Top 5 best moves in the game?

Discussion in 'General' started by cmase1989, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Sometimes playing @Valakrie I forget Aoi even has Tenchi, and then BAM. That really messes with my head. :)
  2. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    thank you
    we all have characters we do not like fighting but insulting their users and the character is childish
    all characters were made with specific strengths and weaknesses
    i personally dislike fighting lion and eileen, do i go tell tricky the his character is mindless?
    no i strive to become better against that character
    BBountyHuntyr likes this.
  3. BBountyHuntyr

    BBountyHuntyr Well-Known Member

    I agree, I feel each character has a "go to" move for every person who uses the character. The move depends on the person. I'm upset everyone just picks on Aoi like she's that character to hate. Every character works in different ways. Some with a high offense and better punish options, but straight forward attacks with no defense. Others have no really proficient offense, even worse punishers, and bad damage output but make up for it in multi-situational moves & techniques and have many great defensive capabilities, like Aoi. Every chooses a character they bond with, you have to accept their flaws as well as strengths and work with them to overcome the obstacles.
  4. Jacko

    Jacko Well-Known Member

    Everybody scared of Aoi? lol Tenchi In'you is such an overrated move. I mean, yeah it's GREAT, but like any good move it gets blown up by a smart player if spammed too much. I wouldn't even say it's top 5 because if you can visually recognize when the stance is done or after what strings/cancels, you can just shut it down.

    Top 5 scrub buster move for damn sure.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
  5. BBountyHuntyr

    BBountyHuntyr Well-Known Member

    Well I feel less of a fighter now.
  6. Jacko

    Jacko Well-Known Member

    Don't take it personal, but if your opponent is allowing you to Tenchi him or her all over the place, then that's a bad thing.

    It's the same idea with Sarah players who only rely on Flamingo stance. Even if her some of her stance entry moves are good (namely 4K), continuously using it and it working just mentally weakens you as a player in the long run.
    Ytpme_Secaps likes this.
  7. BBountyHuntyr

    BBountyHuntyr Well-Known Member

    Even so, I feel Aoi and the players who use her get bashed constantly because of her defense and mind-game capabilities. I just feel it's not fair considering we don't bash Jeffry, Eileen, Lion, and other characters people have trouble with. I respect everyone's else choice in character no matter how much trouble any of them gives me, makes me work that much harder. But bashing Aoi because of what she can do is a low blow is all I'm saying.
  8. Jacko

    Jacko Well-Known Member

    No, people bash players because they ABUSE her the point where it's a flowchart and it's like: "Well, all I have to do is is use *insert move* consistently to beat them".

    It's EXACTLY why, despite GunSnipers great offense and ability to maximize damage with Aoi, people rig on him because he uses Tenchi WAY. TOO. MUCH. Laughably so where they've incorporated the "GunSniper Drinking Game". 2 years in the game, GunSniper has been playing, and he's still using scrub buster moves. I can't stress enough how, no matter good a move is, it's pointless to spam against a smart player.
  9. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    All this talk of Aoi, about how spammy she can be, or about how intelligently she has to be played, etc... No. Let me sum up how you all REALLY feel about Aoi in two words...


    Ytpme_Secaps, Kamais_Ookin and DK like this.
  10. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    But BG, you have body check and chousan (46p+k) and BODY CHECK. 120 DAMAGE!
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  11. BBountyHuntyr

    BBountyHuntyr Well-Known Member

    I see. I won't argue about that, that's GunSniper's place to defend himself. However, no matter how much everyone hates her, I will still main her and keep being a member of the Umenokouji family :):cool: I love her too much to let her go. Plus the outfits I made are bomb outfits Lol

    That's how you really feel @-BG-? That strongly huh? Lol
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  12. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Dont forget me either BBounty.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  13. BBountyHuntyr

    BBountyHuntyr Well-Known Member

    Well I suggest you and @-BG- to...
  14. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    LMAOO Good one sir.
    Ytpme_Secaps likes this.
  15. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Clarification is desperately needed here, I never intended to insult any specific Aoi player, and my frustrations with Aoi ONLY exist when I play a great Aoi gunsniper...

