Soul Calibur 4 for PS3 or 360?

Discussion in 'General' started by MystD, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    You can use a CF-based strat in SC4. I've landed a good number of them in online play, though it works better with some chars instead of others.
  2. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    I tend to end up in the red a lot online 'cause I block a lot. So bleeding off a little gauge here and there can be useful to me, and I don't consider myself better than mid level.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I don't think it matters that you can't parry throws... there's only two, and breaking seems really easy, they're already not useful even if they can't be parried.</div></div>It's more relevant as a post GI consideration. A lot of people tend to try to GI you right back. Before, a throw had all the strategic consideration that any attack offered in a post GI situation. It does add a wrinkle that wasn't present before. On top of that, you only have a 50/50 shot at breaking the throw (hit A or B and the break window slams shut), so they aren't useless. It's a matter of yomi. (Throws are still viable in tounament play, so I don't think you can write them off out of hand.)

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't play SC3 so I can't comment much on stepping, but it doesn't seem great in this game. Evades are pretty good, but that's more a property of there being lots of unblockables, plus I can't tell apart mid/high/low reliably yet. Back dash seems almost useless to me because it's so slow. </div></div>It's still not as solid as VF, but it's stronger than it's been.
  3. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    So your saying stepping is way better than 3, but not on par with 2? If you parry back, does that bring back the guard meter?
  4. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    ^Anytime you successfully GI, your Soul Gauge fills back up a little yeah. Also, the amount returned to your gauge is dependant on how well the GI was. Like if it's a Just Impact (I think that's what it's called. The red one lol), you'll regain even more back on your Soul Gauge.

    Also, I kinda like that the backdash in SC4 is kind of gimped. It adds a very forward approach to combat and creates a dynamic that seems to work well for SC.
  5. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    I didn't ever mean to imply they were useless. But my impression so far is that there isn't really a "grappler" character in SC, and in fact the engine couldn't really support that kind of play. Throws are a legitimate threat... but they just aren't all that strong, and even noobs seem to break them all the time, so it's hard to believe they're useful for expert players outside of a few specific nitaku-type situations.

    I guess for the stepping questions... my impression is that stepping was definitely nerfed compared to SC2, but it's pretty reasonable in the current incarnation, so maybe it needed the nerf. I think what SC4 has, works well for the game.

    Thanks for the tip that only one throw escape is valid. Hadn't figured that out yet. There's so many engine details I wish I knew, and the list grows longer the more I play;;
  6. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Only played a few matches online with the 360 version but I noticed a lot of love for Maxi (as in, a Lot). Also one guy that played apprentice who's sole tactic seemed to revolve around trying to ringout people with a throw or lighting strike them from afar. Of course that noob lost all his matches.

    I'm more suprised I haven't seen anyone else using custom characters so far though. I like my own creations a lot more then the default cast so I use em whenever I can. (Awesome soul caliber feature is awesome)

    Aside from the whole online portion, im new to SC and this game feels seriously wierd to me at times. I hate the whole wakeup/tech roll situation you get when you are down and the way throws seem to catch you through a lot of attacks. (Are all throws catch throws or something?) And what I also dont get is: I can block a whole string, try to counter attack and still have the enemy beat me to it. This doesn't feel good at all.
  7. WickN00b

    WickN00b Well-Known Member

    yeah I dont get it either. I guess I need to figure out what the fastest attacks are because theres obviously no elbows or standing p.
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    Very good point. In fairness I'm judging online fighters by Tekken DR online (which imho sucks!). So I really don't know wtf I'm talking about when in comes to VF online. I'm a PS3 fanboy so I can't honestly say how a match online with Konjou, Plague etc would go, because the PS3 VF doesn't have online. So I guess I'll have to trust you guys when you say there's no real lag on VF online and that the great players are online all the time. Hopefully 5R will get PS3 online.

    So I have to chill with this point until I have first hand experience with VF5 online. But that said, I was online with SC4 and my connection and the matches were very laggy. Maybe its
    where I live /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif

    Fortunately we have a few regular players where I'm at that play VF enough that makes online optional for me.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    My biggest gripe with this game thus far is that every now and then you have two guys in a pair of pants (sometimes a thong) fighting each other.

