Sega planning something soon for VF5...

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

  2. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member


    and another +1 for most retarded post ever made in VFDC. I can't believe I read that. I want my two minutes back. [​IMG]
  3. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    I couldn't help but read it like it is 1 big run-on sentence. Like I said in another thread 09 will be the year of the fighter and sega of course will be the only company with nothing to show.
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Tin foil DOES stop the aliens from scanning your brain though...
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Of course its one big run-on sentence [​IMG] most wacky conspiracy theories are [​IMG]

    But things that make U go Hmmm.. I'm just trying to give yall
    the real reasons behind Sega's inexplicable behavior in regards
    to releasing a console version of VF5R. I've got even [​IMG] more
    conspiracy to back up my conspiracy run on sentence

    Fact: Sega Stops Production on Dreamcast Hardware in February 2001
    Sega Stops Production

    Fact: Microsoft releases XBox in November 2001

    Up until that point Microsoft was a software company with no real Hardware Manufacturing facilities. Microsoft had several failed attempts at getting into hardware but never did.
    Microsoft says XBOX will run native DreamCast Games!

    Microsoft has a history of acquiring all its technology and then repackaging. They never invented anything (except true type fonts). So they acquired game hardware producing facilities and engineers from somewhere. (That's the Microsoft way). Is it just a coincidence that Sega Dreamcasts stops as
    XBox begins Ahem....

    Fact: Microsoft's Next Gen console gets an exclusive
    agreement with Sega to produce an online version
    of Sega's flagship fighter: Virtua Fighter 5

    The PS3 version of VF has no online version or patch
    even after being on the market for years after the
    XBox online version

    Fact: Sega is acting irrational with respect to
    VF5R for consoles.

    Fact: The real reasons for Yu Suzuki leaving and
    the last positions that Yu Suzuki had with
    Sega keep changing. There are whispers and
    rumors about Yu taking his intellectual
    property(VF) with him [​IMG]

    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left — however improbable — must be the truth,' "
  7. FcoBenitez

    FcoBenitez Well-Known Member

  8. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    Every good sega fan still harbours some hatred for sony for smooshing the Saturn and Dreamcast, but as much as I wanna believe you Po and your X-files styled conspiricy.

    SEGA still make quality games for PS3, Yakuza anyone?

    and while AM has lost one of it's key modellers to Tokyo Vikings and Yu Suzuki going awol, as much as I would want VF to go independent It's at most a .02% chance.

    The reason VF5 on PS3 didn't get a patch is that it cannot be patched, no? On release it was a rush job with coding that didn't allow for further updates, SEGA rather than looking long term with VF5's life on consoles instead chose a short term attempt at drawing in a new audience and we pay the price now because of it.

    Edit: VF4 also went to PS2 after SEGA "Focused on Software developing"

    360 got JSRF, Gunvalkyrie and PGR, PS2 got VF4, REZ, Headman, Space Channel 5 pt 2. and GCN got PSO ep 2, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventure 2.

    nice even spread, and SEGA's kept it that way ever since.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Because of my very long and personal experience with Microsoft's exclusive agreements, I'd be willing to bet U a year's salary that the Online Version of VF5 for the XBOX 360 came with an exclusive agreement that at least temporarily prevented Sega from adding online to PS3 VF5. Maybe a 2 or 3 year exclusive agreement (That's the Microsoft Way). You are correct that PS3 VF came out kind-a rushed, but there is no other explanation for why in all this time we still don't have
    an online option in the PS3. Trust me, its the Microsoft Exclusive Agreement at work.

    There are rumors of intellectual property battles at Sega, especially in regards to what Yu Suzuki should take with him in his departure from Sega. I'm furthering one of the rumors in this thread [​IMG]

    As far as Yakuza I've played 2 on the PS2 excellent game, but that game is not a threat to any of Microsoft's catalog, so of course Sega is at liberty to produce it [​IMG]

    Consider this. Think about all of Sega's whacky behavior a year or so prior to stopping production of the Dreamcast and after stopping production on the Dreamcast. The smart money says that alot of their behavior can be explained by Non Disclosure negotiations with Microsoft prior to and leading up to the Hardware division purchase by Microsoft and after the sell the software licensing issues that would eventually be worked out. e.g. Virtua Fighter [​IMG]

    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left — however improbable — must be the truth,' "
  10. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    Yuji Naka wasn't able to save his intellectual property though, now look at him.

    I get the feeling SEGA blames Yu Suzuki for the 5-6 years of debt they incurred apon DC's close.

    I wouldn't doubt that they would have had a NDA with Microsoft for its online as XBL is a major selling point for the console, however I still believe that PS3 VF5 is broken for patching, they wanted 1st in Glorious HD graphics dressed and got it, then everyone ditched them once the party started.

    I get the sense from SEGA that VF is a sense of nationalist pride with it's tournaments and see a forced console version for VF5R as a real loss rather than a win.

    They don't take risks anymore, Platinum Games could be argued but I don't think taking in the lead designers of Devil May Cry and other epics as a "Risk" more as a calculated guarantee at the monies.

    Madworld beat their expectations and Bayonetta is getting a lot of love in the press after E3, even their DS release last month Infinite Space sold well in Japan.

