Street Fighter 4 Confirmed!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by RagingSilver, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    AHAHA, street fighter rocks. But VF knocks... the socks... off of Bubba Sparks... and ok... this is stupid.
  2. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    omg. I can't stop laughing. I could stare at this all day. DAMN!
  3. MysticBoudha

    MysticBoudha Well-Known Member

    Wow!! In regards to games coming on the 360 i beg to differ a bit. Sure the online gaming of the 360 is a lot better than the one on ps3 but in my opinion you can't play the same level of play with online fighting games because of our biggest enemy LAG!! LAG is bad especially to games like VF or even more Guilty gear that was online for the xbox.

    LAg keeps you from using framerates, lags keeps you from landing your precise combo's, lag disables Just frame moves etc... SO as im a real dedicated player that has been hiding in the shadows i simply cannot see any kind of gratness that these games are coming for the 360. PS as always been the console to deliver the fighting games and people who like fighting games more than everything are most likely to own a ps3 than a 360. The market of fighting games is much more ps oriented and thats why they come out on ps rather than 360. Just take a look at all the titles thatare coming out of japan exclusively for ps2. King of fighters XI ( an awesome game that probably a lot of people dont know of) Neo Geo battle coliseum ( lot of souvenirs but not as good as KOF ) Compilations of Fatal fury etc... If you like fighting games ps is the way to go.

    BTW anybody near montreal i want to revive the hype for fighting games and am organizing some gatherings fo VF, Guilty gear AC and KOF. Go chekc out the montreal lets get something going in match makin /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  4. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    Though this trailer only featured Ryu and Ken, I have a feeling Chun-Li and Akuma will be in this game.[/size]
  5. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    But only after the the first or second revision.
  6. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I don't see how having online play magically destroys the offline capability of games.

    The real reason it needs to come to the US is simple. The 360 base in the US is 5 times the PS3 base right now. Now, that will drop when FFXIII comes out, since people like that game (I hate the series, but a lot of people like it). But it will be a two-to-one ratio at best I think.

    I understand the SNK love, since they are good games, but the US branch of SNK is so incompetent that they don't deserve support. That said, KOFXII is coming to the 360 in the US as well. (early 2009)
  7. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

  8. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Samtheseed: The movie is hilarious!

    Saw the screens at 1up wasn't too impressed. Looks pretty bland in the character design dept. so far. Game is still gonna kick some ass.
  9. Marauko

    Marauko Well-Known Member

    What about these?
  10. Capcom4Life

    Capcom4Life Member

    where are my VA SF warriors at?
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    That looks pretty much incredible! Holy shit that game is gonna be SICK!
  12. Capcom4Life

    Capcom4Life Member

    is anybody here gonna show up at the tournament in DE for the GVN East Coast Winter Brawl in Feb. I am and I need to test my Ken's true potential.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I knew capcom needed to go toward cel shading. I personally like the 2d sprites but I know a lot of people don't dig it anymore so this was a great move going into 2.5D. Hats off to capcom. AND they're rebalencing SFII HD. AWESOME! You can still play it arcade perfect style still to.
  14. shedindin

    shedindin Member

    This is turning out to be the worst street fighter ever.
    The fact is, capcom for the last eight years hasn't believed in beta testing. Street fighter 3 was the last decent job they did on that, which is why it is known as the best street fighter. After that, it all went down hill with balance.
    But aside from that, these polygon graphics are nice, but all they are doing is taking away from the original street fighter experience to cash in with the response of having street fighter games online. No I won't mention street fighter EX, instead I'll mention mortal kombat. Is it fun? yes. Does the change demoralize a solid franchise from the leap to 2d to 3d even though you are still playing in a 2d field? Yep. Don't be surprised if the next street fighter is the worst.
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I'm really not sure about this, I really hope it's going to be good but it's obvious it's not going to be.

    Are those real screenshots on the last page? It looks kinda pathetic and reminds me of Powerstone for some reason.
  16. KowtowRobinson

    KowtowRobinson Well-Known Member

    As far as no beta testing by Capcom is concerned.....

