Shadowloo Showdown 2K11 VF5 Exhibition

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 19, 2011.

By Myke on Jun 19, 2011 at 9:41 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]Most hardcore 2D fighting game fans may be aware of the Shadowloo Showdown 2011 tournament to be held this coming weekend of 25th and 26th June 2011. Famous guests such as Gamerbee, Itazan and Tokido will be present to compete for cash prizes in various 2D fighting games.

    However, on Sunday 26th June 2011, Australia's best VFers will be throwing down the gauntlet to challenge the international visitors in a VF5 Exhibition. Thanks to the good folks at, this event will be streamed live! Stay tuned for more details!

    ยป Shadowloo Showdown Live Stream


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jun 19, 2011.

    1. Slide

      Way to represent, and help put on a good show of VF. I enjoyed the footage.
    2. Kiuju
      Yeah seriously man, way to represent.
    3. _Denkai_
      Great stream. Was nice to see your Kage in action again, almost forgot how smoothly you are able to use him.
    4. Shidosha
    5. Berzerk
      Glad you guys liked the stream. I was really happy we could pull it together. I might take in a bit of the footage on lunch :p
    6. YOSUKE
      I watched you and Hiromiki were playing VF5. I am glad you and he had a good time.
    7. erdraug
      Very entertaining, if predictable, matches. Thank you for recording and uploading.

      I'd like to comment on VF5 verC- Gamerbee vs AlexMD pt3 Shadowloo Showdown 2k11. I must be missing some background info here but i'll go ahead and guess the vanessa player giving the brad player a handicap by playing from OS and refusing to punish.

      In my head i picture the vanessa player saying "OK, it's been a long while since you played VF5 vanilla, so i won't use DS to shut down your Brad" and then, a couple of minutes later "Oh, so you don't remember any good combos out of brad's flying knee? No worries, i won't punish it with anything heavier than p,k. Even though 14f punishment is OS greatest advantage over DS".

      Yeah, that must be it because during the exhibition matches the same vanessa player sticks to DS and gets the hit-throws right, the 270 throw, the works. So props on being a gentleman.
    8. Shidosha
    9. AlexMD
      erdraug you sound like a clever guy, maybe you should come to a tournament and perform well against known players rather than trying to make yourself look good by trolling me.

      There are MANY missed punishes even in grand finals, believe it or not playing in a loud tourney environment against people and characters you don't normally play is not the same thing as playing in the comfort of your own home against people you play all the time.
    10. erdraug
      Thank you for taking the time to answer me. I sincerely did not comprehend the switch to OS since (i) AFAIK Vanessa has numerous incentives to play from DS against Brad and (ii) you've proven to be very proficient from DS. I assumed it was an exhibition match and that you were being polite. However, if i now understand correctly, it was a tournament match and you played from OS not to focus on punishing but because you feel more confident using that particular stance in tournaments? In that case props to you, it's rare to see players preferring OS in VF5 vanilla.
    11. AlexMD
      I played in OS because it was a casual match and I want to learn to integrate that stance into my game better.

      Also since you have to watch open\closed stance very carefully for her numerous launchers in OS I think it takes more time to become proficient in than DS.

      And finally Gamerbee is abare and I thought I could get more damage from MCs in OS. [​IMG]

      I assumed you were being sarcastic in your previous post, but if that's not the case then I apologize for the harsh response.
    12. Myke
      [​IMG]OK, it's about time I post my final thoughts on SS2K11.

      Although it was a 2 day weekend event, I arrived on an early morning flight Sunday morning since the VF5 exhibition was scheduled for that day. Fact is, I had been up since 4 AM that day (the "price" you pay for cheap early morning airline tickets), so by the time the exhibition event rolled around (11 hours later!) I was really feeling tired. If I remember correctly, Berzerk came and woke me up as it was starting because I had apparently fallen asleep on one of the lounges while waiting to play and posting the delay notices to VFDC!

