There's life left in VF5!

Discussion in 'General' started by Llanfair, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm gonna be at San Diego, in that North Island region... I'm on a mission to beef up JE, and get matches in with those SDTekken cats also [​IMG]
  2. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Hold on, that's what the shoutbox shakedown was? I always though it was something having to do with the shoutbox (I wasn't clear on the details :p). Maybe the reason no one was interested was because no one knew what it was. I was thinking though, that if we started something like the European Online Tournament for North America and possibly other regions if there is interest, it would reinvigorate the scene.
  3. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    hey jinx, if u want practice vs lei let me know. just send me a pm for when, and i'll do my best to schedule it [​IMG]
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    As long as we turn on our consoles, we can still play some VF5!! Why so serious??

    To be honest, I don't even think about "R" on consoles anymore because SEGA ended already......
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Yeah it was just a round robin esque online tournament where
    you played everyone that night best out of 5 and tallied up
    your wins. Whoever had the most wins, won so to speak. It
    was fun. It's not that noone played in it, sometimes we had
    10 peeps.

    Tony: I don't even think you were online when the shakedown
    went on? I could be wrong. It's been a LONG time since we
    actually had one. It almost never went down on Sunday either.
    I think we had it on Sunday once. To be honest it happened
    during the week more than anything else or when someone saw
    me in the shoutbox and were all like YO LETS SHAKEDOWN!
    Yeah, randomness, but it worked. I never even played you
    online until what 2 months ago, before that it was well over
    6 months since I played regularly at all.

    Anyway yeah, Shakedown time was always arbitrary which is
    actually worse than a definite time. Still we had what:
    Orion, Cozby, Numbers, 75suited, KOC, MENACE, ManaKnight,
    Yip, PompeyFraz, Blahzie, Kaiser, Outfoxd, Woo, Mek, Bizazedo,
    Kidvid, Sorias, DarknessRedefine, Jdeviance, once I think the Yuki played and a bunch of others I'm forgetting played in it at least once.

    Hell I messaged everyone that played on my friendslist
    whenever we had one. Que sera. I'm not calling
    out anyone in particular for not playing in it. It's not
    like you're alone. Just saying. It's been tried before.

    We can do it again. Just let me know. Hell we can even
    sticky a time on the XBOXLIVE section. (Talked to plague
    about it before, just never really did it.)

    It was called the Shoutbox Shakedown because it was easy
    to have everyone log into shoutbox beforehand to see who
    was playing. Now we can probably do something cool with
    the Xbox Live Partys. Like have Team Xbox Live fights.

    Anyway hit me if you think its a winner. Gotta go teach.
  6. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I never said I wasn't bipolar or insane, did I? To me the people that stick with vf all have to be a little OCD in order to maintain the love. If they weren't they tend to be in a casual gamer category and follow the currnet trend as you see in a good percentage of xbl players IMHO. So your bored with the current state of vanilla and all the inconsistentcies it has to offer, so what? Everybody knows and still plays on. You think I don't know how a majority of vfers feel and how they might think right now or even when they are trying new fighting systems? I bet everytime someway or somehow when they are learning that new system vf will always be ground 0 for compaison(vf spoilage). As a matter of fact, YOU probably have at one itme asked yourself, "why am I playing this (insert fighting game) and allowing myself to accept an inferior program with MORE inconsistentcies then my beloved vf." "Why do I put up and pay for games that at this stage can't be bothered to even somewhat evolve or balance it's own system?" Everyone knows deep down inside NOTHING will ever compare to what vf has to offer. Lastly, I don't hate you and yes you should come back to mordor.

    Not just angry the R isn't here..
    Just lick the vanilla 5 and show your vf love..
  7. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I say that to myself with every fighting game I play, except for T6BR, because I don't feel that game is inferior. There hasn't even been a thought in the back of my mind this time, that the game is inferior, like every other new fighter I've played.

    Maybe T6BR isn't inferior this time.

    I think sometimes, some of you guys aren't willing to accept that maybe something else is just as good for once.

    Ever since I've gotten into VF, all of my friends that were playing other fighting games would joke around and call me an elitist, saying I'm too good to play *insert game* because I think VF is better.

    SC4 came out and I played the hell out of it cause it was fun and it had customizations, but the balance was messed up so I kept running back to VF during the whole time, and then eventually stopped playing and went back to VF fully.

    STHD came out, I played that shit for 4 days and stopped, cause it was lame, and went back to VF. Waste of money.

    SF4 came out, I played it for 1 month and, still was playing VF, but eventually stopped SF4 cause I didn't feel like playing it anymore cause I wasn't having fun, and went back to VF.

    Skipped Blazblue entirely and just kept playing VF.

    I think the problem some of you guys have is that you're automatically going to hate a new game anyway, so it doesn't even matter if it's good or not. Something to think about.
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    great post! Loved it!

