Top 10 current VF players outside of Japan

Discussion in 'General' started by tonyfamilia, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    I really didn't care what or who you think is the top ten. I really couldn't care less. Honestly what I was doing was encouraging this thread if not I would of never posted MY top ten. Nothing well sway what you believe and the same goes for me so its pointless to go on with this argument but yea still go by what I said...stupid to compare a video game to real life and yes I used to fight all the time you think because you tried boxing that your logic have more merit? okkk, who gives a hoot.

    And about homestay Akria and other Japanese players..theirs like 10000 youtube matches of them you KNOW they are good by watching countless videos stop comparing Japanese players to players outside of japan YOU KNOW THEY ARE GOOD they have tournament standings and proof of that....what the hell did you see from Rikkochang is all I'm saying all I found was 2 fucking vids.

    I'm not hating on your thread you misunderstand where I come from. I'm just going by your own words "You make a choice, using whatever logic you have and go with it.' By your own logic you must see that perhaps you can be wrong. Yosuke placed well in many tournaments and theirs more vids of him out there and we all played him offline theirs a LOT of personal experience to go by. Even a bookie wouldn't tell you to bet on a boxer if he only saw him fight once or twice if hes up against a boxer he saw fight other great opponents many times. Theirs not enough background to make a good decision on the new boxer so at that point he would be merely "guessing" if he would even at all (unless hes going by weight class or current injuries which is moot in a video game).

    Again if you think I'm bashing this thread I'm not I'm just curious to where you get your assumptions.
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    Damn Tone gettin' little bit sensitive yourself eh buddy?

    Just because you find it easier to beat Yosuke does'nt mean that Rikko would. Yosuke is strong bottom line. Denkai's words are his opinion and just because he talks don't mean convo done. One things for sure though ill whip you, Rikko and Denkai's ass then go play a full court game of Ball in the park and forget what happen on xbox live like it was nothing. And WHY you ask?

    Cause i just don't Give a Fuck!!!!
    Oh yeah... Whoever fucking want it online See me. You will definetly make my top 10 list......of VFDC players to recieve A Thorough Ass-whipping this side of VF5 that won't get a GG mention.

    Arigato, SAYONARA!!!
  3. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    I'm just laying out my personal top 10 based on the people I've fought and learned the most from. Whether or not they can beat "this person" or "that person" doesn't really matter to me. They can sort that out themselves. All I know is that these cats are dope fighters, and I level up whenever I battle them.

    Dennis0201 (I have yet to fight his AK, but his JE and WO are top notch. That and I learned a few JE tips from him also. Fighting his WO literally made my throw breaking skills increase tremendously.)

    Konjou (His AK and LE rushdown helped me beef my defense up on a character who lacked a real defense to begin with.)

    Cozby (I simply hate fighting JA, but it definitely assisted in strengthening my defense against strong mixup characters.)

    Denkai (I learned even more the importance of not relying on [2][P] just because I felt that was the best option. In some cases it was, but anticipation (yomi) became the death of me.)

    Gl0ry (Learning when to punish and break his throws was a must against him. Plus fighting a faster character doesn't help me at all, so I had to up my defense more.)

    Gentleman Thief (Even after fighting plenty of GO players, I am still kept on my toes and constantly ETEG'ing against him... I started breaking grounded throws a lot more, too.)

    Chief Flash (I haven't fought him recently, but the times I did fight him, I learned how not to get done up like that Diesel vs Bob Backlund match from back in the WWF days.)

    Social Ruin (Homeboy is a fast learner, and he reinforced his LE and became a threat. His mixups are tight, his combos lead straight to oki, etc. He didn't miss a beat, which in turn made me re-evaluate my JE and that made me want to figure out how I could be creative in doing mixups and throw setups, and not fall into the cookie cutter flowchart that can get you by at a minimum. Wasted Wish's style is somewhat similar, and he's stepping up, too. My win %age is lower vs social though.)

    DaBadSeed (Crazy Aoi. I can't really say much other than that. Throw breaks increased though...)

