Team <<Shao long pao>> {NYC VF} thread.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Sudden_Death, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member


    Fridays are always the best day for comp. Last week I was there from 9 till 1:30. And I heard they were more people earlier in the day. The cabinets are really sweet, people are really attracted to them.
    Now if only I can get used to the sticks...<sigh>
  2. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    In my dictionary and many others' dictionaries (even yours if im not mistaken - at one point) best is pure winning ability. Number of wins. Consistency and stamina - that is what its all about. Its quite simple. It doesn't/shouldn't matter how (quality?) one wins. There is of course the other school of thought: Peeps bitching about machi, favoring style over winning at all cost, blah, blah... But the funny thing is, that I recall your attitude to be of the former school of thought (you and dirty Blondie). The tune suddenly changes....*shrug*

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    If you don't like the way your tournament turned out...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It never really bothered me how the tournament turned out cause, again, it didn't really "prove" anything to me (everyone now knows my attitude toward tourneys - especially *incomplete* slo-mo homo tourneys /versus/images/icons/grin.gif ) I just evaluated niggaz on how much they won throughout the 4-5 days. By that criteria (again, a criteria that many hold to be most valid in determining supreme assHANDING status), Florida was just aight. Just aight. Get it through your heads. Just aight. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    I still love you though! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif x 100
  3. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Hey Yuki.. I am pretty happy being just alright! So thanks for the compliment to me! huhuhu!
  4. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Once again, my point here isn't to determine who I "think" the strongest player was at NYG3. If you asked me then, and if you ask me now, I will say that Adam Yuki was the strongest opponent at NYG3. Get it straight hombre. I'll bring you a little badge next time we come to NYC that says "Adam Yuki: The strongest player at NYG3. Finished 2nd place." And you can parade around your apartment wearing it and showing it off to everyone you know. There aren't enough strong opponents in NA for there to be an excuse, if there existed one 'best' player at NYG3, that player should have won no matter what, tournament and all. But that didn't happen. You wanna be the very BEST? Win with consistency and especially win when it counts. We don't have a thriving arcade scene in the US where you've got a 90% win ratio and 6000 wins vs strong comp. Doing well head to head against someone over the course of 30-40 matches stretched out over 3-4 days doesn't make you Chibita. So effing win when it's most important and show some sportsmanship if you don't. Nothing worse than a whiney 2nd place. And stop trying to blame us for the tournament being a mess, we weren't the ones running it, all we did was win, fair and square, with the same chances everyone else had. Why, even the "**best**" player on the "**best**" team in ALL the land was there and they finished 2nd place. How about that.... /versus/images/icons/blush.gif

    Just one more thing, you seem to want to define "best" as the player who wins the most overall. Well, let's see, at NYG3 Andy won the most in gathering style with the highest win%, Blondie won the most overall in the tournament, and I won the most overall in the Round Robin. It is also interesting that you view Hiro as maybe being the BEST (as many of us do) yet he is known for not taking matches serioulsy and only trying when he is inspired against strong competition. If he then is the best player in your eyes I am curious as to how you can also define being the best as winning at all times against everyone no matter what. So perhaps you would like to change your definition of the 'best' to the one who wins the most overall against strong opponents when he is inspired and trying? And then define what a strong opponent was at NYG3. This is why there are tournaments dog, it's how you settle things until the next one comes around *IF* you are interested in the purely competitive side of the competition. Because everyone will have their own opinion on this subject, and it turns into a SPAZfest.
  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hmm, i think this should be settled with only you guys playing. i was told that the win % were known on the ps2 mem card. if thas the case, then i think its a little faulty cause this turns into a who played the most "scrubs" at nyg3. one could have easily have a more win % if they played a bunch of scrubs, all you have to do was search for them (and i was told there were a lot of them, no offence to them but hey. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif ) and have a kick ass win %.
  6. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Nothing worse than a whiney 2nd place. And stop trying to blame us for the tournament being a mess, we weren't the ones running it, all we did was win, fair and square, with the same chances everyone else had.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh...I never once "whined" about second place, so stop that bullshit. Again, i really didn't care about the results. They proved NOTHING to me. And no one blamed you guys for how the tourney was run - wtf are you getting that from? I just thought it was quite newb-ish/amateurish that you 2 can claim yourselves as number 1 players in the country according to those tourney results.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    So perhaps you would like to change your definition of the 'best' to the one who wins the most overall against strong opponents...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Come on now! That is a no-brainer. You know very well that is what i refer to. It should always be winning most overall against "strong" opponents. Don't be a jackass.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    I'll bring you a little badge next time we come to NYC that says "Adam Yuki: The strongest player at NYG3.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just remember that its "adamYUKI", not "Adam Yuki". Make sure you get that right on the badge. Also, "...the plaque for the alternates (you boys) is in the ladies room..." (Top Gun reference for those who don't know). Oh yah, lil monkey boy, thanks for the new sig....