    I can honestly say I have done what slide mentioned above. VF does offer a great balance than most fighters out there and when I play a new game and can't deal with the bullshit I often call foul. But as I keep playing and I start to understand the system better I start to realize the game really it's that bad. Sure it may not VF quality, but in can be pretty damn close when given the proper chance.

    I think the reason we call foul is because in the back of our minds we don't want to invest the time that's needed to get good. It's also this reason why we think VF is better, because we already know how to play it. So trying to get better is really not so hard.
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Truth, I for one play VF because I'm too cheap to buy anything else. I think the SUPER DEDICATION types are in a minority here though. I've seen a lot of the people on my freindslist mostly VF players playing all the games you've mentioned.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Chill im playing eerything fighting if the Netcode is good. I get a feel for what i feel like playing and just insert hat game. I used to take months off of VF5 playing gears and Cod4.
  11. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I think the reason VF players felt those games were inferior is because they were inferior. Also, you missed out on BlazBlue. That was the funnest game out of the ones you listed. Tekken 6 is pretty good too, although the movement is a little stiff for my taste. I don't think you can fairly say I or anyone else around here are just rejecting games out of elitism. I have fun playing other games, but VF is the game I like best.
  12. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    I'm tryin to limit myself to three 3D fighters, Virtua Fighter (#1), Soul Calibur(#2), and Tekken (#3). Unforetunately it was recently brought to light that I'm fuckin awful at Tekken... so much so that I might snap at any minute and consume the game (case and everything) in a fit of rage. My win ratio in that game is horrific, so I'm just gonna enjoy not being thrown through the air like a scalding hot potato while playin my #1 fighter... Virtua Fighter, with a sidedish of Soul Calibur.
  13. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    Ironically, it was also the least balanced.
  14. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I like fighting games, but I dont want to play too many. I'll play just one, using one character.

    So it's basically me wanting to play whichever fighting game I have the most fun with and there are people to play.

    T6BR is winning that right now. T6BR is more fun to me than vanilla 5.

    Some of you guys can hate me for the rest of your lives for saying this, but it's just my preference and opinion on the matter.

    I'll say this, if VF5R came out consoles tomorrow though, I'd be playing that. Simple as that.

    I also think Rod is right, people will call foul on a game cause they dont' want to invest the time needed to get good. This is why alot of players aren't even playing VF in the first place, cause they didn't give the game the chance needed. And some of you guys are doing just that, with T6BR.

    I was hyped for T6 all year, and I finally get to play it and I'm enjoying myself to the fullest. No, I haven't forgotten about VF, if I seriously didn't care, I wouldn't even post here man.
  15. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Every fighting game is inferior to VF if you value gameplay. T6BR is certainly good, standalone I'd give the console version a 7.5/10 for all aspects, but it still has loads of flaws. VF5 version C I'd give an 8/10 which isn't much different (VF4/EVO is a 10/10).

    Just because I think a game is inferior doesn't mean I won't enjoy it. I found Metal Gear Online 2.0 to be shallow compared to Unreal Tournament but that didn't stop be from logging close to 2,000 hours of MGO and constantly playing with clan SRK. I found Warcraft III: TFT to be inferior largely to Starcraft: Brood War, but I've beaten the story mode dozens of times for WCIII, and I was once ranked in the top ten for 2v2 and 3v3 arranged team, and solo ladder.

    Just because some people here think that T6BR is inferior to VF5 doesn't mean that they don't like it.

    So back to T6BR's console port and why people are knocking it. The single player modes are pathetic. Scenario campaign is intolerable to even some of the most hardcore fans (the disappointment at Tekken Zaibatsu was quite telling). Items cost far too much and the game forces you to grind out in Scenario Mode endlessly to unlock every item for even one character. And what are you learning in Scenario Mode? Almost nothing. So the main focus on single player in T6BR is a total waste of time unless you really, really care about the story. The main single player focus in VF is Quest Mode, which is outstanding for learning the game (up to a point), and is the pinnacle of single player modes for fighting games). Inferior? Yes.

    So what other ways are there to earn money or items in Tekken besides the brain drain of Scenario Mode? Online Mode? Which isn't very good, but it's passable now after the patch, but lag tactics still rule and you earn almost no money from playing anyways. Meaning casuals and hardcore aren't going to like online mode that much. And Ghost Mode? Ghost Mode where you get 5Gs of money at most per match and the game locks your rank at 1st Dan? I have over 250 wins with six different characters in Ghost Mode and guess what rank they are?

    Now factor in that some of the stages cannot be selected in versus (wtf?), the music and presentation are awful compared to T5DRO, the graphics are noticeably downscaled from the arcade version (576p Namco?), and that playing offline the 2P button configurations don't save and you can't play with customized characters on the 2P side either.

    Remember, Namco delayed the release of this game by almost two years, to 'perfect the console port'. But what were they really doing? Not creating a solid netcode. Not ensuring the graphics were arcade perfect. Not implementing a robust training mode (or even one with a record feature). They were wasting time creating stages for Scenario Mode. But least T6BR got a console port.

