Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheating?

Discussion in 'General' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I'd rather not think about them. They're what's wrong with this once great country.
  2. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    Okay now, I'd like to see you finishing... let's say Wolf in quest mode in 10 hours. If you do that, I'll never use the balloon trick again. Never!
    Seriously though, there are other ways of getting most of the items with all chars and the game creators INTENDED TO PUT THEM IN THE GAME, and that's why they are there. Those are:
    1) Balloon trick
    2) Starting with 999,999 gold after finishing one char

    You don't have to use those additional ways, but without them I don't see you doing all chars in 170 hours (17 times 10 hours)

    And for the record... playing AI may sometimes be fun, but it will teach you shit about real play.... trust me.
  3. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I can't agree more with your aside. Playing the AI ruins my game actually. I start to get bored with it and start falling into AI mode. Then I go back to Live and take a few matches to get my bearings back. I spend as little time as possible in Quest mode because of this and the little time I do spend there is using the balloon trick.
  4. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I agree that quest AI can make you worse against human.
    That is why I avoid quest.

    I play only sometimes and for just a short while.
  5. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    Really now? is that your online precentage as well? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    I bet: no!. Geee but I thought you must be, I mean you HAVE a 93% win ration which I'm sure you got without applying some AI killing tech such as ppp or spamming k+g. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    And I agree with you, people SHOULD waste thier time since you did. It's only fair /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    People!! listen to this guy, he knows what's fun for all of us /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    other than that, Jeneric adressed most of it.
  6. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    Back in VF4, when I was playing Vanessa, there was a really cheap trick for her to use in vs CPU mode: 44K+G charged always allowed you for a low throw, regardless of whether it was blocked or not - and the com never escaped that throw either.

    I didn't use it a lot, because I basically played Kumite just to practice my moves a bit and get a few items... But one time when an opponent appeared wearing a beret, all bets were off. I low thrown her into oblivion and obtained a neat piece of wardrobe... Which I could then wear in battles with my friends, to our hearts' content /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif .

    Sure I got it cheap, but does that matter? Fighting games are for 2p. The machine doesn't care. Same with the ballon trick, I'd say.

    EDIT: My fault, I was at the U when I wrote this and I didn't read the whole thread, but seriosly: there's been enough said at the first page... How is "continuing" cheating? What about saving? And pausing? Lemmy, seriously, chill dude!
  7. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    This whole thread is funny. It's like bragging to streetball players that you didn't cheat in your 1-man HORSE game. "I ALWAYS make sure my feet are behind the line..." Guess what reaction you'd get...

    VF started in the arcade. The single player mode was so you had something to do until the competition got there, and so you had some punching bags to learn the moves on when no one was looking. No one applauds Chibita or Aopai because they adeptly trounce the AI on expert.

    The quest mode is a means to an end: items. If MS wants to sucker you into playing more with their "gamer points," don't fall for it. Sega only put in so much offline stuff because there was no online playing when they put these games out, and they want you to pick the game up even if no friends come over.

    If you want to be a stickler by accomplishing something pointless in the hardest way possible, it had better be for your own satisfaction, because you get no credit for it outside the confines of your own home. Maybe if you beat Contra 1 without the cheat code on 8-bit NES, you'd get some credit and respect for it. I did that way back when, and it got me neither laid nor high-fived.

    When someone's gamer card has 1,000 VF points and they lose to me 3-0, I just can't help but think their time would have been better spent sparring in player mode with some VFDC guys rather than beating a slew of robots.

    That's just my $0.02 in an opinion-based thread.
  8. KingZeal

    KingZeal Well-Known Member

    Frankly, the way I see it, no one has a write to complain about how someone plays a game. It's just like those people who act superior just because they run across someone who's used a Game Genie, or has beaten a game on Easy. Not everyone plays games in order to sate their need for a challenge. And even then, there are better challenges around than to try and fight against the CPU.

    When I first got VF5, I decided to play Quest mode on Expert and try to make myself a better player by figuring out how to fight against the CPU. The problem with this, however, is that, depending on the character, you may be screwing yourself. You can't use G-cancels and sabakis to play mind games against the computer with Aoi. You can't use Warikomi or cancel mix-ups with Eileen. And, you can't confuse the computer with rapid stance changes. This takes a way a large chunk of many characters' individual game styles and forces you to fight in a way that exploits the CPU's logic flaws.

