UFC 2009 Demo is OUT NOW!

Discussion in 'General' started by White_Worm, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I just found out that this game has a glitch in the create a fighter menu that allows basically infinite amount of points to be spent on the skills. BLeh. [​IMG]

    And I was so excited making a character I liked, recently been playing career in order to get a good one..
  2. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    What happened manji? Is there any garenteed way to make it work?
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

  4. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Heheh, yeah i suxor bad at it. So anything that makes it easier would help [​IMG] my brother could use it aswell he doesnt want to do the tutorial and just spams head kicks coz hes a retard
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I suck at it too, only played the demo. Keep thinking of buying it but how difficult it seemed in that demo really threw me off.
  6. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    How deep is UFC 2009? I hear the designer's a big fan of VF...
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yeah. With a certain way you can make a character, then load it again and you will have the new CAF points to spend on top of the points you already spent. Repeatable infinitely. Its not a big secret anymore, you can find it searching internet.

    I came across one cheat-character and went into match just to see how bad it is. He had 119 average rating and 0-0 MMA score (this is the indicator, they cant do career without resetting the CAF points).

    It was 49 seconds until I was in tapout with my hard-worked 91 average career character. [​IMG] (who btw has about 90 submission defense..)
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    As for the games depth, it definitely has depth, and its very interesting and shows lot of potential. I think its without doubt the best 'wrestling-type' engine fighting game out there. Recommend you at least try it if youre interested.

    However there are certain flaws and at times the characters stats have too much weight. Also the flash KO happens too easily at times. On the other hand, chance for 'surprise' tapout are next to zero unless the character has awesome ground skills.

    Particularly the ground game is cool and I think it is unique in its complexity. The game also emphasizes realism in lot of ways (unfortunately with that 'surprise' flash KO too).

    My online matches so far have resulted in 3 loss by KO (one in about 9 seconds, one in third round), 1 loss to a cheat character, 1 disconnection, and 1 enjoyable win in second round by a armlock.

    I hope the game can be patched and its holes plugged cause it shows promise.

    I guess I can give some pros and cons if its designer is here to watch.

    + great graphics and atmosphere.
    + Very nice game system overall, ground game, standup game, etc.
    + There are several 'realistic' tactics involved, like kicking opponents feet until they have trouble to move, wear them down before going for the finish. BJJ characters can turn the game around in the ground nicely, muay thai-characters have scary standing clinch etc. If your character flails away too much, he will become gassed and is more susceptible to KO. Managing your stamina while maintaining offense is cool.

    - the glitch. Nothing to say about this

    - the menus! there are menus, menus and there are more menus. All of them lag for couple seconds for no particular reason. Some are pointless, such as in customizing the trunks etc. Designers could take some courses in UI design. It takes ages to customize a character for this reason. When I went to update a sponsor logo in my pants during career mode, it took about 20 clicks... Fight night round 3 that I own had the exact same problem. This game has more of it.

    - Flash KOs have bit too high propability in versus. Making several fights bit uninspiring.

    - Character stats have bit too high effect on the fight. I wish player skill would have more effect in the form of timing the inputs for instance.

    - Character does not age. When career is over he is same age as when he started.

    - netcode doesnt seem to be top class, theres quite a bit of lag in the matchmaking sequence. however, I did fight several ok fights in terms of lag. Some was really bad.

    - Matchmaking doesnt measure latency nor does it allow sorting matches according to it. Kind of iffy. I am still waiting for the first fighting game to get this right.

    - getting out of the standing clinch seems unrealistically hard. As in only way out is to reverse the opponents attack which is about 50% guess + timing.
  9. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    The stat-versus-player skill balance was a huge battle on the game. We are, after all, a sports simulation/fighting game, so we had to include healthy doses of both. We do find that we alienate some of those who would prefer us to be weighted more towards one or the other.

    We are working on a patch that will include a fix for online!

    I can also tell you (secret) that we will be making some adjustments to flash KO rate and Submission completion difficulty. Oh, and the CAF exploit too, sorry!

    Let's keep this between us for a little while though.
  10. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    I searched for info about the glitch, but doesnt really help me much as it doesn't work in career mode, I have no interest (or access to) in online.

    Sixtwo, when you guys patch it make sure you make the glitch work in career mode kkthxbai [​IMG]
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    The big question will be, can you prevent people playing with the cheat characters that are already created? [​IMG]

    I guess in the best case scenario I have to redo my character too. Its good to hear that there is something you can do to the issue. Good solution would be to allow only characters that have played career mode. Then I wouldnt have to recreate my character!

    ps. Im not sure about the submission difficulty yet, I have just won 4 of my 5 online victories with a submission. [​IMG] I dont know how much of it was that my opponent didnt know how to rotate the R-stick though.
  12. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    It depends on how good your sub offense is compared to their sub defense, and factor that in with both of your staminas. I played some high lvl rampage yesterday. Dude was gunning at me with hardcore punches for the first round. It definitely looked like I would lose, but I let him wind himself out and kimura'd dat hoe.
  13. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I played against a custom character with sub defense arond 26 iirc. My sub offense is something around 80-90. I failed sub, but my opponent succeeded against my defense of 90. I admit I didnt watch what his offense was like. Would be good to watch their stats after the match also.

