UK VF EZONE Ranking Battle #2 Sat 14th Jan 06 2pm - 8pm

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ThePrince, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. YuuKun

    YuuKun Well-Known Member

    i'll be down for this one as well.
  2. KneeNinja

    KneeNinja Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'll be there as well.
  3. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    cant make it, family stuff to do..............

    get the beats to the streets and win gho
  4. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Sorry for the late reply hatim but i'll be down although a bit late.
  5. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Rags bare upsets this time, christmas break is my excuse lol:
    1. Hentai Mark
    2. Jide
    3. Yukun
    Media to follow.
    Those that didn't come you missed out bun you! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif (only joking)

    p.s Thanks again to Prince especially for the cheesy crackers and sweeites /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  6. RandomHajile2

    RandomHajile2 Well-Known Member

    damn, no one told me bout this when i was at troc on friday nitE

    i thought it was gonna be on a sunday :p

    anyways nxt time i'll be there for sure!

    alow how people go on from out side of london saying they are coming but never do... :p

    they know london would dead them for sure
  7. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Jide came second? People must have been playing poor..... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  8. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Nah man you don't know about "Jide Pressure!"
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    What's that, like peer pressure, only with Jide?
  10. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    It's a special move only he can do "Pureshhaaa!!" , example see Gwai'ho's "Gspot!" /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  11. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Any news on the media?
  12. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    Jide came second? People must have been playing poor..... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Go and play with Jeffahn /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  13. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Rayne said:

    Any news on the media?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hopefully Hatim will post it soon I'm keen to laugh at kneeninja's matches /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
    Also I think Bk was gonna capture some?
  14. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Sweet, also when is the next meet any idea? I'm definately gonna come down.
  15. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jide said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    Jide came second? People must have been playing poor..... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Go and play with Jeffahn /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Man, you wish you had Eddie's skillz! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  16. Akairyu_Medion

    Akairyu_Medion Well-Known Member

    I was bored yesterday after playing numerous RPG's and a long online session on Dead or Alive 4 I decided to help out Hatim by trying to work out the Ranking results for VF RB#2. These results are unofficial but I'm trying to help everyone by showing where they stand in the Rankings.

    I am using the same marking system used for RB#1 i.e in playoffs 1st=4pts, 2nd=3pts, 3rd=2pts etc... 1 bonus point for qualifying into the tournament.
    1st Champion=5pts, 2nd=3pts, 3rd=2pts and 4th=1pt.

    This RB only consisted of 10 players (blame new year for lack of players) and as such only 2 playoff groups were formed with the first 4 from both groups to qualify leaving a player from each group to be evicted.

    Group 1

    1st: Geeho (Pai) 4pts +1pt for qualifying
    2nd: Optimus (Aoi, Shun) 3pts +1pt for qualifying
    3rd: The Prince (Aoi) 2pts +1pt for qualifying
    4th: Yuukun (Lau) 1pt +1pt for qualifying
    5th: BK (Wolf) +0Pts

    Group 2

    1st: Knee Ninja (Kage) 4pts +1pt for qualifying
    2nd: Akairyu Medion (Lei Fei) 3pts +1pt for qualifying
    3rd: Iron Mike (Akira, Kage) 2pts +1pt for qualifying
    4th: Jide (Lion) 1pt +1pt for qualifying
    5th: Jeffahn (Jeffry, Wolf) +0pts

    Tournament formula (I think)

    B1 vs A4 Knee Ninja vs YuuKun
    B2 vs A3 Akairyu Medion vs The Prince
    B3 vs A2 Iron Mike vs Optimus
    B4 vs A1 Jide vs Geeho


    Knee Ninja
    .............................................................Akairyu Medion
    Akairyu Medion
    ..............................Akairyu Medion
    The Prince
    ...............................................................................................Akairyu Medion
    Iron Mike
    ...............................Iron Mike

    3rd Place Iron Mike vs YuuKun. YuuKun Wins

    Overall Tournament Results

    1st: Akairyu Medion +5pts
    2nd: Jide +3pts
    3rd: YuuKun +2pts
    4th: Iron Mike +1pt

