Super Street Fighter IV

Discussion in 'General' started by EmpNovA, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    sounds like you have a busy life. Maybe I'll see you around ssf4
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No, mate. The only person full of crap on this one is you.

    If you've been around long enough (and I'm assuming you have since you reg'd in 2003) you might recall that I was one of the more vocal against the return of Taka, and even going so far as to justify AM2's decision to leave him out of VF4.

    From my post in the Arcadia No. 96 - Virtua Fighter 5R Feature thread, on the topic of bringing Taka back to the series:

    So next time you want to (pretend) "quote" me going all fanboy on the return of Taka (or any other topic for that matter) you best get your facts straight.

    Again, I won't begrudge the masses who will flock to SSF4 and gain vast amounts of enjoyment from it. Just saying that it's not my cup of tea and not saying "it's lame", or that I'm venting my frustration with SEGA at Capcom.
  3. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Myke layin down the law.

    And I would just like to touch on a few things I've seen on this site lately in regards to Sega's and Capcom's business decisions:

    And the big difference between Capcom and Sega in this situation is that Capcom listens to their community because they get MUCH MUCH MUCH more sales from their American market (mostly because of nostalgia, and who really is to blame for them making tons of money off of 20 year old ideas?) than Sega does. Maybe if they had the fan base and the blind allegiance to their brand that Capcom does we'd be seeing R out here in the states. Hate to break it to you guys, but the people from VFDC (which would be the primary market for VF5R in the US, among others) wouldn't create the revenue that would make bringing R to consoles worth it. However, SF4 sold to the average gamer which, if you guys haven't noticed lately, is a pretty low common denominator.

    Forgive me if that wasn't completely coherent, It's getting late and I woke up pretty early this morning. Now time for sleep.
  4. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    what would be considered a successful sale figure for vf5r if it were to come out on consoles? Does it have to sell a million copies? I am guessing each game has different budgets and one company could make a game and sell 100,000 and it would be successful while to another company it would be a failure. Correct?
  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    What if they just make it for the die-hard VF fans and charge us $80-100 dollars for it or something like that? Or just work us over on DLC?

    However they need to make it profitable for them, I'll pay. I just want the game. SEGA can rape my wallet if need be, but just give the fans (however many there are out there) what they want and keep us happy... Then they can pick a business model and price-point around that to make money even if they don't expect to sell many games...

    I don't know how hard it is to port a game to console. I don't even have the faintest idea; I used to think it was pretty simple, but apparently it isn't that simple after all.

    I SSF4 console only??? Is there going to be an arcade version for Japan or they have to play on console just like us???
  6. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I believe SF4 console version brings Capcom a lot of business and also reduces the arcade income. That's why they release SSF4 on console only.
  7. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    Besides the updates, I'm glad to see the whole cast of the SFII series in IV. My friend and I can't wait to try out Juri.[/size]
  8. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

  9. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    DIDN'T YOU LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAID!? He said that he would most like to do another Darkstalkers game! If fans agree with him, they should start another e-mail spam, just like it was with SF, so they know there's a market for it...

    Wow... if Sega were like Capcom... we'd have 5R on consoles, lol [​IMG]

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