Street Fighter III : 3rd Strike Online Edition

Discussion in 'General' started by Kenshearer, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Chunseng

    Chunseng Member

    I was never a SF3 player and I am not sure if I can get past the mental and graphics barrier to 'downgrade' from SF4. Don't you think present day graphics just spoilt us too much?

  2. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I understand your pain, and I've been a Ken/Sean/Dudley/Gouki/Oro player since 21 jump street... But I still feel like when I play with Sean and even some weaker characters that there's so much more to them than just what people here in the states do with them. Like there's way more to Dudley than just st.HK all day to hit confirm. I started playing with Elena, and Necro, and they're fun, and have so many tricks that people just don't use. I think if I do get this, I'll run with Oro for some time. I love his loops and he's got setups that are great, too...

    Whatever with that bandwagon, though...
  3. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Like Double Impact better for some odd reason. Never gave much a fuck about the SF3 franchise. Had them all for Dreamcast but it never serve much use. Won't lie though.. I played a lot of SF3 vanilla in playland arcade in 97 but never followed up on it. Funny looking at all the people who want to blow dust off of there 3S CD's now just because its coming to xbox live. Not trying to be a Killjoy but it was fun when people learned how to play games on thier own accords and not just because it might be the "In" thing to do. Maybe its my age talking.. ill go sit down and shut up somewhere.
  4. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    I've never worried about it, but that's because I've done sprite art and think low-res sprites are beautiful. In fact, I'm probably gonna run the game without the high-res filters because I think they sometimes ruin the sprites. [​IMG]

    Gonna get some wins with Twelve and Elena!!
  5. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    Pfft, this game STILL looks better than that abortion. Probably the most hideous looking graphics I've seen ever.
  6. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Yeah SF3's art style is much nicer to look at. SF4's looks quite ugly for the most part.

    How do the filters used here compare to what was used on the XBLA version of Neo Geo Battle Coliseum?
  7. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Nah I hear ya man... That's why there's a ton of solid games that just don't get much play, like JJBA, Breakers Revenge, Vampire Savior, or even KOF. Marketing's got these new cats hoping on the next best thing, and never truly being dedicated. Tier whoring takes this even further, since you're not really dropping the game, you're dropping a character altogether, and not truly being dedicated to him/her. Not that its wrong to play other characters, but I do have respect for those cats who stuck with Alex, Ryu, Necro, Sean and other lower tiered characters regardless of how strong they were/weren't, especially if they were doing this since NG or 2I.
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Pretty sure people have been playing 3s forever. People still play cvs2. I'm not 100% sure of how much time ill put in to playing it online but I also wouldn't discourage new players picking it up. You can't cheese like 4, even with tiers you still have to work.
  9. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I love Alex in Second Impact.. He had is speed and his dashing Elbow was a nusance.. Breaker revenge is my shit. A very slept on game that was most of all fun. Jinx you know how i do.. I try to play everything exceptional well and i can live with that. Nothing just don't feel pure anymore.
  10. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    I played JJBA for maybe an hour or two once and I can't see how you are calling that a solid game?

    I just can't get to grips with the idea of a game with chip damage yet chip damage is not allowed to KO - it must be a just felt very awkward and weird playing the game with that mechanic present.

    Also I think that KOF is a brilliant series (98 and 2k2 atleast) to me it's like the 2D VF equivalent - then again I've never properly played a GG game and apparently they are also credited.

    Marketing definitely hurt KOF and SNK kept on making mistakes like bringing out games the same time as Capcom but with far less marketing (such as Garou being released when 3s was).

    Another factor which I think hurts KOF if players actually do find out about the game is that it is utterly ridiculous to try to pick up and play. Even the BnB combos into super for, let's say, Iori are on an execution level way past anything I've seen before except maybe in Tekken.

    I know that there are websites dedicated to SNK games such as orichinagi and cyberfanatix but if you actually go onto their site you will not find any information to try and help you improve your KOF game.

    If you decide to learn a KOF game I think you are pretty much on your own unless you have a friend who can match your dedication with and learn the game together playing eachother constantly.

