The Quality of Lei Fei

Discussion in 'Lei' started by smb, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    he reminds me alot of Maxi in SC, he is very masher friendly but if he is mastered he is as deadly as anyone can ever dream of and more. The trick is mastering the stances so well that you can find creative ways to go to and from each stance at will making people guess instead of seeing the same combo spammed all the time. He is actually very good and he is the man and in a way that easy to use nature makes him hard to master to a certain degree as it was mentioned earlier.
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The only way to play this game is with a stick. Just order a Hori EX2 online and you will be very, very happy with it. It will raise your enjoyment of the game, let you use whoever you want so you'll get more out of the game, your control will be better and it's only ~$50 bucks. I liked mine so much I got two so I could have one for both players if needed. It's a nice stick and it blows playing on a shitty pad out of the water.
  3. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    i hate the monk in the hands of someone who can use him
  4. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Gah if I lose one round to a scrub Lei I analyze my whole life and try to figure out where I went wrong
  5. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    i hope you didn't spend to long in self analysis when i beat you that one round /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Scrub you are not. I'm talking about those just horrible people that cant play VF in any way
  7. TechRomancer

    TechRomancer Well-Known Member

    Even Jeffry?
  8. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Trying to Master Lei Fei now all of a sudden or resorting to use him because you got spanked by him to me is a cop-out. When i lose to a good Lei Fei i never really feel as if he completely dominated me compared to others for some reasons. He has so many "Auto-Combos" and Set ups that your margin for error against a good Lei fei player is like 3 times smaller. Side-stepping him is damn near out of he question cause his linear attacks graze you about 90% of the time even on a good evade.
    If Sega tried to eliminate guessing VF5 they failed IMHO.
  9. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    ^This is misinformation you keep repeating^

    You either evade successfully or not, NO IN BETWEEN... His attacks will only track you if you try to attack after your successful evade. If he is doing a string and you evade, he will go off axis and you will end up on his side or back and you can crumple him. If you evade his string and try to attack immediately, the string will start tracking you and you will get hit.

    Successful evades have frames where you are invincible so you CANNOT be hit by a linear attack. If you don't hear the grunt, you get the slower, non-invulnerable, failed evade. If you hear the grunt, you evaded DURING his start-up frames and he will miss you with a linear attack no matter what.

    A perfect example is sometimes you evade Wolf's shoulder ram and even though you evaded you get pushed back. But because you evaded SUCCESSFULLY, you are invulnerable for a few frames, thus, you get pushed back but don't get hit or take damage.

    Lei's LINEAR attacks CANNOT nick you on a successful evade.

    If you evade and it's not during his start-up frames, you won't hear a grunt and his attacks will track and hit you. If you aren't evading successfully it's because the opponent is delaying just enough to make your evade fail and then attacking you. That's why delayed attack beats evades. If they don't delay and you buffer your evade after a blocked move, you will evade the attack. After a successful evade, if you expect him to continue his string, just wait a second until he is farther off axis from you before you go to punish him. If you expect that he will react to the evade and stop attacking or he only threw out one attack, you can go ahead and attack right away and press the advantage.

    I've noticed against Lei and Lau especially, if you evade successfully and wait a split second, until they are nicely off axis, you can get a side or back crumple for insane damage. ^That is the trick^


    His linearity is one of his biggest weaknesses, a lot like Akira. Good side stepping will throw any Lei player for a loop and they'll tell you that themselves.
  10. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    no he's right gern, evade no longer works against lei, just ask cozby up there, so memo to everyone online, DON'T EVADE AGAINST LEI, seriously it just doesn't work. so instead try standing there blocking and attempt throw escapes......10th Dan here i come, lol
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    ^Why even write that to confuse people???^

    What is the point? Very noobish of you.

    I'll evade the crap out of Lei and whoop him cause of it. Side crumple city...
  12. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Chill out Gern, it was funny, thats why i wrote it, its obviously a joke and it was funny. Lighten up bro, its a video game, there is no reason not to have a good time when you play the game, have a good time on the forums boards here, and then go do something completely unrelated to VF5, and you know what, have a good time while doing that.
    Seriously we don't watch Chris Rock or Dave Chapel and say...."why would he say that, he's perpetuating black stereotypes, what a noob comedian"
  13. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I guess we have a VERY different idea of what is funny...

    It was funny... I swear... it was a joke and it was funny, I promise...