    And the system and mechanics still have too many flaws for me. Throws are still too weak, but this is the norm for Tekken, and I guess for most fighters now as well (SFIV and BlazBlue have very weak throw games). High level play too often revolves around stepping and connecting a launcher because top players will evade or low parry everything making a 'back and forth' style of play a rarity. So at low to mid levels (where I am now) the game has more variety than when you actually get better.

    Once you figure out the best way to approach your opponent and launch them then you've mastered Tekken 6BR. All you have to do is figure out a strategy for each character in the game. Sure there is room for some back and forth or even ten hit strings in high level play...but most top players recognize those strings and will just use a defensive technique to immediately gain an advantage to go into launcher. I remember watching the T5DR finals for SBO and it was basically who could get two juggle combos off in one round over and over.
    I can acknowledge that T6BR is good. I don't think it's better than TTT or even T5DR but it's definitely an above average fighting game and the console port is acceptable (but not great). But that still doesn't mean that isn't inferior to VF5 even if it's just by a small amount.

    I spend around two hours a day reading about T6BR, watching YouTube videos, and then playing matches. My goal is that by the time EVO rolls around I'll be 90% familiar with the game and able to recognize every move on sight. I rarely play 3S, but I understand the system in depth, and I can recognize every bread and butter combo and setup.
    Lots of people here play all sorts of different fighting games. I think the reason people bash newer games is because newer games are almost always worse than what we've been playing before. Blazblue is awful in my opinion, can't stand the style and presentation, the game play is boring to me and the balance is terrible. There are rumblings in the GG community that GGAC is far better anyways not that I know much about either game. SFIV is a joke compared to ST or 3S. And HDR is laughably pathetic compared to ST. KOFXII is a disastrous game that was released early to recuperate initial costs because SNK needed immediate cash flow.

    So that's the state of fighting games. We have the 'year of the fighter' but almost all of them have been disappointments.

    The first fighting game I was hardcore about was VF4/EVO. But after watching X-Mania and SBO footage of ST, I decided to invest my time in that game as well. I know that ST is inferior to VF, hell...ST is inferior to Hyper Fighting, but I enjoy the game and still play it often.

    The point is that people can claim that X game is inferior to VF...because it's the truth. But it doesn't mean that the person can't enjoy other games. At the end of the day if someone tries T6BR and says "I know this isn't as good as VF so I'm not going to play it" then so be it. Maybe you seem to want everyone to play T6BR, an inferior game, because it's popular and new.

    Lastly I find it funny that you are accusing the VF community of not giving other fighting games a chance when the average person at VFDC is usually involved in other games (like SF or KOF or whatever). Meanwhile SRK and TZ barely give VF the time of day.

    You left a rep comment on my SRK account once saying something like "most members at SRK aren't mature enough for VF" but now that VF members aren't playing T6BR...the game with Pandas and Kangaroos you are upset. Maybe people here just can't tolerate a game with animated trees or washing machines for characters...?
  16. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    No body hates you man~
    It's awesome if all of us stick with VF5, but we all know it's not possible. I also wish I could have fun in TK6, but the answer is no.
    God of war is really good if anyone would like to swich the taste from fighting game. I highly recommend!!!
  17. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    EmpNova, don't take offense, cause I know you typed out a lot:

    ... but I stopped reading after this sentence.

    Some features of gameplay are just flat out opinions and preference. You're trying to come at me like what you're saying is fact. I'm not even going to tell you, whether or not I agree with the above statement, too.

    You're wearing the same shaded glasses that anyone else on this site wears, that gets pissed off when someone plays another game that's not VF.

    The whole vibe is like people that aren't playing VF, are eating babies. Maybe pissed off, isn't a good term, cause maybe some aren't pissed. Either way, what's going on, doesn't sit well with alot of people and it shows.

    I already stated earlier in this thread, why a ton of things about vanilla 5 gets on my nerves. I'm having more fun with T6BR, and guess what, as it stands right now, I think it's BETTER. Only time will tell though.

    R is a different matter.
  18. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Please don't take Empnova and Oyaji's opinions as the whole of VFDC.
  19. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    you're right, and my bad on that here.

    Mainly I was bringing the point of it happening through the span of all the other games mentioned, that came out after VF5 ver C did. It was usually someone different each time, saying similar things. Even though, in my personal opinion, I agreed with them, those times.
  20. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Plzy can you stop alluding to stuff and show us where this is happening?

    There seems to be about two or three people here that aren't enjoying T6BR and I didn't see any of those people acting pissed off cause other people were enjoying it. Sure they stated they prefer VF but none of this "He's playing TeEEKen, STAB HIM!" shit that you're hinting at.

    EDIT: Ahhh, I get it now. Kaminari = The majority of VFDC, nice.

    EDIT 2: This post probably needs a why did I bother disclaimer[/size]

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