    There are also techniques people don't really know much about in KOF such as invisible crossovers. These are crossovers where your opponent jumps in and hits you in the front yet your character for some reason turns around and it counts as a crossover. These are literally impossible to block. This also more frequently happens off of throws where your opponent wakes up backturned but I am not talking about this situation.
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Well, an hour or two once isn't doesn't allow enough time for one to see how something's solid now, does it??? And if it was the PSX version, then don't waste your time. It's either the arcade version or the dreamcast version (which wasn't as arcade perfect, but close enough). PSX version was garbage. You can't call it MvC or anything like it, that's for sure. Real talk, do you feel that there's not much other than VF that's solid to you? No offense, but please don't gimme that 3S (or SF4) talk either 'cause I got a feeling that's where this could be going... I'll give you ST though, despite the shenanigans galore, it somehow remained balanced enough for Blanka to win.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just can't get to grips with the idea of a game with chip damage yet chip damage is not allowed to KO - it must be a just felt very awkward and weird playing the game with that mechanic present.</div></div>

    Keeps people from getting cheeses in the game, which could happen pretty easily if all you do is block... Mariah and Shadow Dio are two good examples of a character who could keep you in block stun all day the moment "Fight" starts...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Marketing definitely hurt KOF and SNK kept on making mistakes like bringing out games the same time as Capcom but with far less marketing (such as Garou being released when 3s was).</div></div>

    Lack of marketing outside of Japan, a fault that Sega's known for, has definitely been a thorn in SNK's side, and now they're realizing that. They're trying to make changes though. You gotta understand this, too- even without the marketing, KOF was still more popular than SF worldwide, like Football (Soccer) is more popular worldwide than say Basketball, or even American Football. I think they saw that, and didn't forsee that income from the US would make the company thrive even more (something that Capcom saw when they remade SF 10 times and sold it on a high priced cartridge, then eventually CD). Hacking/Pirating messed SNK up alot though. It messed up Capcom, too, but they had enough revenue from other games for it to not matter. Plus, it took a long time for CPS3 boards to get cracked.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Another factor which I think hurts KOF if players actually do find out about the game is that it is utterly ridiculous to try to pick up and play. Even the BnB combos into super for, let's say, Iori are on an execution level way past anything I've seen before except maybe in Tekken.</div></div>

    It's not as hard as you think it is. Honestly, there's tons of people who feel the same about VF, and even after it was made easier to do, its still somehow "difficult" enough for people to ditch the game (I think that's just laziness or being too casual of a player to want to get into it). Iori is a bad example of a character with a hard BnB. Just a simple command grab to a super should suffice for beginners at least. I'd say Nameless, or maybe Goro (some combos) would be somewhat difficult to get into. Obviously not every character is beginner friendly. Nor can any character be played like SF. KOF can't be played like SF period though, but so many people (especially in America) attempt to do the impossible and play KOF like SF, and they get slaughtered, and it makes people not get into the game. This happens alot in VF, because people try to play it like Tekken, DOA, or even SC2 (I've witnessed it on numerous occasions). The only thing I gotta say is practice. One hour might not suffice, and in some cases, for others it might. That's the thing, KOF is exactly like VF, except one's 3D and the other is 2D, but I digress.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I know that there are websites dedicated to SNK games such as orichinagi and cyberfanatix but if you actually go onto their site you will not find any information to try and help you improve your KOF game.</div></div>

    Look no further:

    There's a chat that you can jump right into and ask any question. There's always someone who's willing to help, and there's a direct link to "how to play", including that tut that Dandy J made. There's no reason for people to not be informed about KOF, or anything SNK related. Anything you need, its there...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you decide to learn a KOF game I think you are pretty much on your own unless you have a friend who can match your dedication with and learn the game together playing eachother constantly.</div></div>

    Online matchmaking? GGPO? ArcLive? Supercade? Tons of ways to step your game up, even online. Goto offline sessions/tournaments. I'm sure there's people in the UK who still play the game. Matter o' fact, there's people here who play the game that live in the UK... Dreamcancel also has matchmaking for online and offline battles. There's a KOF98 FT10 session this Saturday, and KOF02 FT10 session this Sunday as a matter o' fact.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There are also techniques people don't really know much about in KOF such as invisible crossovers. These are crossovers where your opponent jumps in and hits you in the front yet your character for some reason turns around and it counts as a crossover. These are literally impossible to block. This also more frequently happens off of throws where your opponent wakes up backturned but I am not talking about this situation. </div></div>

    I know what you're talking about. Supposedly this was possible in XIII, but its fixed in the console version.

    /off topic

    Anyway, I wish they had the option to pick what type of SF3 character you could play as, kinda like how SF2AE was for ps2/xbox. I liked that, since certain versions of characters might have something that made each one stronger, and it changed up the matchup listings, and ultimately the tier list. I'd definitely get 2I Sean... His two-piece shoryuken and mixups were too great.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    They have console copies of KOFXIII at SVB. Looks really good.
    And yeah people still play kof. I think 13 could be quite big over here.

