[STL VF] Evolution of a New Generation

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Shou, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    Who was on each team?
  2. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    Tim(Kage)/Johnny(Pai) aka. akai - single cell ameobas

    Shou(Lion)/Insanity(Sarah) - no name

    Me(Wolf, Jeffry)/Cohnan(Lau) - abusal of broken parts

    Unconkable(Shun)/Lenny? (Brad, Lei Fei) - can't remember team name

    and RVD(Wolf)/Brad(Brad) - can't remember team name

    UNCONKABLE Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    Tim(Kage)/Johnny(Pai) aka. akai - single cell ameobas

    Shou(Lion)/Insanity(Sarah) - Team No Name

    EMX(Wolf, Jeffry)/Cohnan(Lau) - Abusal of Broken Parts

    Unconkable(Shaun Di)/Lenny (Brad, Lei Fei) - Officer Down!

    RVD(Wolf)/Brad(Brad) - Medusa Clan

    Teams were picked randomly from a number draw.

    Also, props to Lenny for getting a lot better at Evo recently.

    conk out,
    not "Fuck Haomaru!", just...

  4. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    10 VF players /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    I should have picked a better day for my trip since I

    think I missed out bunch of players. Hope to see you

    all at the Mid-west tournanment. Later.
  5. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    Heya all,
    Thanks for the positive feedback from everyone. I had a great time and really hope to have more of these gatherings/ tournies in the near future. Let's defintely try for this friday, because it would be our last one before leaving for evo, so let's kick it into gear and goh.....PLEASE POST BACK,SO I CAN GET A HEAD COUNT FOR THIS FRIDAY.
    p.s. Sorry about the late post, but I've been busy as of late. Good games everyone...
    Time for some ninja bowling..swoosh~~~~~
  6. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    Who's going to EVO for VF from STL?
  7. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    I'm definitley down. Ultra-violence and all that then.
  8. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    I'll try to make it out one of these weekends. It's hard to ignore all the partying that goes on at my non-gamer buddy's new place though. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif Wish there were more mid-week gatherings... /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    UNCONKABLE Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Killbomb said:
    Wish there were more mid-week gatherings... /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We play quite a bit during the middle of the week, but stopped calling you because the last 5 times we did, you could never come out to play, or just didn't answer.

    I was going to Evo to play in Tag, T4, VFEvo, ST, SCII, and GGXX, but it became far too expensive so peace to that.

    <font color="yellow">OFFICER DOWN #2
    Everybody else, in all honesty I am thinking about holding a mini tourney here in STL on August 16th. It will be called OFFICER DOWN #2, but will include:

    VF4 Evolution
    Guilty Gear XX
    Tekken Tag Tournament
    Tekken 4
    Soul Calibur II
    Super Street Fighter II Turbo

    I am guessing like $5 per game or something like that. I may be able to hold it in a rentable room where I live, but still need to check on the details. </font>

    Let me know if anybody is interested.

    conk out,
    not GOHing to Evo, just...

  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    I believe Kaminari Oyaji and Shou are the only two that will be going to California for VF. I think there are others who are going down for other games though.

    Kaminari Oyaji:
    I do not think I will be able to make the Friday gathering since I will be attending a farewell lab bbq. This weekend will be the last regular STL VF gathering for me /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif so do you think you or anybody else is free on Saturday for some VF? One more round of training before I go represent STL VF in Ohio /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  11. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    UNCONKABLE said:
    We play quite a bit during the middle of the week, but stopped calling you because the last 5 times we did, you could never come out to play, or just didn't answer.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    True true...I kinda lost interest in fighting games for awhile there. It comes and goes I guess. I played some games against bad man the other day and it rekindled my interest. Anyway, the best nights for me are usually Sunday-Wednesday. I tend to go out drinking Thursday-Saturday.
  12. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: Congrats on the first OFFICER DOWN STL TOURNEY!!!!

    Unconkable: That tournament idea sounds pretty good. I'm down.

    Akai: I'm pretty much free all weekend. So if you're interested gimmie a pm we'll work something out. Hopefully shou and/or tim will be interested too! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Others...maybe?
  13. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Saturday gaming!!!!

    This Saturday, I need to get some stuff done in the lab but I will definitely try to put some time playing VF late afternoon or evening. Emx, pm me your phone number, if there will be any gaming at Tim's I can drive you over once I'm off work.

    UNCONKABLE Well-Known Member

    OFFICER DOWN #2 cancelled for now!!!!

    Thanks for the interest everybody,
    Sorry to say, but forget it people. I couldn't find a place to rent so I will have to postpone it for a few weeks until I can find someplace suitable.

    Also, if anybody is down, I can play Thurs night, but this weekend I am floating down a river.

    conk out,
    not getting pissed off at Quest Mode, just...

