Soul Calibur V announced

Discussion in 'General' started by Colorful_Tengu, May 11, 2011.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Yep, that's 2 huge reasons I'm mad right now... Yeah a balanced Algol is in it, and so is Yoshimitsu (2 chars I love to play as), but I felt like they could've added more characters and had more returnees despite the 17 year gap...

    I'm gonna hold out til the price drops--maybe...

    They should just change their name to Napcom with the way they changed this system... What's the point of sidestepping or even blocking anymore in SC??? I guess they want more mashers... I hope this game doesn't kill the scene though...
  2. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    VF4:EVO was the pinnacle of fighting games. It is/was, in one word, Perfect. Every change since then was a step down. Every fighting game on a console, when judged against VF4:EVO is a step down. Expecting or even hoping that SoulCalibur will be as good as Evo is a bridge too far. Hell, I'm hoping the next VF will be as good as Evo.

    I play SoulCalibur for its noob-friendliness. A noob can pick the guy with the biggest sword and do some mash-happy damage.

    My cousin, who is my most common and only true offline competition in 3-D fighters plays Kilik. He misses him. He would miss him more if Kilik didn't have a son in the game with an identical fighting style.

    My point is that you can't get a good reaction from removing someones favorite character. The best case scenario is that they only get a little bothered by the loss. More likely choices is that they either choose to play a different character or a different game.

    You're pissed over Setsuka and Zasa, who have no replacements. My buddy lost Talim, no replacement. They removed a lot of the traditional characters, including all but one of the females. I want to stress that even though the core combat is still the same, they have given lots of people a reason to be at least a little unhappy with the game.

    I am expecting to get most of the old characters by DLC. I had better. While I do like the game so-far, if they had said to me, "SoulCalibur 5 won't have Taki or Sophitia in it." I would have waited before I spent my money on it.
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Lacks Taka [​IMG].

    Anyways removing older characters from the story...sure! Just keep the older characters in the game versus. It seems wasteful to throw out unique characters from previous games.
  4. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I have a question to all SoulCalibur V players:

    Would it be fair for me to say there's far more justified criticism regarding the roster in SCV than it is regarding the dramatically revised gameplay system?

  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    It just seems lazy on SC's part, everyone hated Kilik because his moveset not because of the character. Instead of re-designing him they just pretend like everyone hated the character and give his moveset to someone else. I can't imagine why they've removed a lot of the other more unique characters, a lot of them were really fun ...glad Voldo is still around though.

    It's the same with recieving chip damage when doing successful throw escapes, that seems like lazy design to me as they could have made the escapes harder instead of punishing you for performing them.

    I'm not going to judge the game on a few things like that though, from what i've read it sounds pretty interesting and I get the impression the mechanics are tighter than they've ever been.
  6. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Zas actually had weight when it came to the storyline... Plus he was a straight up original character with a unique playstyle, as was Setsuka... Why omit them 2 and not Tira, when she debut with those 2 characters??? To my knowledge, she's not even as popular as Setsuka is (don't quote me on that)...

    I mean, real talk, I'm still mad Li Long hasn't been in the game since 3/3AE, and he was a complete well balanced character in 3AE, making him totally different from Maxi, so there's no excuse in omitting him out...

    I mean also mad Amy truly isn't in the game gameplay wise (I mained her in 3/3AE). I also play Rock, and no matter how you put it, Astaroth is not a true real replacement for Rock... Despite him being low tier in every game he's in, Rock's gameplay has evovled, and is totally different than Astaroth's... Sure, the abuse of 2K hasn't changed, but everything else has imo...

    Kilik being a mimic is a huge troll tactic imo... That's just as bad as Capcom saying "You fans asked for Megaman, ok, here he is!!!" and its not just BBA MM, but an extra fat reject version of BBA MM (as if he wasn't a reject already, right?)...

    ...seriously though-- 3 mimics in the game??? I mean at least make one of them able to switch styles on the fly for crazy combos, but then that would be like Necrid all over again, so nevermind... I doubt that Namco would even attempt to balance that if that were ever released though...

    I'm starting to think WeaponLord 2 would've been better...
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yes the Game is worth $60 But......

    I just put in about 30 hours. Played through story mode, almost beat legendary souls,I have opened up extra routes, all stages, characters(except dampierre) etc. Played a bunch online, At level 28still (E4) as of this morning.

    Here's the problems, some have already been mentioned.

    First they dropped several major characters, some with no replacements, and some with only a shadow
    of the moves they are replacing.

    Talim gone, Zalasamel gone, Mitsurugi Relic stances gone,etc.

    For single player they've dropped the gallery, dropped the endings and beginnings for all characters. Dropped a simple story mode for each character and replaced it with a story mode than only focuses on two of the new characters added in the game.

    New spooky announcer, the guy with deep voice is gone. IMO Horrible intro movie. Its the worse in the series of SC games. Also they speeded up the game and sense of timing on the game. Trying to give it a more SF or MK type feel. Which I think is a mistake. Because some ppl play SC precisely because its not SF or MK. The Brave Edge and Critical Edge moves really push the whole thing in a SF type of direction (again bad imo)

    However, The customizations are awesome, new stickers, new photo mode, new patterns for all materials, new body types, able to customize special effects for weapons, even the color of the trail you weapon leaves. Also the arcade mode is greatly improved over SCIV because it has four or five routes now. Also arcades modes easy, normal and hard, as well as the new "Legendary Souls Mode" for extra hard gives those arcade lovers a lot more bang for the buck.
    And the single battle mode is much better than the towers mode for SCIV. And the fact that they now at least keep wins and losses and other stats for single player is nice.

