Tekken 6BR system

Discussion in 'General' started by zakira, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. leaveit2me

    leaveit2me Active Member

    VF versus Tekken maybe??? But let capcom make it!!!
  2. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    There's that, but I think if they pulled it off properly, nobody would complain (save for the trolls, but that's not something that will ever be cured anyway).

    If you really think about it, with the right mix of each game's elements, the game play would be phenomenal.
  3. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Yeah if they took out EWGF and ring outs I think there could be no complaints. [​IMG]

    (*Watches Mishima's cry*)
  4. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Ring Out's and Infinite stages would have to go, but both games already have walls, so it's not going to be much a stretch. [​IMG]

    Besides, walls really keep the fighting intense.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think both walls and ring outs both make fights intense. One leaves huge combo dmg opportunities as a fear, while the other leads to a straight up loss. I personally like the fear of the ring out more because it feels more immediate. A good fight that revolves around the edge of falling off a ring are the best to me.
  6. Bleed

    Bleed Active Member

    The Tekken and VF developers have been talking with each other about a vs game for a while. They even did some play testing from what I understand. Recently there was a question by the Tekken lead to the public about a VF cross over. Asking what people thought about the idea.

    I'd love to see it happen.
  7. Outfoxd

    Outfoxd Well-Known Member

    It'd be nice. VF characters can piggyback ride on Tekken's bigger audience, maybe get some more interest and recognition.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Actually, as Ive been playing T6, I prefer the stages without walls.. Walls tend to screw my combos up and of course theres the possibility of being a victim to huge wallpressure.. So far the matches have been intense enough. I think they got the backdash distance right this time..

    T6 has felt seriously easy inputwise to what I used to expect from a tekkengame. I even got a ...DOA-feeling out of it...heh. Its like theyve really gone toward the casual audience in this one (and done a much better job at it than capcom). Maybe its just that I play such a character (Lili).

    Anyways, I keep being interested in the game. Ill never abandon VF though.

    SPINMASTER X Well-Known Member

    Never in all my years did I ever think a thread like this would end up here. Just goes to show the current state of things because of AM2's lack of giving a fuck about it's fans overseas.

    I play both games(i'm a much better Tekken player) but around Tekken 5/DR's time I pretty much had given up Tekken in favor of VF. Right before I moved back to America I picked up Feng Wei in DR in anticipation of Tekken 6 on console and haven't looked backed since. Tekken 6 definitely gets my approval.

    This game is so immense though. In all the other tekken games I always had at least 3 characters who I could play whereas in this game I play Feng and that's about it. I'm trying to learn Dragunov but it just makes me want to pop VF5 in and play Goh since they are so damn close.
  10. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    That means you haven't memorized the stages yet. The advanced players know how far they are from a wall (on any stage), so if they know that one of their moves will send you flying for a high wall splat, they'll go for it, run, bound move, wall combo, and then apply corner oki pressure.

    Again: VF and Tekken together would be insane.
  11. leaveit2me

    leaveit2me Active Member

    As far as the Tekken v. VF thing goes i dont think that the stage setup is a huge issue. I would be much more concerned with how throws and side steps would be implemented. As well as rising from a knockdown.
  12. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I agree, this game is pretty awesome. The shear size of the roster and move lists are pretty amazing. Further, even with so many characters and vast move lists, the game seems extremely balanced.

    The online setup/netcode can be frustrating but I fully expect a patch to correct some of the problems soon. The ghost mode is very good though. I think the AI in this game is very well done. I've learned a lot about my character just from playing ghosts. Then, the idea of being able to download real players' ghosts is a great idea and it lets you download up to 100 different ghosts at any time. There's a lot of depth to this game. It does seem somewhat masher friendly due to Tekken's string-based fighting.

    Regardless of any of the current problems, I think the game is great. I give it a 9.5/10 and think it is pretty much on par with VF5's quality.

    I admit that I think it would be an even better game if they implement VF's evade style where you get invincibility frames on a successful evade. That would add a lot more reliability to good use of movement and evasion. I cannot pull off any of the advanced movement yet because I don't really understand the mechanics and methods of the different forms of wave dashing, lightning dashing, etc. or whatever they are called.

    If anyone can give me some tips on advanced movement in T6 it would be appreciated...
  13. leaveit2me

    leaveit2me Active Member

    And what about the grounded situation...i mean would Akira be able to continue damaging a floored opponent, or likewise would Jack be unable to hit opponents while on the ground. i mean how would that work out?!?!
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Its a lot deeper than that!

    TBH I don't think Vfers really want to combine the the two games. I just think they want more fighting styles and fighting modes in VF.

    Team battle would be a good mode for VF, the downloadable ghosts is novel idea that could be added to VF, so that you could have a never ending quest mode. Adding Taekwondo, Kempo,
    XingYiquan,a little for muay thai fighters would be good for VF.

