Suggestion Board [U.S. keeping up with the Asian VF players]

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by kungfusmurf, Jan 28, 2003.

  1. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    smurfy... suggestion to you on how to up your level. Play more than one character. You will never fully understand how to defend against certain styles if you don't even bother trying out Shun, Lei Fei, Kage, ect. And when I mean trying out, I mean to set your Akira aside, and play another character for a few weeks at least. Just a suggestion. But I believe you started Shun. I am not sure if you did or not. If you did, forget I ever mentioned this post. lol.

    Shou... you mentioned something about talking to others why you lost. Remember, you shouldn't be losing to me! haha

    Another suggestion to anyone who is low on comp. Try and get together a sock drawer/piggy bank where you put a few dollars away each week. By the end of perhaps a season, you should have enough money to do a little traveling. If it's only enough by bus, or driving, ect. Travel to a place in let's say north america to begin with so you can meet other vf4 players and play against them for a weekend. Not only will you learn more that way, you will learn how to manage/save your money. So you can take future trips to perhaps asia. Also what Jedi said about some people being mean/unfriendly..... to the people who might be getting people to come to their place/area to compete. Open up a little and let someone stay at your place. Or at least offer to help. So many times I have asked people if they could help only to be turned away. Makes me not want to come to that specific area to play if there is little to no hospitality.
  2. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Ok, to all you punkass out there who participated with your feedbacks on the improvement board. I feel you and appreciate your love being showned.

    Fuck got to get out of the 50 cent mode it's going to get me shoot up again. So, hope to see everyone soon and I be showing you my pad skillz bitches. Peace and keep it real and you know I be /versus/images/icons/cool.gif In Da Club. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  3. FarOutFreak

    FarOutFreak Member

    "Asian VF players"

    Just as an FYI, as well...

    The North American VF scene isn't very far from our scene here in the Philippines, though. The same situation applies: a lot of Tekken and SF and CvS, compared to a miniscule amount of VF.

    Considering the apathy, there's also the point that the arcades are still driven by economics. And they will get machines that sell, since that's what will keep the arcades alive. I'm just not sure if it's the flash or the gameplay that makes games other than VF (Tekken, SF, etc) stand out or attract newer players more.

    I would like a better scene here, but there is little we can do along the likes of generating a lot of media and organizing some gatherings. If we can't even find decent machines to play with, nothing's going to happen. And without any decent machines, we can't get newer players into the game, and we can't start building, or even improving, the scene.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    There just really aren't a whole lot of options. There are too many things going against the NA VF scene, lack of machines outside of big metropolitan areas, steep learning curve, characters don't appeal to non VF fans, lack of good players and not to mention NA VF enthusiasts can be straight up DICKS at times to each other and hungry newbs. But thats all been said before anyway. But the Best thing happening right now to the VF scene in North America that should be taken advantage of is that Big time tournaments that traditionally only hosted Tekken are now adding VF to the flavor like EC4 and currently TiT5 is having Evo on Mar.22 and Tomhilfigers "EC4.5" is having Evo this month on the 22nd. EC 4 hosted VF4 and after it was over i heard people here complaining. So instead of the VF tourney going the way you don't want it to, us VFDC peeps should take the initiative to collaborate and plan it out with the Tournament hosters to make the tournies more enjoyable and up to VF fan's standards. I feel this is the best possible way to grab more possible fans and help the scene grow.

    I know for sure i'm taking the initiative to participate in the VF4Evo tourney at TiT5 so i can meet up with some new peeps and show people that there are people willing to help this scene grow. Sure being that VF is like a secondary game at these Tekken tournaments makes VF be in tekken's shadow you have to realize that thats how it is and how its gonna be for a while. Since there aren't many options open you gotta start small and work your way up.
  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    go HERE and read the two most recent logs. goose1 is andy so of nyc, aka CrewNYC.

