UK Manchestnut Torment at the Luniversity Results

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Prince_Hatim, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchestnut UK Tournament Revolts

    it's cool, i am reading all of these posts, and now i can put faces to the names!
  2. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchestnut UK Torment Results

    [ QUOTE ]
    RandomHajile said:

    haha, thats what justin said.

    very susspect.


    whos up for jericho/michaels idea???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    guys im just teasing ya but its ok u can be bad to me.
    hmm maybe i should give chibita a call, i hear a holes a hole in his eyes. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif man the political incorrectness that comes out of my mouth sometimes.
  3. _Berserker_

    _Berserker_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Manchestnut UK Torment Results

    [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone fancy coming down to Cheltenham for some games????

    [/ QUOTE ] - Rayne

    I'm currently living in Oxford....... only an hour drive away from you /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  4. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Pictures From Leeds

    Here are some pics from Leeds



    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    bair joke, look at marks pose? hahaha

    where u get this pic from? jun???
  6. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    this pic shud be on the homepage like they do for other american and jap tourneys.....

    why VFDC being so glum to us brits.............. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  7. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    innit mr karate haha:

    (No Hatim or VO though? Hiding indoors innit)

  8. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    Who peed on the pavement? Come on, own up now!


  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    It was Hatim, that's why he isn't in the picture!
  10. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    pity other mans could not be bothered for the group photo shot it would of been good

    more driving then playing overall that sounds so broken lol
  11. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    yes indeedy, double respeK 2 Hatim for the 10hours plus driving!
  12. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    RandomHajile said:

    yes indeedy, double respeK 2 Hatim for the 10hours plus driving!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *10 hours*
  13. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    if your gonna coment on my mastery of manipulation of english, i suggest you do it in person when you come down here, if not why don't learn RP english in the mean time, at least when you come down here people will understand u!
  14. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    RandomHajile said:

    if your gonna coment on my mastery of manipulation of english, i suggest you do it in person when you come down here, if not why don't learn RP english in the mean time, at least when you come down here people will understand u!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *why don't you learn*
    *English* (Again)

    By the way, what difference does it make whether I say the exact same thing to you in person, or type it on the Internet? (which wouldn't happen, because when people are next to each other, they talk, they don't type, so the fact that you appear to be totally illiterate would not be pointed out, unless you can't speak properly either).
  15. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    u know what, i should of fucked you up that saturday, but all i saw was some punk ass kid...

    did your daddy love you enough, girl?

    getting attention by wind ups is one way of gettin' a reaction!

    or maybe your mommy still aint changed your nappy, word....
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    RandomHajile said:

    u know what, i should of fucked you up that saturday, but all i saw was some punk ass kid...

    did your daddy love you enough, girl?

    getting attention by wind ups is one way of gettin' a reaction!

    or maybe your mommy still aint changed your nappy, word....

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Bullshit violence threats aside, (though I am curious as to why you didn't "fuck me up" when you came up here), I am interested about your speech. When you were in my house, you talked like a regular person, but when you make posts on this site, you sound like some wannabe 'wigga' (or whatever the term is) who comes 'from the hood'. Of course, your standard response to this statement will be either more pointless threats of violence, or some sort of pig-dribble remark about racism. The former is a waste of binary, and the latter would simply be incorrect.
  17. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    Bullshit violence threats aside, (though I am curious as to why you didn't "fuck me up" when you came up here), I am interested about your speech.

    Maybe because it's considered bad to start a fight at a gathering, specially against hosts in their house
    - kinda like it is to talk bs about or provoke someone you just had in your house and were friendly towards.

  18. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Maybe because it's considered bad to start a fight at a gathering, specially against hosts in their house
    - kinda like it is to talk bs about or provoke someone you just had in your house and were friendly towards.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Considered bad?!?! So what you are telling me is that the dude is too much of a weak character to do anything other than conform pre-set ethics? If he had a problem with me, he should have said something at the time, and if he honestly thinks that a good old punch up would prove anything, then he is stupid. Personally, I don't have a problem with him, except for the fact that he talks like a total moron on here, but when I met him in person, he was a regular guy. What's the deal?
    As for being friendly to him when he was in my house, the reason for this is because I had nothing to say to him that wasn't friendly, as I had already said everything 'unfriendly' on here. I don't see what the difference is. If he (or anyone else) had done anything which I had a problem with, then I would have said something, but that fact that no one did, ment that I didn't have to say anything.
  19. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    the reason i didnt do anything when i was in manchester is 3fold

    1: I have enough respect for my friends to not cause embarrassment by starting something up, when i was already wise to the fact that you are just a 16yo kid!

    2: You actually look like the pussy you are, and i aint no bully, hell that all i heard "he looks like a fraggle"

    3: Even if you did say something to me i'd a luv'd to of scrapped your face outside on your own wall, but like the photos prove, you look a complete and total punk ass kid...

    also, if you hav a problem about how i type/talk/express myself, you hav to ask your self this, are you GAY or what???

    at least people can understand me when i talk to them, not no corrnation st bull shit.

    who cares about proper grammer on a video game forum???

    did your dad burn you with fags everytime you put your elbows on the table or summin'???
  20. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Re: Pictures From Leeds !!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    RandomHajile said:

    the reason i didnt do anything when i was in manchester is 3fold

    1: I have enough respect for my friends to not cause embarrassment by starting something up, when i was already wise to the fact that you are just a 16yo kid!

    2: You actually look like the pussy you are, and i aint no bully, hell that all i heard "he looks like a fraggle"

    3: Even if you did say something to me i'd a luv'd to of scrapped your face outside on your own wall, but like the photos prove, you look a complete and total punk ass kid...

    also, if you hav a problem about how i type/talk/express myself, you hav to ask your self this, are you GAY or what???

    at least people can understand me when i talk to them, not no corrnation st bull shit.

    who cares about proper grammer on a video game forum???

    did your dad burn you with fags everytime you put your elbows on the table or summin'???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Manchester* (even though I live in Leeds...).
    * 17 year old*
    *am not, aren't* (also, note the use of a double negative).
    * I would have loved to have*
    *am I gay or what?* (I wouldn't ask myself a question by using the word 'you', as I, like many others, refer to myself as 'I').
    *Coronation Street* (which is set in Manchester, not Leeds).
    *Grammar* (and you forgot spelling and punctuation).

    Your first point makes no sense, as you do not represent your friends, so your actions would not embarrass them, only yourself.
    As for me 'looking like a fraggle', perception is an opinion, so, although a lot of people may think that you're right, others will not. You cannot speak for everyone. Also, as my internal organs are not made from polyester stuffing, and my skin is not made from lurid fun-fur fabric, I fail to see the resemblance.
    Your third point.........
    Like I said, violence only proves two things.
    1) Who is the better fighter, which, as I have never argued this point one way or another, it is irrelevant.
    2) That, if you need to resort to violence, you are admitting that you have lost the argument, and are doing something desperate and pathetic to regain your manly pride.

    You asked,
    "who cares about proper grammer on a video game forum???"
    The answer is simple; me.

    You also asked,
    "did your dad burn you with fags everytime you put your elbows on the table or summin'???"
    Again, the answer is simple; no.

    You seem to have a lot of issues about parental abuse; maybe something from your past is haunting you?

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