Discussion in 'General' started by def, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    LOL who wrote that? Seems to be saying either that the game is too deep or complex. That it needs to be simpler so everyone has a chance to win. Ridiculous.
  2. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    I don't understand the person of this article. All of the on-going fighting games have been made forgiving for those who are interested for the first time, but this person wants more of that. Further downgrades to the system is unnecessary, when it is only a game. People are just this unwilling to learn something with more effort. Such laziness.
    Blackula likes this.
  3. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    I agree with the article though, the game is far too complex (even if most of it is artificial). There's way too much match up knowledge and the mechanics of the game aren't very intuitive or natural at all. Most of the mechanics being twitch based reactions that are literally learned through brute force training. (10 frame throw break windows which you need to visually confirm which hand(s) grabbed you and react by button press). You basically have a split second to make a choice.

    The whole game is basically learned by brute force. You play it until you learn how to block certain strings or setups. You set it up in training mode and just keep watching something until the animation becomes muscle memory. You have to literally play the game for years to even become a mid level player. That's something I'm sure of.

    Is that a problem for me? Yes and no. I like challenges, but at the same time I feel like it is forcing me to put in more time than I want to in video games these days. I'm a pretty hardcore game player, I can't imagine a casual player ever becoming a solid, tournament player without investing a decade of casual play into it.
    pana, Chanchai, Cozby and 1 other person like this.
  4. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    ^Yo, add me on PSN! Same as my XBL.

    I'm not sure if I want to continue playing this game for the reasons Glory listed. But for now I'm gonna keep giving it a shot.
    Chanchai and KillaKen like this.
  5. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I gotta agree with the article and Gl0ry's take on it myself.

    I don't have the desire to put in that sort of work for a fighting game when there are games just as good, such as VF (and I like VF better to boot) that don't require as much work.

    When you keep adding stuff, you get inflation and that can lead to a lot of false learning and cumbersome gameplay. Tekken has reached that point now.
    Cozby likes this.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like the person who wrote the article want Tekken to Make a final showdown out of itself..

    When i started playing O.G. Tekken in 1994 after being a 2-D player for so long it never seemed really hard..As time went on and newer versions come out you tend to grow with it.. I always said Namco games never seem to learn "Addition by subtraction".. DOA also.. Its like every version they keep adding moves without changing anything and it makes the game a monster in its own right. After reading this article all i can think about is Tetsuo Shima...
  7. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    I just got thrown out of a rising attack. THROWN.

    I think I'm gonna take a break from this game for a while. I just don't agree with some of it's mechanics at all. The throw system being one of them. The ground system being another. You eat a 70% combo from a safe launcher. Then guess wrong once on the ground and it's lights out.

    I like the way they did the rage mode comeback mechanic. Since you can forfeit it to safely tag / other shit like that.

    But seriously, this game just makes no sense to me. And at this point I feel like no amount of playing WILL make it make sense to me.

    EDIT: LOL at df 2 on some characters DUCKING high attacks. That thing can't be more than 15 frames, and it ducks highs, and starts a 50% + damage combo. And correct me if I'm wrong but you get like, jabs to punish it. ?
  8. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Yeah I dunno how I threw you out of a rising attack lol. That was hella goofy. This game has problems....
  9. Bilal

    Bilal Well-Known Member

    The thing is, as posted before, attacks do not have innate priority over throws. If your move isn't tech-crouching, tech-jumping or otherwise evasive; a throw will connect as long as your attack doesn't get into active frames before (at the same frame too?) throw. Remember throw-clash from Vanilla? It's pretty much the same concept, jabs/low jabs are 10f while generic throws are 12f. Being thrown out of slow attacks and strings is a quite common scenario, some characters can even throw you out of aerial attacks and crouching attacks too.

    d/f+2 is evasive for some characters but it's really situational, probably around 2 frames window. Another thing to remember about d/f+2 is, they aren't immune to all highs; in addition to lows, mids and throws, even highs with good hitboxes like Paul's standing 4 (magic 4!) will beat them for CH combos at certain advantage. The damage potential of d/f+2 isn't that high though, unless you are near a wall or use TA! (which has it's own deficiencies). Most staple combos are around 35%-40% depending on characters and situation.

