Tekken 7 in pre-production

Discussion in 'General' started by EmpNovA, May 27, 2010.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    "Please don't add more robots"
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Uh, no. Alisa is awesome. Shut up! [​IMG]

    *Chainsaws Seidon*

  3. bingalaszatanu

    bingalaszatanu Active Member

  4. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Hey tengu have you ever played a game of VF with another human?
  5. Mastamune

    Mastamune Member

    Tekken has way too many characters

    When your game play is based off of trying to poke for a 10 hit, hard hitting move or blocking every hit of a string, there's a problem. They honestly have zero issues with introducing new characters because of the way their system works. point in case, Marduk, hes a supposed to be the MMA fighter, but hes got maybe 3-5 different ways to take someone down and dish out damage. Where as Vanessa has (off the top of my head) 4 combos that she can fake out off, a throw, a charging take-down and a special stance that leads into a different throw, not to mention here counter hit and low hits into position changing take-downs.

    When tekken adds new styles all they do is make slight mods to a characters movelist, add some new combo models and movements and call it good.

    Tekken just feels bland after a while of playing. I literally pick Jin, run through his move list and blam, I'm good to go.
    Because all the major storyline characters will not suck, no matter how much people hate them. Hehachi will always be some 90 year old dude that hits like a mac truck, and Kazuya will always have great moves.

    I honestly got fed up playing it one night with my friends. You can't Learn from your mistakes in Tekken, you can only try to remember the combo that hit you and try to make sure you never get hit with it agian. The same can't be said for VF, since some characters had multiple defensive options.

    Hell the damn Sidestep doesn't even work in Tekken. Maybe only 5-7 characters actually have counters, or even a high parry.

    Offense brings crowds.
    Defense wins games.

    Theres no Defense in Tekken so its a lose for me.
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Ya okay.
  7. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    No need to display your ignorance to win VF fans over by bashing Tekken in false ways.
  8. Mastamune

    Mastamune Member

    I'm not being ignorant.

    My personal opinion, Tekken isn't that great of a fighter. They have tons of characters, and tons of styles. The game is fun to watch, but its way too boring to play.

    They don't have that many defensive options. Most of the time, sidestep doesn't work; or rather, you need to know everyone's move list so you can know exactly what you can side step and what you can't. Everyone has a Low parry, yay! Most characters have 1 or two defensive moves. WOOT! On offense, I spent more time poking for 1 or 2 moves, or just throwing out guard safe combos to set up for attacks. To play tekken well, YOU MUST learn all the top tier players. YOU MUST research every potential combo, since its far easier to set someone up for 50-70% HP Loss in Tekken. There are only maybe two or three characters that can do this in VF, and two of them have small movelists and one or two launchers into it.

    Vanessa and Craig are both Vale Tudo Fighters. Vale Tudo loves to take it to the ground and can stand up well. (I will admit that Craig represents more of an insanely impossible Juggernaut style of fighting.)

    Craig has 3 ways to take it to the ground (based off of a Tekken 5 Strategy guide, I could research it more but I don't care about tekken enough and they don't make massive character changes). Two "Counter Throws" and a Double leg take down from ready stance...which you can go into alone, or setup out of a combo, but you still go into ready where anyone can say "hey, he's in ready, he can take me to the ground".

    Vanessa has three combos you can do it out of, a special stance, a lunging takedown, two counter hit throws, and a special low kick into it. Not to mention she can side step into her takedown. Vanessa also has a defensive stance that has Counters, Counter hit throws, Sabakis and a whole host of defensive punches and kicks.

    VF just represents styles better and the gameplay feels deeper. Just Jackie vs Law feels better. Jackie has a flow you can feel to his gameplay, and it just becomes instinct on what you need to do. Law, your just poking for combos, do a flip kick or try to set up feints. Vanessa, Aoi and Brad have serious mind game potential.

    Tekken has way too many characters for me to sit there and learn how to stop every single potential launcher or hit. I don't play fighters to memorize long lists of Combos. I don't have the time to learn how to Block every single hit. I started off playing VF, then went to tekken. In the end, I picked VF back up because VF4 was just that much better of a game an it felt better.

    I'm not knocking anyone elses choices, but I would much rather have a fight then play whack a mole blocking hits and poking.

    OH, and tiers suck. Watching Jin, Kazuya and Mishima sit at the top of the list for multiple games isn't fun.
  9. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You. Jigohro. Super Street Fighter IV thread. Pot, kettle, black.
  10. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Only because you don't understand Tekken, it doesn't mean is shit. There's so many BS in your post, not even a box of tums could cure that upset stomach. Cry me a river because you don't want to learn "every" character. A lot of launchers are Jab punishable....And guess what, Jabs hurt in this Tekken, especially if you have Lee or Kaz, because they have a 3 hit string. Is all about the pokes in T6, thanks the damage scaling.

    You mention styles not being "accurate" in Tekken. News flash homie, is a freaking VIDEO GAME! Leo's Baji Quan is actually display a lot more accurate than Akira's FYI. You use Craig as a example to your argument on why "Game X" is better than "Game Y" You can't expect both character's to fight the same even if they have the same style. A better comparison would of been Goh and Dragonuv. Similar moves and great defensive options as well. Dragonuv has kick Subaki just like Goh, Has a sweep that on counter hit, it goes into a grab, Goh has the same thing, but with a non circular kick, you have to enter a command for the grab, and can only be done on counter hit as well. Dragonuv has a Mid hit kick that on counter hit, goes into a grab, again Goh has the same thing, but with a elbow and a command for the grab has to be enter and can be done counter hit only.