    But we shouldn't mistake adding new fighting styles and fighting modes with mixing VF and Tekken. In the final analysis they are two different games with different mechanics and game philosophy. Sure its seductive, to think about tapping into the Tekken audience, or Tekkeners tapping into the VF audience (looks like they've already done so by the participation in this thread)

    But at the end of the day it wouldn't work, You would either have a Tekken game with the VF characters in it, or a VF game with some Tekken Characters in it. And Tekken wouldn't really benefit from VF characters because they already have a large roster. And in either case the character might look the same in either game, but it would play differently and the player would not be satisfied.

    What we need is more fighting styles and fighting modes in VF,
    not necessarily Tekken knock offs. Enjoy Tekken 4 what it is, Enjoy VF 4 what it is. They are two different to really combine.

    And lets face it, the real enthusiasm right now for Tekken 6 on a VFDC forum is because Lotta ppl are pissed that Sega has not released 5R and that there's not so much as a peep about VF6, So Tekken 6BR is lookin good right about now.

    But if 5R were to be released on consoles today with new netcode for both Xbox 360 and PS3, it would Be Tekken who?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm playin a little Tekken 6 right now, just enough to be stomped to death by the rank-up whores, nothing against Eddy Gordo and Alisa players, but wow [​IMG] I do think the game was worth my money. Its a nice diversion 4 now.

    But every time I'm in an intense Tekken 6 match and the fire balls, and glowing hands, and swirly swoos, and screen pyrotechnics start-a-flying and then they start getting in the way of seeing what my opponent is doing, and then I get knocked
    out by the baby kangeroo,or mauled by the giant panda, and then I become the victim of a ten hit combo combined with somebody's wall game [​IMG] I'm reminded of why (fan boy alert) VF IMHO is the best fighting game on the planet.

    I'm diggin my Tekken calendar, I like all the Tekken 6 game modes, I'm even starting to grow fond of the scenario campaign mode [​IMG] I'm feelin the Namco advertising that they do between the UFC unleashed fights. I thing the new customization in T6 is aight. But none of that is a replacement 4

    The balance, beauty, elegance,purity, fight mechanics, possibilities, and the philosopy that make up VF.

    I've lost a couple of hundred matches now in Tekken 6, I think I've seen what most of the rank-up whores can bring, I think I'll give Tekken another week or two, take my Lei Wulong to Rajin [​IMG] and then put it back in its place
    behind SCIV [​IMG]
  15. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    VF's evade system is better, full stop, because it's exactly that: a system. But Tekken's "too fat to SS that move" should also be included. e.g. A wide guy like Taka should have a smaller window than say Eileen (not sure if this is the case in 5R?) Offset of course by Taka being able to push you back on block.

    Add in VF's throw game, but change it slightly to allow for Tekken's low/mid/parry, so aside from ETEG, you could also avoid standing throws by doing a low attack, which can be parried.

    The oki game could use similar tweaks as well: apply Tekken's "I can hit you at anytime", but only with a few select moves, the ones with a low/low-mid property (Tekken's current design allows for certain high and mid moves to hit back rollers), which means something like Akira's [2][K]+[G] would hit somebody simply lying there, but if the opp rolls, the full [2][K]+[G][K][6][P] would catch them, but [3][K]+[G] wouldn't.

    Yeah, I know I'm just wasting my breath here, but done right (not saying I'm right), I do think the game would be awesome.
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    That would be one of the most interesting things for me to see in a potential VS game. The ground game between Tekken and VF is like night and day. Good Oki in either game can be deadly but I'm still learning how to get up off the ground in Tekken 6. Seems like playing it as safe as possible is the way to go in T6. It seems you don't want to take ANY risks when getting up from a knockdown, trying a rising kick or sweep, you risk getting launched. Even a back-roll can get you launched. But, you can't really stay down either cause they will beat you up with lows and stomps if you do.

    It's definitely been a learning process for me in this game. Miguel's 6RK, RP is is my main weapon when I'm pressuring my opponents wake up. It's a circular mid into knockdown mid string that is deadly in wake up games.
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I've come to the conclusion that Tekken is a fun game but I also thought SCIV is a fun game. I think that I'll stop having fun at high levels of play however, while I'd let Flash or Denkai stomp me in VF for as long as they'll play me for.

    And I'm no long racist, I now play Raven, Eddy, Bruce and Marduk :p
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

  19. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    This game is starting to bore me a little. I don't have Gold and I've pretty much customized EVERY character to my liking already. It was waaaaaaaay to easy. Quest mode might be pretty bare-bones and repetitive but at least you had to earn items/money to buy items.

    The only character I pretty much use is Lee Chaolan and I've already changed the way every character looks l0l.

    IGN or 1Up had a game night vid thing of Tekken 6 before it's release, they mentioned the long rumored VF vs Tekken, if it is made I hope it does not play like this.

    I don't mind Tekken but I am not to into the dial a combo system or the silly looking 2D jumps. Why can't they have the characters move around the ring like they do in VF?
  20. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member


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