    what does this have to do with this thread? it helps explain just one bit of why US vf is so piss-poor. this is someone who is in a great position to promote his own scene (money, location, resources), yet he - supposedly speaking on behalf of the supposedly finest group in the USA - devotes every fiber of his body, does every single thing in his power to piss off and alienate other direct competitors. way to go.

    as an end-note, he ran out our patience and was summarily banned because he declared that one of the friendliest and mellow and least imposing VF'ers in NYC - his own scene - was no longer welcome at their gatherings because baobab made the horrible error of pointing out how wrong andy's logic was.

    fucking jackass.
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I think it's important to know that, WINNING should NOT necessarily the single most important goal as a member of the VF community. Of course there will be some that wants to win more than other people, but being overly competitive really doesn't help. I mean.. look at the japanese scene, it's all about friendly competition and being part of something big. Surely they all recognize chibita's skills, but he doesn't necessarily win all the tournament. Winning competitions is not a true measurement of one's skills, it's just a motivation to play. Why can't people understand that this is a game.. just because you lost a round or two in a competition, doesn't mean that you suck at this game. People in asia surely don't give up playing just cause they don't think they are good. Otherwise there would only be a handful of players playing VF in japan. Hopefully, people will remember that we play for the fun we have, and winning or losing do not prove a thing. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  7. Proof

    Proof Well-Known Member

    Just read these two logs and I agree ~ he's a fucking jackass.

    Ok so he is "nice" irl, but a troll to everyone else online? I'm glad the TO guys are all nice ppl... Couldn't see myself starting to play vf in nyc.

    #1) you must play ver. c
    #2) you must win
    #3) camp in nyc

    no thx
  8. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Its awesome to be competative. But its much better to play. It dosent matter what language you speak, what country your from, or even your skills. Compared to the other guys in florida, Im such a scrub. Im no where near the level of IMF and Blonde_One. But those guys are always driving 1hour and 45 minutes to play me. Its not a matter of skill. ITs all about playing. All NYC is doing by not allowing someone to play VF with them is hurting there game. Im not bashing anyone. Im not flaming, I just hope NYC realizes what they are doing. Its not cool.

    P.S. Nelson, your welcome in the Hydra Lair anytime brother. I think there is some room at my place Feb 21-23
  9. Wakira

    Wakira Member

    I think sega just really needs to make the characters and graphics more appealing to bring in more players. Everyone can admit the characters are very plain with the exception of the new guys...and from an 3d standpoint, chill with the specular! Everyone looks all oily and greased up. I sometimes see confused reactions whenever people look at the game, not a good sign.

    As for the amount of dedicated players, the scene in NY is strange. There are players that come in at different times of the week/ day that have skills, but hardly ever play each other. I think if we coordinated more we'd improve, but I can see the dificultiy in that (different schedules). In terms of new people getting into the game, they are either turned off by the graphics or have trouble understanding the fighting system and just give up. Besides Soul Caliber, VF is the only other game with a guard button, and I notice people walking back expecting to block only to get double palmed in the adam's apple. That one mechanic might be too much of a drastic change to get used too. Also, the movement isn't as fluid in VF as other games. One thing I really like about tekken and soul caliber is the freedom of movement. Its so much easier to dodge and run circles around people in those games.
    In my opinion, the VF scene is still dead in the water for the US unless they make drastic changes in 5 or the console version is a monumental success. Until then...
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I'll second that.

    Andy [last name edited out because it would fuck with Andy's flow to have real life consequences to the things he says online] is an embarrassment to his team. He claims he's just playing a role and feels that he can say whatever he wants because 'it's only the internet'. Supposedly it promotes VF play and increases the competition level in new york. Someone will have to explain to me how having childish snits and banning people from gatherings = increased competition. I hope any Japanese or Korean players who know of VFDC and #vfhome keep way the hell away from Crew. I don't want them thinking all Americans are such dickheads.

    Crew, if you're reading this and plan on a reply, there are two points to keep in mind:

    1. Being a decent guy in real life is no excuse. If the internet doesn't count, then why can't Baobab come to NY events? It's 'just irc' right?
    Don't hide behind "ask anyone how I am in real life, they'll tell you I'm cool".

