To (Possibly) Avoid Community Confusion:

Discussion in 'General' started by Ellis, Jan 12, 2016.


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    @PReP and @Libertine

    I know there were some flame wars de-railing the thread, but I honestly hope you two (and anyone else) are able to continue your discussion. (of course, if that's what you two want)


    Because I understand the purpose of the creation of this thread. I know it's not a "Hey, look at me! Congratulate me!" thread.

    It's a "Hey guys, here's this big change in my status quo! Some of you may support this, but some of you may have an issue or will be confused, so let's go ahead and get everything out the way, so that we can come to an understanding and move forward and not have to deal with these issues later!" thread.

    And if that is truly the case, I'd love to see your direct discussion with each other continue, so we can be one happy shoutbox family.
    Tricky, Ellis, Modelah and 1 other person like this.
  2. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    -((Edited a few times cus wow, i made some typos confusing parts of it!!))-

    Yeah discussions is awesome, cus it means we wont stall, no matter the topic.
    I confess these changes makes me be like "OMFG u seeing this??" erry week,
    but i still try to not make it some show and purpouse of thread was just as Bstar wrote.
    Having this known have the awesome benefit, to myself, that i dont need "reel" myself in,
    not that much is different to me - but to feel i dont need to conform to a stereotypical guyish approach and be just fully myself, no matter if im OMG cute fudging kitten imma hug it - or be annoyingly geek-(wannabe)girly about computer stuff, all of it is inside whatever crazy things which defines a PReP (Or a later-to-be Ellis) ^^

    I do respect where i see both Lib and Shang coming from, i think Lib just havent enough insight into these issues - or the imagery or ideas he gets in head from "a man wanting to be a woman" is not the same as the actual case is for me.

    Ive also pondered that when people are faced with the word "Trans/gender/sexual" whatever, there are different things often confused or lumped together.

    To simplify it for arguments sake i see like 3 core "views" on what something like this is:

    1: Men enjoying the clothes which women wear, and or makeup and such,
    i.e "crossdressers". they may be "gay" or hetero or whatever floats their boats.

    2: TG-"Girls" "Men with downstairs plumbing" to me it means they might wanna look girl/woman but keep their genital-thingies, these are also well known today i guess, i mean theres a whole crazy hentai-subgenre revolving it.

    3: Transgenders/"women where nature failed them": This is what i feel is my thingie,
    im not "omg girls clothes" or "oooh i wanna make myself look like a girl to have some cool roleplaying" but instead it is like an adjustment where with time people would actually look at me _less_ funny and instead see what is and has been really me.

    All of these types are something i respect no matter, in the end my stance on life is aslong as you dont force shit upon others, then erryone can be with whatever they wish.

    But these types are as i say, and feel, often mixed up and peoples first notion in their mind is often one of the two first types, possibly making them iffy from thinking the person is doing some drama-class act and getting uncomfy just because of it; i.e "trying to pretend to be something and not being real with what really is".

    I feel i drift away a little from what i wanted to say, and this is like a rehash of my first post - But anyways i DO see where both lib and shang is coming from, Lib just doesnt understand how these feeling or emotions or stuff works, which i can get cus he isnt feeling them himself. He is a man, feels like a man, thinks like a man - so to him it would be something "wrong" not being such if your body was thus born. He cannot be in my mind.

    I know people grows up in different communites or come across or experience things around the place where they grow up, views and ideas are thus for many aligned to what the closest people or neighbours or family thinks. Some really do not get a chance to see other points of views or lives - _until_ - it randomly happens and the rest of the messy world comes knocking.

    Shang on the other hand, has, little patience for a narrow-scope, and might have experienced a wider scope of the world, thinks about it more openly - while having little patience for people "boxed in" in the thinking in different ways.
    Thus he sees the part of Libs posts where he is coming from somewhere else, lacking experience, as a danger to an open world. kinda.
    The way he goes with it tho, is very direct and spiteful, and i can get frustration and feeling agitated and heated from hitting a wall in someones thoughts on a subject.

