the math Attorney4Hire

    BTW - thanks Beligerent_feck, I'll have to play you some more in the future, we had some good matches.
    I'm the loser? I'm not the 15 year old Chav spouting unreadable insults.
  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I don't know what the hell I was doing but according to my stats it took me 30 hours to do it all with my Akira, i'm sure I haven't played quest with him since I did it all 100%

    Damn I must have been bad with him, haha.
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I only have to step outside to see idiots like that.

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