to Derrick Lynch !!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by .shin, Dec 21, 2001.

  1. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    Great news !

    Dialogue has started with SEGA JAPAN.

    "Dear Mr. Lynch.

    After considering your proposal, we must inform you that we need to have more information to decide if Sega of Japan will be interest to support the 3 players which Famitsu Magazine is intending to send or not. Therefore please give us further information in detail like information on your company and your recent tournament success, where and how will it be held, are you going to use the arcade game or the consumer game, how many contenders are you expecting, which other companies are going to support your tournament and your contact person with Famitsu Magazine.

    For your reference, the VF4 arcade tournament which Sega supported in Japan had 40,000 contenders."
  2. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    Mr. Lynch,

    Unfortunately we are not selling the VF4 Version C in the foreign market Therefore an English version has not been developed either.
    WE appriciate your understand on this issue.

    Best Regards,
  3. ShinJin

    ShinJin Well-Known Member

  4. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    I have now asked them for the Japanese version
  5. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    so does that mean the upgrade ver c rom wont work with the uk vf4 board??? so u then need a compleat jap vf4 board with ver c??? sweet, shame we wont have it for sunday
  6. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    Complete Jap board
  7. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    hell, might as well ask fo a vf2.1 board 2:)

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