    I find it annoying that my kickboxer doesnt know how to duck and sway, instead standing upright like a wax statue. [​IMG]

    ps. majority of my losses in online are due to opponent mashing away.
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Once a sub is locked, it is pretty easy to finish if you know what your doing. Like a triangle...the triangle does not fail, you fail the triangle.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Maybe. I find the most troublesome aspect in combat for me is movement though.

    - Flicking analog stick seems too hard for an important technique like step. I mean, not in concept but in practise it seems harder than it should be. In laggy online I find it basically impossible. Especially when youre in trouble and need it quickly. Sometimes it happens sometimes it doesnt.

    - Sometimes you get 'stuck' in opponents punch barrage and are unable to move. You have to block a bit and then you can slowly manage to backwalk away from the punches. I find this unrealistic and also problematic in terms of combat system. Problematic in the sense that counterattacking a punch barrage is bit too hard. I just watched some K-1 tournament from Poland last night in Eurosport, fighters leaned back and backed away much quicker when under attack.

    I dont know how the blockstun works in this game really but it seems that the attacker has too much advantage when flailing away with the punches. The defender doesnt seem to get much advantage from defending correctly like in VF, propably even contrary, so attacking back means taking a hit at least. This makes spamming punches bit too good. I know, punch barrage is kinda realistic but getting stuck in place without ability to back away isnt. Maybe this could be solved by allowing the character to back away even if they were getting hit. Currently the character stops in place when they take a hit.

    - following a backwalking opponent is also bit problematic. This is because with the standard attacks, the character basically walks forward, stops, then kicks. Opponent is long gone. I wish the characters would have some sort of ability to 'lean' forward when doing their attacks to get them connect better. Maybe if the input for doing the heavy attacks wouldn't involve the L-stick thats used in movement also.. This makes moving forward and then using light attacks problematic.

    Kickboxers lb+punch is bad, it whiffs over opponents head too often so I cant use it to follow. Or maybe this is a size issue.. my fighter is 6 foot 5.. Boxers lb+punch is awesome, it ducks opponents punches while it advances forward.

    ps. I try not to let the laggy online to affect my opinion about the gameplay, but its kinda hard as online opponents is all I got and there is no meter for how bad the latency is.
    I made my fighter primarily kickboxer with a lethal front foot head kick, but in online I end up winning most of my fights with submission (lvl.3 BJJ) and getting pummeled in the face in the process. Online is really really different.. but of course thats no big news.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    lately ending up playing people with custom characters with multiple stats up to 100 and other stats high too. Couldnt do anything during entire round except take the hit. This is killing my interest soon.

    I cant imagine those stats are possible with normal career play, but I didnt have match presentation on so I didnt see his MMA record..
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Yea most of the cats with that 100 or higher stats are using that
    cheat in CAF mode, that allows you make your fighter with any stat level you choose.

    I've been able to legitimately get a fighter in career mode to 90% I know I could have done a little better here and there, but I don't see how anyone could legitimately get a fighter to 100% or higher unless they had absolutely mastery of the game and they scored perfects in the sparring section on career mode.

    If they're at 100% or higher just don't play em.
  19. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Yep, my legit career character has 91% average rating (with hard work I can assure)

    Lately the game lost a little bit of luster in my eyes when I switched UFC only fighters, started using Frank Mir, and proceeded to triangle choke the shit out of my opponents. Brandon Vera in under a minute, Brock Lesnar in 45 seconds. I did lose once to Mirko Cro Cop who knew how to defend himself, but other than that my Mir felt unbeatable. Around 10 wins with exact same way and technique.. hmm. Then I noticed my own custom character was good enough to do the same to Mir himself.. heh.
  20. TheUgg

    TheUgg Well-Known Member

    Picked this up, and so far im impressed. The complexity of the sport of MMA is very well translated in this game.The extensive learning curve is very rewarding and provides alot of options during bouts. The graphics are generally great(except for the crowd which usually always looks pretty sub par in these type of games) and the likenesses of the athletes are uncanny.

    I have a few minor gripes tho. There is wayyy too many saving/loading screens in career mode. Seriously, the amount of time you have to wait after attending camp, sparring etc is just long enough to be extremely annoying.Why all of that couldn't be put into one single save is beyond me. The game also suffers from way too many menus.

    Also, why is the octagon during the loading screen completely silent for a few seconds. Would adding a screaming crowd ala fight night been that much extra to ask? Just really ruins the sense of immersion that benefits games like this.

    There also seems to be problems with scaling of certain characters. My career character is six foot five 185 pounds, therefore should be quite thin and lean, he instead looks like he has a much larger build than his 185 counterparts, despite being almost half a foot taller in many cases.He looks like a heavyweight.

    The Chest thumping NU-metal soundtrack also becomes extremely grating after a few hours(but can be expected for a UFC game as most of the fighters seem to love music like this). The online is usually very laggy, but is extremely fun when you finally do find a match without lag.

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