    Later, "aight niggaz" /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  7. ghetto-SHUN

    ghetto-SHUN Well-Known Member

    Interesting little suggestion you made there my friend.
    IMF, When you're sessioning with Blond-one and the other florida players I understand
    what you mean by experimenting and not going all out. But I would think that at a
    gathering with as many different players as NYG3 had, there'd be no experimenting.

    Rather, you 'd take all the skill that your experimentation and practicing brought you back at home and apply it to the fullest. You and Blond-one come off as two very competitive guys, who have alot of pride in your VF skills. Showing everyone that you're as Blond-one
    puts it "bad asses" I'd think was a priority.

    I could be wrong though.
    1.N.Y.C. /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif
    2.shadowdean and company....(happy now) /versus/images/icons/cool.gif
    4.Florida???? /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  8. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    I just thought it was quite newb-ish/amateurish that you 2 can claim yourselves as number 1 players in the country according to those tourney results.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with this statement. If I won some small NY tourney, I wouldn't even dare say or even think I'm the best in the country, because winning one little tourney doesn't prove that. And that's why it's hard for me to believe someone can claim such a thing without playing in numerous tournaments, against numerous people from all over. Until someone can win consistently in all the tournies and gatherings they enter around the US, then that's the only way I'd believe someone was the best in the country. Until then, there's just top players, and right now Florida and NY is home to some top players.

    Plus, forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the NY tourney way too close to call it a blow out in FL's favor, where they are hands down the best in the country? Winning 50% of the time during casual play, and barely winning the tournament is definitely not something to brag about.

    Win the TX tourney FL to prove me wrong, and the next NY gathering to prove them wrong, and then you guys will really prove yourselves. It sucks that you have to go through all that, but that's what it takes to become known as the best, and we all have to go through the same rules too so we all are equal in this sort of ranking.

    Cheers /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I am also chinese~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    (this thread needs a little bit of my devilish handy work)

  10. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Ummm I play in florida. Im pretty good. or at least I think I am.
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    lol sal, keeping it real.
    real lame.

    When are you gonna change back the cool old sal who didn't go around threatening people over nothing? You used to be a guy to respect, but I've seen posts exactly like yours coming out of the mouths of little thirteen year old wannabe gangbanger MVC mall scrubs. How can someone respect a guy who talks like that?

    Your friends in new york want to be able to talk a little friendly smack with their florida buddies. They don't need this retarded death threat shit busting up their bukkake party. They're like two old friends sitting on the porch sipping beer and trading friendly insults, and suddenly this loud drunk staggers up and starts screaming and trashing the furniture. Do the right thing and just apologize and forget about it, it's not that hard.
  12. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    creed creed creed.... when are you ever going to learn to mind your damm business man. whatever happend to that cool guy i once knew?? one thing i learn about you is that you CANNOT be trusted, you don't stand for your so called friends, even if it's for a good cause or for a "bad" one, how many times do i have to say it, you're too damm PC, I know it , and a bunch of people knows it. and here you are blasting me making look bad and shit, and why??? what the fuck did i ever do to you?? i though we were cool man. I noticed you changed as soon as you met the FL guys, i have a little theory as of you you so nice ALL OF A SUDDEN with them: you figured since they saw how sucky you were at VF4 and lost badly to them, you had to be buddy buddy with them so as not to make you look bad in the forums here, like you didnt want them saying "see, creed, you suck after all" so basically you followed the "if you cant beat them, join them" group to save face. but thas just a theory i could be wrong...

