Tekken 7 Balanced?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Damn Lib when they let you back in here!?
  2. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    I would have cheesed the fuck outta her counter...
    Coroo likes this.
  3. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Yeah STFU Tim...
  4. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    That the good ole' loveable asshole we've all grown to know!! Welcome back Lib! Lol.
  5. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Damn Lib I gotta agree with Tim ole sensitive ass on this one. I have never seen Baz punk ass online or anywhere with anything to do with VF. No one I've asked about him HAS... And Baz is a bit of a bitch sooooo, yeah...
  6. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Damn, lol.

    ON TOPIC: I'm leaning PC as I should go that route for other reasons as well, but a PS4 Pro is more convenient just by being a console. I bought TTT2 recently for Wii U and I've been liking it. PC might be getting Yakuza and Atlas games in the future, so PC for the long run. I don't NEED the game now, like I do that DBZ fighter.

    OFF TOPIC: Not sure why we can't discuss other fighters?
  7. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I play in the northwest you live in the south or east. I played on PSN for years, have a youtube with offline videos, played on a psn stream a few weeks back. Never had a 360, but did play some on X1, but the players weren't any good and the version is quite laggy. I played chanchai recently offline and he made a status post about it > https://virtuafighter.com/members/dark-nova-void.15919/#profile-post-13136

    Lots of offline matches here > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtXRZRpy5RX5V4vaOY5W6UA/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0

    I have a local offline scene, Chanchai has a local offline scene in PDX, we don't need online.
    I use to play the game really heavily online with Dennis, Truewiseman (cheffy b), cruz, Lib, VFnumbers, Tiripsm, Nomas, Renzo, Kamais, chamame and his alts, long before you were a member of this site. I have played it tons offline, hundreds and hundreds of hours of offline. I have played femto offline. I have played more of the St Louis VF players than Tim has because Ksihin and Dhaval both have PSN.

    For online I was PS3 last gen and now i'm on PC this gen. All the locals are playing Tekken 7 now so I play that with them and online ranked on PC. I never bought a 360 last gen so the most of the Xbox Online warriors I didn't get to play. Partyboy, offshore Randy, and the ones I did play in ranked on X1 weren't good and party boy sends rage mail and has meltdowns on mic when he's getting rekt.. Nova was bodying people over here on Xbox Live and asked why the players were so bad, while I sat back smoking a joint laughing at how free they were. There really wasn't much going on in XBL live when I had it a few months ago and the offline here is regular. A lot of west coast players dropped the game and moved on, I still play it offline though and have more replays I just haven't bothered uploading them yet.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017
  8. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Oooh. No wonder i've never saw nor played you. You are a PSN noob fuck. Makes perfect sense. Well whenever your balls drop low enough to step foot over into Xbl on the 360 (you know, the one with better online) hit me up. Ill be glad to keep you demoted. Lol
    Stl_Tim likes this.
  9. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Because Tim is a dumbass, that's why.
    Jason Elbow likes this.
  10. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    You are wrong.
    The difference in balance between VF and Tekken is that VF is in-depth balanced, so EVEN ON BEGINNER level you feel it. Nearly EVERY move has its counter move, its +/-.
    In VF the Balance is noticed on much EARLIER learning stage than in Tekken.
    In VF in more PRO level the Balance becomes more huge in comparison with Tekken on Pro level.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
    BLACKSTAR and Andi001 like this.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I've missed our VFDC drama.
    Manjimaru and jimi Claymore like this.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Son. . . really? You kick me out of rooms on the regular when I try to join your "training sessions" with some poor noob. I message you to play and never get a reply back. At this point, I've just taken the hint that you don't want to play. Others reach out to play you too but you dodge them also. This post is just plain old false man.
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    In case there's any doubt, it's perfectly acceptable to discuss Tekken, or any game for that matter, provided it's in the General forum.

    As you were then.
  14. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Anytime tricky, but prior to our last games and our connection you think that -6 to -9 is ok for insta ducking w/o wtf moments. Switching -6 to -9 to 33g is plain stupidity or just being an ass or the all around -4 to -9 and just natural crouch after every damn ch.

    I think this is just natural for Eileen to get in that, "I can do wtf I want and whenever." In regard to that it's just blatant unspoken statement of, "I want to win online so fuck you."

    I did ask you in pm if you wanted to trade info, but you replied,"I'm busy w/ work/school etc. never heard back from you, so waste of time and you mostly aren't on vf when I'm online your jerking off doing something else.