    2. This is NOT about VF or anyone's supposed skill level at VF. It's about how you act towards other people. Don't drag down the rest of the new york people with any "we" bullshit.
  11. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    And I'll keep that motion going, too.

    I think it's complete bullshit. What's wrong with NYC? You have Evo, I don't see what the problem is. Get off your asses and move on. Andy, as much as you are a nice guy in real life, your attitude towards the game in NY is toxic. When are you guys going to realize that it's not about how good Hiro is, or how well Nelson did in Japan. What NA needs to focus on, is NA. Fuck the judging of NA's game by some japanese standard. It's no surprise that Japan has a better scene - we all fucking know this. With all the resources available to you guys in NYC, you sure as hell do jack shit to help the NAVF scene. All you're interested in is yourselves. It makes me sick to see such a self absorbed bunch of VF players who could do so much more. There's even a new guy looking for competition in NY. Will he *ever* find it? No, I don't think so. You'll destroy the interest of new players sooner than you'll find anyone willing to travel to cater to your 'challenges'.

  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'll third that.

    I just finished reading the logs and it came as no surprise to me at all.

    Whenever Andy used the word "we" I wanted to scream. It won't be hard to go back and find posts from piccolo and hiro where they basically tell Andy that when it comes to NYC, he only speaks for himself. And we all know Adam is just too nice (online and off) to tell Andy where to go.

    Andy single-handedly undoes every little good thing Adam tries to do for the VF communitiy. Even though I'm physically removed from NY, I have been a part of one of the NYGs and I know and appreciate what Adam goes through to put it all together.

    The clinging onto ver.c is hilarious. It's like, "hey we finally 'get it' now and we're ready for the world!" yet the rest of mankind has moved on. What, so Andy has finally grasped ver.c Lau's 4 moves? Congratulations Andy, but nobody cares.

    I know in the past I've agonised, begged, pleaded and tried reasoning with you to register and use your own damn account here on VFDC instead of posting under Adam's all the time. Well, now you can just fuck off. Not that you ever intended on doing so, but if you ever register here I'll delete and ban your account faster than you can [2][P] ~ backdash.

    And fuck this "everyone has a role to play in the team" bullshit too. Being a first class ass seems to come naturally to you.

    p.s. look up the definition of 'troll' you knob-jockey
    p.p.s. fuck you
    p.p.p.s. this is only a message board
  13. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member


    Andy this may not mean anything to you, but GOD DAMN boy wtf have you done???

    I've enjoyed playing and hanging out with you in NYC, but when you went on irc and wrote the things you wrote, I felt as if you've closed your eyes and swung your sword lashing out at anyone without bias. Me being one of the people. Way to fucking go dude. I now honestly don't know what you think of the people around you because of the two face act you seem to put out irl and online.

    My advice: Cut the shit cause it sure as hell makes it difficult to determine who is really a good person and who i just being a fake ass nigga. You've been cool to me, but understand I'm gonna call BULLSHIT when I see it. Take care.


    Andy I was AFK when you wrote me. Listen this is not cool.


    Even though you say it's fucking flash! a lot of people don't see it that way. I don't get it. WHY??? I read what you write and shake my head. This is what I wrote to you after you had left Vfhome:

    <Jerky> ... dude if you say so, but dont you see it a bit childish? you SHOULD care about what you write here because it DOES carry over irl. I'll keep that in mind and let and trust you on this, but I didnt like and repeat did not like what you said to nelson. YOU ARE BEING A FUCKING ASS.
  14. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Aside from the recent drama, I'd like to point out what I have used in the past to lure people into playing VF or atleast showing interest or appreciation. First know a little something about that person, how they tick. Then I explain the intricate system involving +frames, -frames, throws. Once that is all said and done it is just a matter of Mathematics and reaction time. When I tell them that a group of guys get together once a week to play and practice "some" are druling over the possibilities of becoming really good at the game and "others" wouldn't give a rats ass. It all depends on the person and how they tick.
    What I think the US needs is organization. We can't rely on SEGA for this obviously, and even though VFDC is the "HOTNESS", there can be some added concepts to organizing the VF scene in NA. We need a committee! Something like a group of guys to talk it over and come up with a Time, place, and event for NA VF players to attend. Right now VF is mainly relying on the popularity of Tekken and its tournaments to organize our meetings. After coming back from Korea I've learned quite a bit about the game and quite a bit about how to stimulate growth and believe it or not "wealth" in playing VF! Now when I say wealth I don't mean have it be a career, but atleast have it be self-sufficient.


