STLVF: Dojo Ubetatekdashi(t)

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by EmX, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: Thankyou

    No problem. It's encouraging to see people trying to learn the game. If anyone from STL has topics to discuss on VF, I would certainly like to be a part of it.
  2. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: Thankyou

    Another weekend rolled around and good games to everyone. Hopefully next saturday we might be able to meet the new vfer from phoenix? Also, thanks to everyone for making it out and helping with rides.

    Side project for anyone interested-
    I have alot of things to test out now, so if anyone is up for friday as well as saturday gimme a holler back. Friday mainly will be for testing and collecting data. After that we can get some more discussions going on in this thread.

  3. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Re: Thankyou

    Well before can steve can say "you better be there" I think I should say that I don't think I can make this Saturday. I have a scholarship tournament, where I can qualify for nationals and win $100,000 and that all goes down in St. Peters at 9am on Sunday which means I have to get up at 7. Anyway I don't think I can make it Saturday but right now I'm only 70% sure I'll go to that tournament since I can find anyone who will bowl with me and I don't want to go by myself. I'll post up if something changes but right now it's a no.
  4. 4gotten_kazama

    4gotten_kazama Active Member

    Re: Thankyou

    Amibatman- I can bowl but I suck sooooo...Education is overrated who needs a scholarship you can just steal all the money you need. Thats cool though I quess I let you slide but you have to be ther extra nearly next week GOOD LUCK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kam Oyaji-What time you setting up? Can you cime pick people up

    EMX-Ill call when I get home today for the hookup peace.

    Maddy-That shits really good I still have a few questions for a later time I shall ask you later peace


    End TRansmission
  5. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Re: Thankyou

    Oh My God I suck at bowling. I started out in 4th after 2 games because I shot a 190, and then a 216 so I was think wow, this could be a pretty good day. Then on the third game I shoot a 160, and I'm like "fuck!" I'm thinking, shit I'm gonna move down now, but atleast I have 2 more games to come back. Well I thought wrong becuase then I went on to shoot 138, and then 155. I fucking suck, I finished in 11th place and I had to make the top 8 to move on. And actually if I could have stayed around 160 that 4th game I easily could have moved on.

    Anyway I averaged 171 on the day when I usually average around 180. I'm sure no one cares about this but I just needed to vent my frustration.
  6. PRO

    PRO New Member

    Re: Props

    What's up All, Man I havent' been here in a long time.

    Tim-what's up yo, I DL VF5 torrent and I have to say that Lei is lookinjg awfully good his new stances are the shit. Mix-up is going to be hella hard to predict from him. Not that many Eileen matches but the ones that were there are juicy, wish they would bring out a movelisy for her like they did El-blaze.
  7. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: Props

    Sorry to hear about the bowling tourney. Maybe switch up your game to drunken bowling and beat their butts with drink point power<<<JOKE! Games this weekend? I look forward to our next matches.

    Good games on saturday.

    Don't worry, a eileen move list will probably be up sooner than you expect. She appears to be a real pain in the ass from the video's I watched already. I will definitely need to pick her and blaze up as subs just to know what I am up against.
    Lei seems to have alot of new trickery added to his arsenal of moves and I'm really liking it. When I first saw lei and played as him I hated it, but as time past I started to like him and I gradually understood his potential. Seeing all his new guessing games spooks me out and reminds me how much more I am going to need to learn.<<<Learning tears!!!
    Hopefully see you this weekend or thursday at tilt?

    I need major goh time with you to level up my exp against this crazy character. I don't think it will take you too long to close the gap that you think you have in vf. Just like in any game you need alot of practice, experience, knowledge and the way you guys religiously practice with all games it shouldn't be a problem. If you want to get here earlier than everyone else to test stuff out let me know and I can arrange something. KEEP YOUR GOH 4gotnstyle <<This is the best imho, because you never know what the hell is coming at you. <snap> GOT YA HONKEY!
    Oh yeah, your joystick should be here on friday too. See you at nwp thursday?

    I have found some juicy info for you. I'll hit you up on thursday.

    Hopefully I will be able to meet up with the new vfer from phoenix this friday. If anyone can make it out it would be greatly appreciated. Please help me in welcoming him to our little cult.