    you see, it didnt have to come to this, you didnt have to diss me, even tho you dissed me before i kind of let go a bit cause i remember you used to hook me up with stuff, and was generally nice to me but then i started seeing the real creed, the backstabbing friend everyone would hate to have, the kind of peple that tells the cops who did it, a rat. again, what the fuck did i do to you??? cant you stand for friends? shit no wonder you cant live without irc.

    about the FL vs NY thingy, you think its a friendly smack talk that's going on?? LOL dude, i talk to this guys, lets just say its not friendly and leave it at that. the thread my friend is as real as it comes, im not stupid to kill someone, its just a way of saying it. basically means near dead. theres a difference bettween "little thirteen year old wannabe gangbanger MVC mall scrubs" that dont keep their word and someone who does, im not looking for respect, im just gonna beat someone that fucking dissed me, thas all. woulnt you do the same if someone said that to your face irl? if not, then what are you some kind of pussy? im sorry but thas how i deal with my business, dont like it? tuff. im not the one that changed, i was always like this, this is like the first time i have to deal with morons like blonde one in the vf community, you just found out what happens when you fuck with me. words mean shit, but for now, thas all i can do till he crosses my path.

    and please, just stfu and mind your business.
    cant beleive it had to come to this <font color="red">creed</font color>
  13. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Piccolo? Is that from DBZ??

    If it is, could you change your name to like Freiza or Vegeta. those characters fit you more. Violent, jealous, lots of short comings. Piccolo was much more wiser than you!!

    Are you going to want to fight me now.
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member


    jedi: cool it. the beef is not with you.
  15. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    You make it my problem when you threatin my friends. You may not like these people, but I consider them my friends. I dont like you. All you do is threatin and complain and bitch. I dont know what your deal is. YOu have this thing where you assume you can just kick our ass. Why is that. Are you some martial arts master?
  16. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member


    dude, just stay out of it, trust me. spare me the love for your friends, haha. damm cant a guy defend himself? its like blonde cant fight for shit.
  17. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Japan > All /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    now lets all watch some k-pr0n and be happy.
  18. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member


    Okay, I'm going to stick my nose where it don't belong. String me up a tree & burn a cross in my yard and tell me you're steamed cause my mother licked your balls all wrong then shorted you $5. Get a posse together. Beat me to my last breath then drown it with piss. If I've flamed myself enough to continue.


    Florida? New York? C'mon fellas...when was the last time some top vf'ers from Japan came to this hemisphere in search of some tougher competition? I'm thinking exactly NEVER. So it's all a race for second place. Wait...that's Korea. Third place then. Shit, third place is probably Singapore or Taiwan. Fifth place? Australia or the UK, huh? So the back-and-forth is who comes in first in the race for 7th. I'm sure it's stunning and dramatic and all but...I've already gone to the fridge for a 40 after the first three horses cross the line, sorry. I'm not trying to insult anyone. Maybe I'm just trying to insult everyone. I mean, everyone knows big boy, icecold winters & steve thunder are the top notch, running away with seventh ain't even close. are on this like this site...I would venture to say even that you have gotten some use or learned something from this site. From what I can tell, much of this site is due to the hard work and dedication of CreeD. One post from CreeD is usually worth about five or six posts from almost anyone else, so when he suggests that you not threaten anyone with physical violence (from 1500 miles away) it might be better to just take the advice rather than spray out insults and more threats of physical violence. Certainly CreeD didn't have the most soothing words for you in the midst of his suggestion but it hardly necessitated spewing forth more hatred upon your brothers. I think there's enough room in the NA VF community for all of us...
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    creed creed creed.... when are you ever going to learn to mind your damm business man.

    Minding your business is sal-language for not bothering to help friends because it's "their problem". I guess if a chick is sitting next to you at the subway and a guy starts raping her right there in front of you, you shouldn't get involved because you're butting into their love spat.

    whatever happend to that cool guy i once knew??

    I dunno, I don't hear people going around saying "man when did creed turn into such an asshole" all the time. But it's pretty common whenever your latest post comes up. Can you believe there are people who have NO IDEA that sal is a guy who used to be known for being "nice and easy to get along with", a guy who posted about VF and always was the first guy to jump in and tell other people to chill? There are guys who have only seen the sal in the past few months, who's all about "kill you" and "put you in the hospital" and childish insults. If someone tries to tell these newcomers that piccolo is a mellow, cool guy... they'll look at 'em like "what are you smoking?" That's sad.

    one thing i learn about you is that you CANNOT be trusted, you don't stand for your so called friends

    You couldn't be more wrong, and it's really ironic you say that. What you don't like about me is that I stand up for my friends TOO MUCH. For people who are wondering what the fuck sal's talking about - sal's mad because I would not help him try to get blonde_one banned from our VF irc channel. Sal wanted his personal beef to carry into the channel and wanted blonde_one banned for life, I told him no way, and he accuses me of "backstabbing" (how's it backstabbing when I tell you 'no fucking way' to your face?)...