    Then you mention the Mishima's being on top all the time. This isn't TTT or T4. In T6, is all about BOB, Bryan, Steve, Lili, Paul and Bruce. And on top of that, the tiers are different depending on the country. Namco did a good job with the balance in T6. Then, you mention damage.....Dude, have you even seen the insane shit you could in VF5R? God forbid you get a small stage or get close to the wall because there goes your health.
  11. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Erm what? Vanessa has ONE takedown which is out of her offensive stance. It is a throw (catch throw? I don't even know). You are correct about her being able to go into it from counter hit kicks and from a dashing sort of stance she has. it is actually basically the same thing as EVERY character in Tekken has from running, where they run into you and ground and pound you. You even break out of it in a similar way.

    "Side step into her takedown"? What?

    Actually who cares about Vane's takedown anyway?

    Infact I've got one for you - seeings as you like to compare Vane to Marduk so much answer me this: Out of Vane and Marduk which one is it which has the ground throw? You like to talk about Vale Tudo being ground based but then all you do is make up a LOAD of shit which Vane does not even HAVE then you ignore the fact that Marduk has a ground throw and Vane doesn't!?

    Alright hotshot you sound to me like some sort of JackY master to me that learnt everything with him by feel. Maybe me and you should play sometime and when you start Abare'ing like a spaz that has run out of windows to lick you will notice all the yellow flashing going on.

    I don't even understand this statement. Tell me why you have picked these characters. The mind game in VF is based around -1 up to -9/-11 (depending on character) advantage/disadvantage and whether you guess correctly between fuzzying/delay throwing/launching from a disadvantage expecting a delay throw/eteging/delaying move to beat eteg/half or fully circular moves (boo) the list goes on and on actually. Tell me why you think Aoi Brad and Vane possess this powerful mindgame potential because I would love to hear why you think this.

  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Sidestep into takedown is DMPK from OS.
  13. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    Oh yeh! I remember from our Vane mirror matches. As soon as I found OS DMPK I didn't want to know anything else lol. [​IMG]
  14. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    He was sayig that she has a lot of ways to do the Takedown (and she does). As far as i know only the DMPK way is breakable. Pretty different from the running tackle in Tekken actually.
    As Seidon said, DMPK in OS
    The DMPK? Newbs. Other than that it's a pretty good move and using OS [2][K]+[G] to crush a rising kick and going straight into Takedown is no joke. [​IMG]
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    No offense at all man but it seems like you have comprehension problems, I clearly stated that the comment was aimed at the both of us and now you're saying I tried to dodge a bullet by saying it wasn't aimed at you when you've just quoted me saying it was [​IMG]

    I thought our discussion was over, there's nothing more to add to it and i'm certainly not Emx or Ash.
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    So... are you back for evil?

    I read you have problems with many posters. The common factor is you.

    I often get disproportionately passionate about something, go off on a rant, and realize (through reminders from good friends or just by opening my eyes) that I can stop and relax. Then I go through the effort to make amends when all I really needed to do was take a chill pill in the first place.

    Disagreements aren't always personal attacks. If you take them that way, well, that's up to you. When you joke in your own special style, some people get bent and let you know. That's life. The more you rant, the more you get asked (or told) to shut the fuck up. If it bothers you that much...

    Log out.
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So... are you back for evil? </div></div>

    I laughed really hard at that. It reminded me of my Grandad's sense of humour.
  18. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member


    I think Vanessa does not deserve a ground throw, she can already low throw, ground throw would be too generous. shit she would have more moves and options than all the other chars put together with a ground throw IMO. some balancing is necessary independently from style.

    and regarding aoi, vane and brad, I know aoi can G cancel her attacks and all you can do is to listen to her KYAAA to know she had cancelled them. Vanessa can be played with complete disregard of defensive techniques and just guessing the right sabakis. brad? im not good with brad but he seems to be always at advantage! he somehow keeps attaking all the time.
  19. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Whoa dude, I was asking the question because you seem to have a lot of anger invested in how VF is marketed and an idea or two about how the game should go about improving its image. I think understanding the game and its barriers to acceptance outside a hardcore niche is important to the validity of those ideas.
  20. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    No man. I was referring to the attacks that come from the takedown. [G] to break head punches, [2][G] to break body blows and [P][+][G] to break the arm bar. Quite akin to the way that the ground and pound is escaped in Tekken.

    I don't even need to play many Aoi players or use her to know that her [G] cancelling isn't as extraordinary as you are suggesting. [2][P] deals with that ish directly for a start off and for a character that can cancel out of many moves (namely many mids and even her low sweep!) to not be top tier says something about how effective it really is to me.

    I dunno though I may be wrong and her cancel game may be completely broken to fuck but if this is the case then she must definitely have some sort of Achilles' heel (i.e. her 12f jabs and disastrous [2][P] range).

    Either way if I see some Aoi player trying to cancel stuff on me I will throw Youhou in there to demoralise that idea, surely if the Aoi player has some sort of sense they will see that cancelling out only to occasionally eat 70+ pts is not the best of ideas.

    I don't even know why you would think a ground throw would be too generous. In VF ground throws are scarcely guaranteed and to my knowledge are only "guaranteed" after certain throws or after wall hits. Needless to say, even when they are "guaranteed" you still have a 50/50 guess on whether they will [2][P][+][G] or [3][P][+][G] and seeings as they are mashable and you would have no other defencive option from this situation you really should be escaping them 50% of the time.

    Haha, usually I rant about how fucking broken ground throws are actually. I always say all you get is a 50/50 chance of taking damage and not taking damage, and even when you do escape you're not even in an advantaged situation. (Basically moderate-high reward (high reward a la Wolf's [2][P]:+[G] ground throw near a wall for wall stagger setup) with literally no risk associated.

    I know my last two paragraphs directly contradict eachother but after playing Tekken for a few weeks I don't even care as much about what I deem as "broken" in VF as I am now spoilt for choice calling every single fucking move in Tekken broken.

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