Someone Tell Sega before it's too late.

Discussion in 'General' started by powerincarnate, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Yeah Feck you're right...

    Yeah people did stick with TTT and not really ditch it, my bad... But barely anybody outside the US played Tekken 4... The year it was out, I just happened to be traveling to Japan, Hong Kong, and Korea, and in all the arcades I went to, TTT got more play... In fact, in Korea, there was only 1 T4 machine on the first floor, and in the second floor was nothing but TTT machines, all set at 30 seconds with the damage set to max...

    I could've sworn a bunch of people getting VF4 simply because T4 sucked so bad...

    IGN is like Fox News to me... A 3 ring circus!!!
  2. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Heh, just saying that were the reviews that game generally got. Just a random search: IGN 9.0, gamespot 8.4, gamepro 4.5/5 and another 4.5/5 from the users...

    Don't know about Japan, but in Europe people seemed to only play Tekken as well. I remember reviews in gaming press were never lower than 8.5 and quite often 9+/10 at the time... hardly what one would expect from the crappy game it is remembered as today [​IMG] !
  3. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think it got those marks just because its Tekken, and you've got casual gamers reviewing them... Hell, even Game Informer is suspect of doing crap like that... They have these people that "specialize" in a few genres, and they put their insight in a game review... Some are on point, whereas others are just straight up "meh"... That's how games like FFXIII get this really great score, when it shouldn't have, and games like White Knight Chronicles or Vanquish get mediocre scores, but should've been at least a bit better than that... I can't knock them totally though, because they do have multiple scores from 1 or 2 other reviewrs for each game...

    Anyway, I hope Sega starts opening up like SNK is... Japanese game developers constantly lose to outsider developers because of a bunch of things-- but one of those things is communication...
  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    remember the reviews for the first No more heroes on game informer 6/10. All the reviews are now is just a bunch of guys waiting to jack off on the next big Halo/COD/WoW. After that I don't pay intention to reviews anymore and just review it myself.
  5. biquiba

    biquiba Well-Known Member

    Aaahh guy, when Lion says "i won't lose" is really annoying! But I think the real probem is the dubber, wich means they don't need to fire the dubber(well, maybe they need). the real problem there is the dubbing direction.
  6. biquiba

    biquiba Well-Known Member

    Also, the qoutes. they really have an issue about their quotes. El Blaze's "My body is an unstoppable weapon" is one of the most laughable fighting quotes ever! What saves the day there is the fact that, laughables quotes just fit well stylish and extravagant characters, making those quotes funny! Wich is really different from serious minded Ryu's laughable quote "Shoes? I surely can afford them. I go barefoot for comfort". Of course it was intented to be a funny quote, but it really is ridiculous coming from Ryu, even after Capcom making him a bit more friendly instead of that completely stereotyped "Japanese warrior"
  7. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    What are you talking about? The Bad one liners is what gives this game personality. "What a knuckle head"
  8. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    Might sound crazy but maybe Sega are waiting? I mean SSF4AE is coming soon and KOF13 just after, then there's that SC5 website. Is there a chance they could be waiting for a time when FS can get released and not go head to head with another fighter on the market?
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    It's been four years since R came out?

    That's quite the wait, especially as fighting games regained a lot of popularity around the same time as R's release.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    3 years its been And we actually waitied that long. I feel so used and dirty.
  11. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    Indeed very true, but it's only been since SF4's release that fighters have come back on the map. Maybe Sega want to make some money back on the arcade version and then wait for a hole in the console market so to speak.

    I dunno I just want the game to get the release it so richly deserves.
  12. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    Then ban me for speaking my opinion and ranting. How many games came out? Marvel vs Capcom 3( at least it came out) Mortal Kombat 9, Super Street Fighter 4 3ds and Arcade Edition. Even the franchise that I hate is coming with new stuff( Tekken tag Tournament 2). Even King of Fighters is coming out with a new game. Like I said Sega is dead and it is too late.
  13. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Wasn't ranting what you did when you were here long before? Then you come back resurrecting an old thread to rant, or not even to rant, but to provide a three word sentence contributing nothing of value? Let it go already.
  14. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    And what???? So you're saying that YOU can't basically keep Sega alive by getting active and playing VF5??? I mean Capcom heads have been playing 3S and they didn't get a SF that wasn't EX in a long time... I believe EX3 was the last "SF-esque" game that was released for awhile, but people were still playing SF3, even during the long gap... Were people crying about a SF4??? Sure, but not straight up saying "Capcom is dead"... Same goes for the DOA cats and the pre-MK9 heads...