    Anyway I had two friends, and could only stand up for one of them. I stood up for the one who wasn't acting dumb. I'd do it again too, because what you call "acting too PC" I call being decent towards other people. Letting you ban blonde one would be like myke allowing me to ban you from VFDC. But thoughts like that never cross my mind because it's petty to try to fuck with someone like that over a minor disagreement.

    and here you are blasting me making look bad and shit, and why???

    I can never make you look half as bad as you make yourself look. As for why I do it... because I don't like to sit by and watch you picking on people. Not that they can't defend themselves, it's just a frigging chatroom or forum, but that doesn't mean people should have to sit back and take shit from guys like you. You can try to turn it around and say "I'm not the one who changed, creed is"... but I've been defending people from getting banned from irc for years, I've argued for hours over it, I've gotten banned over it, and it's common knowledge that it's the way I am. I'm not treating you any differently than the other friends I've fought with. There's nothing wrong with stepping up and telling your friend "you're acting stupid" - if someone doesn't do that for you, are they really a good friend?

    i have a little theory as of you you so nice ALL OF A SUDDEN with them: you figured since they saw how sucky you were at VF4 and lost badly to them, you had to be buddy buddy with them so as not to make you look bad in the forums here, like you didnt want them saying "see, creed, you suck after all" so basically you followed the "if you cant beat them, join them" group to save face. but thas just a theory i could be wrong...

    Hahahhaaha... that's the no-class new york style I've come to know and love... trying to twist something that has -nothing to do with VF- into a VF pissing contest.

    I act buddy buddy with the florida guys for one reason only - because they're decent guys. To you this seems sudden - but if you look back you'll see that I was one of the first guys florida could warm up to on the board and on the channel - because I didn't act like a pissant towards them and tried to be civil when replying to their posts, even back when I thought they were just a bunch of trashtalking scrubs. Did my respect and attitude towards them improve after meeting them? Sure, but that was after nyg, where I played florida like... 5 times total. As for your little theory about me playing shitty and then kissing ass to hide it... nigga please. Imf had a 90% win rate in round robin, guess who contributed to the other 10%? I don't have any reason to be ashamed. I don't claim I'm better than imf or blondie, but I play well for a guy who can't find serious comp without driving through two or three states.

    Even if I played shitty or even if florida played shitty, again that has NOTHING to do with why I like them. They were cool hosts when I visited. We hung out, and I didn't have to worry about them making snotty comments to or about me afterwards. That's more than I can say about new york, unfortunately.

    you didnt have to diss me, even tho you dissed me before i kind of let go a bit cause i remember you used to hook me up with stuff, and was generally nice to me but then i started seeing the real creed, the backstabbing friend everyone would hate to have

    Take a breather and get your vocabulary straight sal - backstabber means someone who betrays you in secret. When did I ever hide my disagreements from you or try to spring nasty surprises on you? What you keep calling backstabbing is just blown waaaay out of proportion.
    -You had an opinion about blonde one.
    -I disagreed with it.
    That's all there is to it. And as for me being the friend everyone hates to have... shit, who do I NOT hook up? Find me a half dozen people who think I'm an asshole. Who else do I fight with except you and maybe one other guy (hi rich!)? ... and as for the other people I've fought with, they all understand the meaning of the term "GET OVER IT". I've fought with bungle no less than 100 times and we're still friends, and he actually once felt the same way you did (about florida and maybe about my loyalty as a friend). I've bitched and squabbled with dodee from time to time, he and I are fine after a couple of days. I can talk civilly to andy even though his attitude sometimes pisses me off, because I have to give him a nod for being a nice guy in real life.

    Get a clue sal, your 'creed = backstabber' theory's as fucked as the 'creed sucks florida's dick just to hide how much he sucks' idea.

