Shout Box FTW!

Discussion in 'General' started by Ladon, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    It does suck!
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Sometimes just the Shang show is enough.

    <Shangster> i'm back
    <Shangster> just spent 934$
    <GLC> on?
    <Shangster> stupid ass gf's car
    <Shangster> it's a 9 year old car.. i should have just let it rot
    <GLC> sounds sound
    <Shangster> not really
    <GLC> $934, 9 year old car? what did you pay for? half a car?
    <Shangster> TO FIX the shit
    <GodEater> old cars suck. That's why I just throw mine away when they get 6 months old and buy again. Trouble is now I have this pile of cars in the back yard. fucking audi trash
    <Shangster> GE: fuck you
    <Shangster> i feel raped
    <Shangster> just got TFTed by the auto shop.
    * Smithy- has joined #vfhome
    <GodEater> I've been there. Every time my wife brings her car in it costs $1000. that's why I am buying her a new one in Jan. eff the repair route. it sucks
    <Shangster> I think they ripped me off
    <GodEater> very likely
    <Shangster> oh well
    <Shangster> what can I do?
    <GodEater> what did they fix
    <GLC> shang doesn't know
    <Shangster> strubs? shocks things
    <GLC> oh, he knows, shocks things /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    <Shangster> blew tire, oil change
    <GodEater> haha
    <rsw> new tire & oil change = $934? uhhh
    <Shangster> they changed all 4 strubs? or something
    <Shangster> and springs to the shocks
    <GodEater> well its the strubs and shocks things that'll cost ya
    <Shangster> wtf are strubs ?
    <GodEater> dude
    <GodEater> you're the one writing strubs....I'm just making fun of you

  3. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    GE: Your log is weak. try this one:

    [12:56] <Tirian> so about boston vf...
    [12:58] <Shangster> what about it?
    [12:58] <Kumubou> boston sucks at vf
    [12:58] <Shangster> How old are you?
    [12:58] <Kumubou> we just press butan
    [12:58] <Tirian> 24
    [12:59] <Shangster> Are you white?
    [12:59] <Tirian> yeah
    [12:59] <Shangster> You are?
    [12:59] <Tirian> does that matter
    [12:59] <Shangster> hell ya
    [12:59] <Shangster> White is right
    [12:59] <Tirian> yes Im white
    [12:59] <TechMonky> lol
    [12:59] <Kumubou> what
    [12:59] <TechMonky> wtf?
    [12:59] <TechMonky> oh man
    [12:59] <TechMonky> anyhow
    [12:59] <Kumubou> Shang you told me 5 minutes ago white people can't play VF
    [12:59] <TechMonky> I gotta go
    [12:59] <Kumubou> or anything
    [13:00] <adamYUKI> Hey Tech - whats up dude
    [13:00] <TechMonky> gotta get to work now
    [13:00] <Shangster> And you are a proof of that..
    [13:00] <Kumubou> /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    [13:00] <TechMonky> I'm getting my vf5 fix during lunch
    [13:00] <Tirian> so did I pass? 24/white :)
    [13:00] <Shangster> 24/white/loves the cock, you are almost there.
    [13:00] <L_A_Akira> lolol
    [13:01] <Tirian> sigh
    [13:01] <Tirian> I'm not giving head for vf!
    [13:01] <Shangster> wtf
    [13:01] <Shangster> I thought you said you got no problem with men into men.
    [13:01] <adamYUKI> lol
    [13:02] <Shangster> [12:55] <Tirian> I don't have a problem with men into men
    [13:02] <Tirian> I don’t have problems watching other men get into men
    [13:02] * ironzen has joined #vfhome
    [13:02] <adamYUKI> <Tirian> I'm not giving head for vf!
    [13:02] <adamYUKI> That is your tag
    [13:02] <Tirian> well would you?
    [13:02] <Shangster> sweet
    [13:02] <ironzen> shang, query
    [13:02] <adamYUKI> <Tirian> I'm giving MAD head for vf!
    [13:03] <adamYUKI> tag fixed
    [13:03] <Tirian> seriously tho
    [13:03] <Tirian> can I play vf in boston
    [13:03] <GodEater> adamYUKI, heh
    [13:03] <Shangster> Tirian: I got head for vf before
    [13:03] <adamYUKI> So did i
    [13:04] <adamYUKI> It's a tradition
    [13:04] <Shangster> you got that right..
    [13:04] <adamYUKI> pre & post gathering/tourney
    [13:04] <Tirian> why am I still talking with you
    [13:04] <Shangster> adam: don't forget during
    [13:04] <Tirian> guess i really want to play vf
    [13:04] <adamYUKI> Shit...forgot...sorry
    [13:04] <adamYUKI> During VF is the best
    [13:04] <L_A_Akira> hahaha
    [13:05] <L_A_Akira> how can you concentrate?
    [13:05] <Shangster> tirian: adam is the master of "head fuck" in vf
    [13:05] <Tirian> ok thanks for the info...
    [13:05] <Shangster> are you a virgin Tirian?
    [13:06] <adamYUKI> shang: thanks bro - you are quite kind. I like to fuck heads
    [13:06] <Tirian> does playing vf really require such a thorough interview?
    [13:06] <adamYUKI> he is a 10th kyu virgin
    [13:06] <Shangster> only in boston
    [13:06] <adamYUKI> yessssssssssssssssssssss
    [13:06] <Shangster> correct
    [13:06] <ironzen> so, is anyone going to Evolution?
    [13:07] <adamYUKI> That will be a gay fiesta
    [13:07] <adamYUKI> count me in!
    [13:07] <Shangster> i heard a lot of homos are there.
    [13:07] <GodEater> do you need to go to the qualifiees?
    [13:07] <Shangster> ge: no
    [13:07] <adamYUKI> no
    [13:07] <adamYUKI> i'm already "in"
    [13:07] <adamYUKI> it will be fierccccccccccccce
    Ellis likes this.
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    And Shang wonders why there are so few Boston players...
  5. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Srider could you please do everyone a favor and change your avatar? Seriously man, you are ruining the character. It's like everytime she passes by on character select, I think of you.
  6. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Do you think of Srider's sexy voice too?
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Heh - same thing here with me and Alex. It's kinda like this: "pffffft Ei- no... Srrrrider! uuurgh." If I say "Srider" to Catherine when she choses Eileen, she gets a little miffed and says "No, it's not Srider. Stop saying that."
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    [WrathX] All you need is Chuck.
    [WrathX] If Chuck Norris went to Evo2K7, he'd win by default.
    [n0ir] Caine only needs to play his flute to get all that. His flute is now at the museum in Paris guarded by 7 level security locks and constant video surveillance + armed ex-SWAT members.
    [Marauko] Jack Thompson sucks!!!!!!!!!
    [INCIDENT] Chuck Norris vs. Mr. T. Whose side are you on? Place your bets!
    [Marauko] Chuck Norris of course Mr T got pwned by Rocky Balboa xD
    [Coroo] LOL nice
    [x] [tonyfamilia] Bill Burr: "Mr. T coulda whipped Stallone's ass if he wanted to"
    [x] [tonyfamilia] "Stallone's never had a fight in his life""Mr. T. only lost cause it said to do that in the script"
    [_optimus_] stallone's ribs got broken my carl weathers while filming one of the fight scenes
    [_optimus_] by*
    [x] [tonyfamilia] that's what he gets for donating a statue of himself to philadelphia
    [_optimus_] not a stallone fan?
    [x] [tonyfamilia] lol, nah, it's just that after listening to bill burr i realized that he's got quite a few valid points
    [x] [tonyfamilia] bill burr, in philly "you got a statue of this guy, it's silly, rallying around a guy who doesn't even exist. he's a fictional character"
    [x] [tonyfamilia] "when your team scores a touchdown you guys play the theme from rocky, tanananan tanananan...
    [x] [tonyfamilia] "...i'm from boston, when our team scores we dont play the theme from cheers, *singing* making your way in the world today..." lol
    [_optimus_] nothing wrong with admiring characters from fiction
    [_optimus_] especially when there's not much to admire in fact ;P
    [Kay] I admire Tony Jaa.
    [x] [tonyfamilia] optimus, true, true. i would have worldwide vf adknowldgement day if i could
    [x] [tonyfamilia] kay, tony jaa is not fictional, he can actually fight, he would kick Mr. T's and Rocky's ass at the same time
    [x] [tonyfamilia] lol
    [Kay] I know, I was just offering up a non-fictional person to admire!
    [_optimus_] hmm I dunno he's an actor guys
    [_optimus_] same as stallonne
    [Kay] I think Tony Jaa could take Chuck Norris, cyclone-producing roundhouses be damned!
    [x] [tonyfamilia] tony jaa could put chuck norris in a head lock and have him trunk-raped by one of his elephants
    [Destro] I have to agree, Tony Jaa could beat that ass in epic, and hollywood proportions
    [Marauko] the SEGA Dreamcast was created after a Chuck Norris's nail
  9. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Back from the dead with you!