    Overall Ranking Accumalated pts/Characters used in RB's

    Akairyu Medion...16 (LeiFei)
    Geeho....................15 (Pai)
    Optimus.................9 (Aoi, Shun)
    YuuKun...................8 (Lau, Lion, Brad)
    BK...........................8 (Wolf)
    Jide........................7 (Lion)
    The Prince.............7 (Aoi)
    Knee Ninja............5 (Kage)
    Rayne*....................5 (Lion)
    Iron Mike..............4 (Akira, Kage)
    Sham.......................4 (Akira, Kage)
    Jeffahn..................2 (Jeffry, Wolf)
    EV2.........................2 (Jacky, Sarah)
    Random Hajile.......2 (Kage)
    Jason......................1 (Lau)
    Justin.....................1 (Kage)
    ShOgun...................1 (Pai)
    Kevin.......................1 (Akira)
    King Souther.........0 (Vanessa)
    Raging Silver.........0 (Jacky)

    * In RB 1 Rayne was marked for 4pts when he should have been 5pts, 4pts coming 1st in his group and 1 bonus for qualifying.

    Please note this only something more a guide line as seeing The prince is swarmed with work, I pride myself in my organisation skills and I am sure these would be the results if the prince would be able to find the time to do the Official results.

    I look forward to seeing you all at RB#3 and hope we have a bigger turn out than RB#2.


    Akairyu Medion (A.k.a Hentai Mark)
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Cool stuff.

    Won't be there for RB#3 but hopefully will be able to round up 3/4 players from here for RB#4 whenever that is.

    Dan, Ade, do us and yourself proud on Saturday!
  18. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/deadpan.gif utterly discusted at my results~

    now im acually gonna have to play this game again /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  19. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Thanks to Akairyu who spent a lot of his spare time sorting the scores out. We spent a bit of time at ezone adjusting them a little and here's how it looks:

    When we have 4 groups, the points system is as normal.
    However when we only have two groups we halve the points awarded at the group stage.

    Group 1

    1st: Geeho 2.5pts +1pt for qualifying
    2nd: Optimus 2pts +1pt for qualifying
    3rd: The Prince 1.5pts +1pt for qualifying
    4th: Yuukun 1pt +1pt for qualifying
    5th: BK 0.5Pts

    Group 2

    1st: Knee Ninja 2.5pts +1pt for qualifying
    2nd: Akairyu Medion 2pts +1pt for qualifying
    3rd: Iron Mike 1.5pts +1pt for qualifying
    4th: Jide (Lion) 1pt +1pt for qualifying
    5th: Jeffahn (Jeffry, Wolf) +0.5pts

    B1 vs A4 Knee Ninja vs YuuKun
    B2 vs A3 Akairyu Medion vs The Prince
    B3 vs A2 Iron Mike vs Optimus
    B4 vs A1 Jide vs Geeho


    Knee Ninja
    .............................................................Akairyu Medion
    Akairyu Medion
    ..............................Akairyu Medion
    The Prince
    ...............................................................................................Akairyu Medion
    Iron Mike
    ...............................Iron Mike

    3rd Place Iron Mike vs YuuKun. YuuKun Wins

    Overall Tournament Results

    1st: Akairyu Medion +5pts
    2nd: Jide +3pts
    3rd: YuuKun +2pts
    4th: Iron Mike +1pt

    Overall Ranking Accumalated pts/Characters used in RB's

    Akairyu 15.0
    GeeHo 13.5
    BK 8.5
    Optimus 8.0
    Yuukun 8.0
    Jide 7.0
    The Prince 6.5
    Dan 5.0
    Sham 4.0
    Iron Mike 3.5
    Knee Ninja 3.5
    Jeffahn 2.5
    EV2 2.0
    James 2.0
    Jason 1.0
    Justin 1.0
    Kevin 1.0
    ShOgun 1.0
    King Souther 0.0
    Raging Silver 0.0

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