SF4 Impressions (after actually playing)

Discussion in 'General' started by L_A, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am just starting out and I play at normal right now. Once I really know how use my characters I will try it on hard. I am taking it easy on myself for now.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    i did it on the easiest mode 1 round till I got all the characters I wanted. Seth is a bastard btw.
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Gill would get subaki in easy. Seth would have no chance /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Does Challenge really help with inputs and combos? I've decided to pick up Fuerte after all, and I need the help.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    challenge teaches you how to play with a given character for the most part. How you use what they show you is up to you though.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Since i can't actually answer every body

    No matter who i would've use i would've still whupped your ass no disrespect lol! I don't want to use Fuerte because he's to Gimmicky and tons of people use him. Unlike Gern you i tend to use my Favorites first and master thier nuances before moving on.Ex canceling is bogus because regardless of which the EX are still extremely weak. why use a Ex cancel if im not canceling in a ultra if i did'nt get my ass beat enough to have one? I just got the game also so trust by next month all of this will be second nature. I could've been a real chesse master and abused abel overhead but that would've gotten boring real quick.
    As far as "but you don't know anything more about gaming than me."

    I'd put my life on it i do. I don't brag cause anybody who knows me know i get straight to the point.

    Fulaan - I would do it but does it matter? Ex canceling is Childs play because i would not give up My only super bar for a combo that still would'nt add up to it with that character.

    @AoiMaster - Thanks for the compliment but i'm not that good.

    I take pride in losing because its the best tool we could have in competition. I talk shit amongst my peers because i want to light fires under people. Losing leaves a foul taste in my mouth i only can rinse out only by winning.
  7. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

  8. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    FADCs vary for characters. But their sole purpose isn't/shouldn't be just raw damage. It can make unsafe specials, safe. It can help apply pressure when the opponent doesn't expect it. It can help perform a special safely and adjust spacing.

    EDIT: Great work on that guide Haunts!
  9. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    I came in here to post that guide, I wont lie, im late to this thread..but reading some of these posts is a little sad though.. You guys are saying "been there done that", "new system offers nothing", "game is boring".

    The game hasent even been out a week, so how can you guys say that? You're probably playing people online who are playing it like SFII or something but this is a new game with a very deep system. Im sorry but some of you I can tell just havent given this game a chance.

    I am all for opinions and what not but seriously this is a good game, it just takes some time to get the hang of. You can say you understand the focus attack this and the other and im just going to call bullshit. It took me two months in the arcade to master the FA and know all of its applications. I'm still learning so much about the game, there are a lot of subtleties in this game you wont get until you log some real hours into it.

    It will feel slow and heavy and first, you will want to play the SFIV that is in your mind not the SF4 that is in front of you, i was there, trust me. I just urge you guys to get in there and give it a chance, for real.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    We aretalking offense here Krs.

    Haunt nice Guide but im quite sure whateva i learn the Tourney and high level play will turn me off to it.
  11. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    I've been playing SFIV for months in the arcades that have it in NY. I wouldn't say the game is boring, it's above average for a fighter, but it's not on the level that 3S and ST are. At least from what I've experienced from the arcade and having two weeks (got a way early copy) of playing the console version in my opinion.

    Ten years from now I wouldn't see people giving this game the same respect as ST or 3S.

    But nevertheless, this will hold off many of us until 5R comes out on consoles. Keep those messages to Sega going.
  12. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    Thats cool, its fine that you feel that way but a lot of people just arent giving this game a chance. Its system is much more involved and requires a lot more strategy than 3s. Im an expert with 3s so I can say that too. Parries are dumb and thats all there is to it and the Focus Attack is a much more balanced way of being able to "parry" an attack.. 3s relies very heavily on guessing and you can parry your way out of kinds of shit you got yourself into while in SFIV there is actual consequence for making a similar type of decision. . It's a lot of fun but it rewards bad gameplay in some instances and the top tiers in that game are just as ridiculous as the gameplay itself. At least SFIV is balanced.

    Ive been playing console for about 3 months now and arcade even longer and honestly this is the best "first shot" at a SF game CAPCOM has ever developed. If you played the first version of SFIII you would probably say the same thing you just said about people not playing it for years to come.

    Fact is, 3s had the same sort of hate surrounding it until the Japanese figured out the dope shit and then everyone came out and wanted to be a G in that game too. I dont think the level of hate will be the same with this game but i think there will be a bandwagon to a similar degree once that next level is reached.
  13. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    I have to say, on the first day, I was a bit frustrated and wasn't really feeling the game too much. I kept getting hit out block strings but I continued to play and I have to say, I'm really starting to enjoy the game. It helps alot to know which of your characters moves grant frame adavantage and disadvantage on block (I assumed cr.jab and short did, but they do not!). The stuff you can do up close at times can be very similar to flow charts in VF and it's pretty essential to me winning with Sak.

