Team <<Shao long pao>> {NYC VF} thread.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Sudden_Death, Dec 22, 2002.

  1. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member


    now we're all happy
    diggin up for some k-pr0n to share =P
  2. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Re: CAN'T WE JUST ALL GET ALONG!? just so happens that I was digging around on this site a little while back and happened upon a little of the previous bickerings between you and blondie and frankly it surprises me that time hasn't worked all of this out. You guys share mutual friends. You share AT LEAST one mutual interest, I might add, that is unique or uncommon enough to be something you celebrate when you find it in someone else. Go with that. Love yourself. Blondie might watch his back in the mirror when he gets some new jeans (sorry Blondie...redeem this for a free round in will need it!) but he won't and shouldn't have to when he travels 1000 miles to play a video game with friends. And you shouldn't have to worry that someone who dissed you has shown up on your doorstep. Let them in, grab a joystick and be a virtua fighter, y'know? Sal's an asshole, blondie's an asshole, CreeD's an asshole, who the fuck is Steve Thunder that's a stupid fucking name he must be an asshole too. Well. If we all wanna pull down our trousers and give each other the brown eye wink we can slide over on the internet a few addresses and find oiled men clamoring for our tender nethers. Then everyone can watch everyone else's back.

    My point is, this is not an assfucking contest. No one has been bruised to the point where they cannot put all of this crap behind them because it's just packed in there too densely. Relax. Maybe I need to relax. Seriously. It's like Superman and Lex Luthor could have made a hella team but they were too busy being little bitches to one another.
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member


    much of the work on this site is done by myke
    (usually, it's ONLY myke)

    Just thought I'll let u know and I'm sure matty won't make a contest outta it~
  4. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member


    RE: Some of your references

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Well. If we all wanna pull down our trousers and give each other the brown eye wink we can slide over on the internet a few addresses and find oiled men clamoring for our tender nethers. Then everyone can watch everyone else's back.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eew dude, just eeww. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    WTF, who the hell are you? Where's the real Jedi?
  6. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    There's one way to settle this.. take your dick out and take a picture next to a ruler and post it here. Shortest wins. Even if you lose you still get something outta of it.
  7. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member


    dude, what the fuck is k-pron? I am not up to par with internet lingo.
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member


    K-Pron = korean porn... the rarest and most special of porn.
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member


    I'll keep it short, I swear.

    I respect the idea that people should act online like they do in real life, and that they shouldn't say anything over the internet that they'd never say to someone's face. But it almost doesn't matter how nice you are, if you are online and you open your mouth, someone is bound to say "Fuck you". They might even mean it for more than five minutes.'re gonna deal with that by deciding to beat them up?

    Shit, if I worked that way, I'd have to keep track of like six different guys who wandered into the city -
    Mr. Bungle,
    ...does fighting with andy count as a "diss?" ...what about pissing around with ice-9? And wait, I'd beat up "braveheart_lion" or whatever he was called just on principle.

    I wouldn't want to waste my time hating on all these people, why should you? There's a statute of limitations on how long you should take an online 'fuck you' to heart... it's about five seconds.

    Anyway I'm glad you decided to ignore blondie. Hope it works for you.
  10. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    hey Yo ,piccolo. sup. Hope to see you soon.
  11. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: OH SHIT

    Matt, to put it in VF terms, what I think you mean is that an IRC 'fuck you' only does 10pts damage (20 on MC) and an IRL 'fuck you' does 40 pts damage and head crumples on MC.
  12. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Re: OH SHIT

    <font color="white"> L O L </font color>
  13. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    jesus! can you write!

    "Do you not really believe that your friends feel that way, do you think I'm lying about this? "

    which friends are those? people that have met me or people that are my friends. I highly doubt its either of them, what kind of sensitive fuck didnt think i wasnt nice to them? the only thing i can see my friends saying is that im a bit extremist in some aspects, no biggie.

    and omg, i didnt stick up for you and unbanned youfrom irc! that shit was bettween you and rich, why the fuck did i need to butt in? people who butt in are so fucking annoying, one day people are going to tell you "shit man, i know its for my own good and all but, could you just mind your business!?". rich asked me not to interfere, and that's what i did, in the future those are the kind of people you can trust, not just because its the right thing to do.

    "a guy who posted about VF and always was the first guy to jump in and tell other people to chill? "

    wtf?? posted about VF yes, first guy to jump in and tell people to chill? hell no! find me a post that backs this up. i have always been like this, it just happens that someone finally pressed the red button, understand? im pretty sure people will one day see your other side, everyone has one.

    anyway, i stand 100% for everything that i said, and i do not apologize. that's just me, too damm proud.
  14. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Sal you are very arrogant.

    p.s. Kung-fu smurf, your a cool guy, easy going and funny, but I dont know much about you, just like you dont know a whole lot about me. This is the real me. I dont understand why you meant. Please explain in a PM
  15. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    coming from someone who has this in his profile:

    "I will master this game. And when I am done, I will show the japanese that theres a reason why america is the most powerful nation in the world."

    and from someone who beat his chest raw while screeching like a masturbating chimp during this thread, it's a bit hard to take you seriously when you accuse anyone else of being arrogant...

    btw, creed, you should know that nyc doesn't have a monopoly on "twisting something that has -nothing to do with VF- into a VF pissing contest"; andy may have started beating that dead horse, but some of the fl people take it even farther - jedi takes it to a point of insanity that makes andy's ravings look only mildy retarded.

    summer's sig hits the mark so well - play vf, don't live it.
  16. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member


    what u waiting for ah?
    hand em kp over!!!!
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    which friends are those?