    1) Organize a TEAM!! Yes, a team not a group of guys but a legitimate team! come up with a name, logo, hats, T-shirts.....whatever =). Have FUN!!

    2) Find yourself a Leader or Manager! Someone that doesn't play the game Hardcore but "LOVES" the game and loves being apart of something great and will be enthusiastic about your team and events going on. The manager is a key role for a team, he organizes gatherings and makes sure everyone stays focused. He is your Public image!! Cheerleader!! And most of all your bitch! =P

    3) Steal players from other games, sell VF in the US, SEGA doesn't. YOU need to!! Advertise!! Fund Raise!! Get all girl-scout on it!!!

    4) For the serious players, get in a routine. Do workouts with your hands and arms strengthening your dexterity and muscles everyday. In Korea I would watch Shinz between VF matches playing some of the DJ Games working your finger inputs, It was unbelievable. DO THIS!!! =)

    5) Get a team Bank account, have a treasurer(one that is good with money) to hold the Bank Card. This is where all the money that your team generates goes. If you practice as a team you win as a team. Go to tournaments participate in events and win prizes for your team!!

    6) For everyone that plays in your team give them a job or title. Something that they can identify with, a purpose so to speak. Teams are very big in Korea and they work!!

    VF in the US isn't dead, it's all what you make of it. We can all sit around and sulk in the fact that SEGA doesn't do Jack shit for VF in NA. Or do the best we have with what we've got. And coming back from Korea I see potential but no effort. =/ If your a member on this site and you atleast visit it once a day or week even, you can do something to help the scene. I hope the drama ends soon and NY can get there heads out of there ass =).
  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    VFDC is the "HOTNESS",

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can imagine u saying 'HOTNESS' IRL /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    Oh wait, I have heard it b4 too! MY BLEEDING EARS!!!! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    This has been a troll msg..
    goodbye XD
  16. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Blonde one...

    Not only am I part of team hydra, I am also the team photographer, transporter (mini van rules; SC here we come), and team comedian. (my sidekick is Jedi) I also provide the extra equipment (one of my five tv's) and extra entertainement. (guilty gear xx, garou, others) So we need a treasurer. Jedi is the manager. Good deal! Jedi, thanks for keeping us all organized.
  17. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    this is not a response to you rich btw, just general stuff. and also that log shoulnt have been posted, it doesnt tell the whole story, so people like proff would take the wrong impression. it just makes NYC look bad. all planned i bet. nice going. you have done more damage to the usa vf scene by posting that. its none of your business.

    ok, i read that log. here's what i think.

    we're the new bad boys!!! hahaha :p

    anyway, lets see where i start. andy's role in this vf scene, i see nothing wrong with what he does, his way of getting you to come to play is rather not well received but guess what, it somehow works!! just look at all this drama lol, people read this stuff, they want to read it! cant get enought! cant wait to read vfdc and shit. it GETS to you! and that's what he wants even if you dont like it...but it works. we guys dont know how much we enjoy all these flames, and how seriously people take it. he baits you and you get caught, all in fun. dont find it funny, soooorry :p you guys get all sensitive about this shit, if you guys are THAT sensitive, then FUCK YOU! i hate sensitive people, fuck em, fuck em all! /versus/images/icons/wink.gif . so anyway, if you guys dont want andy to get to you just IGNORE him, how hard is that, not my fault that he gets to you hehe, i bet he will stop if his "call" for finding people to come and play in nyc is too is often ignored. cant take a "friendly" troll by andy then dont come to play in nyc. why do you guys bother to go to the NYGs and then bash us behind our backs, wasnt he niced enought to you when you met him? why do people cared so much about online persona, you met the guy in real life, you find out he aint like he seems in the net, then move on!! why call him a jackass cause of his online attitude? dont be so damm pussy people!!!!!.

