Tekken vs VF game - be interested or diss it?

Discussion in 'General' started by Fishie, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    nah man you can sidestep in tekken. You just have to understand when and how to in a given situation (this can get very character specific, some characters can even sidewalk better than they can step). You can get free floats if you're doing it right.
  2. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    I think DrunkenFist's post illustrates that most people here have no idea how much DOA sucks. People just assume DOA is closer to VF than Tekken because it has a block button. Well guess what it's not! People have no idea how different DOA is from VF, and not for better. And yeah, sidestepping in DOA IS pointless, unlike Tekken.
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I've always found this defense of Tekken's shoddy sidestep system interesting. It's like nobody that plays Tekken wants to admit that the sidestep system sucks. Even 2D SNK games have a better sidestep system than Tekken's.
    It SHOULD be as simple as: linear move - sidestep to either side. But it's not.
    Tekken apologists try to chalk it up to fanboyism or that VF players are spoiled because we have the best sidestep system but it's not about what game I have or haven't played.
    Something as simple as sidestepping in a 3D GAME should be intuitive. I shouldn't have to learn what linear move I can/can't sidestep in which direction. I shouldn't have to look up if my character can sidestep or walk around whatever... look, it's simple: linear move - sidestep to either side.
    That should be a staple of any real 3D fighter.

    Tekken's sidestep system is wack when compared to VF's but even on it's own, even back when I skipped out on VF3 (which had an evasive button) I was playing Tekken 3, Tekken Tag and Tekken 4 and I knew that the sidestep system sucked. Even before VF4 had came out with the great evade system that we have now, I knew.
    The day that Tekken steps it's sidestepping game up and even tweak it's TE system a bit too, is the day that I will be playing a lot more Tekken.
    Char balance will prob still be an issue but not many fighters out there are balanced anyway.
  4. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Why should they tweak Tekken 6's TE system? VF5 FS is immitating it!(lol).
    Sorry couldn't help it.
    Not only that but the FS evade system is even higher risk than it already was.

    It's like all the reasons I hated Tekken (not being able to punish most attacks,etc) are more and more becoming the standard in VF (Hitting downed opponents with standing attacks, I'm looking at you). So much so that I'm playing Tekken more and more. I wouldn't be adverse to seeing Tekken vs VF, but now with Tekken Vs SF it wont happen for Years. The first Tekken I bought was Tekken 5. Then Tekken 5 DR was a no brainer (1080p!)

    Now I have Tekken 6 $20 off amazon and Im getting into it. In 2007 I really made a serious commitment to learning Tekken's Paul and Raven, after my friend beat a raincheck into me on My Tekken 5 DR. I printed hundreds of Faq pages,practiced, but VF5 drew me away every time and i never looked back.
    Now that I've learned all Im going to learn on VF5, and FS is on the way(hopefully), I'll give a go at learning some chars on Tekken 6. There's no need to hate on Tekken so much,it's the second best 3D fighter out there, that has to count for something.
  5. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    You just gotta look at the animation to tell if you can move away from it... but understand you have moves that look like you CAN'T sidestep but you can. The only moves you have to worry about 100% are the actual tracking moves themselves, which are identified by the white trail they make.

    Overall though, sidestep just another way to get out of your opponents space (make whiffs). That might be why they call it sidestep and not evading. Theres ALOT of other ways just to make your opponent hit air, beat out their move, etc.

    I dont see anything wrong with the TE system though... it comeplements the rest of the system. although it does seem you like VF alot
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Guys, I like Tekken, I love VF. Just cuz I got issues with some of Tekken's gameplay mechanics doesn't mean that I hate it.
    People act funny when people come on VFDC and stand up for VF and say that it's better at this or that.
    C'mon son. Seriously. This is VFDC.
    I'm not bashing Tekken. The same way I got issues with VF, I got issues with Tekken.
    It's ok.
    Tekken's got issues. Tekken isn't perfect.
    Jeez, VF isn't perfect what makes yall think that Tekken's flaws can't be brought up and discussed? Cuz this is VFDC?? Lol, nah, VF's got it's issues which we all work around, the same way that when I play Tekken I work around it's shoddy evade system and I hardly do throws on advanced players cuz it's way too easy for them to TE.