    TheWorstPlayer (How ironic, right? j/k... Nah, seriously, I learned how to deal with characters that have more and/or better tools than the character you're using. Plenty of times people see that someone is using a "higher tier" character and think "oh snap, its ggs by default." That can be so far from the case if you are truly learning your character and are patient. Sure, this guy can do more damage, has better throws, and better setups, but you have to learn how to change the pace of the game (remember when Justin Wong got served by that Q player???). It's like chess. Some cats can only play those 5 second rule games, and only know how to move fast. Change the pace of the game, it gets them all discombobulated and they can't think straight. Fighting TWP's SH helped me learn how to change the pace, and be dominant in either fast or slow paced matches overtime. I would be in matches in where I felt no matter what I did, I still lost. I watched a few matches, counted a few frames, and saw what I did wrong. I decided to change my strats, change the pace of the match, and watch my footing more. Sometimes, I'd allow myself to get thrown just so the person would ring himself out, or I would ring him out by breaking the throw. I would get pushed back just enough to setup for a throw to a wall combo, which eventually gave me better oki.

    Again, this list I made doesn't mean that these cats are gonna be the winners of the next WCG or Evo 2KXX (they might, you never know)... This is just a list I made based on my experiences fighting these ppl, and what I learned. I'm sure this list would be longer, but my lunch break is over, and I don't wanna type anymore... Plus Tony only asked for a list of 10, so I'ma respect that...
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa


    I guess.

    It's just U.S.

    Never even played CidKid, haven't ever played Yosuke either, but I left him out cause he's a step above, anyway.

    My list is just based on people who actually know how to really play VF, they don't necessarily have to be the one winning. This is a combo of offline play, online play, and match videos. Imo these guys could be dope in any VF that is out or comes out. Some of the players on the list don't even play the game anymore, but when they stopped they were still better at VF than most of the players that were still playing before I had stopped.

    I haven't played everyone in the U.S.

    Also, there's plenty of players that can just run some flows that no one has ever seen and get those W's on simply the fact that no one can win them all, or lose them all.

    Keep in mind there are plenty of players that just know how to WIN, straight up. But that is not = to being strong at VF imo. Some people have some really good instincts and luck, and that shit can get you some constant wins, by nature. If the variables changed, you'd need foundation. There are players that are strong at VF but just have the worst luck in the world, and make incorrect choices, but their play is still strong... so what happens when they do make correct choices? And what happens to the lucky players who's luck has run out?

    EDIT: There's 2 players I know, that have THE worst luck, but I consider strong. KaminariOyaji and Oioron. you have to be lucky every single time when using Sarah in Kam's case, but with Kage in Oioron's case, you don't always have to be imo.

    If the level of play in the U.S. was even stronger though and had more variety, then alot of players would rely less on a gimmick and moreso on actually playing the game. But... that's neither here nor there, cause it just doesn't really matter anyway, just have fun and shit.
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    Okay Jinx, how much do I owe you [​IMG]

    Okay here's my real top 10. If I haven't played you more than 10 total games you're probably not on it by default.

    Denkai- I love this guys clutch skills. Overall his confidence to win every round bever gets shook even if he's down by 95% life.

    Jhow77- I aint going to lie, I love his Shun style and it inspired me too find my own. Not to mention his clutch game is pretty strong too. Its not that all his tricks are new to me. Its more about his presence of mind to apply them.

    MasaRed/None Other- I remember once upon a time when I was relatively even with them. Both in defense just kills my sloppy offense. I haven't played either of them much since
    my addict days but I knew I was always in for a fight.

    M3NACE- In my opinion one of the best Lei Feis I've played. While I give props to Social Ruins Lei and Konjous. MENACE seems like their bastard love child with all VFNumbers setups!

    Adam Yuki- Okay I'm going to mention this guy because he's just solid. The only times we played I did get some wins but he eventually shut me down completely. It was a damn shame, but at least I came to understand why many consider him #1.

    CidKid opened my eyes to how much I still have to learn about Brad. Not only that but the importance of spacing and applying pressure. I probably didn't actually have 10 games versus this guy since after a while I just avoided him until I felt confident, got my ass kicked, then the cycle continued.

