SoCal VF5 in 2007 and beyond

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Plague, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Here's what's up for this week VF-wise...

    Tuesday night: Meet at AI around 8pm for retro VF:FT action!

    Thursday night: VF5 at Plague's House from 7:00 pm till Midnight. L_A_Akira[/size] plans to attend as Friday night (see below) doesn't work for him. Please come to show him and YOSUKE[/size] a good night of VF. We have one set-up and room for more if people want to bring them.

    Friday night: Let's play VF5 at Plague's house from 7:00 pm till whenever the hell we want! I'll bring home two monitors so please bring your PS3s, VF5 discs, and sticks. This will allow for at least three setups. There's room for more if people want to bring FULL set-ups.
  2. firstpressing

    firstpressing Member

    One question. Is Friday night in Azusa or Riverside?
  3. JC_Media

    JC_Media Well-Known Member

    Hey everyone! Really appreciate your enthusiasm about the events of the weekend. I spoke with Plague today...anyone planning on attending the event on Sunday - PLEASE REGISTER! is getting nervous about the slow going pre-registration. You do not have to pre-pay to pre-register.

    Good news: The Grand Finals for VF5 will be presented on stage! The schedules are up for the event on the site as well.

    We are also going to have 8 set-ups for VF 5 !!!

    Look forward to seeing everyone out there.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Oops! I forgot to mention that part. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif It's in Riverside. I have fixed the previous post.
  5. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    /me groans[/size] /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  6. superivian

    superivian New Member

    hey whats up everyone. Not a regular AI goer but do happen upon the arcade every once in a while for some 3s play. I got bored one time because of the huge line and started playing VF4, and picked shun di because I'd heard stories.

    To my surprise I had a hell of a fun time with him. Had a friend bring over his ps3 as he had told me he had just bought VF5 played shun di there and was mashed to death by his jacky. To no avail I tried to play him intelligently and no counter mashing.

    So here's what I'm saying, I want in.

    I really want to learn this game, even if it means driving to riverside or azusa the way you guys all do. Hell if things turn out well, and everyone's down, I might be able to host some of the meetings at my place, or ask my friend and see if he's willing, because I know he wants to get better at the game too. (He's the jacky masher.)

    So yeah, I read that this scene doesn't have that hardcore player attitude and I'm hoping that's true, because if given a chance, and a finger pointed in the right direction I know I can learn quick.

    so yeah my name is lenin, if any of you are 3s players that happen upon ffa or ai in the 3s area you might know me.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    As far as I'm concerned, you're in. That's the kind of attitude that helps the scene grow. You're welcome to show up tomorrow or Friday night for VF5. Get the address from this post.

    Tomorrow night ends at midnight 'cause I want to go to work with my brain somewhat in order. Friday night ends whenever.
  8. firstpressing

    firstpressing Member

    I'm going to Friday night definitely (as in cutting out of work early), since it's cutting too close to the actual tournament and I've yet to actually get a feel for 5.

    See you at 11, most likely with a VSHG.
  9. kaiyouske

    kaiyouske Active Member

    I'd like to go Friday, but my work hours were recently changed so that I got off at 11pm. By the time I drive from Santa Monica to Riverside, it would be around 12am. Soooo...I probably won't be able to attend these gatherings until our crunch time is over.... :cry:
  10. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Saturday my place Azusa come when you can. I expect a low turn out but plenty of VF fun.

    PM for number and directions
  11. TVo

    TVo New Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    anyone have AIM?
  12. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    yes juicypiecz is me
  13. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

  14. JC_Media

    JC_Media Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007


    Over $50,000 in door prizes will be given away for those who PRE-REG for the tournaments !! Even those who do not enter a tournament, (only pre-reg for a day pass for $5) are eligible !!!

  15. superivian

    superivian New Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007


    friday is a go but I have a 3rd strike tournament satruday so I'll likely be a no show then.

    so friday is riverside then...I'll likely head out over there with about 20 bucks, hope that gets me through the day.
    I'll be the dude with the mole on his right cheek. I'm down for any practice and/or tips anyone can give, because you bet your ass I'm going to join up in the tournament if I'm going to be driving 45 minutes. :-D but yeah hope to make friends and join the community with relative ease. (relative ease, refers to the 3s community, which is full of dicks, but I made it in just fine.)
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Good nights of VF! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Big thanks to all the players who came out over the last two nights. It was great to have L_A_Akira, Ken_I, Matt_K, firstpressing, [/size]Woody (Dennis), over here for some massive VF5 and KS4 viewing with YOSUKE, HowBoutSum[/size] (Catherine, my wife, finally registered because she wants to know when new dojo posts are made /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ), and myself.

    It was awesome to watch firstpressing[/size] pick up new stuff over the few hours he was here. Also very very nice of Matt_K[/size] and L_A_Akira[/size] to haul set-ups along with them.

    Now the week of madness is upon us! Man, this is going to be insane. People will begin arriving Wednesday night and the crazyness kicks off then and there. SoCal locals, veterans and newcomers alike, make sure to join in for the VF5 festivities. Come over, have fun, contribute your VF5 setup (PS3, VF5 disc, and sticks) so visitors can get all the games they could possibly want. The fridge is stocked with soda and the doors open Wednesday night. Play till your hands fall off!

    Thank you so much,

  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    My apologies for not showing up. I made the mistake of going home to relax for a bit and the 2nd most comfortable sofa took me and I fell asleep...long week /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Anyways, my place is open for anyone that want to show up and play today SATURDAY 3/24.

    Just call me ), PM, or IM me if yuor interested in showing up

    IM onfo:
    yahoo IM: brisal714
    AIM: Brisal25

    I will be on and away from my computer all day. So I will be around.

  18. Mikey2x4

    Mikey2x4 Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    AIM: mikeymikey2x4

    I expect much yelling at for countlessly missing out on events. But... I'm all set for this weekends madness.
  19. JC_Media

    JC_Media Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    Good luck to everyone who is going to the LAN 2007 event in Anaheim this weekend.

    We are flying in tomorrow to make sure everything is perfect for you guys.

    If you have any last minute questions, feel free to post up in the thread or email

    See everyone this weekend !!
  20. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal VF4:FT in 2007

    For those that don't know, I still write for random magazines from time to time...right now, I write for Geek Monthly - and I'm angling for a story on the slightly-underground gaming community - most notably, the ravenous fighting game players, whose yearlong focus culminates every year at Evo!


    Anyway...just thought that if I was going to disappear constantly, at least I could offer up some interesting info.

    Hope everyone's doing well - sorry I haven't been able to make anything recently!

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