Star Wars Battlefront for PC (with footage of 1FK vs. Godoku FT10 DM)

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Oh I forgot the ultimate!! Uncle @Stl_Tim!!! Uncle Tim, I'll give you the ultimate challenge:
    Play SWB PC, get to rank 50, and I will send you 500$ USD and buy you a professional grade microphone so everyone can hear your rant on the Internet. 100% legit offer. You in?
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    kungfusmurf, og23 and Chief_Flash like this.
  3. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    lol, it seems game will arrive on monday (so thas why its $40 -_-)
    kungfusmurf likes this.
  4. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Ggs 2015!
  5. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Woke up ROFLing @Jacko???? That u???
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Attention Attention! This is a PSA to the so called "FPS king @Sudden_Death :

    FPS King where are you? It's Monday and we have confirmation Amazon has delivered to the package containing SWB to your door for the weekend. You should have acclimated with the game by now and yet The FPS King camp has been nothing but silent. Has the game been refunded to Amazon due to the excessive rape you've received online upon installatin? Report to us at once.

    You shall face @Chief_Flash via DM once confirmation received.
    Once @Godo's PC is repair, @Sudden_Death shall face him as well.
    If the game still has not been refund by them, the ultimate yellow boss awaits.

    @kungfusmurf is standing in line to watch the stream.

    Prepare for rape such as this!
    Who in? Who in?

    Chief_Flash likes this.
  7. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Thats it!!! It's on @Sudden_Death come out come out where ever you are. I just consulted @Rodnutz, and in his very exact words:

    " sal gonna fuck y'all up "

    then @Rodnutz explains in detail:

    " think of it like this, role reversal in vf, he is you in vf and you are him "

    It's on @Chief_Flash it's on! @Rodnutz also predicts @Sudden_Death will rape @Chief_Flash with 1 hand tied behind his back...
    @Rodnutz and @kungfusmurf are both in line to watch the rape on stream that shall ensue..
    O.. M.. G..!!! Rep. Ruined soon.
  8. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Shang! Is there cross platform play between PS4 and PC?! I'm not part of the PC Master Race™ just yet.
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full. There's no cross platform play between PS4 / XB1 / PC, which sucks donkey balls. The game is very bare boned cuz they are trying to get on the gravy train with the movie I'm sure. The game has a ton of flaws, but the core is fun, once you pass all the bullshit. No sure if console vs. PC is a good idea on FPS, controller would get rekted hard by kb/mouse.

    @Chief_Flash you hear that? @adamYUKI is in on SWB, make sure you fire the rocket on his feet to beat his ECD and fuzzy guard!
  10. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Adam, has requested a flyby before but get's a negative from tower. But Ghost Rider, buzzes the tower anyways so watch your Rear!
    Chief_Flash, Rodnutz and adamYUKI like this.
  11. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    "Sir! I had Commander @adamYUKI in my sights, he saw me move in for the kill. He then proceeded to Evade Couch Dash. We weren't below 10,000 for more than a few seconds. I had the shot, there was no danger, so I took it!"

    GG.. @adamYUKI took a DL-44 shot in the eye, he grounded @Chief_Flash he grounded.

    This is the DL-44 @adamYUKI, you will not like this gun if you play SWB.. right @Camp_Flash?
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  12. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    game arrived. installing as soon as i get home. can i learn the game first before deathmatching you guys? lol. at least let me get that OP DL-44.
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  13. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Sudden_Death, In DM all weapons are automatically unlocked. Don't worry, @Chief_Flash doesn't even use DL44, he runs around with a T21, and @Godo used E-11. DL44 is too advance for them. You can DM them first, cuz there's a line waiting to watch the stream already!!! Hype hype hype!
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Sudden_Death status report at once! What is your impression on SWB? @Rodnutz has stated that if, and I quote " if sal loses, i will buy game ".

    He and @kungfusmurf are praising you like the 2nd coming of jesus in FPS. @Chief_Flash is standing by to face you in hangar map.

    I hope you don't disappear like @Godo did before. Hello? Welcome to the Darkside.
    Chief_Flash, kungfusmurf and Rodnutz like this.
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Come on @Sudden_Death... you can do it! Please I don't want to buy a game I will only play like twice hahahahaha

    Kill that noob @Chief_Flash. He sucks! All he gonna do is run around the map, hide and waste bandwidth. Hopefully you can kill him before Verizon KO's his connection for downloading torrents jajajajajajajajajajaja
    Chief_Flash and kungfusmurf like this.
  16. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @Chief_Flash will own @Sudden_Death, you underestimate the power of the cheese @Rodnutz, you will be buy swb soon. @Sudden_Death has retreated to degabah to secretly train with master yodo, just as @Godo did. His feeble skills are no match for the cheese side, and he shall pay for his lack of vision.
    Chief_Flash and kungfusmurf like this.
  17. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    game is fun as hell and optimized as fuck, a potato can run this and have high fps AND still looks amazing.

    btw shang, beat my record on training mode. beggar's canyon. i wanna see how fast you can beat it :D
    Chief_Flash and kungfusmurf like this.
  18. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    ROFL DOJO!!!! @Shang !!!!!
  19. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Man this game getting boring... I might refund soon.
    kungfusmurf, Rodnutz and Chief_Flash like this.

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