    Lmao, Who are these others tricky? Please pm me names and availability, so I can get popping.

    There is a point in playing when both parties acknowledge that one of the two has a suspect connection or is just blatantly doing anything they want online. I guess at the end of the day it's up to the individual if they want to keep playing in harsh environments or not.

    I'll play ya no problem, but you need to respect the bs that you think is fact from fiction online. I know the difference, do you?

    @Libertine: like I said play and help out in the community or step aside. Right now, all I see is you butt hurt about my tekken comment.

    Did my iron fist feel good Libby?

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    ^^^^^ this x100000000000
    SUGATA, Tricky and leftylizard like this.
  16. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Yeah, I'm suprised Libertine let that come out his mouth, Sugata.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
    SUGATA likes this.
  17. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
  18. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    Ok Tim, how bout you play me online. I'm always on. And I see you on frequently as well. Now are you gonna fight me? Or duck? I now the last time we played my Blaze fucked you up something bad.... heh
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I guess I'll never know if its balanced first hand. Because I'll probably never play it. My last Tekken will be Tekken 6. I just saw Tekken 7 unboxed and played a couple of hours ago.. Tekken 7 imo is half the game that tekken 6 is and the other offerings in the series. The reduced roster, no baek, no bruce, no raven, no Marduk, no Lei wulong, etc. The reduced game modes, no survival, no ghost, no team battle, etc. The enhanced fireworks and fireballs, the characters flying across the screen alla (pick any 2d fighter) has turned me off to this rendition for sure. WTF Namco you fucked up the last version of Soul Calibur and nowthe last version of Tekken. Maybe Namco should have called it quits a Tekken 6.

    I guess Namco realized that Tekken could never really compete with VF and just decided to give up even trying and totally join forces with Street Fighter and the Street Fighter market. Farewell Tekken , Good riddance, you always were a somewhat welcome diversion from VF but not anymore. You are a shell of your former self. I guess I'll have to use DOA LR when I want to step back from VF for a change in scenery.

    From what I just saw Tekken 7 blows, it sux, it is a big step backward for the franchise, the on screen presentation and screen art is drab, and the stages are just toooooooo retro. Its firmly on its way to a 2D wannabe brawler LOL.
  20. Jacko

    Jacko Well-Known Member

    I discussed this with Adam Yuki, I would play Final Showdown more if the game was on PS4 with a good, graphically touched up port. I don't own a high-end PC (may rectify that soon), but I play Tekken 7 on PS4 Pro and I honestly am liking it. There's still "Tekkeny" things that I've always disliked about the series in general (throws beating strikes, wtf4ever) but it's things that I can adapt to, same as the nuances of FS that I didn't like. Even though I know there's at LEAST a version to play for the XBONE, it's kinda unfair that the PS4 owners like myself have no means to play the game and I have to hold on to a current gen console just for ONE fighter.

    So that's MY reason for playing Tekken 7. In all fairness I play majority of fighting games and accept them all for their strengths, weaknesses, etc. At the end of the day it's about what I genuinely like and I like Tekken 7. I think the game is definitely steps above Tag 2, because Tag 2 was ridiculous with bounds, stage breaks, tag combos, RAGE, and 50 characters. Tekken 7 is basically the Tekken community's "FS". Tekken players even tried their hand at FS so what's the big deal with VF players trying their hand at 7? Especially when the VF series is stuck in eternal limbo of non-progression. Not even a PC version? Can't get mad at VF players for "jumping ship" so to speak when there's no real accessibility to FS, unless it's forced (buy an XBONE or keep paying XBL service on X360 for one game).

    As for Tim:

    I can't believe I'm even entertaining this, but it needs to be said: Grow the hell up. You can't seriously believe that coming into the GENERAL section and berating Tekken 7 and the people who choose to play it wasn't going receive any reciprocation. You deliberately came here to instigate drama and for that you need to be ashamed of yourself. It's sad to see that throughout all this time you're still a walking contradiction. You chastise people for "berating others" when you're the epitome of it yourself, you complain and cry about online and "what to do for the community" when not once, in the entirety of Final Showdown's competitive run, have you joined a tournament. You dodged BOTH Sega Cups, dodged every NYG, and even the two "worst offenders" @Chief_Flash and Shang have done a great service to the community with NMTC, which you also DODGED.

    Tim, you have no memories made with Final Showdown, other than being remembered as that angry and bitter man who cries online like a big baby on VFDC.
    Myke, Jason Elbow, Chefboy_OB and 5 others like this.

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