Soul Calibur V announced

Discussion in 'General' started by Colorful_Tengu, May 11, 2011.

  1. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    There's lack of combos due to air control, but I find that to be great because VF isn't very combo heavy either imo.

    In my opinion, SC5 is all about okizeme and trying to capitalize once you get that knockdown.
  2. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    Tons of Japanese VF players are jumping on SC5 right now. Seems that every single VF player that I follow has bought the game on one of the platforms, including guys like Kamaage and Itazan
  3. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Flavor of the week imo. When Tekken 6 came out, Koedo, fuudo and itazan were playing that too for a little while.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    As a VF player, I can attest that this game feels like I could continue playing it for real. Its still a namco game, but theres a lot less bullshit in it than in tekken 6.

    While the new critical edges and brave edges look like they are simply ripped off capcoms gamebook, they fit the game well imo. Guard impact costing meter means theres lot less rampant GI:ing so you can concentrate on the strategic aspects of the game better, etc. I dont know if jsut guard will turn into new GI, but so far in online people dont really try to use it. Or at least arent succesful.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    It's nice to step away from VF every once in a while to play another game. It makes it fresh when you come back. Personally that really is why I really enjoy SC, though somehow it ended up pushing me back in playing VF more again. I'll be bouncing back and forth between the two games. At least until Mass Effect 3 drops, then I'll be putting way too much time into that.

    SC doesn't really have a high execution need for most of the combos. I find some of Natsu's Just Frames kinda hard to do consistently, along with Siggys 3B, 66K,BE , just frame agA. I just can't do the agA fast enough to get the combo to hit ever.

    Outside of things like that, the combos are fairly easy. I agree with glory, that most of this game is about oki control and keeping the offense. Once you find that you're having to block mixups, it's a bad situation to be in.
  6. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Question: How good is this game, i have enjoyed the previous installments, and am wondering if i should buy this for $40 off of or go with another game.
  7. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    It's a fun game and has the best netcode I've seen in a while. With that said, is it a good competitive game? I don't know if it is. It's worth the purchase, but with SF x T coming out this Tuesday, you should expect a lot of people to stop playing SC5 for the meantime.
  8. def

    def Well-Known Member

    okay thank u, i'll wait till it goes down in price further.
  9. def

    def Well-Known Member

  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    now that you post this.....
    Does anyone know approximately how many Tekken, SF, and SC players are online at any one time. An average maybe? Or does
    anyon know what peak online traffic is for those games? Or is
    that information confidential?

    I know there is overlap between the games, so when SF x T comes out there will certainly be a drop in the #ppl playin SC5,
    but I wonder how many ppl on average are online now?
  11. Uncle_Kitchener

    Uncle_Kitchener Well-Known Member

    Well, no one play T6 online if that's what you're asking. SF still has a massive online population. SCV is rather moderate. I hope more people actually play the game because it's a really good game even if some of the new things are counter intuitive.
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    SC5s grand colosseo-mode is pretty nice for creating a large chatroom (up to 100 people) where you can directly see how many people are online at a given time, and have player matches at the same time. This is pretty nice compared to being completely blind about it like in VF5. (note: SC5s ranked online still hides who is out there)

    That said: I like the fight request thing that SSF4 has. I hope they put that in FS.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Well , two days ago, I jumped on Tekken 6 ranked matches, I'm just a 2nd Dan in Tekken 6, I figured I would try to up my rank for a change. I did run into a 8ky, a 4th dan, a 3rd dan, and a Savior online, and then it went silent, no matches found. And for all I know, I was playing against AI. I didn't recognize any of those cats, and no one had head phones. I beat the 4th dan, and everybody else including the 8kyu kicked my ass.

    But traffic was virtually nothing in ranked, there were a few player rooms (but they were for the most part private).
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yea, once you figure out wats going on with colosseo its nice,

    But I'm really curious if you take all of the fighting games together, SSF4, Tekken,VF,SC etc. How many ppl on average are
    online at any given time. Are we talking hundreds of thousands, thousands, hundreds, or dozens?
  15. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Did anyone watch the SCV World Tournament? It happened 2 days ago in Las Vegas. Namco brought 8 players from around the world who won qualifiers within the region. I haven't watched much SCV matches much but there was some great matches here.

    It starts here at the 47 minute mark. -> Soul Calibur 5 World Tournament pt1

    Here is the rest of the tournament. -> Soul Calibur 5 World Tournament pt2
  16. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    I got to watch the second half of the show. The person that won Final Round in Atlanta, OmegaDR (Dominican Republic) took 1st place, while France Akire and Keev (spelling?) took 2nd and 3rd place. Pretty cool event.

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