There's life left in VF5!

Discussion in 'General' started by Llanfair, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. JackyB

    JackyB Well-Known Member

    It’s funny, because everyone’s got an excuse why they are not playing or training to get better at VF5 a game they “love”. The games dead, old, school, work, kids, life. The only people not making excuses are the people who are still playing it. As long as there is a group of people playing “your game” no matter where they are you should be happy. You have a reason to play, Get to the level of the players from Japan bottom line. Weather you got to play all day in Dojo, teach new people the game, play online, steal a VF5R machine, swim to Japan, whatever. Above all, if you love the game, play it. If you want to stop playing then do it, nobodies going to look down on you. Don’t try to pad your ego by finding a reason to give up on something you love.
  2. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Using this logic, I guess I don't "love" VF then.

    Your posts come off very holier than thou.

    EDIT: hollerin about, game's dead, old, school, work, kids, and life are excuses. hahahah.

    Then you sound totally detached from any member of this site, not using a single first person possessive.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Because no one likes to be treated as second-class~ However, SEGA doesn't care about VF marketing instead of Japan...

    No matter how hard you train yourself in VF5, it still takes time to adjust in VF5R. People stop playing VF5 now doesn't mean they don't like VF anymore, and the fact is we only have VF5 so far.

    I don't know why this kind of question stays around everywhere. No one force you to play or not to play, it all depends on you!!
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No, no, no. That's not what Shou's saying at all [​IMG]

    If it was, then unless Shou has done something in the past to help change the situation, like, you know, share the wealth of information about Sarah he has, then why should anyone care what he has to say now? It's all noise to my ears. As the saying goes: if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.

    While that point may be valid to a degree about the current state of play, to that I say: "So what?" and, "What are you going to do about it?"

    Llanfair's post was basically a response to all the so-called drama queens retiring in a huff for one reason or another. Llanfair's message was simple: keep playing the game you love. On a personal level, Llanfair recognises that he still has a way to go, that he can still continue to improve and this is what he'll strive to do for now, since he loves the game. I think this is a great message.

    Now, Shou's two paragraph reply to Llanfair's message can be summarised as follows:

    1st para: Owen, you suck and you're a hypocrite. Why can't you be as good as me?

    2nd para: I'm still so great I can own pretty much everyone here.

    I think Shou's reply is off the mark. Yes, history does indeed repeat itself. To address some points raised:

    Firstly, Llanfair's message: what's so wrong with it? If you still love the game, why not play what's in front of you right now? If you have legit reasons for not playing, that's fine too, just spare the rest of us the drama and excuses.

    Secondly, competency: what's so wrong with playing/enjoying the game at, or around, the same level as your peers? Why is everyone who cannot compete with Japan, or considered one of the best in their nation, suddenly deemed a failure, or lazy, etc? Why does this have to be the yard stick by which everyone is measured against? I think it's arrogant to judge everyone else by the same standards you hold for yourself.

    So what if the rest of us aren't as good as Japan? Has that detracted or diminished, in any way, the sheer volume of enjoyment, experiences and friendships we've shared over the years?

    If a group of friends gather in a park every Sunday to play their favourite sport, do they all suck and should they all give up because they'll never be a pro? Fuck that. Let's not lose sight of why we play games.

    And hey, if Llanfair still has what it takes to win the right to represent Canada at WCG, who is Shou to begrudge that?

    BTW, some people have attacked JackyB for his recent post, but I have to agree with most of the things he said, which I think is inline with Llanfair's message:

    In closing...

    If people are playing the game "competitively" among their peers, still improving and learning (at whatever pace!), and most importantly, still loving it, then it's all good. If they're not, then what will you do about it?

    I guess you could make a post about how much everyone else sucks. That ol' gem always seems to work.
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Hahaha! Facking Pwnd! [​IMG]
    Ah, the self-proclaimed VF elite... gotta laugh at the smoke they love to blow up the masses' asses XD
  6. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I love the drama
  7. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member


    <span style="font-size: 26pt">OH, HAI SHOU~[/size]</span>
  8. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    I knew you or Jeff would post. I was hoping for the latter!

    GE summed it up well I thought.

    C'mon Mike, you act like I have shared nothing at all with anyone, very far from the truth, as I pointed out in the past many of the problem points for Western players and have participated in countless discussions.

