Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheating?

Discussion in 'General' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    What the flip are you on about? Oh, I see. That was just my mistake in how I worded it.

    I do know all the moves in Tekken 5. For all the characters that matter... Anyway, I said this just as a way of proving that if I can memorise that many, OF COURSE I know the comparatively small amount in Virtua Fighter alone.

    And yes, I can exclude some characters I don't like. When it's in Tekken. Fucking Namco should have excluded them from the game. A damn Kangaroo with mostly King moves - I spent a long time learning King, but I'm not going to learn a fake, shit version of him, that I hate just so I can say I know EVERY move in Tekken 5, am I?

    OK so in Tekken 5 I know all the characters that have their own complete moves-set, plus most of the ones that share moves. Better?

    I never claimed that! Some time ago, I suspected this is why people were having trouble understanding this...
    I didn't mean I know where to use every move literally; like at any given moment, I could come up with a perfect move for every second of gameplay, of course not, that would be friggin' IMPOSSIBLE (and would probably make the best VF player ever - and this post was never about how good at winning I was... I said I know all the moves (which I do) and "what they are used for" (which was just my way of countering any arguments that may come back saying - "it's one thing to know all of a character's moves but another to use them correctly..."). In other words I didn't want people to think I memorised the moves but then just threw them out like a headless chicken without also understanding each move's properties and uses. You just misunderstood because I didn't word it carefully enough...
  2. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Save/Reload for balloons & item tourny = cheat

    I'm surprised that this thread even exists. We must be running out of important things to discuss...
  3. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    Ummmm... Lemmy, Dude, you need to take a serious overdose of Chill Pills.

    Ummm... As far as I'm concerned no one is 'Exploiting' any cheats in regards to the baloon trick...
    In My honest opinion, a cheat to me is punching in a code in a game to further your advance in the game by a rather rediculous amount... Like... Say (just as an example) you pressed (For PS3, X, O, O, O, L1, L2, R3, X to get instant 1000 wins.
    That's cheating.
    Now, I know what you are thinking, but I DON'T think that instant 999,999 gold or whatever it is, is a cheat, because, in my opinion, you have EARNED the right to do that cheat by gaining 100% in quest mode, I think it's a welcome reward.
    If you haven't earned something by fair play, then yes, i classify it as a cheat.

    However, this 'Sega Baloon' is no such thing. It is not a cheat. Nor was it never meant to be, I reckon. It was just meant to be a coincidental thing that occured where players were lucky enough to find it.
    If someone found out how to make the Sega Baloon appear more frequently, then good for them, and in my opinion, it shows that they are rather intelligent, and they put their efforts into the game so much so that they were able to do such a thing.

    I don't know where you get this whole crap "It takes away the gaming experience" man, I think it ADDS to it. And the fact that someone put time into finding out how this baloon trick works... Well, obviously, their having quite a fine gaming experience.

    I don't get you man. If you are playing with EVERY character and want to be good with each one, and (I'm assuming) unlock their items, I'd think you'd be a main candidate to try out this Baloon Trick...

    Dude, No offence or anything intended, I just think you shouldn't try and tell people how to play their game. Who died and made you King?

    Just chill everyone, there's no need to get all Narky.
  4. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    This thread is a year old /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif . Im going to go yell @ Omaha Jeffry

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