So You Lost Again in Virtua Fighter

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Three button moves are generally reserved for taunts in Tekken, though it wasn't always that way, it still holds. You absolutely can't fuck up pressing 3 buttons simultaneously in VF, you can fuck up pressing 2 buttons simultaneously in Tekken. Also absolutely just mashin on buttons will get you somewhere only with Hwoarang, Baek, Eddy, Christie and Tiger (might forget someone) against people who don't know what they are doing.
    I also wasn't talking about 10-strings but they do sum up my original point abpit strings, you can't just input it, you have to time it right. Even with 3-5 hit strings.

    As for Unicorns input on Tekken having lower sales than expected I guess that is kind of understandable (surpring to me though). There were a lot of fighters out past 2 years and fighting game fans aren't going to buy them all. I'd also guess Namco made surpricing sales with SC5? I can't be arsed to dig up the info on that. People seemed pretty hyped up about it so I'd guess it selled pretty well.

    Also, for that Aoi firsttimer point;I lost my first FS tournament to a Tekken palyer who picked up Aoi when the game came out. Sure the guy does play multiple FG's so learning is easier but come on, you're giving FS learning curve way too much credit.

    It's way simpler than VF has ever been berore.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  2. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    In Tekken you can hold 1, press 2, and get 1+2. I never miss these!
  3. Jacko

    Jacko Well-Known Member

    Everyone is going to have their viewpoints on competition. The ideal way for competitors to be hardcore and STILL have fun with the game, is to help each other grow through PLAYING. In this day and age, there's more dodging because people are playing via internet and people have too much pride. Also, people care waaay too much about winning. Yes, winning is an accomplishment, depending on the situation (FT10, MM, Tourney)...but in casuals? I think casuals are best use to experiment and try out different things. So what if you lose? You're learning in the process.

    Players care too much about the W, and when they lose they come up with every excuse in the book. They're neglecting their improvement because they are looking at the FACT that they lost as opposed to WHY they lost. What did THEY do wrong? Y'know?

    And people dickride @Lucky_GT too much. I'm sorry. It's one thing to respect the man and acknowledge his growth and skill, but when a man posts "I'll have to win this time", regarding SegaCup2014, there should not be ANY likes...especially if you're GOING. You should say "Not last time and not this time, sucka". Respect, but aspire to surpass. That's what true competition is.
  4. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    This... I couldn't have said this better.
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I liked his post because he was the only person to play all 3 JP's in the tournament and instead of losing and having a self-defeating attitude I admired that he has the confidence to say he will come out on top this time. That doesn't mean that I was selling myself short and thinking he will win it all though. Going to Sega Cup is a big commitment for me, of course I want to do my best and come out on top!
    Ellis likes this.
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    GT is as free as everyone else. He's just smart about it though. He changed the meta for how we play. Vf is still about guessing, but we don't even have to guess nearly as hard anymore.

    If you have poor risk/reward, it's nearly impossible to win vs. a good opponent. The numbers won't add up.
    MarlyJay and Kamais_Ookin like this.
  7. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    You're holding the right buttons everytime you need a 2 button move in a neutral situation? Now that's planning ahead!

    Seriously though, 2 simultaneous button presses in Tekken is more challenging than 3 button presses in VF. Are you even trying to argue that or just trying to be a smartass?
    3 button presses aren't happening a much at all in TTT2 but they are by far more demanding than the ones in VF (dash in to Bryan's taunt from neutral comes to mind first from former Tekken games).
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    I don't have trouble with 2 button presses in Tekken. IDK MAYBE ITS JUST ME. With that, I miss simultaneous presses as much in both games, which isn't too often. I use the buffer trick in Tekken whenever I can, definitely.

    The only practical three button press afaik is Bryan's taunt, but players buffer that often, even into itself.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  9. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Jeez. Guess I kinda went offtopic there but...

    Point is 3 button presses in VF are easy as fuck. Just slap at stick/ pad and there you go. I think I've missed like 5 of those during all the time I've played VF and probably all of those were because allnighters made my wrist cramp a bit. A skill anyone should be able to learn (as per my original quotation).

    2 button presses in Tekken are way harder thatn 3 button presses in VF. Me nailing 3 button presses from neutral in Tekken all the time when I was actively playing it doesn't make it any easier compared to VF's very lenient window for doing 3 simultaneous button presses. I'd also argue that 2 simultaneous buttons in Tekken is harder than 3 in VF. Since you play both of the games you should obviously know that by experience by now.
  10. Dollar Yen

    Dollar Yen Active Member

    - the fun part about dick-riding is that, in reality, the hero ALWAYS falls. But I do agree with that idea of not going hard whenever someone's name is called. Ruins it for them and everyone else. I like it when top teir players, as well as my own friends, fail: it shows more character than seeing them come up and winning all the time. Streaks have to end. Reminds me of seeing my long time buddy lose, on the first round, in his first Super SFIV major, but nearly a decade back, embarassed a Ken guy in Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact with a Urien Aegis Reflector x 2 + chariot charge finisher at a local arcade. It's necessary because it's that reminder than the game is bigger than your block and you still have work to do.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
  11. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I have trouble supercharging in Tekken, and I use 1+2 and 3+4 shortcuts on shoulder buttons. Bryan's taunt works ok but even then I have to hold 1 and press the 3+4 shortcut. No way in hell to get these inputs without shortcuts on pad, not to even mention cross inputs (2+3, 1+4) Even regular throws fucks up sometimes and 1+3 is easy to press with your thumb.

    P+K+G in VF? No problem, just press P + K+G shortcut, works everytime. P+G? just press square and x with my thumb, works 100%. Tekken input buffer sucks.

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