    Here's some more deja vu for you, we talked about this 5 years ago including people like Cappo and Maddy who were flamed for sharing (ie people didn't believe them). You're right, I didn't share all of my Sarah knowledge on VFDC but I don't see other top guys doing it either. Are you going to flame Ryan and Adam next?

    Before you blame me for being the problem, my view on this (obviously my opinion) is if you don't change yourself, what are you going to do about the situation? One man can make a difference but you have to start with yourself. You don't push your views on others like a religious zealot rather you train yourself up and can lead by example and that's where I am taking a shot at Owen. Where is the guy now? I hear from his own locals that he never came to play after making this post. For anyone competitively into the game, I would think that this is the type of player that would piss me off. Here one day, gone the next but spewing propaganda that he obviously isn't behind. I don't know how you can't see that as not being hypocritical.

    I still don't understand why this conversation always goes back to people having fun and what their concept of enjoyment is. We are talking about being competitive in a game and naturally we should compare to the best, who are players in Japan.

    We are not talking about fun factor etc.
    We are not talking about or downplaying experiences/friendships.

    We ARE talking about improving in a game and being competitive on a regional and global level.
    We ARE talking about the lack of people who have a drive to do this.

    Stop confusing this. No one is telling you to stop playing vanilla VF5 if you have fun with it.

    My ol' gem really does get you guys riled up. Funny that hasn't changed either. If you come to Japan, look me up and I'll share everything you want to know about VF....oh wait, that hasn't changed either.
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I hear Adam Yuki eats you for breakfast? If that's false please excuse my ignorance. Have you placed highly in any of the Japanese tournaments? Just curious.

    Personally I believe spending countless hours perfecting my VF to compete with a bunch of Japanese teenagers or people in their early 20's is a waste of my lifetime. Enjoying the time I do spend with the game is enough.

    Those of you who are trying to be the best in the world in VF good for you though. Its definitely not something most people set out to do. Find your niche' after all theres much less competition in the professional VF field than other professions you just might make it. Noone will care but the small population of VF players but hey do you.
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    If I remember correctly, he has.

    Too many people feel the need to ridicule others' ambition or lack of...maybe it makes themselves feel better...who knows.

    Enjoy the game, however you like. Contribute to the community, as much as you like.
  11. Hyunster

    Hyunster Well-Known Member

    Spot on TWP. Is it a sin to not "love" VF? Especially when there are many more important things in your life (or at least there should be?) I don't feel guilty saying I don't "love" VF as much as I used to, especially when Sega and AM2 don't care about us. By all means love your life, wife, family, job, Jesus, Allah or whatever more than VF. There is no freakin shame in that. (Especially when the game maker themselves don't love you back..)

    Even if you become the #1 player in the world there is no fame, money or honor to be made when there are twenty people in your country who may give a damn. (And fewer and fewer people in Japan who gives a damn about the game.) If that gives you personal satisfaction and happiness, fine, just don't look down upon others because we don't measure our self-worth on a video game. At this stage, we just want to have fun when we can.

    BTW, Shou, did you notice that few people even bother to flame you--the distinct air of apathy even toward you compared to the past? That's the state and the difference from five years ago.
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Although it's sad that people get "flamed" for sharing, it's still up to the person being flamed to persevere or decide to leave. As far as flaming Ryan and Adam, I suppose they get flamed whenever they come here and say we all suck and then offer nothing.

    Oh. Wait. They don't do that.

    I don't think they hide from you because you're good at VF.

    You are famous and memorable, sir. Too bad it's for that. [​IMG]
  13. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    correction, he got pwnd by adam AND denkai. don't get me wrong, i SOMEWHAT agree with what the fuckhead said about VF in general, but to come on here and say japanese players are hiding from him is just plain....well...

    ...fuckhead-ish. [​IMG]

    shou, there's a reason why u shut the fuck up years ago. i think you should let history repeat itself once more...
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Ok I don't like this post, because it feels like you are not attacking what this discussion is about but more so the person than anything. Shou may be an ass, but bottom line he is right in my opinion.

    A lot of you guys use excuses like because of work, kids, etc that you don't have the time needed to invest in VF to be as good as the Japanese so you are fine just playing on a " FUN " level. Honestly I don't know what that is.

    While there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I think we are all secretly playing to be the best. You can label it best amongst my friends, in your state, region, whatever... but in the end we are all fighting for the same goal.