    alright, next topic. mike said: "Well, now you can just fuck off. Not that you ever intended on doing so, but if you ever register here I'll delete and ban your account faster than you can ~ backdash"

    whoa whoa whoa!! calm down mike! what did andy do to you man??? did he post porn pics on this site? did he insult you in any way? man, why is it that him not registering is such a hassle? is it mandatory? ok if its not that is it cause he's annoying? why is that a reason for banning someone from a message board. besides, that happend in irc. not here. anyway think about it.

    next is llaflair's beef with NYC not doing "nothing" for the US scene. first of all, i got no beef with you :p hehe, just trying to clear things up. first of all, VF is not our job, its just our hobby, we dont take VF THAT seriously, its a GAME, we dont have to promote it, teach it, participate or be active. yes we do love the game but damm it do you think we going to do what blonde fuck said? a manager?, t shirts? and all that crap?? i really wonder who has his head up his ass. altho you think NYC has done nothing to promote vf in usa, i totally disagree. i think nyc DID help the usa scene.....without wanting to! can you deny it after the noise people make about the NYGs from before, successful or not. NYC was the only place during the vf3 era that give a fuck about getting people together to play. we invite them to play in nyc, let them crash at adam's or andy's place mostly anytime they want to play us. did they ever turn anyone down from playing with us? nope. after so many people playing us from out of town, the NYG was "formed", it was a place to chill for 3 to 4 days of nothing but playing the current vf game, no tourneys, just a gathering of friends playing their fav game.........AND THIS IS THE THANKS WE GET? sorry if our gatherings didnt match your expectations and didnt enjoy it (then again why in the reports you thanks us for a great time? thas why i dont even bother reading reports, all lies, people never say what they really meant, hypocrates..) but guess what noone else was doing SHIT but NYC.

    next topic. nelson, aka baobao's beef with andy in irc. first off, let me say nelson that im just basing my opinion from what i read from the log, and i'll tell it like i see it. so no hard feelings :p. well, im gonna have to agree with andy on why he told you to shutup, first of all you were making the dude look bad man! even wrong or right why did you keep on dissing andy, were you pissed at him before? i mean, honestly you were what in irc call it "trolling". andy also told me that he was private messaging you to stop/wait up till he makes his point, yet you kept on going. man! by reading the log i almost felt like saying shutup!! too. besides, i dont know why you took that "shutup" THAT seriously. i dont think he meant it in a rude way. just that nyc gotta stick together, na mean /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    next topic is florida's rise to fake fame (LOL). what can i say, NYC made these people, do you think they would be what they are today (good to decent players im told) if they didnt come to NYGs?, nope. hahah. people think that we want to prove something, nope, that's florida's job (remember when i say florida is just the 2 main guys and that guy that sucks but loves the game *accordind to blonde fuck* lol, the rest of the guys seem cool they know who they are). they are the ones trying to prove something (gee, even you guys here at vfdc were saying the same shit too). in my opinion, i think they bought their success. by going to korea they automatically think they are the shit now and they would look cool cause "i took a picture with kyasao". these guys were so hungry for recognision that now they made new york be the new bad boys (like they were), of course now that people "like" them they lay low and dont act as desperate as to not mess up their newly found reputation. also, 2, 2 guys is not a team lol. im gonna go in andy mode and do a little chest beating, something i rarely do, but i'll make an expception. /cheast beating activated. NYC has more quality players than just 2 guys, those 2 guys have yet to defeat the biggest guns that nyc has. by that i mean they cant beat consistently NYC's finest. so i woulnd be quick and call f those 2 guys best of usa that quick, hehe thas it /cheast beating mode off :p /versus/images/icons/grin.gif /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    anyway, im probably forgetting other topics but its late. so remember, you dont like it?....