    I disagree that KOF was more popular than SF though. I don't think that has ever been true.
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Just goto GGPO and count the number of players in all of the SFs, and compare that to the 5 KOF rooms. Huge difference. This was the same pre-SF4. That's only one facet, too - online players.
  14. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    numbers wise, it probably is true.

    just not in the west.
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    tbh, HSF2 was such a shit game competitively. It's only fun for shits and giggles.
  16. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    I like what they're trying to do with this site - such as put up tutorials of the basics of KOF and try to hold GGPO sessions but I just checked out the site in particular the 98/98UM section and I have to say there was nothing there to help me.

    The site is very much dead at the moment and I hope that it will become bigger and more active.

    I just want to say I disagree with you about ST being balanced. I used to play ST super hardcore and I believe I got to a high standard in that game.

    Someone called me out on GGPO the other day to play ST so I agreed in a FT5. I hadn't played ST properly in a year or 2 but figured seeings as the gameplay is so linear and 1 dimensional I should be able to stand a chance. The guy chose Balrog and he was your typical tournament-level BS Rog. Straight in there with dash low punches and dash uppercuts (whiffed) directly into his throw. Maybe even crossover walk, cMK, tap throw just for added shenanigans. He also used TAP's to devastating effect and I had to ask him if he binds Px3 or Kx3 buttons and he said no; he just holds them during play.

    Needless to say I lost the set 5-0 and even went on to use other characters... Sim/Ryu/Ken/Guile/O sagat/Honda/Chun/Cammy.

    I got absolutely cleaned and I'm not gonna blame it on my lack of play or the inability to reverse tap throws or 1 frame reversal due to not playing as even if I had all that down pat I'm confident I still would have lost.

    Anyway if you want to give him a go I'm talking about FullRogtard on GGPO. I'd like to see you play him as I know you're a big ST man.
  17. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    That's probably because of the time you're on right now. Most users are from the states. I'm on it right now, and the 98 threads have new posts on them. Are you checking the wiki or the threads themselves??? We're currently working on fixing the 98UM wiki, since alot of us have been putting time and effort into 02UM, XIII, and a few other things within the site. You also might not see much if you're not actually logged on to the site with an account. Do you have an account? I can help you with anything you may need in relation to 98 or whatever. What specifically are you looking for in relation to 98 anyway? You can pm me this or whatever to avoid off topic chat.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just want to say I disagree with you about ST being balanced. I used to play ST super hardcore and I believe I got to a high standard in that game.

    Someone called me out on GGPO the other day to play ST so I agreed in a FT5. I hadn't played ST properly in a year or 2 but figured seeings as the gameplay is so linear and 1 dimensional I should be able to stand a chance. The guy chose Balrog and he was your typical tournament-level BS Rog. Straight in there with dash low punches and dash uppercuts (whiffed) directly into his throw. Maybe even crossover walk, cMK, tap throw just for added shenanigans. He also used TAP's to devastating effect and I had to ask him if he binds Px3 or Kx3 buttons and he said no; he just holds them during play.

    Needless to say I lost the set 5-0 and even went on to use other characters... Sim/Ryu/Ken/Guile/O sagat/Honda/Chun/Cammy.

    I got absolutely cleaned and I'm not gonna blame it on my lack of play or the inability to reverse tap throws or 1 frame reversal due to not playing as even if I had all that down pat I'm confident I still would have lost.

    Anyway if you want to give him a go I'm talking about FullRogtard on GGPO. I'd like to see you play him as I know you're a big ST man. </div></div>

    I'll take a crack at it. I'm pretty sure I get slaughtered though, since I, too haven't played ST in a minute, and HDR stupefies my skill somehow. Does this guy play 3S???
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Played more KOFXIII at SVB. The game feels really good. I mean, really good. It's like the opposite to when i first played SF4. I hope to get more into it, but dunno how i'll have time for it, third strike online, Arcana Heart 3 and VF.
  19. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    wronng thread buddy [​IMG]
  20. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    I'll take a crack at it. I'm pretty sure I get slaughtered though, since I, too haven't played ST in a minute, and HDR stupefies my skill somehow. Does this guy play 3S??? </div></div>

    He sort of does. He was trying to say how broken Yun is in 3s yet he can't use him properly. I told him he's a stupid scrub so he called me out to ST and I got annihilated LOL.

    But yeh he's very bad at 3s but wants me to teach him Yun. It's very difficult trying to teach anyone anything in a 150ms ping connection though especially with him living in the States.

    I just basically told him that fishing for shoulder into GJ is a very noob tactic and that he should be looking for 123 xx GJ instead - or off a knockdown.

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