    [Fulaani] popehammer or something just cable pulled
    [Ash_Kaiser] booo
    [Fulaani] oh he just sent me a mess saying sorry and that he thinks his connection dropped or something.
    [Seidon] Tell him I said he sucks.
    [Ash_Kaiser] that's fair enough
    [Fulaani] hahaha you know hbim?
    [Seidon] no, but still, my opinion should be voiced.
    [Fulaani] lol
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [Yip] Plague i just want you to know, i adjusted my schedule so that i have thursdays off
    [Yip] and you move the meet to wednesday HAHA
    [CaliJared] idk if i'll be able to make it today =(
    [Plague] Just this time, man
    [CaliJared] but if i can get a car i'll be there
    [Plague] Two weeks from now it will be Thursday again
    [Yip] and then we have jared here trying to set me up
    [CaliJared] I'm gonna get a car GTA style
    [Plague] Jared - I hope you can get a car, then
    [Plague] Shit
    [Plague] I was gonna say GTA
    [Plague] I can't believe it
    [CaliJared] lol
    [Yip] HAHAHA WTF
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Epic bump!
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    [Cozby] badseed
    [Cozby] plz stop sweeping me
    [Cozby] on oki
    [Yip] Hi!
    [CarolinaPanther] yip yip....uh huh, uh huh
    [ACTIONBASTARD] if a kangaroo punched you in the face, would you punch it back?
    [CarolinaPanther] you mean assuming I'm still CONCIOUS?
    [MuayThaiFighter] hell no i woulden't hit it back probably get aressted haha
    [MuayThaiFighter] besides, its a kangaroo there too cool
    [CarolinaPanther] didn't come across the big ones when I was in Queensland, just the little one
    [CarolinaPanther] they crawled a lot, not hopped like i thought they would...surprising
    [ACTIONBASTARD] Myke should offer his advice, being the resident Steve Irwin here
    [CarolinaPanther] heh, what about KtotheG?
    [MuayThaiFighter] i miss that guy =(
    [CarolinaPanther] me too :sad:
    [ACTIONBASTARD] pshaw, Myke just logged off. He's probably punching kangaroos as we speak
    [MuayThaiFighter] man i use to watch him every day, i don't get it why must the good die that guy did alot for animals and i love animals </div></div>
  13. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">[SarahPaiFan[/size]] Someone should make a Sega vs Capcom.
    [Truesonic2k[/size]] I'd hit that.
    [AkiraZero[/size]] double dip that
    [Ladon[/size]] oh, how nice it would be to have a dick that could fit through a CD hole...
    [L_A[/size]] no thanks.. im happy with my dick
    [GodEater[/size]] and....there's something I thought I'd never hear on the shoutbox
    [Saramus_Prime[/size]] /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif </div></div>
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