    I think it is stupid to purposely mislead people about VF on a VF forum, maybe you don't.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Gernburgs i never had a problem with you but i have to disagree with you. You don't think i know that characters make noises on a sucessful evade? I not new to this. Half of the time i save the replay when i Evade DM and Lei Fei does a low poke kick in one leg stance and i still get hit, or how bout getting hit with a palm thrust on a good evade? Explain that.

    Honestly what you just said is a load of Misinformation. He's safe on damn near every move and they all damn near push you far back on a guard. Also what good is it for him to just to keep attacking on a opponents sidestep only for him to track you quicker than almost everybody? that nots cool.
  15. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Dude get over yourself, I didn't say I swear or I promise, or wasn't whiny about it. You need to relax, like I said, its just a Video Game, I don't think a whole generation of young VFers are going to be spoiled b/c they all came here and read a one paragraph post by some guy and thought, aha, i shall no longer block. Take it in the context it was written, you'd have to be dense not to realize it was a joke, and if you dont think its funny than don't laugh, simple is that, no need to go off on noobish this, noobish that, misleading him misleading her. no one else took any exception to it, i'm sure they just laughed.
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    My advice to you is wait to attack a little longer to keep him from tracking you if that's what's getting you. Wait a split second longer and look for the side crumple. One good evade and you've got a big advantage. That low poke from his one leg stance is fast. If you evade it you may not have time to punish. I've evaded that and gone to punish only to get floated by the second kick. If you evade the double jump kick however, you have a HUGE advantage to mess around with.

    I'm not trying to flame you SMB, just didn't see the point in confusing people who are trying to learn what to do against Lei. There's a TON of people out there that HATE playing Lei but because you use him you choose to try to throw them off. You use Lei, you already have a huge edge over most characters... Is that not good enough for you? Just tell everyone to put the controller down and let you beat them, it's about as useful as what you wrote...

    You think I take this game waaaay more seriously than I do. I do like to talk theory about it and I felt like you were just trying to ruin a good debate.
  17. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Go to dojo, set CPU to defensive move, and mash lei's PPP strings. Explain what happens

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Honestly what you just said is a load of Misinformation. He's safe on damn near every move</div></div>

    sqlite> select count(*) from vf5_c where char = 'leifei' and category not like '%rising%';
    sqlite> select count(*) from vf5_c where char = 'leifei' and grd < -11 and category not like '%rising%';

    1 in 5 of his moves are punishable? And that doesnt even include the moves that are listed as better than -12, but are technically worse, because he's stuck in stance and cant guard?

    Yes, theres a load of misinformation here. But it's coming from you.
  18. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I think you can pick about any charactar and start to explain what it is they have working for them that makes that charactar a huge headstart over everyone else. You can surely get to 2nd-3rd Dan or so with anyone using the right moves, ones that are "cheap." Vanessa has been talked about to death, Wolf with his OM throw, Jackie can be deadly with his low bang hand kick combo and playing distance, Lei Fei with button mashing, Blaze button mashing--and forbid--his low drop kick over and over. etc... with just about every charactar I think, I don't like fighting X b/c of Y. But it all comes out in the wash. And once you get above the mid Dans it doesn't matter what charactar you use, the cheap strategies usually get punished. If a lei fei wants to go mash crazy against a 8th-9th Dan anybody, you're going to lose 70% of the time.

    I guess in short, i'm tired of hearing peeps complain about lei fei being cheap, or not worth as much when you win. While turning around and abusing the tactics they know to have success with. Like Kage launching you with a throw and then moving you to a ring out, or goh coming in over and over with that kick of his from distance, or etc . . . But overcoming those is what makes you better, once your good, none of that matters anyways
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Thank you KoD... That was a seriously uphill battle.
  20. Menace

    Menace Member

    sup gern been off for a day or two. thanks for fighting the good fight while i was gone. i use lei fei exclusively when i fight people outside my home. If i lose it is almost always because the other person sidesteps all my strings.or jacky and vanessa just let go of block in the middle of them.(i really hate that). I know where you guys are coming from with his attacks sometimes tracking. cuz i've seen some sketchy stuff myself. but like was mentioned earlier if u attack immediately it will track and a lot of lei's moves have extra frames so u may sidestep my low poke kick when i start to duck and still get kicked because u evaded early. u still get the evasion but the startup frames lasted longer than ur evade. thats just what it seems like to me. same with the flying punch evade when the attacks gonna hit not when i first take flight cuz somestimes ur evade will end and ull get hit as i fly by. plus online latency makes timing very tricksy. I wish VF5 had the glossary and missions from evo so most of these arguments would be moot. BTW i finally got past Master rank. yay Hunter yay. now to just not lose it.

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