UK Trocadero: VF Final Tuned...

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Steptoe_Akira, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump? (update)

    wow you can never take a picture at a proper angle can you? you sure you werent drunk when you shot them? /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  2. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump? (update)

    why takin pictures of the man 'dem?

    only a super sick man could take a picture of his own self, and at some sick angle also!

    whens the next meet mike?
  3. Steptoe_Akira

    Steptoe_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hissy fit lol!
    I heard the Count a.k.a Peter Parker, wants to make you his muse Gwai /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    (p.s Mike I'm gonna buss up you Kazuya with my Nina watch! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    haha, nah, Gwai is too tempremental to be eddie's muse and anyway, the count won't have enough time on his hands to train a successor now that he has been invited to be the new pope.

    anyway, updated pics...

    eddie performing surgery


    eddie on the moon


    Eddie during WW2

  4. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump?

    Bwahahaha thats too much! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Eddie you sick sick head!
  5. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump?

  6. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump?

    Soz to randomly post in the thread but those pics are too funny!

  7. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump?

    Mike, you've got TOO much spare time on your hands. LOL. Looking forward to playing you on VF and Tekken next week. I'll be going in Jenny's on Friday at 5ish, wanna play through the night at yours?
  8. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump?

    Mike, who gave u a licence to ill?

    why dont u just buy some webspace and u can elaborate on your sick eddie obbsession!

    fuckin' students hav to much time on their hands!

    but those fotos remind me of the old evil burt and erny pix!

    elmo eat ur heart out!

    or eddie will!
  9. Zakuta

    Zakuta Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump?

    Way to put my photoshop skills to shame; lol /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  10. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump?

    On request of the count he says look behind g-ho's photo on the bottom right hand corner.. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif (only certain people will get it)
  11. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump? (update)

    [ QUOTE ]
    wow you can never take a picture at a proper angle can you? you sure you werent drunk when you shot them? /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]


  12. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump? (update)

    word to yo mamma, all he needs now are the kool mo de shades! (like from terminator 1)
  13. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump? (update)

    hahaha i got some top gun shades that mite work.
  14. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Re: Who's that Chump? (update)

    [ QUOTE ]
    word to yo mamma, all he needs now are the kool mo de shades! (like from terminator 1)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    in top gun goose says the ultimate lyrics


    Get some goose shades. or the blues brothers shades they are boom
  15. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Slim coming to London 20th May til 23rd May 2005

    Sup Guys, I'll be in Troc about 3ish on Friday (train leaving Manchester at 11.45am (staying at Mike's til the Monday). Is the VF machine even worth putting money in? Or should I wait til I get to Mike's to play VF? And what are the Tekken 5 machine's like? I'm assuming there the cone style wack one's, but miracles can happen!

    And what about using other people's sticks? I REALLY wanna avoid lugging my RAP round London if possible!
  16. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Slim coming to London 20th May til 23rd May 2005

    Well last Friday I was passing by I told the staff to change the stick, they seemed to listen as they actually opened it up and were looking at all machines... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif but anyways if your there on friday I'll pass by after work give you a few games.

    Regarding Tekken you won't be short of a game, for some reason everyone likes playing on the cone sticks, but they also have them on jap style sticks on another floor on a much better cab, which is hardly used , so if you wanted to a have a few private games with another tekken head or play random people it's all good. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
    p.s They also got super street fighter 2 T, on a shit cab, but quite good for a few challenges /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    [ QUOTE ]
    And what about using other people's sticks? I REALLY wanna avoid lugging my RAP round London if possible!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Depends what session's your going to, or if your comfortable with using other sticks tbh, I doubt there's a shortage, shame that stick dosn't fold up /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    ( I woudn't bring that sticks to troc though, ask Mike, security thought he was carrying around a bomb/dildo /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif )
  17. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Slim coming to London 20th May til 23rd May 2005

    I'll allow the RAP then, even playing on a pad will be better than carrying that for three days through London. LOL.

    Are the Tekken 5 machines near the VF machine? If I'm not on VF, just check me on the T5 machines and we can go over and hijack the machine! Better brush up on VF, I've been practising too hard on Tekken 5 (rightly so, I could win a grand!). We 'should' be there at 3ish, but I what's the quickest and easiest to get to troc from London Euston? (I don't know London at all, really, last time I was down I was with some guys who live there!).
  18. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    Re: Slim coming to London 20th May til 23rd May 2005

    err, I guess just hop on the underground and head on to leicester square station or the other station which is closer, I forgot the name, lol.

    I think u'll find the T5 machine before u see the VF machine since the T5 machine is so bloody huge. It has those stubby stiff sticks but thankfully the Tekken heads in London have been abusing them a lil so they're softer now. Card system is next to the machine too.

    Two more machines up stairs near the pool tables, japanese style sticks, also takes the cards. Better screen and seating but the sticks are super loose.
  19. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    Re: Slim coming to London 20th May til 23rd May 2005

    Right, Leicester square it is. I've already got about 25 cards (10 blank), I'm assuming it's 1 quid a go? It's just it's only 50p a credit at the trafford centre. Its USED to be 3 credit's for a £1, but they changed it!

    Do any of the VF heads play Tekken?
  20. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: Slim coming to London 20th May til 23rd May 2005

    [ QUOTE ]
    SlimAdey said:

    Right, Leicester square it is. I've already got about 25 cards (10 blank), I'm assuming it's 1 quid a go? It's just it's only 50p a credit at the trafford centre. Its USED to be 3 credit's for a £1, but they changed it!

    Do any of the VF heads play Tekken?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah it's a £1 a go, 50p down westminister Namco arcade, Vf machine right next to tekken machine in troc.
    Regarding vf players not many play tekken, suppose you could have a few with Prince hatim, Ryan,Jason and someone caled steptoe akira. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif if you see them.
    Tbh you won't be short of tekken challenges, the exact opposite for vf though /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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