    My "sal = jackass" theory has gotten a lot of support though.
    I should stress that the people who think your behavior is fucked up AREN'T just guys like me who have never met you, it's being said by old friends who have met you repeatedly and known you for years. And those friends haven't been shy about saying it.

    Do you not really believe that your friends feel that way, do you think I'm lying about this? Or do you believe it and just not care what your friends think of you? Maybe you believe and KNOW deep down that you're acting stupid, but just can't man up and admit it... it's so much easier to just repeat the same shit over and over.

    im not stupid to kill someone, its just a way of saying it. basically means near dead. theres a difference bettween "little thirteen year old wannabe gangbanger MVC mall scrubs" that dont keep their word and someone who does, im not looking for respect, im just gonna beat someone that fucking dissed me, thas all. woulnt you do the same if someone said that to your face irl?

    I hope you mean "I'm not stupid enough to kill someone" - that's refreshing. But stupid enough to put them in the hospital? You're saying you are and act like that's something to be proud of. What's sad though is that florida didn't come out with their guns blazing saying "sal's a retarded dominican piece of shit, fuck your mother and I hope you die"... what florida said was MINOR, it was NOTHING. As I understand it, you were on AIM or something and wanted to know how florida was doing at nyg, and they happened to be at andy's computer and saw that... and gave you a smiley in reply. You took that to mean "andy doesn't want to talk about it because florida's looking over his shoulder" and you kept spamming him with messages like "man it's your apartment, make them leave the room. I wanna know how they're doing. Tell me how they're doing"... blah blah blah. Florida's tacky response to this (later on) was basically "if you're so hot to know whether or not we can play, you should have worked up the nerve to come to nyg and play us". Which you took as the ultimate insult of doom, which led to mudslinging between you and florida, and now here we are - blonde one is supposed to go to the hospital because he (in his own impolite way) pretty much put you in your place.

    In response to your question.. .would I come to blows over halfassed smack like that? No. And I'd never threaten to hospitalize or kill someone over the internet... that shit's dumb.

    and please, just stfu and mind your business.
    cant beleive it had to come to this creed

    Like I said in the beginning sal - I don't work like that.

    How's this for a fucked argument:
    -Sal thinks people should stick up for their friends, but he also thinks they should mind their own business. So what happened when I got banned on irc a few months ago? (before all this senseless fighting)

    -Well, I ask my good friend sal "hey, this shit's wrong, don't stand by and let me get banned from IRC... help me out" ....Sal, you stuck up for me by doing <font color="red">nothing</font color>, and copped out with this chickenshit "none of my business" crap. You come at me with all this bullshit about backstabbing and not standing by my friends? Shit, everything I learned I must have gotten from you.

    I bet you wanna argue "I had to choose between two friends" right? Well, the friend who banned me later apologized and has mellowed out considerably. You couldn't work up the nerve to tell him he was being a jerk, but thankfully he realized it himself, and that's why he's a bigger man than you'll ever be.

    I never heard an apology from you for sitting back and letting it happen. I don't expect one at this point, and that's the problem with dealing with you sal - you never apologize. You think refusing to forgive people or apologize for your fuckups is being a man. It's not, it's being cowardly. Admitting your faults and learning to live with other people's is ten times harder than what you're doing. Everyone eventually figures out that they can't fix every problem with a threat, a fist, or a gun... when are you gonna grow up and figure it out?
  20. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member


    okok, cant people just understand its all about a guy that just hates being dissed on and doing something about it (sorry, thas how I deal with it, cant change me). i dont give a shit about the damm second place shit, its just bettwenn me and blonde one. the dude dissed me (not in this thread, a while ago, this has benn going on for a while now, do some reasearch people!!) and i told him to say that to my face and see what happens. THAT"S ALL!! is that so fucking bad??? im just teaching him a lesson that just cause you are on the other side of the screen doesnt mean you can talk shit about me without backing in it up. he just gotta realize who he's fucking with, Im sorry but this is the way I am, i just dont like being dissed on. its for his own good, im just warning him to be careful what he says. from now on i'll let my action do the talking, he had enough warning. so i apologize for making you people read this kinds of posts, but just know that you cant reason with me when it comes to this shit. so thas it, no more flames. I'll totally ignore him. but he better watch his back.

    and now back to regular boring/misleading/useless vf talk... /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif

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