    It should be noted that Super Turbo HD is going to be rebalanced based on input by the Evo players and organizers. The fan/player involvement goes further as well, even affecting the musical remixes in the game.

    It's entirely possible that this focus on player input will carry over into developing and balancing/beta testing SF4. Early info seems to point towards a system that is neither SF3 or EX style. We'll have to wait and see, there's no guaruntee it'll be good, and there's no guaruntee it'll be horrible.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm a SF fanboy I'll never lie about that, it's the reason I play fighting game in the first place. That said I have great faith in capcom's ability to make a good SF game. Every SF except 1 has been a good game. By every I mean the last of every number iteration was always a blast of 2d perfection. Shedindin I don't really know where you're hate on sf is coming from as after sf3 there were no SF games to come out so really what are you basing this tall glass of haterade on? Capcom evolution? we all know that was a horrible attemp and capcom wasn't putting any effort into it. Again though it wasn't a SF game. Capcom has always given SF love when they decided to actually work on it.

    don't screw this up capcom!
  18. shedindin

    shedindin Member

    My "hate" is coming from all capcom games after sf3, but I'll go ahead and remind everyone of the dumbest of each group:
    CVS: 4 person team, with the same damage capacity of a higher ratio characters
    MVC2: AHVP, oh and only ten are playable tournament tier characters out of 56!
    CVS2: Roll cancel = Blanka is GOD and any other character who can do it. Yes I respect how difficult it is, but only a few characters can actually exploit it.
    Capcom jam: I actually like this one...too bad it was a failed 3D fighter in development (ahem) that got some last minute mugen adjustment.

    And yes, I also read up on the development of HD and intel from the expert players. But let's not kid ourselves, the main developers want the series to be "more casual friendly" above all (i.e. more money by getting newer players, and I know some of you are already pissed off by getting beat in online VF just because some noob has a damn fiber optic connection as opposed to your router). Again, my example is with Mortal Kombat, the end of hardcore SF to make it more appealing to the undedicated, halo loving masses.
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think you're just using MK to troll. Since when was MK ever considered a serious fighter? The versus series was a renound one even though I don't like the fact that you needed to use a few chars in high lvl play though which I didn't think was fun.

    If you understood what they were saying in the HD remix tweaks you'd see capcom learned that the consumer DIDN'T like being forced to pick a few characters and didn't like the game being revolved around huge combos. SF3rd strike came after all those games except Capcom fightng jam (doesn't count it was canceled prolly for good reason Capcom evolution anyone?)

    2d fighters are different from 3d in a lot of ways, but remind yourself that SF3 came AFTER those games just encase you forgot. The only game to come after 3rd strike was capcom evolution which was a shitty game that was obviously an attempt that capcom didn't put any real effort into. When capcom wants to make a good game they do a great job.
  20. shedindin

    shedindin Member

    SF 3 came after Marvel versus capcom 2?, you might want to do your Homework.
    Then again, you are the exact type of thing I'm worried about, and what is fundamentally going to make the next gen of SF's have lowered expectations.
    First off, no one was forced to pick any certain character in SF.
    Yes, zangief is hard to use, but he can take down the shotos and do it quite easily(Youtube Taikou). Just because certain characters are harder to use than others isn't the same thing as being "forced" to picking, the game is known as one of the most balanced SF's ever. That just means YOU are not going to bother putting the time to learn them. I consider myself a good lei fei player (won tournaments)but I'm not exactly part of a large group...but I can kick ass!
    And if I wanted to troll, I would've used SF EX, I chose MK because:
    1)it was more popular than SF (in America at least,which is the audience that is being put in focus for SF4)
    2)every version was always highly anticipated
    3)when it switched to polygons (after a long hiatus)the original feel was almost stripped bare.
    4)and finally, maybe I'll be more excited with SF5, but SF4 is going to be the growing pains for the series.
    My argument is not that it won't come out decent, but after learning that it won't have parrying (which is in itself breaking the 2D basic poke mold from all SF's), you can probably expect a lot of turtling that only a 3D game in 2D field can bring. Enjoy.

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