    Friends who have talked to you on irc. And they didn't say you act "a little extreme" they said you're acting stupid. If I could quote them publicly, I would - but by your definition that's "butting in" right? They don't wanna fight with you I guess, and it's no wonder - you might decide to beat them up.

    rich asked me not to interfere, and that's what i did, in the future those are the kind of people you can trust, not just because its the right thing to do.

    Not 'butting in' was the wrong thing to do sal - because the ban was the wrong fucking thing to do in the first place, and rich admitted that later. When your friends act stupid, you can choose to ignore it, but then you're left with one pissed off friend and one stupid friend. I'd prefer friends who know how to act, which is why I'm on your ass over this.

    Anyway. Your idea of 'trustworthy' is a real laugh. I'm glad I can trust you to sit on your ass. You're as reliable as a popped tire. I'm sure if I were in the room on the day you tried to beat on blonde one, your definition of being a "good friend" would be sitting back and letting my buddy get attacked. Having friends like you must be so tight when someone gets jumped in an alley.
  18. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    AAAAAaaaHhhhhh, everyone is it just me or is there so much love in this thread that we all can't wait until the next gathering to show it?

    P.S. Piss off if none of you agree with me. /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  19. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member


    I tell you what I get a kick out of is that NYC hasn't shut sal up yet. And sal for the sake of the NYC team hasn't shutup either. You would think that Adam or Andy (more prominent team leaders) would come in and tell sal to Knock it off, or pipe down. But he continues to Ramble on about how he'd like to beat my face in til I'm near death. I just don't get a very strong TEAM representation of NYC, it still and forever will remain in my mind a VERY screwey VF environment.

    Adam: Who rapes ppl for fun. He actually enjoys watching ppl crumble and lose self esteem while he beats them senseless in gathering style matches. If only adam could let go of some of the insecurity of losing and work with his team-mates on different situations and what-not. He is the DOMINATOR, he probably knows everything about every situation and can move equal to or better than japanese players. But until he lightens up in matches his teammates aren't going to get much out of them. He's that far above everyone else there.

    Andy: He is the best out of the group, up-beat and enthusiastic, exactly what you want in a team-mate(much like myself). Andy could really get good, I mean really get good if the scene wasn't soo screwey.

    Rodney: another strong team-mate who possesses all the skills that make a strong player, GO RODNEY!! =)

    Sal(piccolo)- I don't know sal. He wants to kick my ass though IRL which is a bit screwey if you ask me. He's a lose cannon that doesn't add too much to the VF scene from what I know. He should probably come to some of the events so he doesn't sound ignorant any longer. oh yeah FLUFF!!

    Nelson: I played Nelson when I first started playing VF at NYFrolic. Nelson is a strong player with a good feel for the game. His sense of humor is definetely an addition to the team. I hear good things are coming from Nelson, hopefully Nelson can soon hand adam his ass and start taking some leadership. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif Plus 90!!(inside joke)

    All the other VF guys in NYC are cool too, I mean you've got Smurfy, Hammerhead, and Nycat who seem to be good represenatations of team-mates. But all in all nothing seems to be Gelling in NYC.

    PS- This is IMO completely, if you don't think I was fair sum it up for me then, but, this is how I feel about NYC. And NONE of them are good enough to DOMINATE anyone on this board... I'm living proof.

    PPS- I don't dominate, I play the game. If I win that's cool, I'm not ALL about winning. It is simply all about PLAYING, If you play and have a good attitude your respected by me. Ask anyone that came to FL, there was nothing said, no wierd uncomfortable feelings if you lost, YOU WERE A PLAYER. And respected. peace.
  20. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "I'm sure if I were in the room on the day you tried to beat on blonde one, your definition of being a "good friend" would be sitting back and letting my buddy get attacked."

    you damm well know what im talking about, so dont pretend and put some wacked scenario. it all depends on the situation. I also dont call everyone my "friend" just because i talk to them on the net, those are "net friends", they do become friends when you actually get to know them for a long time IN REAL LIFE, I woulnt risk THAT much for someone i barely know. so you're saying you would actually risk your neck for someone you barely know?? you should be a saint then, call the pope! you're such a good kid creed you cant do and say no wrong eh. lol. anyway dude, dont worry about my friends talking behind my back, they pretty much tell me everything to my face, I beleive you talked to adam and he said stuff i already knew, there was nothing new. I am taking this too seriously? yes, I am being stupid with this? in their point of view, of course, but they dont give a shit they just know thas how i am. we are having a GREAT time with this thread, its very entertaining as im sure lots of you also think. but! i stick to everything i said, im not adding stuff for the sake for enterteinmaent (how you like my spelling? haha), it just comes out that way.

    anyway, its getting boring, and i said everything i wanted to say.

    peace (lol, riiiight)

    ps. jedi, ssshhh!! quiet.

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