Tekken 6BR system

Discussion in 'General' started by zakira, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    What makes him top tier then?
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I'm not sure what makes him top tier. He has really good combo damage, but if you're not in a special stance most of them don't launch without a CH. His keep away is really good, especially with his b+1. I think his wall game is pretty nice, and a good Steve knows how to effectively keep pressure on opponents, though his lows aren't the greatest. His PAB stance is nice in this regard, since you can pressure opponents with strong mids and PAB d+1 and PAB d+2, the latter probably being his best low. He can cover ground pretty aggressively too. I guess the reason would be a combination of those things.
  3. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Both games have their strengths and weaknesses, what's better is pretty much irrelevant especially for you since you refuse to play anyone who actually uses the VF system for more than 3 matches. Not to mention you constantly brag about never learning certain characters chains and playing in the dark. What's the point in playing "the best" when you refuse to play someone for actually using the game system? It's pretty obvious you don't want to learn the Tekken system because you wouldn't ask someone to explain it's merits to you, you'd find them yourself.

    Your general VF strategy tends to be elbow, throw and if that fails backdash so it sounds like Tekken would be the perfect system for you!

    Hope we never play Tekken because it's going to be Kangaroo chains ALL DAY.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I have had offline matches with some of the best tekken players in Finland, and I admit that T6 has felt more interesting than any previous tekken. I don't know if this is due to some subtle game system change or me finally getting the hang of it.

    Anyway the online sucking so much pretty much debunks it all.. Heres hoping for the patch.
  5. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    That's kind of the point of Tekken's oki. One guy trying to keep you down so that you can't mount a comeback, and you're trying to get up, to start your comeback.

    Tekken's key word is really momentum. When you have it, you try to carry it all the way until the end.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I don't even understand what that meant. There's always a way to get up safely. You just have to time and guess, just like in VF.

    Any specifics zakira?
  7. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    C'mon Gernburgs, if you're fair and read my posts in this thread, then you'll see I'm enjoying Tekken 6 right now. I've also said it has a very deep game play mechanic, I said I enjoy all the game modes, including the scenario campaign which I've finished, I have about 80% of trophies in the game,
    and I said I feel I got my money's worth, and if I had to do it all over again I would. I've praised Tekken as being in the top 3 of fighting games. Of course I don't wish it was worse than it is, I spent $150 bucks on the special edition dude. I want the game to be as good as it can. If you check back in my posts I also made it clear that I've been at least a casual player since Tekken 1, and at times I've been a serious Tekken player. But all of that said.

    Dude VF rules! It has a more complete fighting mechanic and system. VF has better balance among characters. VF fighting styles have more uniqueness between them, It has considerably higher quality of graphics for character rendering as well a stage rendering when compared to Tekken.

    I'm not h8tn on Tekken 6, but dude there can only be one #1
    and I know you're not suggesting that Tekken 6 is the best
    fighting game on the planet. (your posts suggest that you're smarter than that) Tekken 6 is fun, Tekken 6 is awesome, Tekken 6 is one of the titans in the fighting game genre,
    but it comes behind VF. There is no tie, VF is simply a higher pedigree fighter than Tekken 6.

    And in terms of lasers from the eyes, and getting hit with sledge hammers, and shot with missiles and other sundry projectiles, and playing the beat-em-up in wild kingdom against, kangeroos, pandas, and grizzly bears, its all good,
    but when I want a weapons based fighter, I play soul calibur.

    The funny thing is Gernburgs, once you get your hands on the next console release of VF (and there will be another release)
    you will totally put Tekken 6 down [​IMG]

    If you're being honest with yourself, tell me
    which distinction would you rather have online

    Tekken's (Tekken Lord) or VF's (Conqueror)

    if the only way you could rank up was playing the best from both dojos.

    You know the gratification from beating the best in VF is far
    greater than the gratification from beating the best in
    Tekken (if you're being honest)

    There can be only one #1 and that's VF. It doesn't matter how many more players Tekken 6 has, or how much hype there (at the moment) around the game. There is a reason VF is in the Smithsonian Institute.

    I own and reguarly play VF, Tekken, and SC and my friend here is MY ranking

    #1 Virtua Fighter 5
    #2 Soul Calibur 4
    #3 Tekken 6

    My rankings, just fighting mechanics and balance first, then fighting styles second, and graphics, music and stage design

    Gernburgs, I realize your hyped about Tekken 6 right now, me too [​IMG] But we can't let the hype get in the way of
    sound reason [​IMG] , Let me know if you get to Rajin, or Fujin
    rank in Tekken 6, then let's talk about which one of these games is the best [​IMG]
  9. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    I know this based on personal opinion, but if you bring up balance as a point, then I suggest you try really learning your number 2 choice in depth first.