  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Last friday, august 1st

    Tim - I realized when Jimmy came to town just how ridiculous your attitude toward VF is. Holy fucking shit you are one of the biggest crybabies I've ever encountered and a horrible player to boot. I can tell because shou goes around 80-100% against you and you've been playing almost as long as him. Lack of experience is not an excuse because you play him every fucking week and lose every fucking week. You (should?) know his style. You childishly throw your money around and play the role of the nice, generous host in this very weird seemingly unconsious compensation for your chidlish attitude towards gaming. I made my final decision after your outbursts saturday that playing VF WITH YOU SPECIFICALLY is not an enjoyable experience for me. You've made it apparent that this game plays a much larger role in your life than mine, and your outbursts are next to intolerable for a person who managed to get over his anger at games many years ago. I admit I still get angry on occasion, I'm not perfect, but I still don't make it look like some kind of fucking psychotic episode. All I have to say is that crack you made while Jimmy was over about killing us tells me just how extreme you get over this game. Re-fucking-diculous. And of course I'm not going to tell you to your face when you're giving me a ride to your house that I hate you, getting kicked out with no ride back kinda sucks for me. If it were an arcade it would've been more convienient, I would've just told you to shut the fuck up and that would be that. In any case its obvious I don't want to be at your house ever again and if we happen to be at the same gathering together I will refuse to play you and I suggest you say nothing to me. I would say learn to take your beatings like a man, but you made it crystal clear that you have no intention of growing a pair, that is why I'm not giving you any kind of ultimatum, just cutting the cord completley. If I wanted to put up with a bunch of whining and obnoxious outbursts I'd go play Counter-Strike with a group of middle schoolers. Also I'm handling this on a public channel because I want people to know my reasoning behind not playing with you anymore without having to explain it to everyone who asks. But with that said, this is purely an issue between me and you.
    Others - I am still going to try to play viruta fighter, but I don't know how much I'll be playing. My car situtation is shaping up to where I'll be getting one early next year. I understand that relying on you guys for rides is unreasonable most of the time. I will hold no grudge if you continue to play with Tim, but as I've stated in the past I'm willing to host gatherings on the weekends if you're interested(send a PM heh). On a side note I have 2 of my friends somewhat into VF, although in all honesty their dedication is day-to-day. Keep in mind that I'm willing to put up with a degree of frustration and whatnot, but I view Tim as being at the extreme end of the scale.
  16. T^5

    T^5 Active Member

    hello from hk

    hey eric,
    before i forget tell you this i might as well post it on here so i don't forget /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif too much to drink yo /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
    sorry i couldn't get the megadrive games, those are impossible to find man. i asked everywhere.... oh well.... you know the funny thing is you know that ps2 memory card copy thingy ? that sells on ncsx for $45 in hk it's only $20 and xrgb2+ is $150 ! what a rip off ncsx is !! anyway, there are some booth leg games that you might be interested in, in the arcades, there is this game called crouching tiger hidden dragon ! and it's kof remix or something and you get to fight all sorts of crazy old kof characters and you actually get to fight a meteor !!! i was like wtf ! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
    oh and about vf i checked your results, i guess you can tell me about it online or something, but in hk only 3 arcades have evo machines, and yes they do have the card access, but their level is quite low compared to japan. 3-4th dan still don't look for counter hit i can go head to head with 7-8th dan here but above that is harder. anyway it's cool....

    people here are F*&^$ing crazy man ! they play beat mania expert level, with the screen covered half in paper so they couldn't see the notes until half way down the screen....i was going to take a pic for you but i don't know if they were triads or something /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    hope everyone still enjoy life on here /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  17. TheBadMan

    TheBadMan Well-Known Member

    Re: Last friday, august 1st

    All I can say about that is holy shit Tim, not like this!!!!

    Anyways I still havent been down to your place to play games Tim, mainly because its a pretty long drive for me. Let me know if you are getting together this week/weekend, I'll stop by to play some Evo and you will have to show me some beginner shit in it because I've only played once. I'll try to see if I can get Bill or Red to come with me because I think they both play some, more than me atleast. Anyways shoot me a PM on here if that sounds cool to you.
  18. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    You need training, my son

    Bad Man: I can show you beginner shit in Evo but the last time we tried it, you didn't seem to care much for the game. If you want to give it another shot, I can run you through the basics before attending a gathering. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  19. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: Last friday, august 1st

    You really gots some balls coming on here and talking all that shit after I go out of my way to host and and supply stl with vf setups and multiple gatherings for quite some time now. I went way out of my way to pick you up all the time when others wouldn't and then took you home in the wee hours of the morning almost falling asleep at the wheel. I even bought you a vf akira banner from japan, because I respected the way you stuck to the game when others wouldn't. Hmm, I'm quite confused??? You never offered money to pay for gas or ever return the favor, but I really never expected that. You did have one gathering and I thankyou for that, but you never continued to have more? You seem to have bigger issues eating away at you to go to a extreme and post something of this nature. I will take it with a grain of salt and just let you deal with it in your own way and it seems to be posting on here. Yeah, I know shou is strong, what's your point? He studies more than us and has a bigger ambition towards vf. He traveled more than anyone of us to aquire experience and it shows in his play. It even showed this past weekend in california. What's your point with not ever beating him. Vf takes a longtime to understand and I would even bet you there is many people in the u.s. like me that get consistently beat by their locals too. We are very lucky to have this player in stl. By all means, call him up and continue your vf training. As far as tearing in a game that's just a way of saying, "That's good shit, but I dunno how to beat it." Many people deal with it on different levels and at least mine isn't physical. I've heard stories of others going at it, but that is another story. My point of all of this rubbish post is if you have a problem don't come on here and tell the whole world about our pointless fighting trying to gain some sort of credibility in the vf world. If I mentally scared you in some way, I'm sorry, but let's just drop this bickering and go back to life.
  20. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    Re: Last friday, august 1st

    I totally agree with Tim about Shou. If losing to him consistently makes someone a horrible player, then I guess most all of us really suck. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
    Tim: How was Cali? Hearing about the drunkeness at the gatherings made me very envious. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif I definitely plan on attending if they have it again next year.

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