Tekken vs Virtua Fighter (The Game)

Discussion in 'General' started by FrozenWorm, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. FrozenWorm

    FrozenWorm Active Member

    Man... I don't think it would be confusing at all having Tekken controller and VF controller into one game... if it get's confusing the tekken characters, just pick another VF character, you'll have 21 VF characters to practice with while you learn the Tekken controller. I think people would love having 2 different controller systems.

    Now... should it be done or not? the answer is: IT IS GOING TO BE DONE...!!! so forget about the "it's too different" argument.

    And for you VF-only fans, I'm a VF fan too, and I couldn't be happier about having 20 new characters into a VF game, and not just any characters but the cream of fighters... some of them have been evolving since Tekken 1. NAMCO have some of the most amazing fighters of all times; I'll give you a list and you check the characters with patience on a PS2 or whatever if you are not convinced:
    - Jin Kazama
    - Ling Xiaoyu
    - Bryan Fury
    - Eddy Gordon
    - Lei Wulong
    - King
    - Steve Fox
    - Paul Phoenix
    - Marshall Law
    - Hwoarang

    If you don't know this 10 characters... you're missing too much about the fighting games universe; VF doesn't have a boxer, or a tae kwon do guy... King have like 100 throws... he's a very different wrestler than Wolf or El Blaze, Lei Wulong is a master of SEVEN Martial Arts (Snake, Phanter, Dragon, Crane, Phoenix, Tiger and Drunken Fist); come on... give me a break...!!!

    This game would be totally awesome, the only thing I would appreciate is BALANCE, and that characters can keep their original controller system. It would be something really good for both fanchises because the gameplay absolutelly is gonna have the best elements from both games so... please, stop the nonsense people.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    don't forget Asuka/Jun. Fucking love their fighting style.
  3. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I really hope this never happens. I like VF how it is.
  4. FrozenWorm

    FrozenWorm Active Member

    Yeap, Asuka's style is unique too... she can do INFINITE combos, it is the same style Aoi has, but the focus is completelly different, and before you say it... she's not a copy of Aoi, the character movelist concept was created in Tekken 2 for Jun, since she died eventually they created another character to use the work and concepts.

    MASTER_PAIN Well-Known Member

    Jun and Asuka kazama are probably my favorite fighting game characters of all time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif

    this thread has got me all hyped for T6, im even thinking of trading my 360 for a ps3 for T6 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  6. FrozenWorm

    FrozenWorm Active Member

    The DualShock is the best controller for fighting games... tho, there're people working on DualShock adaptors for XBox360... the adaptor should be available next year I hope, I want to be able to play DOA4 decently. (I got the XBox adaptors :p)

    And yeap... PS3 would be anyone's best choice, XBox360 is an alternative shopping IMO not to mention Tekken 6 by itself is a great reason to buy a PS3... there's also Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy games, and God of War III :p I dunno... I love Sony man... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  7. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Meh... it's not that simple. 360 kind of has the market cornered on FPS/sports games. And except for final fantasy they're doing pretty damn well with RPGs, too (i.e. OMG, Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect were amazing).

    Anyway... none of your examples really have anything to do with Sony anyway, sounds more accurate to say you love Namco, Konami, and Square-Enix... in which case, I would say, yes, I love them all, too, and wish they would stop making console exclusive games so I could spend more money on their products, and less money on random required hardware;;
  8. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    They both have said they are interested in it and were considering borrowing characters from the others game in the each games next installment.
    I think it would be cool if they each made there own version. Not a mixture of play styles.
  9. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    Well, I am saying to my peers for at least 5 years now that the game IS going to happen, and I still think it is viable.
    Namco groove- 4 buttons defense backward on stick/non tracking evade
    Sega groove- 3 buttons with defense button /efficient evade
    In my conception, the grooves are interchangeable, as in you can choose either for Tekken chars or Virtua chars

    My fighting game wet dream come true!!!
    Tag team Wolf & King!!! Rawr, Are you ready for this???

    All that said, I would prefer SEGA to handle the game engine!!!
    More solid + Better models.

    Tekken has nice ideas, tho.
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    That's the beauty of it: VF doesn't have to change. Neither does Tekken. They are separate games, just like this should be a separate game in the kind of alternate-universe kind of way that SF and Capcom came together. SF remained SF and Marvel remained Marvel.
  11. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    This is a dream of a battle that cannot be resolved...

    Cue tombstone "Good Akira"

    Then Akira in a demon suit dances on his grave shaking maracas, singing "I'm evil Akira!!" repeatadly.
  12. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Just as long as it turns into a completely different game.
  13. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    As long as there's no broken juggle system or broken god tier characters like in the later Tekkens then the idea is fine. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    While we're at it, what about physics like this. Take out the
    fire balls and add /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif


    Oh yea, this one too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

  15. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Heh, I was always a huge fan of the No Mercy engine (AKI). Forgot about Urban Reign.
  16. FrozenWorm

    FrozenWorm Active Member

    Thunder... Thunder... *gets horny* OHHHHHH...!!!!

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