  15. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">[SarahPaiFan] Zero-chan just bashed me and my avatar.
    [SarahPaiFan] I said in one of the threads and he bashed me for saying that my father is modding my EX2 stick.
    [SarahPaiFan] I mean in one of the threads he bashed me for saying that my father is modding my EX2 stick.
    [Beligerent_Feck] /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    [Beligerent_Feck] poor kristina
    [Monkeypunch] aye
    [Ash_Kaiser] Kristina, Zero-chan is a she
    [Monkeypunch] really?
    [Ash_Kaiser] yes
    [Tricky] what's with the two ladies having a cat fight?
    [Ash_Kaiser] who knows
    [MASTER_PAIN] -.-
    [Tricky] I hear most women don't like other women myabe there can only be one. Like cock fights
    [KoD] I hear women like to marry other women
    [Ash_Kaiser] I can't believe that that would ever happen
    [Ash_Kaiser] after all, gay relationships are immoral and unhealthy
    [Ash_Kaiser] according to sp00n, anyway
    [Cozby] KoD /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    [smb_is_me] there is nothing unhealthy about girl on girl action
    [smb_is_me] its the other gay this is unacceptable
    [Monkeypunch] lol already in shoutbox ftw
    [Cozby] when I was in LA, my bro said the oxygen there was gay
    [CobiyukiOS] Dosn't he mean SF?
    [CobiyukiOS] San Francisco?
    [ShinyBrentford] no mk vs. dc
    [Monkeypunch] praise the lord
    [ShinyBrentford] y
    [Monkeypunch] although saying that, if it isnt out it means darth will still play vf5...
    [CobiyukiOS] oh noes where's his death star?
    [ShinyBrentford] we r still talking about him
    [Monkeypunch] of course he's a legend
    [ShinyBrentford] legendary shithead
    [SarahPaiFan] I joined 8wayrun. Sure there are some spoiled whiners on the site. But other than that, it's fine.
    [CobiyukiOS] Jedi of dissing (disconnecting)
    [tonyfamilia] Shiny B, you're not typing in caps! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    [Monkeypunch] i played a puller on SF2 today, i pretty much battered him with some lame combo's and he pulled before end of first round
    [tonyfamilia] Kristina, I hope they treat you better than the horrible people at vfdc
    [CobiyukiOS] That's GOOD! End of first round, could be worse. [Monkeypunch] thankyou kristina for your valueble analysis of fighting game communities, where would we be without you?
    [Ash_Kaiser] yeah
    [Ash_Kaiser] we're all really mean
    [Monkeypunch] lol tony
    [tonyfamilia] you're better off going to some other fight game site, the people here are horrible
    [Ash_Kaiser] fuck you, Tony
    [Ash_Kaiser] and fuck everyone else as well
    [Monkeypunch] go play rise of the robots... lol is there a community for that??
    [tonyfamilia] you will get way better treatment at other "more mature" fight-game sites
    [Ash_Kaiser] Monkey, you remember I gave a cry of pain from the hotel bathroom when someone mentioned that game?
    [tonyfamilia] no, Ash, you may not fuck me
    [Ash_Kaiser] I just did it again
    [tonyfamilia] XD
    [Monkeypunch] lol yeah ash, was meee
    [Monkeypunch] i fucking love that game
    [Ash_Kaiser] that's it, I'm creating a RotR site
    [Ash_Kaiser] and it'll be the kindest, most polite and mature site eva
    [CobiyukiOS] Homer Simpson at Clown College
    [CobiyukiOS] at work
    [CobiyukiOS] in real life
    [Ash_Kaiser] Rise of the pissing Robots
    [Ash_Kaiser] what the hell was that
    [Ash_Kaiser] why did it exist?
    [Ash_Kaiser] Rise of the pissing Robots
    [Ash_Kaiser] what the hell was that
    [Ash_Kaiser] why did it exist?
    [CobiyukiOS] right here
    [Monkeypunch] lol there was a RotR 2
    [Ash_Kaiser] yeah
    [Ash_Kaiser] with a Brian May tune
    [CobiyukiOS] Making a RotR site is easy... getting customers is the hard part.
    [CarolinaPanther] Aoi SMASH! Aoi BASH! Aoi take vacation!
    [CobiyukiOS] Wait, where would Aoi go?
    [Ash_Kaiser] everyone would come though
    [Ash_Kaiser] it's Rise of the Robots
    [Beligerent_Feck] lol
    [Beligerent_Feck] i'd sign up straight away
    [SarahPaiFan] What people are horrible?
    [Beligerent_Feck] horrible ones maybe
    [CarolinaPanther] Aoi would go with SarahPaiFan and bash NAMCO and TECMO, she wouldn't -_- :p /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    [CarolinaPanther] Aoi would go to SNK/Playmore and talk reversal strategy with Kasumi Todoh and Geese
    [Ash_Kaiser] while scoffing at the DOA folks
    [Ash_Kaiser] "look at them and their generic reversals"
    [CarolinaPanther] heh
    [CarolinaPanther] actually, I don't MIND DOA's reversals, just the fact that you can use it as a "true combo" Breaker
    [Ash_Kaiser] yeah
    [CarolinaPanther] having said that, DOA characters would get ate up in a VF world without some revising
    [CobiyukiOS] Doesn't the Supervisor look like Dural?
    [CarolinaPanther] Supervisor?
    [CobiyukiOS] From RotR
    [Ash_Kaiser] boss of Rise of the Robots
    [CarolinaPanther] oh
    [INCIDENT] I was just thinking about that
    [CarolinaPanther] there was this fighting game on SNES called "Balls" I think
    [INCIDENT] and also the sad fact that I've played that piece of crap ontop of the sequel
    [INCIDENT] Yeah, I played that one too
    [CarolinaPanther] yeah, it was the SF bandwagon, then the MK bandwagon, then VF
    [CarolinaPanther] and half of the DUMBASSes out there seem to forget that VF came BEFORE Tekken
    [Ash_Kaiser] those are the same people that think "Oh, Tekken has more characters, so it must be better"
    [CarolinaPanther] I always thought that the KOF series had the best variety of characters
    [CarolinaPanther] I mean as far as NOT being palette swaps anyway :p
    [CobiyukiOS] And it has kangaroos, bears, crazy old man that doesn't die, family feud. "Oh this must be a winner!"
    [CobiyukiOS] The fact is, VF improved my Tekken skills!
    [Beligerent_Feck] Ash remember how fascinated matt was with the tekken 6 cab?
    [Saramus_Prime] kristina owned again???
    [CarolinaPanther] I think she went "stealth mode," Prime
    [Saramus_Prime] no she went to PWND mode
    [Beligerent_Feck] Zer0kage you there?
    [Saramus_Prime] /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    [Ash_Kaiser] oh yes, Feck, yes I do
    [CarolinaPanther] she ACTUALLY didn't come out bashing Namco this time around
    [Beligerent_Feck] that was funny Ash, where's he been?!
    [CarolinaPanther] I went to Tekken DR (PS3) for a short spar, was doing alright 'till I tried dodging -_-</div></div>

