Successful Evade of a Strike in an Attack String

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by akai, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I'm really confused by this feature and I couldn't find a reason to explain why AM2 prefer this extremely hitbox in FS(or R)? I see advantage of spammers, that's it.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I guess instead of wondering what AM2 is thinking (if you are really interested its likely somewhere in DK Blog), how about people list the attack strings that are causing them problem and determining what is the best approach to deal with them? Serves a better use of time then to just complain about them. I know a lot of people have issues with it so why not post about it?
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    There are tons of moves with different property. I'm bitching here because those moves belong to liner now can actually track your opponents on side. Is it ironic that we still call them "liner" in a 3D game?

    Solution? Yes, all you need to do is evade twice, or 3 4 times based on the strings. Or simply stand there hold G to wait them finish their things. Because what's the point to evade at first and then still have to suffer again?

    Newcomers would like to spam most likely, and one successful evade is probably enough to take them down due to the high damage issue in FS. How to please newcomers? Force the others to do more ~
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Random aside:

    I've been using E-dash-E-dash-E-dash to deal with strings lately.

    That said, I'm wondering if Japanese players are doing E-dash-G-E-dash-G-E-dash-G as a safety for dealing with strings. Am I imagining that in FS (and maybe R, I haven't watched R videos) more of the higher level Japanese players are evading full strings?

    I don't even think it's always because you get the guaranteed damage (though that's the biggest incentive actually), but maybe just Dash-G cancelled Evades in succession probably just works the way an option select does?

    I imagine it's a great movement option select that should get you the evades you need on anything evade-able and getting a dash-cancelled guard against anything that you can block.

    Again, haven't tested this... should have by now because it's been on my mind for a week already... But wondering if my suspicion is true [​IMG]

    (P.S. Welcome back to the Chanchai ramble at 3am before bedtime!)
  5. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    A strike that is "linear" refers to the properties of the move when it is being evaded. The successful evade from the first strike does not magically make you evade the remaining strikes within the attack string (that was in original VF5 also). The "linear" or "circular" categories of these following strikes in an attack string are not relevant since you are not evading them. You only evaded the first strike. Any whiffs or hits caused by the subsequent strikes is likely related to its timing and animation (think offensive move evasive property in original VF5).

    Successful evades still work pretty darn well against single strikes with no followup options. I anticipate opponent going to use a single strike move with no followup options (safe on guard, but guaranteed damage against it when successfully evaded), then maybe you should evade it then? Are you still going to suffer from evading it? (only if you don't know how to deal with it)

    If you anticipate opponent to do an attack string - you might actually get more advantage blocking strike than from evading it. Same as Vanilla. Or if you take some time to learn properties of the attack string, like I did earlier with Jacky's [6][P][P][K], you may be able to punish the attack string before completion.

    I'm not asking anyone to like or hate VF5 Final Showdown.

    I repeat this again - what identical attack string in Final Showdown hits you but did not in the original VF5? I have asked this many time and so far no one has given me a true example. Since some of you guys are telling me there is a lot, just humor me (since I don't have much time to play) and list some of them out?
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    This "issue" hasn't been bothering me so I just haven't thought up of any examples myself. But I know a friend of mine is frustrated (or was) that Blaze's PPP would hit him even if he evaded.

    For me, I felt that was because the third P is half-circular and the hit box is wide enough to hit him if he doesn't actively prevent it.

    I have no idea how it was in VF5 though I think it was like this too back then, just that my friend is using evades more in his game than he used to.

    I know you weren't directing the question at me, but that situation always comes to mind.

    That said, I'm pretty much in Akai's boat on this topic ^_^
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    There are some moves(or lot) are powerful to do the trade off. Even you block them to earn advantage, the following consequence is not exactly "good enough" for you to punish back. Successful evade is another option to deal with this situation to make VF unique. In FS, the strings becomes so complex to end at different ways. Mid, high, low or whatever half or full circular. It looks like I'm not able to stop them "IN TIME" instead I need to suffer the rest of strings and make a flip coin decision at the end.

    Yeah, this topic is about to describe this feature and I shouldn't put my personal opinion here. I'm not able to change what's been done in this game. Like what Feaucha said,
    Being on someones right side and getting hit by their left hook when you swing at em lol. Is it about animation or property? I have no totally no idea. [​IMG]
  8. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Blaze's [P][P][P]...

    Part 1: [P]
    Let's say you are at -6 and evaded the first [P]. During the evade, you can see what your opponent's action is without worry of needing to guard. Maybe people can use this time to figure out what string your opponent will do? (see Part 2)

    Part 2: either [P] or [K] or [2][K]
    All three attack options will not hit you (especially if the attacker does not delay, the second strike will finish executing before you finish evading).
    1. If the opponent does the [P][K] string you have ~26 frames to play with and go for guarantee damage. If [P][K][G] cancel nothing is guaranteed.
    2. If the opponent does the [P][2][K] string you have ~37 frames to play with and go for guarantee damage.
    3. If opponent does [P][P] and does not continue string (most likely difficult to judge)... you have ~20 frames to play with and go for guarantee damage. However, Blaze has additional options (either do [P] or [K]) that make it difficult to determine if you should go for damage. (see Part 3).

    Part 3: After [P][P], opponent either have [P] or [K] option. If you are committed to go for damage - The [P] comes out at ~13 frames but is high, the mid [K] option hits at ~16 if you use a low attack that executes faster than 15 frames you are in good shape.

    If there is something wrong with the above, please say so.

    Edit: For [P][P][P] - the above text basically eliminates the need to worry about the "annoying" hitbox or what some people called "tracking" (I disagree with the use of this word for what people are seeing so far) from the third strike in the attack string.
  9. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    Ha ha, so evade-2P is your friend? xD

    I tend to think this problem is presenting itself more in FS, because evade-attack has been removed.
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    All I can say is I've already managed to lifetilt people with Brad ducking p+k, p with it. Counterhitting an evader with the second part delayed is the bee's knees.
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    So which attack was evaded? The [P][+][K] or the strike before entering ducking?
  12. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    The ducking p+k. Even if an opponent evades the first hit of ducking p+k,p the second hit will hit even a evade > elbow speed attack and launch. Let me tell you that me being -13 when this is guarded isn't enough for me to just throw it out from time to time =)
  13. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

  14. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    this video is awesome. Thanks dennis for sharing.

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