Speculation and rumors about next VF-related game

Discussion in 'General' started by Shoju, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    I dont think they will use all chars most mixed ones do 50% 50%.
    But they should use all chars because every player has his favorites and if they are missing they might not want to play the game. What I'd like was that if a tekken char attacks etc. that the tekken system applies and the other way round. That way VF players would play with the system they are fond of and tekken players with their system. Dono if that is possible with the engine etc. The game would be 2 in one, if you play tekken chars only its tekken, if you play vf chars only its vf. If you play mixed its still vf or tekken for the ones playing with a lot more new chars. That would be perfect, without any shortcommings and accepted by both communitys 100%

    Right if tekken P is -3 frames and vf its +2 frames thats not possible. Then it should be tekken system if tekken chars only ,same with vf and if mixed it would need a mixed system.
  2. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I think that the idea of just mashing both games together head on is just likely to create a broken mess of a game, the games are just too different for that to work.

    The only proper way to do it is create a game with it's own engine and then just transplant VF and Tekken characters into that individual system.

    You know, just because of that I suspect the game will be using Soul Calibur engine, haha.

    Well, I guess that's one way to make both communities equally (dis)satisfied
  3. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Don't even joke about that sort of thing. That's the stuff of nightmares (pun not intended) right there.

    Makes me shudder just thinking about it.
  4. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Thats why it should contain both systems. Both communitys wouldn't be dissatified then. If it was console only and integrate everything from VF5R and Tekken 6 both communitys would accept it fully. But if it would only use a mixed system it would flop on both sides.

    Im fully aware that they most likely are going to use only 50% of the chars and use one mixed system and dissatisfy both sides and that it's better if they would invest the time in making VF5R for homeusers and integrate the features missing in VF5. But if for some really very small chance they would do it like I suggested I dont see why the communitys should be dissatisfied.

    They could also use the VF system mainly and just let the tekken chars use 4 btns + back to G then we had a VF with more chars and perhaps the tekken players would switch to vf if they played the VF system longer then some hours.
  5. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    In other words, " I'm in the press, and I think I'm better than everyone here. I'm preaching that everyone should forget about playing VF5R, especially since I've already played it countless times on the company dime. I'm a fucking hypocrite , and I act like a jerk here because my press pass ensures everyone here will kiss my ass."

    ^ A common attitude from him, Zero "I call everyone outside of the press tardlings" Chan and others. Thanks for the tip about the new Sega project, Fishie , but It's a bit like shitting in someone's mouth and then handing them a breathmint.
  6. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I think a game being awful is going to leave both communities dissatisfied and just mashing both systems in there would almost guarantee the game being broken and messy.
  7. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Depends on the devs. I think if AM2 does it, it wont be messy, it's not their style to make messy games. Alternatively they could do a tekken/vf system switch without mixed system. Adding vf chars to tekken and the other way round.
  8. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Be gratefull I gave you a breathmint afterwards shithead.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    The thing I would be most interested to see in a crossover title would be the stages.
  10. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I don't think any developer can take a game like VF vs. Tekken and make it not messy. Having two systems will automatically by default make the game broken. A game like that will need to be built from the ground up with a whole new system one that can some what be played on both grounds
  11. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

  12. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    When it comes to Economics. Nothing is easy. We all can agree upon that right?
  13. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Thanks for reaffirming that all people care about are HOT SCOOPZ. God forbid people might want to learn about the thoughts of the creators and the fascinating planning process that goes into these games that we love so dearly, we just want VF5R CONSOLE VERSION NEWS. But I guess these creators are just assholes since they aren't giving you what they want (even though it's an entirely different division of Sega for the home port), right? And you probably wouldn't have been buying a mag anyway, since it was only published in German and Russian, not exactly common VFDC languages. For the record, all the trips to Japan and VF5R sessions I've played are paid out-of-pocket. Not easy on a freelance budget!

    And jesus, somebody takes some sarcastic comments on my blog description far too seriously.
  14. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    My biggest fear is that if they dev vf vs tk. Let's say they are really fast and finish it in 1 year since they already work on it. Then it gets in the arcades and we have to wait for 1 year. Most likely we wont like it. Then it'll take another year for VF6 to hit arcades and then another year for the home port. 2014 god damn it!!! So either they make VF vs TK perfect and for home market. Which I doubt or we really have to push this petition through. We should add to the document that we want VF not VF vs Tekken. That VF vs TK is interesting itself but that it isn't an alternative to VF5R.
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    In tekken P is usually +1. Just like in VF high moves have beneficial qualities over mids (like + on block) but they hit high. There are many similarities in the games if you look at them with an unbiased eye, but tekken spoils the soup with more quantity than quality. Way too many moves in general, way too many low-mid or mid-low strings, way too many characters to memorize. There are moves that crush/duck/avoid mids abundantly.
    Tekken 6 is too 'casual'. But namco has ALWAYS made its games like that, despite what we say.

    The biggest differences are in the G-button, throwing game and especially throw escapes. To a smaller decree in sidesteps (tekken sidestep is kinda like a short OM which makes it more of an offensive weapon than a defensive one).

    In tekken throws theres only 3 commands and you can in theory escape them on reflex and see which command it is from the characters hands. In VF theres much more commands and the animation is identical, and theres ability to input multiple escapes, and avoid mistakes by using the G-button. How to combine these is beyond me.

    I cant make up my mind whether to laugh or cry if they really go
    for a TekkenVsVF. Theres a high chance that it will fail, and I just cant avoid thinking VF with soul calibur engine. UUUUHGGH. The worst that can possibly happen is that they make it 'casual' game.

    Im not touching the differences in combo length and things like that, because a.) they should be the easiest thigns to adjust by the game system, b.) VF5R is already very tekken-like in its combo system, especially with walls.

    Thanks for trying, but you can't really convince us that we will ever actually learn the real thoughts of the creators and their planning process. We've been lied to so many times you can't convince us that the developers speak the truth on any occasion.
  16. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Yea the -3 were just an example that it's not possible to fight with 2 different systems. Yea I miss the attack coherences in tekken too. I mainly play lei wulong and most of his new moves just seem to be added and not integrated.
  17. TechRomancer

    TechRomancer Well-Known Member


    You got it.

    All want we want is the damn game. Its way over due, and the last thing people want to hear about is something else unrelated to getting what we actually asked for.

    Pretty sure people will be more accepting of hearing other news from the company when they get on the ball and give us what they should have in the first place.
  18. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Speak for yourself, I'm sure if Sega wanted to release the game Zero-chan would of told us in that article. If Sega isn't going to release the game then its not much anyone can do. I for one don't mind reading about the perspective of the creators
  19. TechRomancer

    TechRomancer Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I agree we're probably not getting the game.

    This doesn't make me more open-minded towards hearing other releases, however; just the opposite.
  20. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Don't get all excited with all these Tekken vs. Virtua Fighter rumors. Fishie just said Sega is working on "something" He also said he's sure the window of opportunity for VF5R has past. If The window has past, that means Sega is working on Virtua Fighter 6. Tekken Vs. Virtua Fighter wouldn't mean the window for console VF5R has past, only Virtua Fighter 6 means that. Unfortunately that means like an 18 month to two tear wait for a console release.

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