    Yo son, do you get on XBL and get crushed on VF??? I know I do... I'm juggling a few games right now, but I know you'll see me on it still... I know I try to get cats in my area on VF... Do you??? Sega's "dying" because of goofballs like you who get on all sites like this talking smack, then whenever Sega does (or if they ever) see this, they are justified as to why they don't communicate with the community outside Japan...

    Ok sure, we've all had our griping moments, but you know what??? For starters, its a moment, with you its "the song that never ends"... Second, we move on and continue to at least support Sega by simply playing the damn game, attempting to build/expand the community and lastly asking for a console port... There's things in between, but hopefully you get the gist...

    I mean, you don't hear me saying Capcom is dead because there's no JJBA2 on a CPS3 board, or SquareEnix is dead because there's no Tobal No.3... But I still play the mess outta those games... Hell, even if all we had was VF2, I'd be playing it... Just chill man, and do something positive for once... I mean even Itagaki praised Sega while hating on Tekken right??? Learn something from him at least...
  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Nobody owes Sega a god damn thing and he has all the right in the world to complain
  16. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

  17. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    No one said anything about Sega owing anyone anything... I'm simply saying its pointless to constantly complain about something, especially if that's ALL one does... Ok sure, everybody here damn near complained about VF4FT not coming out, but they stopped and got over it, and moved on, regardless of whether or not VF5 was coming out... Same with VF5R...
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    If you've never received Good Games you can shove any complaints you have up your arse [​IMG]
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    and at the very least Namco will tell you whats coming down the pike, even if it is years away. If Sega is planning a new console release of VF then its a secret. I would have rather had Sega say after VF5 console, there will be no more console releases [​IMG]
  20. GohReiMi

    GohReiMi New Member

    Okay, I'm new here, but I will say that I've played a lot more Tekken than VF which is a shame because I like VF sh*t tons more than Tekken...that being said, as a recovering Tekken player (I fired up VF again tonight for the first time in almost a year) here's two big things Sega can do to 'up the ante', if you will, against the other more popular franchises in terms of popularity:

    1.) Handheld version release. I played way more tekken simply because it's more accessible in the short bursts of time I rarely get now days. I don't get long periods of time to sit in front of a TV or try to hunt VF down in an arcade (which, by the way, the arcade presence of VF in the states is non-existant compared to Tekken...). When i'm taking a poop, I can play Tekken on my PSP. I understand Sega had toyed with the idea of a PSP release then canned it. I'm guessing AM2 are such perfectionists that some details were too big to ignore gameplay wise that would be changed in the release. Whatever...release it anyway. Any handheld. Handheld fighters in general are a good thing IMO. I also played lots of Guilty Gear because of it's availability on PSP.

    2.) Change the name and the character models but keep the gameplay and movelists identical and have a damn story of some sort that casual players would be interested in, make the music more edgy and the game overall have less of a 'home made' feel to it. When i say that, I mean that in comparison to other games, it's presentation seems like an afterthought. Some of the story sequences of DOA are ridiculously long and I know several fighting game players that dig the sh*t out of things like that. It gives them something to talk about when they're tired of talking about moves and strategies. It also brings more 'love' (for lack of better word) of their character to be somewhat emotionally invested in their trials and tribulations. The music also needs to be more gritty as well. Hearing a trumpet section blast off with some disco era nonsense doesn't really make for a heavy-feeling match. But getting back to the first part, though...the name Virtua Fighter is, in America to the casual fighter, synonymous with 'Boring', which is sad, but pretty much true. It's also known as 'sucky', 'lame' etc. And all this is due to the presentation it's had, or lack thereof. To truly break free of the shackles of unpopularity in the states, Virtua Fighter must shed itself of it's name and the characters you know them as now. The new revamped, remodeled and renamed characters should be move-for-move clones of existing VF characters, they should just not BE VF characters. Goh was a step in the right direction for VF character designs and a roster full of inspired designs like Goh in this new VF-clone would be quite a healthy change, would not break anything that players currently love about the gameplay and would likely (if Sega actually took a cue from Namco in the presentation department) whip the series back into the limelight in the states.

    That's just my two cents on the matter. Some other things that have hurt VF in the past have been system exclusivity to unpopular consoles and expensive-ass arcade machines (which I guess is what happens when you have Lockheed-Martin (who does DOD contracts, btw) designing your hardware). These past mistakes cannot be changed...but the image thing can be. I say NO to VF6 and YES to *as-of-yet-unnamed-sega-fighter*.

    Also, off topic, I wish there would have been a Last Bronx 2. That's my other favored Sega fighter...

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