    ps. damm this was long! i hate that! dont make me write this long, and yes spelling was fucked. :p

    also, if you hate us more now, so be it, we'll just keep on playing till the end of vf, like always.....
  18. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    NYC was the only place during the vf3 era that give a fuck about getting people together to play.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Get your information straight, Pic. How many tournaments did NYC hold for VF3? two? nope, none. Must I remind you that there were, count em, 1,2,3 (Oakville 1, Oakville 2, MoAT 3) tournaments for VF3 in Toronto before people had even heard of players in NYC. Lets move on to the VF3tb era, shall we? For you guys (not you fault) you focused on VF3tb on the DC and that's fine. So you had 2 gatherings. NYG, and NYG2. Way to go. When the first VF3tb MoAT was in the works, NYC was 'game' - they wanted to come up and play in the tourney after the Chicago tourney. Well, they didn't show. Months later, they show in TO only to sit around with Emil and play on the DC. Nice trip.

    It's the NYC way. You guys don't like tournaments, plain and simple. Everyone else seems to see that tournaments are a way of seeing who's the best. NYC seems to think that gathering play is the only deciding factor. And right now, with FLA coming out on top in the NYG3 *tourney*, it's busting Andy's balls. He wants the recognition so he's challenging FLA. When's he going to get it that it wouldn't matter - tournaments my friend will, and have already, determined who was the best. Yes yes, people may have been practicing since then - why they've been practicing VerC is beyond me - but in order to prove themselves, they've got to go to a tournament and win. End of story.

    You guys are 4 hours or so driving from Rochester. Where were you guys last weekend?? It was even VerC for ya! Nope, not a soul from NYC came to Rochester. We drove down from Toronto because we like the competition of VF. NYC doesn't like the competition. You've said it before 'naw, dawg, we just chillin' here in NY enjoying the game'. When I say get of your asses, I mean get of your asses and travel to a tourney and play with the rest of the continent. If NYC wants to bunker itself in playing VerC while name-calling and taunting for people to come and play, they're in for a big surprise.

    Now, the way I see it. Andy has now done irreparable damage. I don't want to go any NYGs anymore. Forget it. I'm sorry for Adam, I know he puts a lot of effort in to them but with Andy being the way he is, forget it. And I think a lot of other people feel the same way. NYGs are now a thing of the past. Tournaments, even those piggybacked with Tekken, etc, are the way of the future in NA for VF.

    What makes me laugh to myself are Andy's comments of "I know we cannot compete in EVO". It's the sore loser syndrome. Andy, go to TiT and play in the tournament. So what if you don't win. You'll have a blast playing VF4 Evo competitively. It's not about 'winning' it's about a community of players who enjoy playing the game competitively. When are you going to understand this?

  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Hi pic, you feeling alright? I never knew you could type so much! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    alright, next topic. mike said: "Well, now you can just fuck off. Not that you ever intended on doing so, but if you ever register here I'll delete and ban your account faster than you can ~ backdash"

    whoa whoa whoa!! calm down mike! what did andy do to you man??? did he post porn pics on this site? did he insult you in any way? man, why is it that him not registering is such a hassle? is it mandatory? ok if its not that is it cause he's annoying? why is that a reason for banning someone from a message board. besides, that happend in irc. not here. anyway think about it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Andy hasn't insulted me (well, not to my face at least), but let's just say this was the last straw. I can't stand idly by and watch the stream of crystal clear bullshit pour from him.

    Him not registering here isn't a problem or hassle now simply because he's had nothing to contribute for a long time. He can move onto another game for all I care. Anyway, I've had long and painful dialog with him and Adam and God knows who else, about him registering his own damn account. I don't give a fuck what excuse he has. His outright refusal to do such a small thing that will go a long way with a lot of people really gets on my tits. But anyway...

