Team <<Shao long pao>> {NYC VF} thread.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Sudden_Death, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Well if I'm just aiiight, my aiiiight ass got you 2-1 when it counted in the round robin and bracket tourny. So if I'm just aiiight, your "OK". =P

    PS- I'm in your head, now your gonna lose. Ad's can't hizandle the pressure. it's cool though. Not to mention Hiro had to talk with you during the actual round robin so you didn't get beat down during our second match. Don't Get IZOWNED MY FELLOW VFER!!!
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I think both side has said enuff
    so uhmm

    till next time fellow VFDCers!
  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Ooooooooooooooooohhh....2-1. You da man. Pfftt....get some real skillz man. Maybe next time.

    P.S: You gotta gimme that picture you giving all the korean/japanese players hand/blow jobs while in Korea, okay? The one you said you gonna hang on your bedroom wall!

    Yawn....its 3:18am. Im out. You the man dirty Blondie.
  4. ghetto-SHUN

    ghetto-SHUN Well-Known Member

    Rivalry is the greatest thing in the world Kun.
    It's this kind of respect and competiveness among players
    that will keep crewNYC, florida and hopefully everyone else playing VF
    for a long time to come.

    1. N.Y.C.
    2. ????
    3. ????
    4. Florida???

    Just kidding.
  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    seems all the trash talk is over, now move along people, keep posting your meeting times and stuff /versus/images/icons/wink.gif . (but why???? why dont use a freaking phone)

    ps. really, "team" threads are kinda lame, thats why i created this one, to make a mockery of it /versus/images/icons/wink.gif . but at the same time it "serves" for people that like to do that kind of thing (posting to meet and play).

    to hammerhead: dude, you dont know the whole story, im not "kidding" around.

  6. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    To piccolo: You're right, I don't know the whole story, maybe someday. But, I do know you're serious. (so, you didn't like the word rivalry)

    You know, I want to make fun of the whole situation, but I won't. (ok, only the ten year old thing, but that's because I don't want to mention any names) Right now, I'm not taking any Sides. Also, I'm not trying to criticize anyone. I certainly don't want to be the middle man. I believe that things can only be settle man to man. All I wanted was trying to created a new thread without the anger. In this thread there were angry words, were they not?

    Ok, I said too much already. Let's get back to our "regular scheduled programming." Like, posting meeting time and stuff. (it's good for people not registered at vfdc to meet the "experts") I'm moving along now.
  7. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    amen /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  8. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Are any of you NY cats planning on going to that tourney in Texas in March? Just wondering since a lot of good players will be there.

    Also, when's the next big NY gathering? Any word yet on that, or is it too far off to even worry about now. I definitely want to go this time, so it'd be nice to plan ahead.
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    This is the actual direct translation if you want to use it. Shao = Little, Long = Dragon, Pao = Buns. Yeah baby, I love it the Little Dragon Buns / Shao Long Pao. /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    the 'long' in this case refer to the small casing the 'pao' is cooked in, not dragon. xiao long pao direct translates into something like 'small caged buns' /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  11. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Hey hey, let the Chinese guy do the translation. Besides, doesn't Little Dragon Buns sound better than Small Caged Buns? /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  12. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    All the speculation over who the "better" player is....yuck. There are so few VF players in NA, you'd think we'd have more respect for each other than this. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    My 'second place' remarks helped spark this flame I see. Understandable, but I was hoping NYC would handle the razzing better than they did. Personally, I enjoy saving my best play for the tournament and round robin seeding and not putting so much emphasis on winning exhibition matches, where I'd rather experiment and just enjoy strong competition. Anyway, it's fair to say, that until the next tournament, NYC is second place. Those were just the results of NYG3. =P

    Blondie, you've forgotten rule #1: Don't argue with 2nd place, they'll try to drag you down. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  13. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Hey Kungfusmurf.... Shang is from China. So I think he's chinese just like us~~! huhuhu!~
  14. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Personally, I enjoy saving my best play for the tournament and round robin seeding and not putting so much emphasis on winning exhibition matches, where I'd rather experiment and just enjoy strong competition...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hahah...lets keep it real, please. Please. Don't front like you don't try your best to win when playing gathering style. I saw you stressin' trying to take me down throughout nyg3, nigga, so pleeeease. Spare me. Keep imagining that you 2 are in first place. According to the tourney results, Andy (CrewNYC), who placed second, is better than you. I thought you could have sworn that he was nothing compared to you.... Even though Andy is one of the better players, he by no means is better than Hiro. Hiro placed what? Like 3rd or 4th? His placement is an indicator of his skill level? Bullshit. He is one of the best players (if not THE best) players in the country. So keep clinging onto your NYG3 *incomplete, slo-mo homo tourney* results... Cause that is all that you will ever have.

    If u can consistently beat down me, Hiro, Nelson or any of the NY dogs, then I'll take your claims about being #1 seriously. You guys couldn't consistently beat Rodney or Andy (you may have had them a bit over 50%), so what makes you think that you can hand us our asses, when they have been training like crazy since NYG3?
  15. siLEpai

    siLEpai Well-Known Member

    Re: Team <<Shao long bao>> is da BOMB!

