So about that Super Street Fighter IV, eh?

Discussion in 'General' started by Zero-chan, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Hakan loves his daughters, they're all so pretty. His character is the only character that has "no homo" written all over it.
  2. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    What's up with people yelling "homo" on everything all around the place these days...

    Lying down on people, squeezing them, spinning on top of them and whatnot is what wrestling does... All kinds of wrestling, really - Greco-Roman, judo, BJJ, apparently yagli-gures as well. Squeezing people *out* of those holds only adds the SF's typical over-the-topness, just like Abel with his judo-based throws spins the opponent three times before slamming them, or jumps ten feet in the air. What's homosexual, or *sexual* for that matter, about squeezing people with force? I don't suppose breaking another's ribs is accepted foreplay in most countries.

    When you're on the mats (or wherever you fight) you don't treat your opponent as a "sexual object", there are his arms and legs and his center of gravity and that's all. Then you fight. <- isn't it beautiful? That's what Hakan's spin reminds me of [​IMG] . Wish more people would just appreciate one's skill and control instead of all the "lying on top of dudes, ewwww" mindset... it's so juvenile.

    Gender or w/e doesn't really matter (of course you don't wrestle weaker opponents with full force, whether they are male or female), it's just another human being whom you should respect for stepping up to fight/practice with you, instead of having inappropriate thoughts of any kind.
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Dude Honestly.. shut the fuck up and stop being so sensitive about streetfighter. Wolf 2p+k side switch follow up is the same fucking thing but it looks way more manly so dont go there. This Motherfucker blatanly holds you to Squeeze you out from under his legs or in his arms for some gay comic theme shock value. His attacks looks corny likes he just a throw in for shock value. That Video you post show dudes Getting it in for the sake of grappling, positioning and aply holds. Too Bad this Motherfucker douses himself with baby oil like Semen with no cool ass grapples period. You could've gave his spot to somebody more deserving (I say R.Mika for her power and sexiness since SF4 is lacking grapplers.)

    Please don't get defensive over this game to the point where you see red when someone mentions their opinion that you can agree with.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'm suprised no one even mentioned the oil in all that...
  5. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Haha, "manly", eh? Come on now, I'm not getting sensitive or defensive or anything else. I'm an amateur wrestler. I see Hakan's moves, and I think "damn, that's neat. Also, funny". You see his oil and apparently think "gay", ok then, but you do realize there's a whole sport like that? (it's olive oil btw) , see it for what you will.

    Cool is in the eye of the beholder, Hakan rocks for me. Feel free to hate the game, I feel for you that Mika's not in (I wouldn't mind Elena and Rolento myself) but don't snap at me, sheesh. Does it hurt to be polite on a forum?

    EDIT: By the way, I wasn't bashing you or your opinion or whatever... Just wondering what's up with people (plural being the key here) being so quick to call "gay" on non-sexually themed stuff these days. I doubt Hakan was created for "gay shock value", at least never heard any of the designers saying that. It's a legitimate sport shown in a cartoony way, no need to get all sensitive and firing up gaydars imo [​IMG] .
  6. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Hakan, like the rest of SSFIV, is designed for infants and teenagers, casual players and scrubs. He, just like the rest of SSFIV, is not meant to be taken seriously. He is intentionally comedic to fit in with SSFIV's overall Looney Tunes style.

    SSFIV isn't primarily a competitive or serious fighting game. This isn't VF, GG, or ST. The emphasis is on goofy characters, huge flashy combos, and in-your-face presentation. If you like the ridiculous and silly characters in SSFIV then go ahead and play them. You are the person that SSFIV is designed for.

    If you like serious fighters then why are you playing or paying attention to SSFIV in the first place? Because it's popular? Because it's new? Why not just go back to ST or VF or whatever?

    Even the most exciting SFIV matches I find very boring and SSFIV will be no different for me. The only hype for SFIV is when someone famous is playing (Daigo) or when a lot of money or a championship is on the line (EVO). Even then I found the SBO SFIV matches to be sleep inducing. They sucked. And watching casual SFIV footage is like watching paint dry for me. But I could watch casual ST or VF play all day because I like the gameplay and find it exciting.

    SSFIV is going to suck just like SFIV. I'm not going to torture myself into playing the game because it's popular. I'd rather play ST or VF with a smaller group of hardcore players than SSFIV with an army of scrubs and kids.

    The FG scene is watering itself down so much it's so pathetic. HDR and SSFIV have replaced stuff like ST, 3S, and CvS2. Sega give us VF5:FS so I can really put SSFIV out of sight and out of mind please.
  7. Duck_King

    Duck_King Well-Known Member

    Third Strike was the last true SF game in my opinion.
  8. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    I play it because I find it fun [​IMG] ! Seriously, what better reason to play a game?

    Guys from my Japanese judo club would sometimes drag out the TV we had in the back of the dojo, N64 (in 2009) and play some Mario Kart 64 or Smash Bros. The club Captain, a manly mofo with 17 years experience in judo would often spend time playing Pokemon on DS, because it was fun for them.