    Here's a few things for you to think about, picc:

    You say if someone says some shit to you online that you don't like, you should simply ignore them? This is ironic coming from you /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    You're absolutely right about one thing though -- VF is our hobby. It's what we do for fun. It's not work, it's not our job. If we were being paid to do it, then you'd have a right to tell us to put up with or ignore the bullshit that comes with the job. I mean at the end of the day, we're still getting paid right? But, I'm afraid none of us get paid for this, so why the hell should anyone put up with the crap thrown at them?

    I'm specifically talking about Andy's childish tantrums, taunts, challenges, or whatever the hell you want to call them. I've just had enough of that shit, and it's hard to ignore it when it just won't go away, not even after all these years.

    Please don't try to credit him for "fuelling" the scene either. As far as I'm concerned, Hiro and Adam put NYC on the map and he's just been the one who makes the loudest noise about it.

    NYGs filled a need for people wanting to gather and play during a time when players were few and far between, and dare I say, they were only possible because of Adam's generosity and selflessness when it came to providing the venue. Take the hotel away, and would anyone be even talking about NYG? *shrug*

    Now, times have changed with VF4 and I don't think many are going to worry so much about NYC, or the fact that they're always trying to catch up to the rest of the world. People are already travelling, playing in tournaments, sharing videos of their play.

    This shit is growing and it'll only get better, and New York City can kiss my waxed ass! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  20. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Just some disagreements:

    1. There's nothing wrong with what Andy does and it gets people to come play

    Baobab isn't getting to play. I'm not going to bother to come to NYC again. Florida doesn't sound like it much of an urge to go either. Andy made an invitiation for them to play him 1 on 1 in new york, and they said fuck that. According to Andy, this is because 'they're scared'. According to reality, it's because you guys are assholes. Florida offered to have new york play them at tit, and even offered to accomodate Andy's sad version C obsession by having a best of 40 team battle.

    2. Baobab was "trolling"
    12:28 AM: goose1 says NELSON shutup
    12:28 AM: CreeDo: pick you up lol
    12:28 AM: baobab has placed a shutup kick on goose1 [TT]
    12:28 AM: Jedi_fei: Are you guys staying at a Hotel??
    12:28 AM: baobab: you shutup

    Need I say more?
    --Andy told him to shut up first, it was rude and it's only predictable he gets a rude reply.
    --Even if baobab had told him to shut up, it was well deserved. Andy was fishing for a reaction, and the reaction he got was "Shut up". If Andy doesn't like that reaction he shouldn't go fishing.
    --You're both fucking hypocrites to say that it's ok for Andy to troll nonstop, 24 hours a day, and piss people off, but when a nice and likeable person like baobab does something you call trolling (it clearly wasn't) he's not welcome.

    New york DOESN'T have to stick together, nobody has to suck Andy's dick and give him a green light to be an asshole, and at least three members of the crew aren't going to anymore.
    From Hiro: "Many of you who are new may see Andy is representing our NYC voice, but it is not. He likes to bring confusions."
    From Baobab: I think you guys can guess his opinion.
    That's not to mention the opinions of other respected people on the VF scene, myke and llanfair and rsw and (even though he won't post) godeater. Hell, I've even got logs of ADAM saying that crew's acting like a retard.

    For some reason, you and I always disagree on this point Sal: When your friend is acting like a jerk, it's your job to call him out... not to step aside or support him.

    --You're the last person in the world who should support Andy, because Andy's theory is that "stuff you say online doesn't count, all that matters is what happens in real life". But not only does not truly believe that (otherwise anything baobab said would be water under the bridge)... Sal DEFINITELY doesn't believe it, because we're talking about someone who's threatening to put a guy in the hospital over some stupid online comment.

    Florida owes what they are to new york

    Just like new york has been spoonfed everything they know by Hiro.
    What makes you think anyone developed their skills on their own? For that matter, what makes you think you're hot shit at ALL? It sounds like new york has finally learned how to play version C... wow. At least florida takes what it learns on the road, looking to improve rather than hiding at home and chestbeating.

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