    It's not pretty.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    LMAO, Yep that's problematic /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif So far my strategy has been
    to not get hit. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  11. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    The VF5 AI sucks. When I can beat AI Chibita just by whoring Jeff 9K+G all day, yeah, it blows.
  12. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Throws will catch you any time they're faster to execute than the incoming attack.

    Quite a few strings will end in advantage for the attacker. Best solution in general is to interrupt a weakpoint in a string. A and 2A tend to be the fastest attacks when you're looking for an interrupt or a response after a blocked string.
  13. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Alright, that explains something and thanks for the advice.
  14. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Marginal beat me to it. The game seems to have really, really heavy amounts of block stun. It seems like you're generally expected to either evade or guard impact if you want advantage.

    I believe the instruction manual somewhere mentions that evades beat vertical attacks, vertical attacks beat horizontal attacks, and horizontal attacks beat evades. It's actually pretty good advice from my experience... possibly the only useful quote in the entire booklet.

    Btw, can someone tell me what the difference is between repels and parries?
  15. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    repels are forward guard impacts, usually for highs and mids that pushes the opponent back. Parries are back guard impacts that work for lows and mids and pulls the opponent down into a facedown wakeup position.
  16. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Well, I know what the words mean. I thought the manual said high guard impact always works on both highs and mids, and low guard impact always works on both lows and mids, so you can use repel or parry against any move?

    Do parries actually knockdown? I'm pretty sure that's not the case from what I've seen...

    My question was more frame data style... given I can see a mid coming at me, when would I want to use a parry, and when would I want to use a repel? They both seem to generally give slight frame advantage, but maybe you're right, and it's a positioning issue?
  17. mlp715

    mlp715 Well-Known Member

    so far ive been playin sc4 online almost every day since i got it (the day it was released) and ive had maybe 8 matches that were laggy and the rest have been fine (ps3 version) i think the only real difference btwn the 360 version and the ps3 version is yoda and vader!!!! however my 360 is dead and i havent played the 360 version but i will get it when my 360 is returned. not 2 c which looks better but 2 play it with some of the vfdc crew that will be playin online!!!!

    if the connection is shitty the game is gonna lag regardless and as for the graphics the customization seems limitless as to what u can do with colors so looks are really irrelivant

    and as for a comparison btwn vf5 and sc4 there 2 totally different games that depend on different aspects of fighting to give them depth but sc4 has 1 imo major advantage over vf5 and that the character customization imagin if u will shun fighting like jeffery or lei fei fighting like el blaze it close to possible in sc4 not like vf where the only difference btwn a character is the type A B C D outfit or the colors u dress them up in that pretty impresive imho
  18. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    Repel would push the opponent directly backwards, but leaves the opponent standing. Parries actually pull the opponent down and to one side where they fall facedown. It is a matter of positioning, though when I GI I'm usually not thinking too much about which one I'm using unless I'm trying to stop a low or high attack specifically.
  19. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    play the 360 version at my local gamespot and practicing the PS3 version at home gave me some insight on both. I only have the PS3 version and don't play online because I don't cable at home but when I do I will looking up some people to play against. I played against a few good people at my local gamespot and it helped to break the rust since I haven't played any version of SC much due to lack of real competition in the last year or so.

    I loved playing SC3 and the SC4 to me is just as good. The addition of different armor types high, mid, and low and a potential fatality if all the armor is gone make for an interesting new touch in a fairly basic 3D game as far as I am concerned.

    The effect parrying has took me offguard as it literally knocks them down and I wasn't prepared for that but overall the only differences in the 2 games is simply yoda and vader basically, the games are the same aside from that and will never touch yoda ever again because he is too short. Vader is much more powerful but I won't play him too much because he is just too powerful with the ranged force attacks he has but regardless the game overall is very fun.
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Soul Calibur for PS3 or 360?

    Set the difficulty to Expert you weirdo!

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