    Obviously, I got more issues with Tekken than I do with VF. Once VF5FS drops, if I have more issues with the gameplay changes in FS than I do with T6 (or any other fighter) I'll move on to that game. I'm loyal to people as long as they don't change or start acting funny. The same applies to a game. I can love VF but if it starts getting wack, I'm moving on.

    If VF starts playing like Tekken, I might as well move on to Tekken since Tekken has been doing Tekken for way longer. I would imagine that they're better at it.
    If Tekken starts playing more like VF, then I'm going to be playing Tekken more.

    You guys are funny, you don't want people coming on here "bashing" Tekken or other fighting games but on other fighting game sites, they bash VF all the time. It is what it is, this is VFDC of fucking course I "like VF a lot" lmao!

    Gotta love creating a profile on game website, being a member for years, talking about how much you love the game and how much better it is than other games and getting called a fanboy or being told that you like the game too much... by other members of the same site [​IMG]
    No, you're wrong, Sherlock. I'm not a fan of VF, I'm just here to talk about how other games are better. This game's alright, but I'm going to go play some Tekken/SF/whatever.
    Fuck this game XD
  7. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    When...? I brought up a few points and you still seem biased.
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Seems like my lightheartedness and joking demeanor got taken a little too serious but, meh we're online... all joking aside:

    Yes, I'm biased as fuck, that was the point of my post. I don't have a profile on T-Zaibatsu or DOA Central or whatever, I'm on VFDC cuz I love and prefer VF over other fighters.

    My post was making fun of people either being surprised that I'm biased or that I prefer VF or that I think that VF's gameplay mechanics are better (to me) than any other fighter.
    At the end of the day, there are some of you who want to be an equal opportunity gamer to all games, that's great.
    Me, I prefer VF. I think VF is a better fighter, imho.

    That's it.
    I still find if funny that I'm on VFDC saying that VF's my favorite fighter and that I'm biased towards it [​IMG]
  9. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    No one is nit-picking... You're not making any points and playing capt. obvious from the looks of things... What are you really trying to say man!!?!?!?!? Another note some cats don't realize: some characters are weak on certain sides, so try ss'ing left or right against some characters, eh... If the sidestepping sucks, again, either tell them to fix it, or don't fuckin' play the game homeboy... No need to bitch about it if you not lookin' to get shit fixed... Next!!!

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    I know you can't counter while on the ground but you can counter when you stand up and gain back the advantage if you counter right. Also you can tech, now most games you can get hit on the ground so that is no different. All games allow for throws and stuns. I mean what is the point you are trying to make? There is always going to be a move that can counter another? I mean you are getting away from the concept here.

    SC has the same options Tekken has with the addition of Guard Impact. Now you can get juggled on the ground but only for a limited extent. The way the combo system works in that is you can't chain two moves that have the same properties together in the same combo, unless that combo is a guaranteed string on hit or counterhit, then it excutes and you are limited to how long you can make the combo. Now you do have resets with some characters but that mix up is something you have to learn.

    Point being, Tekken isn't as balanced as DOA or VF</div></div>

    Fuck outta here with that... You've couldn't have possibly played DOA and come to that synopsis... Their ss is worse, even if you try to KBD, any string can catch up to you just about... I'm not even going on with this mess... Next!!

    Real talk, get outta "Tex-mode" and actually learn the game. Dude said he only played like what 20 matches and then quit??? What did you learn that was actually useful??? Don't play a few matches, then diss the game without knowin' some stuff homie... Granted I'm only intermediate in these games imo, but I make it my all to learn as much as I can about 'X' game to be competitive in it, and not play a few matches then quit... I mean if it ain't your cup of tea, get some coffee then and be done with it, that's cool... But 20 matches??? That shit sounds 'N to the Izzo' to me (editor's note: NOOB)...


    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qweoMJS1DQ8"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qweoMJS1DQ8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>
  10. DrunkenFist

    DrunkenFist Active Member

    Ok I been playing fighting games for 20 years man, since the first Street Fighter came out, I design games, I study games, I even study the game system, on top of playing online as well. I played the original Tekkens up till 3, now I can say 6 is an improvement but I can also say it only took me about 20 matches to realize it still plays like Tekken and with all the Tekken flaws. I switched to VF because out of all the fighting games VF is the most balanced.

    I have also played DOA quiet a bit. Now being that you can counter pretty much every move and they are canning strings why wouldn't you just counter and get damage out of it instead of sidestepping? I mean as far as NOOB goes you are going to tell me that you are going to sidestep instead of countering a string? I mean get out of here with that. Yet again you are using bad play examples to try to make the system look bad.