    Focus attack can be really good at threatening certain characters away from certain moves. If you don't use focus attack you'll probably be eating C.Vipers flame kicks all day.
  14. HotD

    HotD Well-Known Member

    haunts, that is an excellent guide! Thanks so much!!! Your guide is better than the Prima guide I bought with my game LOL!
  15. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    After playing SFIV for the first time today I'm hooked to it. The only thing that will get my excitement higher at this rate is if I can get a stick or Fight pad or something because this 360 controller is making me sick to the bottom of my stomach.
  16. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    How can you possibly ascertain that console SFIV is balanced after it being out for only a week? You harped on everyone for judging the game negatively too quickly yet you've already decided it's balanced based on one week of play? Do you really think that Dan or Viper are as balanced as Seth, Sagat, and Gouken?

    ST has been around for 15 years and hardly anyone agrees on its balance or tiers. HDR has been out for a couple of months and I've seen tier lists of every possible order on SRK/#capcom. I would think people would be able to judge whether or not they like the game far earlier than they would be able to predict its balance.

    Is arcade SFIV balanced? No. Not according to the charts I've seen where Sagat is rated overwhelmingly higher than Claw. Is console SFIV balanced? We won't know for at least a year is my guess. And even then, there are already rumors that T.Hawk and DJ will be added before 365 days elapses anyways adding more balance and tier variables.

    Everything else you said about SFIII I mostly agree with. People hated SFIII at first and then warmed up to it. And it took forever for the Japanese to discover how deep the system went. Parry window is too large and dumbs down the game. And of course 3S is also not that well balanced (Chun, Yun, Ken, I'm looking at you).
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    This statement right here guys is truth. This is why I went on record having said given a few versions SFIV will be what 3s is now in terms of merit and standard of gaming.

    . . . that is all
  18. HokutoNoCat

    HokutoNoCat Well-Known Member

    Gaming != Fighters != Street Fighter.
  19. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    I dont know how else to tell you that we've been playing console in the Bay Area for like 4 months now and played the shit out of this game. This isnt me talking from a couple days experience. Ive been very lucky to play this game with a lot of other very talented players for a long time.

    Of course its not going to be absolutely balanced, but its a lot more balanced than 3s and a lot of other games that are out there. Viper can easily take out a Gouken and I think that shows how much you know about this game, not to disrespect you but Viper is very good in this game and Gouken relies alot on anticipation and guessing and does not have a lot of go to combos like other characters have. He has strenths in other areas but to say its like 8/2 in Goukens favor or something is way off base.

    I will say that Seth is a peice of shit right now but damn I have a friend who is hella good with him and is actually winning matches against good players with him. Sure I will agree the new characters could swing the balance but I am very confident that there isnt going to be any sort of game breaking glichy shit from like Fei Long or anything..

    Everyone can FA. Everyone has a back dash with 8 frames of invincibility. Most of the characters all have solid normal moves for poking and anti air, and the ones who dont make up for it in other ways (Viper for instance with her EX Siesmo).

    There is a gap but the gap isnt as wide as other games, and at this point imo its splitting hairs. People ask me to make a tier list for SFIV and I said no way in hell, not doing it. Not that it doesnt exist but with this game you can truly pick whoever you want and go really far with them if you put the time into learning their strengths and weaknesses and all their match ups.
  20. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    This game is like crack for me.

    My interest in the fighting game genre started with SF and my entry into higher level play was also with SF.

    This game, in terms of links, feels exactly like cvs2 for me, and that was my favorite game for the longest time. This game just brings me back to my roots.

    There really isn't much to discuss about the game since everything I say would be biased. So I'll talk about the online features instead.

    It has a netcode, in my opinion, superior to VF5 which is a first (I don't really want to include HD remix as being better than the VF netcode, because in my opinion that netcode has good and bad qualities). The online interface in this game looks similar to something out of quest mode in VF. Being able to unlock and customize your icons and titles is very cool.

    Also another feature I like about the online play is that it doesn't show anyone your win/loss ratio. There is no incentive in beating on scrubs in ranking mode, because you gain very few points and lose a ton.

    The online features have what they need, a character select screen, stage select. Although it's missing the replay feature, capcom already stated it would be included in a patch.

    Anyways, I think there is one thing everyone can agree on, whether they like or dislike the game, and that's the fact that it has a good netcode.

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