    Now most of you so called guys who have these jobs, kids, etc seemed to have forgotten that Shou also had a job too when he set out to become the best 5+ years ago. What's also funny is that most of you guys with the jobs or other lame excuses play VF more than some of the elites. Let's take Akmal (cidkid) for example who barely plays VF at all. Why is it that he cannot play the game that much but probably can own 99.99% of the people on here including myself? It's not how much time you put into the game, but what you do with that time. I think that is the point Shou is trying to make. I've played so many people these past few months that honestly still play the same today as they did 2 years ago. And trust me they are online all the time.
  15. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I'm curious how come Japanese players are hiding from someone who is good at VF?? Because they don't like to play with foreigners?
  16. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I think that what Shou meant was that Japanese players try to hide things from him as in not sharing tips about the game.
  17. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    It is what it is though.


    I play to the best of my ability, but I don't play to be the best, because I know what that requires. And I know you know what that requires too... one thing is drive. I saw some of your VF4 matches, and then obviously played you in VF5 numerous times on and offline, and your game doesn't even have that same amount to it, first and foremost.

    A big one is sacrifice. Some people pretty much sacrifice contributing to society, just to be good at a game, and can neglect other things in life that they probably hold dearer. I'm not pointing at anyone on VFDC though, there's other communities though, where people are like this. I mean, some people fail out of school or quit school, just cause they're playing a game. Some people can't even get good at anything else gaming or in life. Some people don't even have a social life. Some people give up all other hobbies, etc.

    I'm sorry to say, that I hold my potential career/hobby in higher regard, so I give that the extra time.

    I personally suggest you and everyone here, to read this book called The Dip, by Seth Godin. No joke, this book is worth reading, it's only 76 pages long. It's a book about when you should quit and when you should stick. And about the dip, where there's a huge low period where the reward for sticking something out makes the low period worth going through in the end.

    In order to be the best at something, there's sacrifices that need to be made, and I'm not willing to make those sacrifices anymore for this. It's as simple as that, and not to be taken the wrong way when I say that. I'm not willing to make those kinds of sacrifices for any competitive game anymore.

    The quality of practice and play CIDKID gets, is obviously better than most. And his commitment, drive, and sacrifices and reasons for playing are also different. Also, to get to certain levels, that time necessary... was put in at some point. No one is just magically dope, no one is just magically better than 99.9% of their available competition.

    It's not a crime, to have some other interest in life that you'd rather be the best in. Unfortunately, we can't be the best in everything we do, we can just be the best we can be in whatever amount of commitment we choose to give to a given activity. There's something we can all be the best in though, and that's whatever we choose.

    My commitment is way way down, but I still put VF5 into my xbox and play. I still help people that play too.

    This shit is almost like the military, when I was on my way out, I was frowned upon by alot of people because I decided I wanted to do something else with my life. So people looked at it like it was a betrayal to them, or that I was making excuses for not wanting to re-up.

    Sometimes you want your time AND your concentration, and commitment to put forth into something else you'd rather do.
  18. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I don't agree on anyone being able to be a top player. People have different potentials. Either that or the time required is not the same.

    That said, the rest of that is pretty right on, including the comparisons to the military.
  19. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I couldn't disagree with you more. Believe it when I say. I may not be the best game player but damnit you can't tell me I don't like playing more than someone better than me.

    That's why I may play more than you, because I like too. Some of the elites refuse to play people they can beat. Me? I'll beat them all day if they give me a decent fight, if we're on the same level? Shit we might play all night. If you beat the crap out of me? I'll give it my best shot (most of the time haha.)

    This is a casual player, I play to have fun. I SECRETLY DO NOT want to be the best. If I am the best fine. In fact the only reason why I strive to learn more is because there may not be anyone fun to fight against at my current level. I remember when I traveled to NyC when VF4 came out and represented. I did damn well, beating a lot of the guys that showed, even the infamous Ghettoshun. On the way home I did NOT talk about the blowouts but the close matches win/lose.

    "Thats" whats fun is to me. I don't need VF to validate me but to entertain me.

    Arstal is absolutely correct as well. People have always had different potentials. "The Little Engine that could," is a wonderful story, but that's all it is. I've played guys who spent hours looking at frame data and practicing in various games over the years. They still stay at the same level despite having quality competition around them. Me, the competitive gaming dropout that I am, can still rip them a new asshole.

    All this rubbish being said. Its not going to change anything. PLAY ON! I know I will, and have; despite being
    an average player, otherwise known as...

  20. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member


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