    Bottomline tho, i feel they are both good people deep down, they just don't find a common ground and this is fine too. I respect Shang for the points he does make, about respecting my views and the fact that it is not easily understood but cool beans since its only me knowing really how the heck im wired. so Thank you shang.
    I also respect Lib for what i see is, might be, caring - but it comes from a place where he hasnt actually dealt or experienced life in this sense, so his view on the matter is a bit far off - but he also meant no harm or hate, but as i do feel about so-called-politicans who actually also have that as their job, sometimes its better to accept that you do not get something, let time educate you - or if needed, agree to disagree and move on.

    But i think this can be done, and i think this thing can chill again in time.

    You know ive _always_ been a stubborn bitch about heated arguments on VFDC, i just always give extra care to keep out of things growing out of hand - and aims at erry turn to see things from both perspectives when possible. I can bitch and counter-argument but i never let it become mudslinging. This has help me in life tremendously, and it also means no words read or heard never really gets me raging. Im a huggie carebear PReP and will so remain, titties or not ^^ i just wanna look cuter!

    (As a sidenote i wish they had the kind of hormones to make me a BLACK hawt woman instead - <3 VAN!! - but i didnt dare asking the doctors cus i aim to stay out of any padded cells, ill have to be content to grow into a white 'hoe instead ^^)

    Now, are there any questions dont hesitate to throw them at me, those who feel rather on the lowkey, i do see ur post-likes and are a grateful wannabe-bitch!

    But remember the easiest way if ur wth about anything, is to ask - Im far from afraid of honest answers! ^^

    GGs VFDC ^^
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
    Tricky likes this.
  3. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @BLACKSTAR, You really see the world as a 2D anime fighting game.... Ok I'm out, thanks for the warning.
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  4. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    I like Lib,but when Shang started talking bout his pc I rofl.
    Libertine and Chief_Flash like this.
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

  6. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I try, really really hard, to find the context in which that video is relevant to my thread smurf? there is already a funny videos thread i believe.
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator


    You have the wrong idea! This flame war has been funny as hell.

    Now host RAW again, or else Libigotine won't subscribe to your channel.
    kungfusmurf likes this.
  8. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    @PReP Congrats with the new life that lies ahead of you - you have my support.

    Although I guess by definition you have every Vanessa player's support ;)
    Ellis likes this.
  9. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    *raises polite hand*

    Do we have "split-thread" functions on xenoforo?
    With all due respect, and id like chat bout' grfx card overprice-buys too sometime,
    but this would be an excellent time to try that function, if ive a vote ^^

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Ellis likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I got a lil somethin for the next time @Shang or @Libertine decide to go off topic in here.[​IMG]
  12. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    So, does this mean that you two are sisters now?
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  13. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    This is a fucking joke!!! @BLACKSTAR is this your way of "winning" in VF? KO! @Shang book deleted rofl
  14. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    What logic is that?

    Split threads are used for when dicussions arise (which might be more, or less, interesting on their own merit) which has strayed very far from the topic of the thread.

    Chief_Flash likes this.
  15. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    @PReP @BLACKSTAR didn't split thread as per your request, he deleted posts, which is too bad as it had some useful information for @Libertine on how to build a proper PC. Any ways... Back on topic.
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  16. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Update, cus i have too much sparetime atm and feel open and sharing and TMI and all that ^^

    Currently, ive gotten a date in May 24th, for a third *sigh* contact with a theraphist who gets to call the shots for me to continue on estrogen and anti-testesterone.
    I have my bestie-"gf" with me for these meetings and i think it should be a clear cut and good case, but they still have their formalities to weed out those with random non-thought-through wims, which i can understand. Just a tad frustrating since ive been so effing' relieved being my true dammit self 24/7 now for months and its just been all positive shit, personally and work-related and family (and im kinda, "dating" this girl even) <3

    Also, since i feel for it today, imma pic spam a lil; like or diss, i dun care its me and i feel just right and the way that is the actual me. We dont all like the same stuff anyways ^^ This is Current Ellis:






    Last one is extra open to bashing, im aware ^^ *innocent Ellis smirk*

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