      So, just some random thoughts about the day:

      MOV, the reputable Japanese SF4 player, challenged me at a single game of VF5 during the casual sessions. He chose Eileen against my Kage. I'm not sure what I expected from him at first, so I approached our match rather cautiously, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was actually pretty good! I could tell he was a little rusty, probably from not playing recently, but it was obvious to me that he understood the system and mind games behind VF. If we played more than just a single game, I felt that he probably would have improved with each game. Alex filmed our casual match which you can watch here:

      MOV (EI) vs Myke (KA)

      Gamerbee, it was great to finally meet and play many games with him! While he no longer plays currently, his understanding of the game is still very solid and he had no trouble putting up a strong fight every time. As Alex noted, Gamerbee has quite the abare play style which can always prove problematic if you don't know how to deal with it. What I found funny was that Gamerbee had a habit of performing a down attack post-KO. In some circles this would offend or upset an opponent, but for me I couldn't care less. Anyway, I was curious as to why he would do this, but never got a chance to ask. Is this a Taiwanese thing? Was he intentionally trying to rile up the opponent? Or is it just something he does just because? Again, it didn't bother me and I'll be the first to admit that some of my celebratory post-KO antics might annoy some people too [​IMG]. For anyone intersted, Zerokage happened to film some of our casual matches here:

      Gamerbee (BR) vs Myke (KA)

      Itazan, the player I was probably most interested in seeing at this event for a number of reasons. Firstly, he's a great friend and it's always nice to catch up with him! Secondly, he's a great player and I always enjoy the challenge he puts up, and the inevitable beatings I take! Thirdly, I really wanted to see how he'd cope with playing Vanilla again after a good couple of years of R then FS under this belt. Well, as it turned out he seemed really rusty. I was surprised at the number of throws that went unescaped, which I attributed to simplified TE system of FS. He also seemed to have forgotten many combos as well. But, despite all of this, he still put up a hell of a fight which is a testament to his all round skill level as a fighting gamer. Overall, I think our exhibition matches were pretty intense, fast paced and were lots of fun! More importantly, I think I'm just relieved I didn't get absolutely smacked down! [​IMG]

      Now for some shoutouts!


      Berzerk, good job on the commentary [​IMG], and your Pai is always fun to play against! I enjoyed our long chats about the fighting game community at large, e-sports (with Tony), the failings of WCG, and VF in general. Thanks for repping VF's cause at SS2K11, it was much appreciated by myself, the local players, and I'm sure by all of VFDC. To see VF share the stage/stream at a prestigious international fighting game event sends a positive and powerful message. Hopefully some people see that, despite being behind in versions, vanilla VF5 is still relevant today, still provides exciting and intense matches, and is still shitloads of fun to play! When I watched the stream recording, your analogy of "the beautiful game" brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye! [​IMG] Keep up the great work with Couch Warriors down in Melbourne and I look forward to my next trip down!

      AlexMD, after all the pre-event talk about you favouring Pai over Vanessa, I don't think I saw your Pai at all when we played? [​IMG] Equally baffling was your ability to utterly obliterate the foot long sub faster than I could recover from a stagger. Then, with your seemingly bottomless pit for an appetite you nagged me all afternoon asking if I was hungry for dinner yet, and when we finally went you ate barely anything!? Crazy! [​IMG] Anyway, thanks as always for the great matches! And even though it feels like we didn't get enough offline games in, I know I can always catch you online now for some quality sessions! BTW, thanks for keeping to your word with that lunch you owed me! You're alright in my books, despite what anyone else says! [​IMG]

      Mooseking, good job on the commentary as well, and shame you didn't have the time (or inclination?) to play a few casual games with the crew, if not for shits and giggles!? I won't forget my first impression of seeing you when I arrived -- nice and early in the morning with a beer in your hand. I guess that's how you roll! [​IMG] I have no doubt that I'll catch you at the next big aussie event!

      zerokage, seems like this event was a real eye-opening, and learning experience for you, and that's great! Hopefully you picked up some useful things about Aoi from Alex! If you really want to get more games in, then I strongly suggest you try to get onto XBL! (hint hint) [​IMG]

      El_Twelve, great catching up with you again! If we had more time then I would have liked to chat more with you (and the other guys) away from all the noise and excitement of the event! Nice to see you still repping Blaze, and that second exhibition match between you and Alex, which you came back to win, was really exciting! I also found your commentary while I was playing to be hilarious, especially with the line that went something like "guess this, ooh, guess this, ooh, guess this, ..." [​IMG]

      When it was all said and done, this was a fantastic event that will be long remembered! I encourage anyone on Facebook, who wishes to do so, to leave a message of thanks on The Shadowloo's wall, although I think you'll have to "like" the page first. In any case, a sign of appreciation doesn't cost you much but can go a really long way. I've started the ball rolling.