    If a game is fun, why not play it? Regardless if one prefers "serious" fighters, tetris or flattening dudes on the mats otherwise. Sure, it's not for everyone, but... don't be hatin' [​IMG] !
  9. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I consider it to be a great game back then but dunno about "true SF". I think many agree (since most of them convinced me of this lol), that 3S isn't very SF at all. Jumping with no real penalty, no emphasis on reversals really and lack of zoning with projectiles really makes it a whole 'nother game.
  10. shidai360

    shidai360 New Member

    Hakan looks pretty damn awesome to me!
  11. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member


    I agree and I disagree. 3 is not a traditional SF in many ways; which is a good thing tbh. The series was becoming stale in the late 90s and needed a change, 3 just happened to be that change. A lot of people want the series to stay the way it has always been. To them I say play SF:Anniversary or HDremix. I play HDremix every now and then. Totally different game, but maintains all the things that made ST good (imo reversals).

    IMO 4 tries to be too many SFs in one game. It does not have an identity of it's own, nor play like it.

    My fault, I forgot to mention what I disagree on. People are correct when they say 3 does not have a major reversal or zoning game. Parry's are a major counter and really make doing reversals useless. However, 3 does have a projectile game, it is just not applied the same way as in ST. Of course, you can parry, but with mix-ups and EXs it can be a great pressuring tool. Mixing up your assault with EX fireball's is a great way to throw off your opponent. Remember in 3S option select is your friend.
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    The FADC and ultra man. The last card you got, so gotta land that shit even if it costs you your whole meter. Im not even gonna bother trying to tech a throw on a shoto w/ 2 meters. Uppercuts ROOL

    I think what makes SF4 like ST is not only the spacing play but the patience required at high levels. The impatient guy, is the cracked, demoralized, sad guy, and he always loses.
  13. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member


    Honestly if you want to get into that, I read recently on
    iplaywinner that Daigo had a problem with the back dash in 4 stating that the game needs a character stat meter (ie. stun or block), and I believe Ono did reply to that saying he wanted to give players time to back out of their mistakes, and to take their time.

    I have been saying the former since the games been out. Adding character meters be it stun or guard would make the game less defensive and force players go forward instead of back. Not to mention far more interesting matches.
  14. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Daigo said that the defensive options were too strong in SFIV. He specifically commented that the backwards dash has too much invincibility and encourages runaway styles of play and limits the options of the attacker. Ono totally wimped out with his response and essentially said "Daigo is so much better than most players that only he notices how defensive SFIV and it doesn't bother intermediate players". Ono basically said that beginner to intermediate levels of play are too basic to recognize how defensive and sluggish SFIV is. Ono is right that casual and scrub players aren't experienced enough in other fighting games to see how slow SFIV is.

    Edit: Review copies are floating around so expect reviews and YouTube footage sooner than later.
  15. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I agree for the most part, throw tech is pretty free until it starts getting punished. Ryu can also cross up tatsu-super early ones. When playing as Chun-Li sometimes her only reliable option is backdash, ex bird is stuffable.

    I think Tekken is equally defensive though, in their own ways. In VF you can attack more if you want
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Cozby you been playing SF4 all this time eh? When are you are gonna come get some? i have play that game in ages but im quite sure my Guile could use the practice.
  17. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    I'm been playing street fighter 4 alot guys! i hope to see everyone playing super street fighter 4! invite me! so we can have some matches! i suck at this game but is trying,lets do this!
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    ST or VF? That's a small world you just painted for fighting game fans; especially in the US. If after more than 15 years of fighters or that's all I'm allowed to play "seriously" then I might as start cup stacking.

    At least it would be easier to find competition.
  19. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Way to purposefully ignore the 'whatever' part, dipshit. There are plenty of other FGs to play other than VF and ST that aren't SSFIV. And there are competitive players on VFDC, SRK, TZ, DL, MB, that will play lots of games other than SSFIV.

    Play whatever you want. But people playing SSFIV, simply because it's popular, as if there are no alternatives, is laughable. SSFIV isn't the only fighting game with competition. Go cup stack.
  20. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Daigo said that the defensive options were too strong in SFIV. He specifically commented that the backwards dash has too much invincibility and encourages runaway styles of play and limits the options of the attacker. Ono totally wimped out with his response and essentially said "Daigo is so much better than most players that only he notices how defensive SFIV and it doesn't bother intermediate players". Ono basically said that beginner to intermediate levels of play are too basic to recognize how defensive and sluggish SFIV is. Ono is right that casual and scrub players aren't experienced enough in other fighting games to see how slow SFIV is.

    Edit: Review copies are floating around so expect reviews and YouTube footage sooner than later.</div></div>

    I don't agree with Ono's statement at all. Anybody who has been playing 3 or hell even past SFs knows this, if not intuitively. I mean what would you say as a game creator if one of the biggest known faces on both shores makes a statement like that? You of course, issue a damage control, you can't have everybody thinking something like that.

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