Sega planning something soon for VF5...

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    maybe its super monkey ball the movie.
  2. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

  3. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    Maybe it'll be a double feature. It would be a great tournament movie akin to "Master of the Flying Guillotine" that will sky rocket the popularity of VF and establish it as the predominant fighting game in the United States. There will be "Dojos" all over the country popping up that teach people to play Virtua Fighter. Eventually, our government's policies will be decided on who is the better player, and governments all over the world will adopt our idea. In the future, wars will be avoided entirely as teams from the countries with beef duke it out on a huge plasma screen where the United Nations used to be. Except in 2023 when we were sore losers and fucked Mexico up for taking back California and Texas. We wanted to go to Plague's House! Nobody really cared for Texas.

    My point is, it's all speculation. Stop posting crap on this thread if there has been no announcement. It's just that everytime I log on here there hasn't been an official news to what it is, and it's all just speculation.

    Sucks though.
  4. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Fuel to the fire, Cut from E3 due to "Time Restraints".

    A video that was supposed to be shown for the future of XBL.

    Unseen 360 Clip Shows Avatars Playing Games (And a Dreamcast?)

    SEGA & Microsoft shadey deals, DC games on XBL anyone?

    This is step 2 in the grand scheme of Microsoft-Sega. BWAHAHAHA</div></div>
    <object width="480" height="295"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"> </embed></object>

  5. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    For the record PS3 online isn't THAT hard.
  6. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    My expectations: Tokyo Game Show 09 Sept. 24, If there is no announcement before or during the event by SEGA JP. It's done for VF5R, porting it to a console would not be worth it for them since it's life span in JP is almost @ it's end just like what happened with FT and we all know what happen to the console version of FT.

    On the current time line Sega jp is probably either already thinking of VF6 or still in continue development of a full upgrade version to VF5R like VF4's Evo to FT.

    Lastly, SEGA of America it don't mean shit that you decided to sponsor VF5. Without VF5R means nothing which is the future.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Hey Fishie, its a conspiracy theory ROFLMMFAO [​IMG]

    As far as idiots go [2] [P] [+] [K] [+] [G] [K]

  8. Imperfecto

    Imperfecto Active Member

    When is TGS anyway? It's supposed to be in August right?
  9. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    September 24th through the 27th.
  10. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Alright, no news of course, VF5 s 3 year anniversary was july 12, july is almost over. Great. So with everybody and his dad delaying their games to 2010 . (Splinter Cell Conviction is the latest casualty ) Dont expect Sega to announce anything to be released before April 2010 . Master Poo , you and that other guy were both wrong VF5 not having Online had nothing to do with exclusivity or ease of programming , it's simply that microsoft provides all the servers and absorbs all the cost of supporting online, and Sony doesn't . Simple. And the FT - VF5 Revolution analogies dont realy work for me. FT didnt add whole new characters and stages. Sure FT added new move animations and balancing. But if you gave it a bullet point comparison with Revolution , it comes up woefully short.

    As an upgrade, even to the layman VF5 Revolution looks like it has a much more viable chance of selling than FT ever did. It's a moot point however, due to VF5 's abysmal US sales. We need a miracle.
  11. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    No miracles, only pain. We're at SEGA Japan's mercy and they aren't giving any, so until TGS shows that there will be no VF5R console port I will just keep throwing out stupid theories to ease the black void where my faith in AM2 and SEGA had been.

    If we would have got a whole bucketloads of items for that suprise thingo including costume E I would have been happy, hell even acess to VF.TV to upload replays would be nice.

    I are hurting too much from R so im lowering my expectations, Costume E + a whole tonne of items plz. Paying 800 points for the current 15 per character is embaressingly wrong for an unlock code for an online system that does nothing for me anymore, can't even get beyond 1bar from Japanese folks.
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Here's my silly "keeping-hope-alive" theory:
    Sega is waiting until after T6 gets released. Then they can use the feedback from T6 to release an even better console version of VF5R.
    Tekken has "borrowed" from VF's revolutionary ideas in the past and I feel that Sega has a few ideas in mind that they would like to hold on to until after every other fighter is released on console. Last FG to be released on console that poses a threat to VF5R is T6.

    I know I'm crazy for still having hope and still believing in Sega but I believe [​IMG]
    I know my post will get mocked but that's ok, cuz I'd rather keep on believing that one day R will get released and keep on playing VersionC than to go play some other FG that I'm less fond of just because there's a lot bigger fanbase for that game.

    I've only been to 2 VF gatherings but the percentage of cool people is way higher than with other fighters I've had the displeasure of witnessing.
    Like somebody here said, quality over quantity.
  13. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Can you afford a faster and/or meatier internet? And yeah it sucks you have to pay to access VFTV at all, I don't know how. Something to do with Japanese arcades.

    And the 3rd anniversary persent was more Bingo for the japanese on the 13th. [​IMG]
  14. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Was this confirmed?
  15. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    My internet is as strong as Aus will allow, Connecting inside Aus I get full bars outside it drops to 2-0.

    I could probably go and fork out obscene amounts for a new adaptor but honestly it wouldn't help all that much.

    In 2 years a nationwide fibre-optic cable broadband line is being introduced to put us on par with the top 2 countries in terms of speed and stability, i'll just deal with it until then.
  16. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Take the information as is...

    August update/maintenance announced - SECRET to be announced/revealed shortly.
  17. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    Translation of VF.JP:
    Announce details soon! Will sue you!

    Which one is the kanji for sue, anyone know? :p

    I don't have time to go and translate every kanji in Jim Breams.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    This is worse than a game of Chinese Whispers.

    I don't know which online translator was used by a previous poster, but there's no kanji in there for "sue".
  19. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member


    August service announcement
    1. SECRET Announcement - Coming in a few days, look forward to it!
    2. New items added to the shop
    3. New image mode (the 3 scenes you see before a fight) campaign ... they do this every month, so it's not exactly a special thing.
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Kabuki Dance [​IMG]

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