    But yeah, you are absolutely correct, it won't make much sense unless you start looking at it as a separate game. Most frequent skills aren't immediately transferable between VF and Tekken due to their system differences and most importantly, emphasising the completely different aspects of 3D fighting game engine. Most Tekken players also struggle when they pick up VF for the first time.

    Anyhow, time for some new stuff, Aris has uploaded a bunch of new TTT2 tutorials lately:

    Rage and Tag Crash Tutorial

    Throw Break Theory and Training

    Double Over and Nosebleed Stun Tutorial

    Universal Low Parry Tutorial

    Inbound running Move Tutorial

    Korean Backdash Tutorial Part 1 (1P Side)

    Korean Backdash Tutorial Part 2 (2P Side)

    Evasive Raw Tag Tutorial

    Button Buffering Tutorial

    Beating Solo with Teams

    Defensive Play styles

    How to Tag Crash

    Spacing and Whiff Punishing Tutorials

    Understanding Frame Data
    Chanchai likes this.
  10. Bilal

    Bilal Well-Known Member

    Level Up Your Game (RIP/MYK) have recently started a new series called 'Morning Bread & Butter' where they will be covering one character almost every day. Here are the characters already been covered:

    Morning Bread & Butter - Ep 1 - Jinpachi Mishima

    Morning Bread & Butter - Ep 2 - Ogre

    Morning Bread & Butter - Ep 3 - Forest Law

    Morning Bread & Butter - Ep 4 - Jun Kazama

    Morning Bread & Butter - Ep 5 - Paul Phoenix

    Morning Bread & Butter - Ep 6 - Prototype Jack

    Morning Bread & Butter - Ep 7 - Alex
  11. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Jesus christ RIP talks too fast. I feel like I'm being assaulted by random strings of numbers. :eek: I'll need to sit down with the video running and the joystick in my hands to even start to gain any useful information from those videos.

    Bilal I understand the throw system. I just don't like it. A lot of the things about Tekken are fine, and hey if I wanted to get into it I would love to. But the game just doesn't make sense to me.

    I mean in terms of learning games, I feel like VF is like SF. Things happen for a reason, it's pretty frame based and structured. Tekken is like MVC to me. Complete random madness going on and I can't figure out WHY things are happening that are.

    I just don't have the time to put into this to make it feel comfortable. (Also why I've never picked up MVC).
  12. Bilal

    Bilal Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know the feeling. ;)

    That's also one of the things that makes this game so unattractive to newcomers, it's too situation and character specific when compared to a game like VF. Like gl0ry mentioned, many mechanics (e.g. stepping system) are not intuitive in Tekken, they are just learnt from the experience. We are trying to make things easier by working on TekkenZaibatsu TTT2 wiki, so hopefully it will lessen the knowledge burden for new players. I personally think a better comparison would be SF and KOF: they share the basic 2D system mechanics but vary so much at high levels. MvC has always been too different from staple 2D fighting games.

    In any case, if that's what keeping you away from the game, RIP's videos won't help you much. Just start with AAK's system guide I posted on previous page and then move on to Aris' video tutorials when you feel like giving Tekken a try again.
    Chanchai likes this.
  13. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    I wasn't trying to make a universal analogy with the comparison to 2D fighters. Just felt like to me specifically, Tekken is like MVC.

    But honestly if you wanted to make a universal comparison, you kinda stated it well. MVC is too different from staple 2D fighting games. Don't you feel like Tekken is far different from staple 3D fighting games? I can't speak for DoA but VF and SC are very similar, at least in SC5 which is really the only one I played. I jumped into it and played it pretty damn well. I feel I could do the same for DoA. Tekken is just... Tekken haha. It does its own thing, which isn't bad at all, I just feel too far behind to catch up.

    Thanks for posting all those vids in one spot though :) cheers.

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