    Low_Sweep he doesn't play anymore but I have to mention him as the most defensive player EVER. At my level at the time he almost made me hate VF, but I turned the hatred of his style into a building block to a very solid Jeff. How you might add? By punishing anything and everything I ever whiffed or abared with. Everyone hated his style, but it didn't kill me in the end so it only made me stronger.

    Slide- Nuffs been said. It was bad enough that I never knew anything about Sarah but he punctuated that with a serious knowledge of the game. He had a similar effect on me as Low_Sweep but offensive. Coincidentally the best I ever did against this guy was with Shun. He even sent me a message "Screw Jeff dude play your Shun!" Well it took a year plus, let me see if his advice pays off. I think a lot of people take his commentary wrong; myself included, he's just an efficient dude.

    GentlemanThief- The guy is very solid and makes me pay attention. In all honesty early on we had some real back and forth matches. Eventually I started struggling more and more against him until he just eclipsed me. I can still rumble with old boy but it's definitely an uphill battle.

    Geewhailo? Probably butchering the name but he's definitely top notch. His step game was the sexiest I'd seen at the time. In fact I don't know of many people that move like him online at all.

    JerkyVFDC: This is 11, my bad. I just had to include this guy. There's something refreshig about his style of play and classic at the same time. It kind of reminds me of when I used to play my old bud back in my VF2 days. The baiting, the aggressive throw setups, nothing but respect here. Similarly like with my old friend somedays I'll go back and forth; other days all I hear is YAH!


    The Lei Family: That's Cozby, Social Ruin, SMB, VFNumbers, Marlo Lusci(sp?) I actually learned Lei Fei too be able to
    beat these guys at one point. Looking at Social Ruins new workflow, it looks like I'll need to relearn him again. Cozby is on some other ish right now but I'm starting to see it. Numbers I gotta give props too because while I win most of our games dude has turned on the heat a few times, but I guess the gas bill is too high and he just goes cold.

    The Weiand, Jinxhand: Weiands got a hot Jeff but due to his own set of unwritten rules he just doesn't like playing me. 2P was one of the reasons he wrote. When we did get some solid games though I enjoyed them. Jinxhand you know how we do; you remind me of a Jeffry version of VFnumbers. Sometimes you're on fire and other times you just take it and freeze up.

    My Wishlist of people to play more?

    Chief Flash
    Konjou Akira
    SDS Overfiend
    Beligerent Feck
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    Thanks For the Love Slide... You already know how we do. Fuck the list i'll keep it thorough and just say its all about the first 10 players you have fun with win or lose.
  7. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    okay, i don't know if this is really my top ten list, but its the top names that come to mind list, without setting down and really pondering it for awhile. no one i haven't played is going to be on this list. and it is weighted, in part, on how much i have played you/them.

    its comprised of who i played back when i was a regular, chomping at the bit every night to ditch my earthly responsibilities in favor of mashing at some vf, so it might not reflect the current state of VF anymore.

    no particular order.

    --so fast with so many characters. for me, i know of his lion, and aoi, and he made them feel like the strongest two characters in the game, even tho i know better. never got down with his pai, who some say was his best.

    --he don't get much love, perhaps b/c he was all offense, and i never could break him to find out about his D. But he and dabadseed, at times i played both of them and just felt like they were using a game genie or something to always be at +8 frames. both of those guys, at times i felt like i might as well put the controller down, b/c it didn't matter if i tried or not. nothing was going to go my way.

    Konjou akira
    --the first time i played you bro, it was like i was meeting a celebrity. i couldn't take matches, and was lucky to even get rounds vs you. wish i had had a chance to play you more when i was at my peak, not that i was anywhere close to your level, but i could have at least stole some matches instead of putting panty hose over my face to get a round. [​IMG]

    Gentleman thief-
    -another one that i struggled to take a round from on my way up. way too solid, and beat the bejesus out of me, punishing every single mistake i made and showing me how truly inept i was at the game. against most moderate level comp, i could get thru my flow charts with high successs, against gt, i was just whiffing at nothing all fight long.

    Shout outs too:
    Chief Flash, Adam Yuki, Denkai, Slide, kingoVF, yosuke.