    Read Like a sitcom. I might do it sometime.
  16. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3

    [Saramus_Prime] unless this is a pic of you, i dont wanna see it
    [PompousKristina] You're sick.
    [Saramus_Prime] /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    [PompousKristina] You're a sexual predator.
    [PompousKristina] And they're a serious problem.
    [Saramus_Prime] /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif go ME! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
    [Saramus_Prime] where's chris hanson?
  17. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    [Beligerent_Feck] and darthminion was the one who got the 1 \:\(
    [africanmadman] A "black list".... Real original guys.....
    [africanmadman] Since I'm "black" in the first place...
    [africanmadman] And what's a subaki?
    [TheUgg] a subaki is a type of vegetable traditionally used in african cooking
    [deathsushi] I love a hearty subaki
    [Blackula] lol
    [Blackula] sup peeps
    [Kaminari_Oyaji] Where the hell is my R?
    [Kaminari_Oyaji] \:\)
    [Blackula] Same place my R is.
    [Blackula] non existant \:\(
  18. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    [MAtteoJHDY] whoever made that game is the spawn of satan, the anti-crist
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] we have come to CHALLENGE you to MORTAL KOMBAT!! -_-
    [africanmadman] Agh, i need a beer.
    [africanmadman] It was cute whern it was just you guys acrewing with me, but it seems that every dickhead that can slap together 2 kicks in a row is spamming my ass....
    [africanmadman] Aww crap-in-a-hat... they locked up my thread..... oh well...
    [Ash_Kaiser] that's because it was getting stale
    [Ash_Kaiser] you can't flog a dead horse after all
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] what up Ash?
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] the horse was never alive to begin with
    [africanmadman] Nor can you make it into dog food.
    [Ash_Kaiser] not much, Panther
    [africanmadman] We've been through this already.
    [Ash_Kaiser] just being lazy and unemployed
    [Ash_Kaiser] they'd never make you into dog food, AMM
    [Ash_Kaiser] you've got disease
    [africanmadman] lol
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] there's always ducking down and low-punching....Adru
    ptPaddy does that and wins
    [Ash_Kaiser] it's depressing really, isn't it
    [africanmadman] And speaking ofPaddy, he DC on me last night.
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] fought Darthminion yet, Madman?
    [africanmadman] and that's a first, and I was going to get low on health and ring myshelf out
    [africanmadman] yep, and got CREAMED.
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] lol, damn...this is a historic moment folks \:D
    [africanmadman] ?
    [Beligerent_Feck] you need better jumping out of the rings skillz madman
    [MAtteoJHDY] africa got VF4 evo?
    [africanmadman] amnd i play H. Friend in playermatch, Jesus... I rung out just to run away from his ass.
    [MAtteoJHDY] go training before you get flamed
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] don't feel bad Madman, most of us here usually think about running from Happy Friend
    [africanmadman] Yes Beli, i'm beginning to noticed who is and is not a MEMBER of VFDC by the way to try to keep me in the ring.
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] don't :p
    [africanmadman] And another thing, People are asking me on-line if I'm the person in VFDC and if I'm using more then one account on XBL.
    [africanmadman] The answer is NO, because I ain't the money to pay for 2 subscriptions.
    [x] [CarolinaPanther] can't for the life of me figure out why they'd DO something like that
    [Ash_Kaiser] you have to spend it on medication, right?
    [africanmadman] I don't know as well, plus I did some google and everything seems fine.
  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    <s>AMM still frequents the site? And participates on random shoutbox shoutouts? Man that's almost sad, a guy dedicating so much time into a game, into anything really, and not making it past the fundamentals. It's like taking a 6-month course in, dunno, swimming and still sinking like a rock when you hit the pool /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif</s>
    On second thought, i'm not one to talk, playing CvS2 without being able to do two QCFs in a row... thank god for Yamazaki's OP roundhouse!
  20. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    The way he walks, the way he talks give me the impression he never had ANY VF fundamentals to begin with -_-

    Like someone once said, "Why do you even play the game?"

    I can't talk...I can't stay afloat in a pool unless I constantly stay in motion -_-

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