      My final message to the rest of VFDC is that I hope this can inspire you to get VF5 more involved with other fighting game events. Whether it be a tournament, or just an exhibition, grudge match, whatever, it'll be great to see VF5 getting more exposure again. Trust me when I say that the atmosphere, excitement, and natural high one feels when playing a VF5 match under pressure from both a strong opponent and with an audience watching is second to none!

      Once again, I'm really glad the event executed so well and hope you all enjoyed watching it!

      Finally, thanks to Shidosha for extracting the VF5 Exhibition from the stream and uploading it to Youtube: SS2k11 VF5 Exhibition Feat: Itabashi Zangief, Myke, Gamerbee & More!

    13. Mooseking_Lion
      Myke would I have had time to play any casual match on SS2K11 It would have been VF with you and the other guys, unfortunately when I wasn't commentating the stream I was getting phone calls from people back home asking me to buy them stuff and also looking after the Adelaide crew that was over for the event.

      Alot of those guys were 1st timers interstate and checking in on them was eating some of my time up, by the time VF exhibition had rolled around I was preeeety much done upstairs so I was lucky to have words coming out my mouth :p

      As for that beer, Bugsimus the streamlord behind SS2K11 gave it to me to drink with him early morning and I could not have possibly refused his hospitality :p

      I'd been doing the SS2K11 meet n greet since early Thursday morning and have only recently caught up on my sleep, beer was welcomed by Sunday I can assure you [​IMG]

      I'll look to hit you up online soons, I'm getting really tired of working on events, when it wasn't leading Adelaide for SS2K11 it was OHR Adelaide, AVCon and now something larger behind the scenes so for a while I just wanna sit back and play some VF~ (maybe some Garou or 3S)

      Hopefully I can catch up with you @ BAM should their be any VF there as I'm sure I'll be free to enjoy gaming by then [​IMG]

      GJ against the pro's Mr Abdow, talked with Tokido about you wanting revenge after he seemed a little embarrassed that he has that over you :p
    14. AnimalStaccato
      Why didn't Gamerbee want to fight Itazan?
    15. DurViener
      I was curious about that myself
    16. Myke
      Regarding why Gamerbee refused to fight Itazan, I never got to ask him why, but I can only guess that he probably felt like he wasn't up for the challenge. Whatever the case, it's unfortunate because I, and many others, would have liked to have seen them fight!

      Just some other random musings:

      For a brief moment on the stream, my name appeared as "I am mike", instead of Iron Mike. This reminded me of one of my favourite commercials!

      Mooseking: "me word use good!" [​IMG]
    17. Dennis0201
      I believe Gamerbee didn't focus on VF, and SF was his goal to participate SS2K1. He definitely realized his gap between you and Itazan.

      About those KO stomp, I think he was trying to warm up as possible as he could. He was used to very strong on hit checking back to FT, but you can see he tended to back dash after 2P hit a lot. He needs time to adjust his rhythm.
    18. Mooseking_Lion
      My best work [​IMG]
    19. El_Twelve
      I'm a bit late with my comments.

      Was nice to see everyone again at Shadowloo Showdown. Would have stayed to play more casuals but family called. Much thanks to the guys at Shadowloo, and special thanks to Bezerk and Myke for all the organisational stuff.

      Thanks to Mooseking for carrying me with the commentary. I had a listen to it later and at least I didn't sound as bad as I thought I did. :p

      Zerokage, you improved so much in that one afternoon, it was great to play you. By the end, I was having trouble just getting hits in. Hope you had a good time in Melbourne.

      Alex, you're always a few levels ahead of me, and Myke, you're like waaaay ahead of me. I might not be able to catch up easily, but I'll at least try to bring a better game every time.

      Berzerk, it's always great to play your ever improving Pai because you keep me improving as well.

      Watch out for shenanigans though. I landed that greedy double pounce, and I'm planning to land a triple pounce on one of you next time.

      Coby, didn't get to play you this time, but I hope you got some good games in.

      And much thanks to MOV, Gamerbee and Itazan for taking the time to play us. MOV had also helped me rethink and improve my 3rd Strike game a few days earlier. It's like a whole different philosophy they use when you play guys from other countries.

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