    I've played a small handful of games with all these guys, and faired rather well. which doesn't mean i didn't lose the majority to most of them, but win or lose i held my own against them (less than 8 games with each if i had to guess, less than 5 with some of them.) but regardless of decent matches, i have no doubt they were much better at the game than i am. Point is, they didn't utterly destroy me and consistently leave me wondering why i even tried to play the game, as did the first group i mentioned.

    Honorable mentions:

    Some character specific breakdowns.

    SDS--I played sds one long set back when i was hitting it up for 2-3 hours a night ever night. I did much better than i deserved given the gap in our vf fundamentals. I recall that i came out ahead (could be wrong) but what i truly recall was coming away impressed with just how damn good his defense was in regards to fuzzy. he was always ducking, but couldn't hit him with a mid. he was always standing, but could't throw him. it was inspiring.

    Mista Tee--now, i don't think he's one of the top 10 outside of japan, but i want anybody new to the site to see his name in this thread. Very technical, very sound, and the best Sarah player i've played online. So i think that needs to be mentioned.

    TWP--again, i clearly don't think he's in teh top 10, but having not played more than a smattering of games with adamyuki, he's the best jeffrey i've seen online.

    Tfam--ditto (not including shinn_akira) on brad. with that never stop attacking offense, he's like the poor man's shinn. Like Shinn_akira, without all the invincible.

    jhow--might belong in that first group, definitely would if he simply played to win. but he plays for fun, plays while drunk, and tries to be creative more than he aims to be ruthless.

    none other--haven't played enough games vs him, but he is the foil to jhow. ruthless. he might be atop the list if he actually owned an xbox and played every night.

    Brisal--having not had more than a small handful of games with chief flash, brisal was the only other online wolf that ever consistently gave me games.

    p.s. its worth mentioning, that i only played ranked. so most of the time it was a one and done with these guys, as opposed to the better, longer sets in player that could let one more accurately judge. that being said, against many of the list, we'd have some ranked showdowns, so that sorta counts.

    and i'm sure i'm forgetting people.
  8. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    Oh forgot:
    8. Fu Unji O'neal. he is a beast and definitely belongs on this list. I would put him maybe above texas lion i believe. NO. Above rikojang, tied with konjou.
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    Damn, Denkai, you gangsta! Lol, look man, I never said I don't care who's on your or anybody else's list is or else I wouldn't have made this thread.
    I only mentioned boxing because I think that your logic about having to actually sit down and play somebody to see if they're good is wrong and when compared to something like boxing, a sport, something that you pointed out doesn't compare and doesn't have the same mind games and/or conditioning: I disagreed. That's the ONLY reason I brought up that I "tried" boxing.
    I've been on this site for almost 5 years now and I have NEVER bragged about my self-defense knowledge or lack of and I'm not going to start now.
    Yes I brought up boxing and you took it as me "trying" boxing makes me a better person with more merit. Umm, no, that's not what I meant.
    The question was "have you fought?" not as in "ever in your life" I meant it as "have you fought for sport". Even in wrestling there are mind games and conditioning, that's what I meant. "Oooh, look at me, I can fight, I can do this I can do that" Please, this is online, I can say anything, that's why it's retarded. I would prefer that you think I'm a puss that can't fight and underestimate me than think I'm some badass and overestimate me.

    I don't get the whole "who gives a hoot" attitude. Obviously, you do or you wouldn't be on this thread trying to "help it".
    In case you haven't noticed, this thread is dead, that's why I quoted Konjou at the beginning of my last post. Now it's turned into this back and forth about "do you really have to fight somebody to gauge whether they're strong or not".
    I stand by my point and obviously you stand by yours the only difference is your point makes this thead a bit obsolete to those who haven't played that many players. I mean, who are they going to write about if they can't go to getherings or get XBL? Wanna know who care? I do. I care about who others think are the top 10 active players outside of Japan.
    Why? Why not? Why not get some kind of talk going and find out who comes to the minds of other VFDC members when they think about the top 10 active players outside of Japan.