    Based on that, I only fight the computer for two reasons: Quest Mode percentage completion, and combo practice (against kyu-level opponents). Other than that, anything else is a exercise in frustration and futility.
  9. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    Lemmy, you are stupid.
  10. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    nope what's wrong with this once great country is the politicians and people in power who allowed it to happen /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    sorry back on topic,
    lemmy lemmy lemmy /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  11. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    Think about it, if I'm this concerned with cheating, does that sound like something I would do?
    OK my bad. Change it to 30 hours for one character. I've just checked all my play time for all characters and I've played for over 90 hours! That's really surprised me!
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    You do get props for being able to use every character Lemmy. Even if you were only OK with every character I'd still be impressed. Knowing every move in the game is a feat in of itself.
  13. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    very shady practices; changing the title of the thread to support your own very skewed opinion.. and thats all you have; your own opinion.. what you present as facts and absolute truths are, in fact, only opinions..

    youve manipulated the conversation to suit your needs
    1. in the hopes other people agree with you
    2. to start an argument
    3. to stroke your ego for 'taking the high road'

    the balloon trick is part of the game (i feel like a broken record and clearly Lemmy is not the listening type).. its not an accident, its no mistake and its not a cheat..

    maybe reloading game data to restart a tourney is not the 'proper' way to play the game but its not your place to judge other people for playing the game they want to..

    just because you think you're special doesnt mean you have the right to be condescending and look down at others; its insulting and degrading..
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I split this off the Balloon and Quest Mode Insights thread. Lemmy did not ask me to do so. I changed the name to reflect the subject matter of this new thread.

    Nothing deceptive.

    Note that the first post has a "?" at the end the title.
  15. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    i stand corrected..

  16. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    Don't sweat him RedSon, Lemmy ain't worth it. This is a game that is best played with just one character. Two at the most. The system is just too deep to play all of them on expert.

    By the way Lemmy, I tended to do it on VF4Evo all the time. If there was no prize except for first place and I'd lose in a tournament, I'd just restart. Believe it or not, it forces you to get better. You do not cheat yourself. Ask Wall and NeoBeast. I'm still a relative newbie with the characters. (As I don't have a 360 or PS3 so I can't practice) But I'm quite threatening in my own way. And I do not disconnect on other players. Your points have just all failed.
  17. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    eh.. i think i defeated my own purpose by getting so into the argument.. i think my ego got the best of me and wanted to get the upper hand on Lemmy's argument.. i try very hard not to act like a jerk in here so i take it personally when other ppl dont even fake it..

    however, forums arent really great places to settle disputes and ill fight Lemmy as soon as i get a chance.. however, since its gonna be at least a couple more weeks till my xbox reappears i gotta find something to kill time.. plus this time it only took me 15min to dredge up the last flamewar line i fell in love with..

  18. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    No it's not.
    Thank you very much gernburgs. I have made it my goal to know every single move and use every one of them in the correct situations.

    I wouldn't say that any of my characters could win tournaments against the top players, but I can beat almost anybody on the game with each character and I can also hold my own against great players, including people on this forum (who I would deem experts).
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    If you don't use every guy then you miss out on how cool each character really is... They're all fun to use and they all have their own cool shit to bust out on people. I used Jeffry when I first picked up the game, then I went to Akira and used him a few thousand times, then back to Jeffry, then El Blaze (who recharged my VF5 desire cause he's the man) and now I'm messing around with Goh (who also may be the man, not sure yet but's he's a very cool character in VF5)...

    Use as many characters as you want, I bet you Ohsu Akira can use whoever you pick for him and beat you down with your best character so what up with that???
  20. RedSonRising

    RedSonRising Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    [cough] Bullshit [cough]

    i dont beleive, for one second, that you know every move for every character and every sitution to use them in..

    1. you'd be one of those experts you speak so highly of
    2. youd actually have finished some part of the game with at least one character
    and finally
    3. i doubt you'd be searching so desperately for someone to stroke your ego..

    if your goal is go be mediocre with every character thats a seriously low expectation..

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