Sega Fes 2018- 'Surprise Announcement': Virtua Fighter Speculation!

Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, Feb 28, 2018.

By MadeManG74 on Feb 28, 2018 at 1:27 PM
  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Sega Fes 2018.jpg

    On the 28th February, Sega announced 'Sega Fes', a Sega Festival held in Akihabara on April 14-15, 2018.

    The 'Sega Fes' is meant to be a celebration of Sega, both old and new, and of particular interest is a 'surprise announcement' taking place during the event, that's 'unique to Sega' (apologies for the google translation):

    I take from this that there's a surprise announcement, tournaments and a live stream of the event.

    Could this be something Virtua Fighter related? Consider first everything we went over in the JAEPO Speculation thread.

    Also worth noting they mention:

    Tournaments - Perfectly suited to something like Virtua Fighter.

    The event is Held in Akihabara - The spiritual home of Virtua Fighter, with the most populated Virtua Fighter Arcade being Club Sega Akihabara, where possibly the best players in the world convene on a regular basis.


    Sega Fes 2016 saw AM2's previous game announced - AM2's Souls Reverse was announced at the last Sega Fes, held in 2016. Could they be making back to back reveals?

    Considering this event is meant to be a celebration of 'Sega old and new' Virtua Fighter would certainly fit the description as one of Sega's enduring legacy franchises.

    It's worth noting that some games people suspected might be the 'Surprise Announcement'; Sonic Racing and a new Shining Force Spin-off have already been announced. In theory this excludes them from being the 'Surprise Announcement' at Sega Fes.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
    Shinobi, Myke, Technocrow and 2 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, Feb 28, 2018.

    1. Mister
      It's not your fault. I personally don't blame you for anything. If there's someone to point fingers at, that's SEGA for not giving us a wonderfull game (a brand new game).
      I never played shenmue and I couldn't care less to the new release for the new console's generation. Also the clue was "an old IP that people forgot about" which makes no sense, since they are making shenmue 3 and people have a fresh memory of this IP. However that could be due to something lost in translation.

      Still bummer we don't have a vf on new consoles and/or pc. That could help a lot to find new people to play with so we don't have to relay on old systems or the emulator of the xbox one (which won't be of much use if you cannot use your old controllers there).

      I won't add anything else because people explained what is the mood of the community better than me.
      MadeManG74 likes this.
    2. MadeManG74
      There's no reason to apologise, you'll notice we were all getting excited regardless.
      Besides, you didn't promise anything, just anticipated based on what we pieced together.
    3. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      Fuck man. Who gives s fuck about Genesis mini. Although I do wanna play Shenmue. But if I had to pick between Vf or Shenmue...then well...
      MadeManG74 likes this.
    4. MadeManG74
      Agreed, it's hard for me to get excited about re-releasing Genesis roms for the ten billionth time. I would rather play it on PC if I want HD/Digital/Ease of use, or on Wii/Original Hardware if I want the 240p/CRT experience.
    5. Technocrow
      If there ever was a time they would announce VF6, this event surely looked like it. I don't think anyone here blames you for getting hopes up. The disappointment is to be expected really.
    6. nou
      Sega AGES not being confined to the PS2 and the 3DS and Shenmue announcement were awesome. I enjoyed Shenmue more than I did when I replayed some of it last year on the trusty DC, than I did during its release. Never got to play 2, despite grabbing it for cheap.

      With M2 now working on Switch, I'm hoping they bring their ShotTriggers line over as well. Hopefully in somewhat-tandem with the AGES line of games. This on top of the potential for it to expand to The Holy Grail is good form.

      VF needs mind share for it to garner support for places outside of Japan. I'd love a VF6 but I like guest appearances and references. Having in as FS and VF2 available through Yakuza/RGG, with multiplayer, is a nice touch for now.
      Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
    7. Tricky
      If they put Shenmue on the switch I'd be hyper. I literally want all games to be on the switch now. Being able to carry my system around with my in school is a godsend man.
    8. Harpooneer
      I'm all for more crap being on the switch. I need more reasons to buy it before I pull the trigger. Let's get some of these pachinko games on there, Sega!
      MadeManG74 and Tricky like this.
    9. def
    10. Dragonps
      "He believes that the fiscal year 2018 will be the year in which the publisher will announce things that they have been building up until now. More than ever, he would like fans to look forward to it."

      Stop it just stop it :(
    11. Tricky
      Smash for the switch was enough for me. and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. God I'm loving that right now.
    12. nou
      Shenmue on the Switch would be cool, but I don't mind it being "only' on PS4 and PC. I'm more interested in Shenmue these days based on the possibility the story will eventually finish.

      As someone who is still a fan of Sega, this event was awesome. As a VF fan I had my expectations in check and will still hold firm that we won't see VF6 this generation of consoles. Having all two different lines of Genesis collections was a but much, though.
      Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
    13. Jason Elbow
      Jason Elbow
      You're a Smasher?! Lol
    14. oneida
      not announcing VF6 right after BT was such a massive missed opportunity. good shit sega, ggs
      MadeManG74 likes this.
    15. SNAKE BOSS
      You guys should remember that the official 25th anniversary for vf is December 3rd. So you should not really expect anything until then. Yes it would be cool if they announce something sooner since vf 5 came out about 12 years ago. Also look at soul calibur. They did not announce soul calibur 6 until a whole year after it's 20th anniversary. At least they teased a small trailer in 2016 though that it might be coming. Sega should do something like that too if there is going to be no announcement any time soon. Until then don't really expect much until the official date. Also December 3rd will be the 25th anniversary since I came to America. Cheers.
    16. Sozos
      Lets play some VF5FS!! Whens VF6 tho?? Even the dragon of Dojima asked about it!! Damn you sega!!!

      Attached Files:

    17. nou
      If you want people outside of Japan still not knowing about VF, it'd be cool. Judging what this place turns into a when a new VF drops, I'm save hope for a bigger announcement.
    18. oneida
      i didn't mean at BT, i meant at SEGA Fes, which was two weeks after BT. the timing would have been really good.
      MadeManG74 likes this.
    19. nou
      In the case of the Sega festival, I agree. Your original post made it seem like the end of BT.

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