    Then again, how many times have members on a fighting game website ever backed down and/or looked at things from a different angle? Specially competitive members, even if I have a point, would you ever acknowledge it? Regardless, some people are never wrong and that's just the way it is, why admit defeat when I can just keep defending a moot point and keep comparing apples to oranges? It's silly.
    If I'm wrong, then fuck it, I'm wrong. I'm willing to listen and be open minded enough to your point of view. I'm not disagreeing just to argue, to save face, to not "back down". I genuinely believe that given ENOUGH evidence of a player's skill level it's possible to get at least an idea of said player's skill level.

    Overfiend, I didn't mean that like Denkai or anybody else is saying "Fuck you tony". What I meant was that if anybody, at all, anybody wants to say "fuck whoever" just say it. I LOVE this site cuz all you guys are good people, really, but ain't nothing wrong with debating and maybe even talking a little bit of smack, it's cool. It's just my personal opinion but I've noticed that fighting game players are too damn sensitive to be playing "fighting games". You'd think they was playing "My little ponies rodeo" or "Pokemon fighters" or something [​IMG]
    That's why I really ain't mad at Denkai, I like it when people speak their mind, even if I disagree. BUT my argument ain't hype or just fucking around, I seriously believe that you don't have to absolutely play somebody to gauge if they're good or not. Obviously, that gauge does not apply to everybody.

    Here, I'll use myself as an example, I got enough vids (lol):
    Abare, hardly ever uses eteg, decent yomi, relies heavily on his character's evasive properties, decent reaction time, mediocre knowledge of frames.
    Verdict: slightly above average.

    That's if you just went off of my vids, if you actually played me and any of my other characters you would notice that I have average skills. A bit flashy, but still average. That's why I don't think I belong on anybody's top 10 list. Maybe one day I'll actually BE one of the best instead of APPEAR to be [​IMG]. I may be one of the best Brads, but that's only cuz there's not that many good Brads out there =/
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    Actually I'd say "Virtua Fighter" game players are too damn sensitive. Capcom and Namco players seem to breathe smack talk.

    About you being the best brads and it being only being because theres not that many good brads out there. You can say that about a lot of characters mate. SMB put me on a list of the best Jeffs he's played online (thanks mate!) but at the end of the day how many Jeffs were there online anyway? We play a niche game, fuck it
    take your credit where you can get it hahahaha
  11. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    and shit thats just the local players aside from Damdai.

    VF feels too free. It's hard to grow playing VF now, just because the environment is lacking
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    wrong thread. This has nothing to do with top 10 players outside japan.
  13. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    It's relevant. He's replying to the previous post.
  14. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    I agree with you Tony you can tell if someone is good by watching videos but I think you can only accurately tell if theirs generally more then one or two of the videos out there. Your videos serve as a good example because theirs a lot of material to go by. For those players that don't have XBL or perhaps even the VF game for that matter it is the only way for them to make their own judgments of who is better or not so in that case playing someone is out of the question. However, for those people who can't play anyone the videos will be the only reference point they have at judging so the more videos a person has the better.

    Any further discussion about this is better left to XBL chat or something else I hate going back and forth on threads too. Because much like yourself (and we are all guilty of this) no one is wrong online. I never witnessed a thread where two people are arguing going back and forth and then suddenly coming to an just doesn't happen no matter how good a come back is. So lets chat online while I take down that brad of yours lol
  15. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    I've already lost [​IMG]
    [​IMG] Nah, I never give up, no matter how uphill (or in your case: straight up vertical) the climb is.

    Cozby, it's not about the amount of players a game has, it's about the quality.
    SF4 may have a LOT of players, but how good are they all really? Seriously, I really don't know.
  16. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    Really fucking good. Trust me on that. You ALWAYS have to make the right decision, or else. The amount of strong players in the US is pretty obscene... you gotta be on point at all times.
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    I do really well in SF1V but that may be because I'm just better at that game.
  18. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    Lists are difficult because they're highly subjective. Honestly? Too many people living in bubbles to realize that they're really not that strong. I was never strong.

    What? Ok, fine...

    1. Bacon
    2. Salmon
    3. Steak
    4. Pickles
    5. Tofu
  19. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    what a terrible list. you can't be serious?
  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: YOUR Top 10 current VF players outside of Japa

    1. Salmon deserves to be number 1, well maybe salmon and steak.

    (I know someone expected me to say chicken, racist bastards.)

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