    Team Shao Long Bao in NYC sure knows how to have yummy fudd & games as well as roll out the warm welcome mat and make a siLE stranger feel at home. I haven't had this much fun in ages! I love the cabs with the top coin slot. None of that token stuck kick the VF machine with a little TLC love tap =P Qte mini-stools too! Just the right height and size for li'l siLE kiddies =D Man, you guys are so lucky to have a tight knit crew of devoted VFers with accessible hours of playtime at C-town Fair around the corner from Joe's Shanghai and bubble tea =b

    AdamGOH, thanks so very berry much for organizing everything and making sure I was safe and sound during my escapade to NYC. Please thank Elise for the dinner invitation and knowing her she saved you the best treats for last to come home to after work. Get that MBA, run your own business, so that you can delegate somebody else for the holiday/weekend shifts and play more VF =) I still think they forgot the "T" in spelling GOTH and that he looks like a resurrected zombie from the dead without fangs. Maybe when you kill the Florida folks in VF for a feeding frenzie, he'll get his skin color back or better yet a tan =)

    Andy, it was so good to see you again happy and siLE as ever! Thanks a bunch of dAZs for being the fudd expert and getting the awesome set up at CF. Whatever strings you pulled with your charm and connections, it was well worth it! If you're ever in the Bay Area, I'll gladly return the yummy fave =) BTW, I'm glad you're playing Pai again. I love your Pai's flow and especially that cool throw [2][P]+[K]+[G]! Pai flow-er power =P

    Nelson, it was a pleasure seeing ya again as well as refreshing to get some air and a chance to talk. We'll have to have a raincheck on discovering the joys of bubble tea. Good luck on your New Year's resolutions! Don't retire your Shun! He's not krAZ enough yet!

    Sal, thanks for teaching me that cool move [P]+[K] to follow with [2][P]+[K]+[G] or [6][P]+[K]+[G], [9][K][K]. You can bet your TV I'll be practicing that combo even with my poor dexterity =D Moreover, your mom did a great job in raising you to be a gentleman! Thanks for the personal escort and offering me all sorts of sweet treats! BTW, I still think the tokens look like somebody knocked out some teeth in the Pacman ghost. We know Pai packs a mighty mean punch . . . Shhh =P

    Rodney, thanks for the tips on the throw timing and for the token freebie. You definitely gave the NYC crew bonus brownie points for hospitality =O

    Mark, it was nice meeting ya. I hope your bag gets lighter this new year so you can spend more NRG playing VF and less time bag-sitting =b

    Again, thanks y'all for taking it EZ on me in VF and making my day super siLE! I wish everyone a Happy New Year and let's start it with more fun friendly VF EVO love on the threads @_@
  16. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    <font color="yellow"> Tournament: A series of contests in which a number of contestants compete and the one that prevails through the final round or that finishes with the best record is declared the winner. </font color>

    <font color="yellow"> Second: Coming next after the first in order, place, rank, time, or quality. </font color>

    Going by definition here, you were 2nd at NYG. I'm not making this up. If you don't like the way your tournament turned out then all we have to go by is the round robin, where you were also 2nd (see definition). This would be what they call a FACT.

    I'm not interested in arguing about who the best player was. There are too many definitions and interpretations of the word.

    <font color="yellow"> Best: Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality </font color>

    Define exellence, achievement, or quality in terms of VF and then pick which one is more important. This seems to lean more towards OPINION in my book.

    Your post is in bad form, nasty, nasty, ugly.
  17. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: Team <<Shao long bao>> is da BOMB!

    I dont check the forums for 2 days and visitors come and hell breaks loose in this thread. WTF? Dammit, I miss out on all the fun. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    So is NY getting serious again? /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif Going to really up my game now. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Guess I'll show on the first and definetly on the 3rd <FRIDAY> /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Dawg, you know MD is bringing in 2nd place!!!
    Phil (RIP...bastard is going westcoast=
    BBoy saruman
  19. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    Action This Weekend

    So of any day of the weekend, the 3rd will probably see the most action? If Rich and I make it up there this weekend, wondering what day we should dedicate to VF...

  20. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Re: Team <<Shao long bao>> is da BOMB?? yes

    Happy New Year to everyone.

    Adam: Andy's going take you down. huhaha... It was all fun, tho. Hope you drop by more.

    Andy: How you took down Adam that time was funny. Hehe. It can only happen on the cabs in the arcade. I'll you take down next time. huhaha... Have fun.

    Nelson: Didn't play against you last night, next time. Oh, I was wrong about Wolf's catch before, he does have the db direction. Next time, I won't ever argue with Andy. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Rodney: You weren't into it that much yesterday. Hope you're alright. Just let you know, I did win by luck the first time won against your Akira. hehe... I used an old trick of mine. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    SilEPai: Yeah, CTF definitely needs to have a bag and coat check. They'll earn tons. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif So have fun for the rest of you stay. It's nice meeting you SilEPai. It's good to see some fresh face in CTF last night. I hope we can go more rounds next time.

    Sal: It's nice to meet you, but this time with an introduction. Thanks to ghetto. Hope to see you more often.

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