The VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Llanfair, Dec 10, 2001.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    I see it with my own eyes. A guy gets his knee reversed once and suddenly he's scared to ever knee again in an identical situation. Of course part of that in VF4 would be the game's retarded mid reversal system. Normally you'd say "ha, you may have punished my knee with a measly reversal, but now I'm gonna fuck you up with a kickflip. Oops, that got reversed too."

    Anyway, if you refute what I say, you will be assimilated. If reversals don't bother you and Kage is so much more rape-able when b,b+K+G is blocked, you should be praising god that it's been made reversible, it might encourage someone to reverse it and make you happy (rather than counter it a traditional way and make you sad).
  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    Well I get pissed at myself (and annoyed at the reversal/mC system) for trying mid moves when I fucking KNOW the guy is gonna be using R-MTE - yeah, that hurts. But to me it's not really different from getting thrown or even just getting hit while in normal close-in combat. It's just another move; he just guessed right and you guessed wrong, take your damage and go try and get him. A reversal is nothing compared to getting MC'ed with a knee, etc.
  3. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Re: sticky: the VF4 text FAQ/movelist...

    I've been wondering, what is that pic of as your signature Bungle? Looks like a glass coca-cola bottle tilted to the side, stuck in dirt.
  4. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    costume 2

    Costume 2, tight maroon leather shirt, light white pinkish pants hair still in ponytail.
  5. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Re: costume 2

    Costume 2, tight maroon leather shirt, light white pinkish pants hair still in ponytail.'ve got the color sequence mixed up. The pants are tight maroon leather, and the shirt is light pinkish.
  6. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: costume 2

    None of the links to the moveslist that I have found on this thread work. Can someone Link me to one, please?
  7. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: costume 2

    Here it is <a target="_blank" href=> Whoot </a>for anyone else who is interested. However I am curious about one thing I read in this movelist.

    In the Character Atributes under the Character Selection Guide it shows Lau as not having the RO capabilities that he use to. I'm curious as to why not? Lau and Kage use to be ring out kings, especially Lau. Is this due to the lack of rushes Lau has in VF4? Any explaintion is appreciated.
    With Lau is there a second hit that links with f+p+k? If so it is not shown in this movelist. I thought there was though.

    Also What is this I hear about Laus' Guard Fatality? Did Lars write a movelist for Lau in VF4?
  8. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: costume 2 *DELETED*

    Post deleted by Enkindu
  9. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Re: costume 2

    Enkindu, please stop spamming the board. Your last three posts could have been put into one post.

    Next time if you have second thoughts, or want to add something that you might have forgotten to include in the post, click <font color=yellow>edit</font color=yellow> at the top of the post. You can then put everything in the post. It's more convenient that way. Just a little friendly advice, so don't start flaming. Thanx...
  10. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: costume 2

    Yeah, yeah when did asking questions turn into spamming? If you look closely the times on my posts are about 5, 10, to 30 minutes apart. Thanks for making it look like I'm an ass. You must've been abused before. Oops.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: costume 2

    I strongly agree with ghostdog
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    nothing to do with costumes

    Link in the parent post has been fixed, and this thread is no longer sticky.

    FWIW, Enkindu, it would be appreciated if you could edit your post and add additional questions to it in future. You have 8 hours to edit a post, so if something *pops* into your head 20 minutes later, you still have ample time to update a single post rather than create a new one. You'll annoy less people this way.
  13. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: nothing to do with my questions

    You guys are getting pretty gay in here. It's still sticky from the 3 ring circle jerk that just happened on my posts. I figured Myke would have an idea on how to answer my questions, but he just giving useless lessons on how *proper posting* is less annoying. Are my questions being ignored because you guys don't have an answer? Don't answer that. It's not because I'm posting while I'm reading the faq. Haven't you learned the power of ignore? Like looking past someones flaws to see their true self? You think I care if I annoy anyone or my questions don't get answered by misinterupreted bullcrap. I didn't ask if me posting 3 times in a row would annoy anyone. I don't ask if doing f+p,p the entire round with Lau is annoying either. I asked what I asked because I wanted to share some other ideas with intellect, not get into an arguement with the elitest scum. Thanks for the advice though, Myke. I'll put it to good use on another newbie poster. Just like the rest of your followers. *sarcasam*
  14. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    nothing to do with my questions

    I'm just joking.
  15. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: nothing to do with my questions

    No I'm not.
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: nothing to do with my questions

    You say you don't care if your questions are left unanswered but you sure as hell aren't acting like it.

    For your information, I answered the question/query (broken FAQ link) to the post I replied to and supplemented it with a suggestion to reduce your posts-per-minute, which you've obviously chosen to ignore.

    As for your Lau questions, in the other posts:

    - I believe the combo you're looking for is b+P+K, P, and it's in the movelist.

    - I suppose Lau's RO threat has been lessened due to the fact that floats aren't as high (in general). You can't keep someone in the air for as high and as long as you could, say, in VF2. Also, I'd take what's in the Character Attribute Chart with a grain of salt. Maybe more than a grain.

    - "Guard Fatalities" are more commonly known as guard breaks. For most characters, their charge attacks will guard break at maximum charge. For Lau, this is done by holding P+K (the double-palm attack).

    - Lars hasn't been 'active' in the VF scene for a long, long time now, so no, he hasn't written anything for VF4 AFAIK.

    Happy now?
  17. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: nothing to do with my questions

    I'm jumping with joy now Myke, thank you. Sorry I became agitated. Is it a crime to have a high post per minute? I wish I knew if there are less frames in b+p+k than D/F+p cause as a single move b+p+k will float on a counter like his lifting palm does, and it's quicker to execute. Of course you will have to delay doing d/f+p,p,p,k after a b+p+k thaqt floats, but everything is seeming difficult. Where's Lars when you need him?

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