    The comment about "those that shall remain shameless" was about that "drinking game", the game was to simply K+G gunsniper out of his tenchi, this might have worked at first , even for a night, but I assure you gun is very very intelligent, 2 years ago, he had no hit check, no frame knowledge, no GTE. no he uses all defenseive tech exept maybe ecd.

    He knows full well that tenchi is a great move when used properly, that is my frustration , everything is a mixup in VF and with Aoi's tools, when used properly, I just feel she is a monster...that being said... the ONLY Aoi that I think can touch Gun is Numbers, he is a better Vfer in general than gun.

    In my previous post I tried to illustrate my frustration with dealing with tenchi, i.e. she can still "evade" from tenchi to escape my tenchi proof moves. Of course this only matters against an experienced Aoi... for example, Bounty, I use/used 6 K+G to stop your tenchi all day, and it took a while before you realised the better choice was to simply guard and punish.. this sort of tactic wont work for long on you or any other Vfer worth their salt. Also how many Aoi players wake up and try to alot it seems, Aoi's tools have conditioned the Aoi user to wake up...try a move. Never wake up...defend

    In the end I stand by what I said...Aoi can be great...but she can also cause bad habits because she can be used to never properly defend and become an abare mashing , double palm staggering, shake proof wall
  16. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Hum, gunsniper, the "great" Aoi player who avoids playing good players with the same rank as him.. The good players who know how to beat tenchi happy Aoi spammer.

    Use simple tools like 2P, it's easy. Or delay 2P. Or delay attacks or delayed throws.
    Don't alwaysattack when you are + , wait and punish the Tenchi / failed evade / reversals whiffs.

    And for her cancels, the risk / reward ratio is on your favor, don't be scared by them, especially if you blocked the entry move.

    Sweep blocked into Tenchi ? Wait for the Tenchi evade, and launch her, she can not block during the movement, it's like punishing a failed evade.
    BlackGeneral, Ytpme_Secaps and Jacko like this.
  17. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    When I think about , I am complimenting Aoi not bashing her, I am saying she is so GOOD that I am just not man enough to stop her. I however am also pointing out that with such good abare tools, she can cause bad habits , I suppose maybe THAT is her weakness?

    in all seriousness, please, oh please will some of you "real" Vfers challenge and record your fights with gun ... I am stuck in a world where I try to explain these points to gunsniper like "you have to play much better players to continue improving" and "when you pplay a "real" Vfer they will stop all these shennanigans" (I am a scrub FYI) And gun always is like, well i beat everyone I play most of the time so who are you talking about?

    I would like to see if Gun's game is no problem for a higher level Vfer,...or, if I can garner more support in my frustration against a good Aoi player...either way, I just wanna see whats real, what's hype.
    Jacko likes this.
  18. Jacko

    Jacko Well-Known Member

    So just tell GunSniper to play on a RAW. Simple. I'll even be his opponent if need be. I'm not even a real "VFer", IMO, and I'll still beat his ass. :)

    It'll just be another fraud I'll have to expose. Shooting for yet another 10-4 or less.

    Aoi is pretty cool in my book. I'm just too loyal to Sarah.
  19. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    BEST DAMN ADVICE VS. AOI so far... thanks kingo, I forgot to mention you as a clearly better Aoi player, my bad.

    The being machi thing is wierd and counter intuitive but clearly that is whats needed.
    However I still have a problem punishing a "whiffed" tenchi , her tenchi 8/2 or 4 cause me problems here. and tenchi 6 gets under my highs... If i could spar vs. you more I would appreciate tips as we play if possible.

    p.s tenchi alone is no problem , its combined with her sabaki and reverse that make my 2p seem innefective
  20. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    I understand you're vouching for your buddy, but Gunsniper has no spine. Avoiding better players so he can live in his own little fantasy world then blocks you when he can't take the criticism.

    Keep in mind, even Jami knew this guy used to be my friend, which makes me even more disgusted.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014

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