    However, I see it as a major bad press move if SEGA choose a sole console in Microsoft for it's fighters. Especially since TEKKEN, Soul Calibur, BlazBlue and other fighters are now all multiconsole.

    I'm sure even if Microsoft had its portable out right now Namco-Bandai would have released broken destiny on it.

    I'd prefer to hold out for a buyout from Microsoft and see it become like Activision Blizzard. Microsoft-SEGA/SEGA-Microsoft. SEGA have claimed they want to get back into the console hardware market on more than one occassion and a Merger there could potentially bring XBOXs sales up in Japan and get their IP's greater delivery overseas.

    That Idea i think has more potential than a VF5R 360 exclusive [​IMG]
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Good points...

    I don't think the VF online exclusive with Microsoft was permanent. I think it was propbably for a set time period
    2 or 3 years. Enough for Microsoft to establish their normal
    mindshare. The agreement probably referred to anything being
    called Virtua Fighter 5. That's why I'm kinda guessing that
    the next console release will be called something else Virtua Fighter Evolution 5 or Virtua Fighter 6, so that the online PS3
    version doesn't violate any exclusive agreements that Sega has made with Microsoft. And U know exclusive agreements were made (That's the Microsoft way) [​IMG]
  12. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    Birk-tual Fighter 5R, same game in the Arcades just everyone has cockney accents.

    Liscensing Issue, solved.

  13. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Dude, i really don't think it has to do with exclusive rights that 360 VF5 has online and PS3 doesn't.

    XBOX LIVE is a pretty robust online network compared to PS3's network. I'm pretty sure that XBL has less perceptible lag in almost every online game that is out for both systems. I'm not trying to get into system wars but I'm pretty confident that is a fact.

    The second reason for the "online disparity" between the two versions of VF5 is that it's much easier to program games for 360. The time commitment or blood, sweat and tears required to get games to the same development point on 360 is a lot less than it is for PS3. This is the truth. Most developers say that the PS3 versions take a lot longer to program to get them to a comparable state.

    I'm not a programmer and I don't know much other than what I've read, but I have seen the "360 is easier to develop for than PS3" stated over and over by developers. My understanding was that the devels for VF5 on 360 basically said that they didn't think online was possible for VF5 until they began working on the 360 and realized it was an attainable goal. From a man-hours standpoint, making a high quality 360 game is cheaper than it is to make the same thing for PS3.

    I read that again last night in a Game Informer interview with a developer on an upcoming multi-platform game (that I can't remember what it was right now but I can edit later when I get back home from work.) Basically, time is money. The easier it is to program new options into a game, the more options you're going to get...


    I'm gonna go a little further and infer that SEGA doesn't have an online framework for VF developed at all for PS3, so making a multi-platform release of VF5R would involve figuring that out on top of everything else. I'm pretty sure they don't want to face the wrath of fans again over one console version being better than the other, so they just aren't going to bother at all...

    I don't think that makes complete sense as far as the international fans are concerned but I'm pretty sure they know the costs/effort involved in porting the game and don't think it would be profitable for one reason or another. We may never know.
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Its not that the PS3 is harder to program for, its just that its
    different than what a lot of game developers were used.

    So perhaps different == harder

    I am a programmer and I do use the PS3 as a node in my cluster. I write code directly against the PPU and the SPUs of the Cell processor. SIMD, MIMD, programming is different IMO not is [​IMG] necessarily harder.

    The programmers that have been writing vector processing code for multiprocessor GPUs will be somewhat familiar with the style of Cell.

    I guess because the Cell requires different compilers in the toolchain some could argue that its harder to program 4, but
    IMHO that's probably due to laziness rather than difficulty
  15. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Yeah because who wants to work hard at work?

    Lol now I see your point. Still it is not gonna happen.
  16. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    I would assert that the so called perceivable lag you speak is actually caused by local IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n interference by mobile phones, wireless phones, Wiimotes, etc. Xbox live won’t have too many users that aren’t connecting to their router by Ethernet 10/100MB when a wifi adapter costs an extra £50. Comparing Wifi to Ethernet will always appear more error prone for a multitude of very obvious reasons. The PS3 has Gigabit Ethernet and 802.3a/b/g out of the box and more people use 802.3g on PSN hence the perceived online lag. If you were testing and comparing like for like it would be the same.
  17. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Sharp J7
    this crushed all my hopes and dreams :*(
    not even on the drawing board!!!
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    With everything thats been put in this post and its sister post, it looks like it would be easier to get Namco
    to acommodate VF fans in their Tekken franchise. [​IMG]

    Although I definitely believe we will at least get a VF6 if for
    some horrible reason we don't, will VF5 be enough for next gen
    players or will they leave and join camp Tekken 6 or camp DOA 5?

    I guess it doesn't matter. Sega knows even if we all left, as soon as the next console version would get released we'd all
    come running right back like byatches [​IMG]
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    What exactly is your long and personal relationship with MS exclusivity agreements?

    Oh BTW, you sir are an idiot.
    Microsoft never bought Sega`s hardware devision.
    That thing still exists at Sega and has been partially absorbed by Sega Toys.

  20. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    Maybe Sega is going to announce a Virtua Fighter movie.

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