The Hydra begins to grow new heads!!!!!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Hydra_akebono, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Aye the glory of the low punch, how I was so happy when my people finally embraced it after years of scorn =)

  2. NeoMaxim

    NeoMaxim Member

    There is VF scene in Miami??!

    HAH i thought we only played Guilty Gear and garbage like Tekken down here.

    damn i've been missing out lol
  3. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Wasup, NeoMaxim, welcome!
    We got together this past Sunday.
    It was only four of us, Incident, Ladon, SonOfHeaven (also a Guilty Gear player)and myself, but we had a blast and recorded a lot of matches!
    Cardona is another Miami player who called about meeting up with us but had to work that day.
    SamtheSeed was going to join us too but he had to be at work by 3pm and that's around the time that we were starting.
    Hopefully we'll get to play next time, Sam and Cardona /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    We usually play at FIU when we do get together. We try to go there at least once a month but we usually have little get-togethers at least twice a month.

    I live in Miramar, Ladon lives in Hialeah, X-tian and SonOfHeaven live close to FIU and Incident lives closer to Miami than all of us.
    You can PM any one of us that lives closest to you and try to set up a few matches if you like.
    Looking forward to meeting you and getting some games in /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  4. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Florida VF Get-Together

    What up!
    The Miami Crew is going to be meeting up at FIU this Sunday. If you play VF, stop by, you'll be more than welcome to join.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Re: Florida VF Get-Together

    Anything happening? Let me know.
  6. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Florida VF Get-Together

    Yo, I stay by Orlando, just moved here a few months ago from Minnesota..I'm a rookie tho, just started playin the game of VF a few months ago but I can do ok sometimes against kids lol. I use Akira, but as of now my xbox is messed up (wich really sucks, just got a hori stick a few days ago) so I just gotta wait for the whole proccess thing..Cool to see that ppl get together for some friendly matches. I'm 26 by the way
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Florida VF Get-Together

    Sheesh, I didn't realize Miami was so far away from Orland, that's like halfway across the state if not farther lol. That kinda sux. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Re: Florida VF Get-Together

    Good to have you aboard, man. Yeah, Mia is quite far from Orlando, but I'm sure we can hook up sometime.

    Hope your system gets back up and running soon.
  9. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: Florida VF Get-Together

    Thanks man. Yea i'm sure i'll be able to slide out there one of these days. Maybe when yall have a 2day/1 and a half day thing or somethin so it'll be worth the drive, i'd still be down for a one day session though..And even though i'm a rookie to this game i'm somethin like a Lebron James when it comes to this lol j/k. Peace out n take care yall
  10. Jakekun

    Jakekun Well-Known Member

    Re: Florida VF Get-Together

    Anybody from the Orlando or Mt. Dora crew still play? Hit me up on XBL Lobohotpants
  11. BlondieHydra

    BlondieHydra New Member

    Re: Florida VF Get-Together

    Hey Jake, long time no see buddy...This is Blondie/Chris from the Mt dora crew...I'm in Jacksonville now, probably a little closer to gainesville than orlando eh? =P

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