    After all, what other game has a character that can ring you out from ANYWHERE in the ring, all from a single launcher that has a range of 2 characters in distance.
  10. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    You know there were some people here that actually complained about the yellow counter hit flash when it was added in VF4 [​IMG]
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    [​IMG] I guess you have point [​IMG]
  12. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Tekken 6 has 2.5 million copies shipped worldwide for both systems, but how many copies actually left shelves? There are rumblings that less than 1 million units have been sold so far. Meaning that there are over 1 million unsold copies of Tekken 6 sitting on shelves. Maybe more will move for Christmas but Tekken 6 hasn't exactly been lighting up the charts.

    I have four copies though.
  13. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    GT, I find you too frustrating to play for very long. Your D is too good. Doesn't matter if I throw or attack; you are constantly going through your defensive algorithms that you have obviously put a lot of time into. So if I am unlucky enough to be playing against you, I just think back to fighting VF3 AI on very hard where the CPU blocks everything; it's crazy to attack with anything other than a jab/elbow. Mostly it's about waiting and hoping that the CPU whiffs an attack because then there are no defensive shenanigans that will save them. But of course this is lame for both parties, so why do I want to stick around for that? I could be doing something more enjoyable, like getting a prostate exam.

    Really the only way for me to stay even with you would be to train and play the game more textbook style. Otherwise the sheer numbers will crush me. I'll be at a constant disadvantage; decisions that I make are irrelevant to the outcome.

    We just like the game for different reasons. You embrace and embody everything about the the game that I find tedious. But, you know, that's totally subjective or whatever.
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

  15. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    You're welcome. Hopefully, those who are planning on taking Tekken 6 seriously will watch that series of vids.
  16. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    one time I played gt and afterwards I felt kinda fat so I grabbed some bon-bons, sat on my fine linens and played some sad christina aguilera songs. + he hacks.
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Happy, I gotta ask, do you not like playing against GT because you lose more than you win aaginst him? I'm an "American" style player, I have been playing the game for a shorter time than you and I do prefer abare over moral BUT I can't pass up a chance to "test my might" (or lack of might, lol) against a player of GT's level. That's why I find it a but puzzling that you would avoid playing him.

    Maybe it's just me but I feel better about losing to a guy that has put in more time and effort into learning the system and most (all?) of the character's moves/strings [​IMG]

    I hope you don't take this as a personal attack or something because I have always talked about how much I like your yomi. To me, when you win it was because you earned it by guessing correctly most of the time. But when a fighter like GT wins, I feel that he worked harder at learning the game than me. Yes GT's yomi is top-notch too but combined with the work that he has put into learning most (all?) of the characters and working on his movement and defensive techniques... well, I guess I can see how it could be a bit much to handle. lol. But that just makes the fights even more exciting for me (maybe not so much for GT, >_<).

    On topic: I'm guessing that for players who haven't bothered to learn all of the characters in VF... 40 new characters to learn with a whole new system... would prob not sound very appealing [​IMG]
  18. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Dude, I don't take it personally at all and there is certainly some truth to it. That said...

    I would way rather fight Denkai or Flash. They have equal if not better technical skills, but their games do not rely so much on perpetually putting their opponent at dis by playing defensively, imo.

    And yeah, it falls on me to learn the chars, but in my defense, I started playing in VF3 and combos were way less powerful. I still find it annoying that move properties have become so much less intuitive. It used to be that when you blocked a kick, it meant something... (grumble grumble)

    I have slowly gotten a little better at dealing with Tranny and Brad, SHun not so much and Eileen hardly gets played thank god... But really how many people do know all those chars movelists?
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Playing people like GT was a blessing, if good players like him never played VF online I would have never seen the point of playing.

    As for Tekkens system, i'm in the same boat as Happy Fiend. I haven't gave up yet though, i'll keep reading up on stuff and practising... Hopefully i'll get it someday.
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Sound like Happy's dissapointed he can't run sheninigans on GT's Defense. Sad day when people think using Defense to create offense is a Bad thing. I guess Bruce Lee is a liar or Maybe Jacky should'nt be your 3rd then Happy. Goh is a Defensive character with limited offensive capabilites (He has to set up combo's off of his D.).If GT can't make you step your game up then you should'nt be play VF then. With all due respect Happy im not bashing you but that how i see it. As for Denkai and Flash in honest opinion Their offense gives them the illusion their D is better than what it is. If it was the case Yosuke would'nt have made Denkai look like a child at WCG when they had the Jacky VS Jacky battle (you still my main Ace Denkai lol.)

    Offense Sells tickets

    Defense wins games.

    VF = Baseball - i'll let you figure it out.

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