  8. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

  9. 4gotten_kazama

    4gotten_kazama Active Member

    Re: Props

    Kam Oyaji-Dude you stupid well mhopefully lets get ready I have lots of stuff to try I will be in touch about a ride holla...

    Amibatman-Better be there beat you you it...SO you have to be there now...Underage drinking Ive ALWAYS been listining

    EMX -Be there games for the love of God see you there

    Kam Oyaji-again dude yopu stupid 4gotnstyle that shits the tightest thats what Im talking about...ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!

    End Transmission
  10. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Re: Props

    4gotten_kazama- sorry I know it's kind of late notice but underage drinking was last night, and I don't mean vf. I got finals next week, and I have to get up at 8:30 for work tomorrow so no can do for tonight.

    P.S. I forgot to post yesterday.
  11. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Re: Props

    Tim- what the hell, everytime I'm on IRC your not and then whenever your on I'm not. Anyway yes this weekend for sure because Friday is my last day of highschool and then I'm free. Starting tomorrow however I have finals until Friday so that sucks. This Saturday no matter what, I'll be there.
  12. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Friday Night ^_^


    This saturday is a no go for me, so I will be hosting on friday night instead if anyone is interested? Sorry if this messed with anyone's plans, but I have a prior engagement on saturday I must attend. Next weekend will resume the regular time slot. Holler back..

  13. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Saturday Night ^_^

    Good games the other night and hit me up with your new schedule as soon as you know, so we can get more games in. See you soon.

    +++Saturday Night+++

    Anyone and everyone beat your brother and sister over the head and tell them to bring you out for some games. We have been slacking off do to the end of the semester, other new games, and random laziness. Let's get this rolling again so we can be prepared for the upcoming showdown.


    Dress nice, because I want to take some pictures of all the stl vf crew.
  14. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Re: Saturday Night ^_^

    Right now, Friday night is looking good for me. I don't know about Saturday but I'll atleast make an appearance. Also Tim-does game trader take checks?
  15. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Re: Saturday Night ^_^

    Oh shit I can't do anything tonight (after grad titty bar party) sorry.
  16. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: Saturday Night ^_^

    Good times and good games to everyone who came out on saturday night. Many thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to play vf.
  17. 4gotten_kazama

    4gotten_kazama Active Member

    Re: Saturday Night ^_^

    Well shit I need more Goh practice versus matches

    EMX-Good luck to you in OHIO man re p big man thanks again for the hookup on the data I know its hella for gas and I appriciate it, I quess I wont get any matches in before you leave but when you come back its on later

    Kam Oyaji-yeah man IO need more practice of course with Goh let me know was up on games Good shit man damn man you making me fight hella hard right now

    Amibatman-Congrats man on the graduation good shot man I wish you th ebest of luck and success. Good shit the other night damn biy you getting dangerous i loose my essences while fighting you cause my flow is so broken with Goh. Good utilizing the options of your charecter good shit GOOD SHIT INDEED Holla

    PRO-Good shit man I like your brad I dont think you should drop him when 5 drops. Lei Fei man you geting crazy you just need to get to the rob on lei i know if anyone cn do it you can ALRIGHTTTTT!!!!!

    Maddy-I want to see you play goh cause I want to see how you deal with situations and certain charecter matches and charecters. peace

    End Transmission
  18. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: Saturday Night ^_^

    <font color="blue">Saturday Night</font>

    Anyone freed up for some games this saturday night?
    The dojo is open for challengers.

    <font color="green"> The ft cards might be back for this saturday or next for sure. Big thanks to the Goldens for all the hard work they put in for our community. </font>

    <font color="red">The heat is on! </font>

    Best of luck in the tourney this weekend.
  19. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Saturday Night ^_^

    Good games the other night and yes your shun is really improving alot. Hit me up when your in the neighborhood early next week and we can build some drunken shun shenanigan traps for you.

  20. amibatman

    amibatman Well-Known Member

    Re: Saturday Night ^_^

    Kam- Sorry I don't think tonights gonna work out. I have to drive 2 other kids to bowling tonight and I don't think their going to want to play vf. Maybe tomorrow night, I don't think I'm doing anything. Sometime this week I'll (hopefully) make it out before Saturday.

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