    There is a difference between a bad player trying to use a system and a good player using the system and the system failing. I mean what is next? Sidestepping not working against roundhouse kicks? Or how about blocking not working against throws? I mean we can go all day....but...point being
    I wouldn't play Tekken vs VF. How can you take a game with broken mechanics and put them together with a game that has a deeper system?

    So with that said go play Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct because I'm sure those games are good to you as well.
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Umm Jeffry doesn't have counters, and some characters can only counter/sabaki certain moves like Brad... What say you???

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...point being I wouldn't play Tekken vs VF.</div></div>

    Then don't... As you were...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So with that said go play Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct because I'm sure those games are good to you as well. </div></div>

    You've been nominated for the whackest diss award... No ss'ing in KI, and part 2 was actually considered competitive for its time... Still comp in MK2/UMK3 and no one cares about the 3d series... Next!!! (refer to youtube vid in previous post)...

    Anyway moving on, I'm pretty sure that TxVF/VFxT will implement something new in the crossover, if it were ever made... Right now, I'm looking forward to seeing a tech demo of TxSF to see how it fairs out... Pending the result of that, we could see what could or couldn't be with TxVF...
  12. NarutoUzumaki

    NarutoUzumaki Member

  13. DrunkenFist

    DrunkenFist Active Member

    That counter was in reference to DOA. Follow the thread. I know certain characters don't have counters and sabaki certain moves, that is what balances them out.

    Also those are horrible fighting games with limited depth and another shot at the depth of the fighting game and it's engine. Not sidestepping ass. You get off the subject and can't follow it will. I'll bullet point it next time.

    Also there is no money in that crossover unforunately, most Tekken players don't like VF and most VF players would prefer to play VF over Tekken
  14. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    www.ultimatemk.com thinks otherwise about that depth comment...

    But yeah, that DOA schpiel you were saying, there are situations in which sidestepping is better than countering... Especially in DOA 3.1, in which the sidestepping was at its best... Sometimes it gives you better options than just countering... But those are my views... You're so into counters aren't you???
  15. BrenBed

    BrenBed Active Member

    I would rather see VF vs Tekken ... more so than Tekken vs VF...because the Tekken characters with Sega's fighting system would be awesome..but VF characters in the Tekken engine wouldn't be as great...
  16. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    the vf sabakis would clean house in the tekken system. Just picture goh against any tekken character.
  17. BrenBed

    BrenBed Active Member

    Law, Bruce, and Steve would all give Goh tons of trouble...their speed advantage would be difficult to ignore...lol...

    Goh is more of a poking fighter...and against those three, he just wouldn't have the frame advantage to keep them on the defensive...he would spend more time defending and going for throws than anything...but with throw escapes..he wouldn't do big damage all the time..

    I'm not saying Goh would be nothing against them...obviously a lot has to do with individual player skill..And Goh is a very powerful fighter (especially for his size,lol)...but I don't agree that he would dominate any Tekken character...
  18. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    It is hard to say at this point. However, with the VF system, juggles will be tone down and this eliminates that stupid rage mode. Plus with the ability to change skin colors of characters this could work.... I could make Lili black with a ninja costume. (thinking). Putting Pai and Asauka in the same ring together (thinking).This might be a good fantasy.

  19. BrenBed

    BrenBed Active Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It is hard to say at this point. However, with the VF system, juggles will be tone down and this eliminates that stupid rage mode.</div></div>

    Yeah, I wish the Juggle system in Tekken was like the juggle system in VF...the problem with Tekken, is that juggles can even continue when an opponent is flat on there back...lol..VF doesn't have that...You can imagine when I first came to VF...I was trying to continue attacking while my opponent was on the ground and quickly found out that it is not as effective to continue attacking your opponent while they are getting up...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Putting Pai and Asauka in the same ring together (thinking).This might be a good fantasy.</div></div>

    That would be awesome...Just to have those two in the same game..would be a dream for me...because Asuka and Pai are my babies..lol..
  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Have I already posted here? maybe I did!

    Anyway, I say: diss it.

    Namco couldn't do a GOOD fighting game if its life depended on it.Bandai either. why does Sega have to make a good fighting system for Tekken, if Namco cant be arsed? Better save the money and time for VF6.

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