    Vs. (offline) got nothing. No manageable profiles, no screen names for player 2, no ability to bring customizations from your friends house, or allow buddies in the same dorm room to have different profiles, nothing! The replay mode that was added for online play, is not available in Vs mode (offline) Vs mode (offline) really is as bare bones as it can get, and doesn't treat player 2 on equal footing. So with the exception of customization. Offline players Lost major classic characters, and partial movelists for major characters and in return received a bunch of watered down relatives, some really belonging more in a SF game.

    Online, Excellent! The addition of the replay mode, the ability to make and export your own movies good! The Colliseo mode (I like) the ability to track opponents is nice. Match customization searching right down to what side of screen you prefer is nice. The new photo cards nice touch! Being able to download opponents replays nice!. Namco put all of the effort into the online features, which is somewhat understandable but..........

    Soul Calibur became the hit that it was, prior the existence of online play. IMO it is a mistake to beef up Online features at the expense of the Single Player modes, and the Offline Vs modes.

    Once again they left out

    Team Battle,
    Survival Mode,
    Timed Mode,
    Battle Theatre Mode (although you can view CPU vsCPU)
    Weapon Master Mode,

    Maybe the original people from Project Soul have all moved on and the new people have different ideas or priorities. But they shouldn't fix what's not broken. Why take out Talim? WTF? Why take out entire stances for classic characters such as Mitsurugi's Relic stance?

    If Namco were to take SCII and add the Customisation and ONline capabilities from SC5 then we would have a SC game that raises the bar, but as it stands, we've got Nice online features, but Vs mode (offline) and Single Player are mere shadows of their former selves, with A sprinkling of Street Fighter now thrown in for good measure.

    The Game is Worth $60. I just don't know if it should still be called Soul Calibur. Maybe:

    Souls of the Katana or Katana Fighters

    would be more appropriate in this case.

    I like the game, its enough to keep me busy until
    UFC 3, but after UFC3 comes out, that's it until August and from there on its VF5FS
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    DLC is coming.
  9. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    Yeah, setsuka's style is in the game, just not her.


    Game's alright, CaS is fun. Gotta look up some stuff, as I'm not very familiar with the fundamentals.

    Online is fucking excellent. probably one of the best I've played.
  10. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    The problem is that SC5 was MEANT to be called Soul Edge 2, but they couldn't use it for trademark complications on "Edge".
  11. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Really? Then that explains a lot on why the way things are with this game.

  12. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I get a solid online fighter that is not BlazBlue, I'm good.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You will pay for those missing fighters. Talim,Zas,Setsuka are to good to give away for free. If capcom announced guy,cody,leo and christine I expect Damnco to do the same.. Im not touching this game unless I stumble across it. 4 let me down and after playing a light session with my main char... I can't do this again
  14. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    I guess I would say that. I don't want to trivialize the gameplay changes because they are major, but I can think of few things bigger than losing a character that you have been playing with for the last 8 to 12 years. If Sega had taken away Pai I would never forgive them.

    I agree with Masterpo. If they had just made SCII and put the SCV online system with then the resulting game would be greatness.

    I don't like super-moves. I wish they had left them out. The damage variation in Soul Calibur always came from the weapons. SoulCalibur has always had weapons that heal you, weapons that hurt you, weapons the lessened the damage you took, weapons that increased the damaged you dealt, etc.

    Nightmare's Soul Calibur from SCII is probably the best in all of video games.
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    This. All those characters you want are probably already on the disk. Doesn't omega patroklos fight with setsuka's style?

    Anyway, I'll see what's up with this game tonight. Looked a bit odd when i was watching the flatmate play. We'll see.
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I posted the same a few pages back after reading that in an interview with the director, kinda tempted to call bullshit on it though seeing as the trademark issues were resolved long before SCV came out.

    Hope you're enjoying the single player modes and that shitty excuse for a story mode BlackDragon [​IMG]
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I watched my flatmate play the first 5 episodes of the story mode. It looked crap. It used to be one the best things about Soul Cal, but i can't see myself even bothering with it.

    The change in announcer was a bad move as well. Gone from a close 2nd to Hokuto no Ken for best announcer to nothing.
  18. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Pics of CAS on neogaf are terrible. I swear VF4 characters look better than those create-a-fighter.

    Why, I wonder, give the option to customise and then wreck it?
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I don't know what VF's online looks like really, because I'm on PS3, but I think SC5 might have raised the bar! The player match lobby is pretty nice with the split screen option and the in-room chat. That new colosseo mode is off the hook to. And the abiltiy to upload/download and then convert movies in to .mp4 is nice.

    I hope VF5FS online is at least this good.

    For you XBL players out there, how does VF5 online compare to SC5 online (in terms of features?)
  20. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    It's pretty cut-and-dry, but not in a bad way, I think. It's still effective and playable, is my point, but I do hope that Final Showdown's is a little more... free-flowing, if that makes any sense.

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